Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Akhenaten in the Bible!

Agur-ben-Jakeh of Proverbs 30 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agur) might be Akhenaten of the 18th dynasty of Egypt (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhenaten).

- The name 'Aguwr/Awgoor/Agur-ben-Jakeh (30:1) seemingly might match the name Akh-en-aten/Khu-n-aton (Akhu-en-aten).
Hebrew g & Egyptian kh do interchange with some other words like Negev/Negeb & Nekhab/Nekheb. K & t may interchange on some other cases. Some words are various spelt with a/aa/ya in Egyptian (eg Amu/Aamu, Yah/Ah/Iahu).
Agur is also maybe similar to Akhenaten's name Naphuriya/Huriya in the Amarna letters?

(Or other candidates for Agur are Ay? Ankh-kheperu-re Smenkhkare? Agum (Kassite)? Akurgal? Ugar? Agrotes? Rimsin/Eriaku? Agag/Apepi? Agga/Shagin/Shagur (Kish 1)? "a foreign sage from the east"? "name(s) of Solomon"?)

- Agur ben Jakeh means:
Agur "compiler" or "the one who is brave in the pursuit of wisdom".
ben "son of" or "he built the temple".
Jakeh "the one who spat out, despised" or "he who is free from sin, pure" or "to obey, obedient" or "the ruler of a vast region".
Akhenaten means "living spirit of the Aten, servant of the Aten, effective for the Aten, he who serves the Aten, he in who Aton is satisfied".
But the meanings being different isn't a problem because the Hebrew name and meaning may only be developed from the Egyptian name.

Agur meaning "the one who is brave in the pursuit of wisdom" may match Akhenaten saying "it is the wise man that knows these things" & "I am versed in the writings", and "This god goes where he pleases and no one else knows his going".

Jakeh "the one who spat out, despised" could match Akhenaten who was a "heretic" and was caricatured.

"the ruler of a vast region" matches the Egyptian empire in Canaan at the time of the Amarna letters.

- Agur as "son of Jakeh/Yaqeh/Yawkeh/Naki" (30:1) could match Akhenaten as a/the "son" of Aten? Or Agur as "son of Jakeh" might be Akhenaten as son of Heqawaset Amenhotep 3?

(Or other candidates for Jakeh are Akhenaten? Sakere/Smenkhkare? Akherre/Acherres (Manetho)? Gandash/Xatal (Kassite)? Akki/Anakki?)

- the Ha Massa('i) "(man) of Massa, Massaite" or Ha Moshel which comes after Agur-ben-Jakeh (30:1) might possibly match Akhenaten's name Ankh-em-maat "living in truth", or Amenhotep/Amenophis, or Ha Massa "of Massa" might be El Amarna (Akhetaten)? Or ha Massa might just be "an/the burden or (weighty/inspired) utterance/message/oracle/prophecy/gift" or "he who bore the yoke of God" or "collector of proverbs" or "testing".

(- Though Agur is not called a king like Lemuel is, while Akhenaten was a pharaoh/king. Though Akhenaten was a "heretic king" and is less imperialist than the other pharaohs/kings in the Amarna letters.)

- Agur being called n'um HaGever "this/the (able-bodied) man" (30:1, NWT) might relate to Akhenaten having a odd feminine shaped body due to a genetic disease/deformity (and who was caricatured by the Egyptians in pictures)?
Or num hagever resembles Akhenaten's name Naphuriya?

- (Le) Ithiel or Ot-el who Agur spoke to (30:1) has a name that means "the words of god" or "he who understood the signs (and deeds of God)" or "he who understood the alphabet of God" or "I am weary oh God" or "I am not God" and/or "God was with him". He might match either: Ay It-netjer "holy father, father of God"? or Queen Neferi(t)-thi/Nefertiti? or Ikhnaton (who differed from the other pharaohs who thought they were god-kings and Horus and the son of sun god)? or Hartitifin ("Akhenaten")? or Kashtiliash/Bizuiru (Kassite)?

- (Wa/We/Ve) Uk(h)al/Ucal who Agur spoke to (30:1) has a name that means "I can (transgress the law against marrying many wives without fear of being misled by them)" or "the master" or "how can I prevail" or "I am exhausted". He might match either: Wetjes-khau Tut(-ankh-amen) (l/n interchange)? Ushigu/Ushshi (Kassite)?

- Agur saying "I do not have human understanding. I have not learned wisdom, nor have I attained to the knowledge of the (most) holy one" in "Proverbs" (30:2-3) is maybe similar to Akhenaten saying "it is the wise man that knows these things" & "I am versed in the writings", and "This god goes where he pleases and no one else knows his going" (Akhenaten's speech).

- "what is the name of his (God's) son?" (30:4) is thought by some to refer to Yeshua/Jesus as the son of God. In Agur's time it might possibly refer to Akhenaten as a "son" of Aten (and/or the Pharaoh god-king as son of the sun god Re/Ra)?

- Agur is apprently about the time of Solomon since both are in Proverbs. Rohl and Palmer and others and myself give evidences that the Amarna period is contemporary with King David.

- It is well known that Psalm 104 is similar to Akhenaten's Hymn to Aten. So Agur of Proverbs could be same time and same person as Akhenaten.

- Akhenaten's "monotheism" is often considered to be similar to Judaism's monotheism so much so that many have supposed Akhenaten to have a connection with the likes of Moses and the origins of Judaism.

- Agur ben Jakeh as "a foreign sage from the east" could match Akhenaten, though Egypt isn't east of Israel/Palestine?

- Note that the prophet Nathan in David's reign is also similar to Akh-en-aten/Khu-n-aton or Aten?

- Lemu'el/Lemoel/Nemuel/Namuel/Jamuel/Jerahmeel/Lael (Melekh Massa/Masa) "King Lemuel / Lemuel the king (of Massa/Assyria)" (31:1) whose name means "(devoted/dedicated/belonging) to God, to him El, (the king) to who God (spoke), Godward" might match either:
Hor-em-heb/Hor-em-hab Meryamun ("jubilation")? Menelik (son of Sheba/Solomon)? Labayu "lion of God" (Amarna letters, b/m interchange, El/Yah interchange)? Smenkhkare? Memnon (18th/19th dyn)? Ramses 1/2? Nimmuriya (Amenhotep 3)? Ilumailu/Anumanu (Sealands)? lamentations? Jeremiel? Pa-aten-em-heb? Hanuman? Ravana? "a name of Solomon/Jedidiah"?

- Lemuel's unnamed 'em/imo "mother" (31:1).
Queen of Sheba? Mutemwiya mother of Amenhotep 3? unknown mother of Horemhab? Mutnedjmet wife of Horemhab?

- Proverbs 31 "mostly about drink"/wine/beer (31:4-7).
wine jar label dockets & wine harvest (Amenhotep 3)?
"very good quality wine of the estate of Horemhab?

- "a virtuous/worthy/noble woman" or "a wife of noble character" (31:10):
Tiye wife of Amenhotep 3? Mutnedjmet wife of Horemhab? Taduhepa? Nefertiti? Queen of Sheba?

- 22 letters/verses Proverbs 31:10-31, 31 verses Proverbs 31:1-31, Proverbs chapter 31.
21 yrs Horemhab (Bey)? 30 yrs Horemhab?


For more matches of Amarna period with time of David and Agur see:



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