Monday, September 25, 2017

Origins of Islam?

Origin(s) of Allah.

The conventional theory is that Allah comes from Al-ilah "the God" and the Arab god Ilah "God" and is related to biblical El/Eloah/Elohim "God" and Phoenician/Ugaritic/Canaanite El/Il. However, Christians dispute that Allah is the same God as Yahweh/Elohim/Adonai in the bible. Allah is singular, Elohim is plural. A popular theory is that Allah was a "moon god" like El is in Ugaritic. However I am not sure whether Allah does (only/wholly) come from Al-ilah/Ilah.

There are a number of extant theories/claims for the origin of Islam including:
- From Judaism/Bible. (Longman-Larouse.)
- Mohammed was an offended Christian who started his own sect/religion.
- A Papal conspiracy. (Chick Publications / Crusader Comics. Compare Babylon mother of all harlots in Revelation/Apoclaypse. The Koran mentions a victory of Romans in Surah 30.)
- From Petra/Edom.
- From Indian empire/emperor. (Inner Traditions?)
- From Egyptian religion.
- From Nestorianism.
- One of Muhammad's sources was a Syriac or Arab monk Sergius the Monk or Baeira/Bahira/Pakhyras, and he was either Nestorian or Nasorean or Gnostic or Jacobite or Arian.
- From religion of Abraham, & Ishmael, & Fitra. (Koran.)
- From Moon god.

I had did a brainstorm to see if I could find where Allah comes from and came up with these candidates:
Biblical: Ala-mahozim ("god of forces/fortifications", Daniel)?* Eloah/El/Elohim/Eliyon "God"?* Mahalalel ("the blessed god")?* Halleluyah? Deir Alla (Balaam)? Ararat? Lilith? 666/616 (Allah, Bismallah, Maometis, 99 names)? Helel "Lucifer" (Isaiah)? Aila/Aelana (Elath/Eloth)? Havilah? Delilah? Zillah? Al Ab (Father)? Baal?
Phoenician/Ugaritic/Canaanite: Aleion?* El/Il?*
Italian/Roman: Pope St Adeodatus/Deusdedit 1 (615-618)?* Adaloald (616-626)? Arian (Unitarian)?* De ira "from the wrath" (Pope Gregory)?* Alleuia/Alleluia (Gergory)?*
Greek/Classical: Atlas/Atlantis?*
Hittite: Alalus?
Syria: Alalakh?
Mesopotamian: Alala? Irra/Erra? En-lil/Ellil?* Ilu/Anu/An (god/heaven)?* Allatu (Ereshkigal/Ninkigal)? Iraq? Lahar?
Arabian: Ilah/Al-ilah/Allah/Allahoma?* Al-lat/Al-ilat? Alif/Aleph/Alpha? Bismallah? Abdullah/Abdallah (Mohammed's father)? Hilal (god of new moon)? Halal (Muslim version of kosher)? Ha'il?
Egyptian: Ra (sun god)?*
Norse/Germanic: Allah found in a Viking inscription?
British: Alanus (Nennius)?* Alla/Aelle/Aelli/Aella (Sussex, Deira)? Aslan "lion"?
Indian: Ila? Aila "son of Ila"? Anila? Aryan?
Slavic: Ilya ("Elijah")?

It looks to me like Allah comes from a clever combination of Arab god Ilah, and Roman Alleuia or De Ira or Arian or Adeodatus or Atlas/Atlantis (which may be the beast in Revelation). The Arab god Ilah may come from El/Il/Ilu or Enlil/Ilu.

Enlil is an interesting candidate. Helel "Lucifer" in Isaiah possibly comes from Enlil (Sumerian) / Ellil (Akkadian/Semitic) / Ellel (Hittite/Hurrian). Though some people think El came from Enlil.

I like quite a few things about Islam/Muslims, but I don't think it is wholly true compared to the bible, and I think it seemingly has human or spiritual/angelic origins.


Jesus? Ishi? Aish/Ish? Esau? Aysh? Aiysh? Jesse? Isra(el)?
Iswara? Mahisa? Ishmael? Isaac? Isaiah?
Isis? Sia/Say? Shu/Yshsh?
Ea/Ia? Istar?

Mohammed (Ahmed "Paraclete" (595-) 609/611 (-622-625-632)) :
Ham? Moses? Alamahozim? Baphomet/Sophia? Prophet (like Moses)? False Prophet? 666? Mammon? Maimonides? Lo-ammi? Haman? Hamor? Moab? Benammi/Ammon? Milcom?
Miamon? Memnon?

Stella Maris? Jesuits?
Mary? harlot Babylon?

Badr (Beder) :
Abaddon? Bard? Pandera? Hadar? Peter? Bethel?
Badrig/Patrick? Badarn/Padarn/Patern(us)? Bedivere? Bede?

Mesha? B...? Meshech? Massah? Mithkah? harlot Babylon?
Makeda? Mahra? Macae?

Sheba? Kefa/Cephas? rock/stone (Daniel)? Bethel? Shetiyah? Eve/Chava?

Koran (Quran) :
Koren "horns"? Korah? Qumran? Keturah? Quirinus? Logos?
Dhul Qarnain (Alexander)?
Acoran/Abora (Canary Is)?

Islam (Muslim Mussulman Mohammed rock) :
slavery? submission? Aslan?
Shalom? Isra(el)? Ishmael? Lamb Dragon (Earth Beast)? White Horseman?
Elam? Iran?
Musa? Salaam? Iram/Irem?

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Being One & Loving Each Other

"God" (Yhwh) & Yeshua wants us to be One with Him and with each other (and to love one another) because it is a so much more most amazing best thing for ourselves and others, rather than being not one  (dualistic/schizoid) and being alone. We need each other. When (1) we are one with Jesus & with God then (2) we are One with each other [like i say/think/feel "I Am (being) ((one) with) God/Jesus (and i am One with others (Sean, Matthew, Ian, dad, Eric, Andrea, Pada, Philip, neighbours, etc))"] then we suddenly can see ourselves and others how God/Jesus sees us & them and we will see and have Love for another. ("The Word was with God and the Word was God"?) The other day when i suddenly had this experience and suddenly saw it i sucked in my breath, then screamed-like "no, no", and heard Jesus words "that you may be one, as we are one", then really cried so mournfully and hurtfully seeing myself and others, and then so wanted and prayed to be One. Please try to see. I was not just trying another way to "make" people care, or just "ranting" about the awful trouble(s). Afterwards i wasn't sure whether to tell anyone because i was scared that my motives might be mixed and partially wrong, but i thought/felt it was alright to tell because it was like i have to tell people because people have to know.

Just need to add: the focus is (I am) (being) one with Jesus/Yeshua.
Its him. Its like touching a live emotional electric current when it
happens. You feel His spirit/soul/nature/being, and see as he sees. The focus is the "First Love". This is also connected to "the love of many grow cold".

What is the source of Love? We can not make our selves love others, or make ourselves like the Word/Bible, only by being one with him (God & Yeshua the First Love) are we made like the Word ("the word becomes flesh", "law(s) written in our heart"). When we are One (or communion, = "touch his garment") with him we then intimately know his love for all others ("filled with his love") and his Will and his commandments, and will do the same works "Jesus" did.
Ehad "union/one/united" value 13 = ahaba "love" value 13. "That you may be one as we are one". "In him everything holds together." The West is more dualistic/schizoid (not-One) than the East. 666 is man becoming "gods" without God/Yah, and they can only reach 99.9 percent and "a form of godliness without the substance". The globalism / NWO / UNO ("one") / Atlantis Rising is all about a fake One-ness. See the book Two Be One by Ernest HJ Steed. The church is supposed to be a body and a community.

(The above is the more recent written version of this info. The following is the earlier first version.)

A possible revelation/insight that came from begging God to have mercy & save me from the hell i've been suffering, and/or from peoples prayers:
His name is "I Am".
1. One with Jesus, One with God, 2. One with Others (each other), 3. One with animals/plants.
("Love the Lord; and Love your neighbour as yourself."
"3 helps: self, others, God; 3 harms: self, others, devil".)
("As above (in heaven), so below (on earth).")
As opposed to (Western/European/Christian) dualism/schizoid.
God is in us, He/His power works through us, we are One with him (He is everywhere in universe), when we do things like making discoveries we can see it as being like experiencing something that is God not just us. (Not mean in any self pride sense; not mean in any blashphemy way.) No longer struggle with our bad (as separate individual to God). Abit less hard to believe and abit easier to believe.
Also, "I want you to have same/similar what i have".
(From friend Matthew saying it's God that does it not me.
"Don't know how to explain it".)
We "die with him [Jesus on Cross] and raised with him".
("What would Jesus do/see/say"?)
2a. "That you may be one as we (I [Jesus] and the father) are one".
("love one another".
Ahaba "love" numerological value 13 = ehad "one/union" numerological value 13.)
So why don't people care/love/help us? Why people don't care I'm being forced to eat bad harmful water every meal, every day? Why am i forced to either eat harmful water, or starve/die?
(God judged all 3 of Adam, Eve & Serpent, not just one.
What others do & what others do not do. Others can Harm/hinder or not, & others can help or not.)
When this realisation/revelation of one (with God/Jesus and with others "as we are one") & love (one another) flashes it easier and not so hard to love others because we see like the same as Jesus/God sees.
2b. Adam/man & Eve/woman, the 2 become 1, "This is a great mystery".
(Men often been too uncaring about their women partners, don't realise intimacy is give-&-receive full meaningful relationship.)
"Two be One". The exploited desire in "One World Government".
(The world elite's "One" of philosopher Plato.)
"Form of Godliness without the substance". (666 "man becoming gods (without God)".)

The corner stone / foundation stone (Jesus) is most precious. From friend Ian once saying about God taking away the sand and making rock, see the sand blowed/wiped away and most a precious stone/rock.

From the MoA (Messenger of Adonai), NZ.