Thursday, April 11, 2019

answers to "go to a Dr" etc

Answers to "go to a Dr", "get a water filter", "get bottled water", "why is no one else suffering the same symptoms/effects", in regards to the fluoridation problem and other wrongs been done to..

1. Answers to "Go to a Dr/Gp": (sorry these points answers are disorganised, don't just read first ones)

Thanks for at least being a friend in so far as at least reading and offering advice. But:

I don't need to go to a Dr, i know many of the hell wrongs being done to me causing the problems. I also know the things i need to do like exercise, diet, sunlight, cleanliness, ventilation, variety, social, sabbath, etc but the wrongs being done to me always stopping me being able to. The only reason i need to go to a Dr is because of the wrongs being done to me by the elite and many others around me, (and they are forcing things so i can't eliminate them as the cause,) and because no "friends" will believe me or care or help. I am not a proud god and know have faults and flaws and a number of health hazards (most not my fault) and respect that an expert might be able to help with some things, but there are wrongs being done to me that definitely are harming my health/ability and even Drs are not willing or able do anything about them.

It is pretty insulting how some friends say go to a Dr as if i am just a dumb wrong sick bad dog.
And an insult no one ever believes me or agrees with me about anything even if/when i have stark evidences. (And yet they seem to believe me about the symptoms/effects, but not about the causes.)

Dont just say go to a Dr. Answer the questions, Is it right or wrong that they forcing me to eat fluoridated water/food every meal? Right or wrong that they picked my door locks and locksmith refused to fix locks and locksmith won't allow to buy locks without id and setting up an account? Right or wrong neighbour stomp heavily on floor all day for last 10 years? (Etc etc etc.)

Friends are not much friends if all they ever do is say go to a Dr, and even if i go to a Dr and the Dr confirmed it people still would't care/help they'd just say Dr Dr Dr and/or self self self. What about sympathy/empathy, agreeing it is wrong/evil, love, friendship, help?

Are Drs gods? Am i just an all wrong dog?

People believe Drs etc without evidence just because they claim to be experts, but people won't believe me about anything even when i try to show quality and quantity evdiences.

People telling me to go to the people doing it to me in the first place (health regime) doesn't make sense. (Royal College of Physicians started fluoridation. Ministry of "Health" are the ones forcing it here.) Drs are in league/aligned with and serving the same global elite interests and same people doing the fluoridation. How can i trust them? It is not easy to prove what peoples secret agendas/interests/motives/allegances are. All humans are fallen/evil, and the elite can lie or be wrong just as much as anyone else. There is already ample evidence that most elite are more evil/wicked than nonelite.

Even Drs are not easily able to prove fluoride. Fluoride is not easy to prove.

How am i going to get to a Dr when i am a prisoner here?
The Drs i was with have/had a stupid annual renewal system, plus last time the had forms to sign saying they can share with other agencies. So i am not even still a member as such and would have to go through reregistering.
There is also the hell problem of the mental health act always hanging over our heads. We wouldhave to be extremely careful what we say because they have legal obligation if they think we are too bad, and elite can easily lie claiming we are mental and we can't prove they are lying.

The fluoridation is only the most worst of all hell problems but it is not the only problem, the Drs would not address all that list of hundreds of wrongs being/been done to me. I need also a chemical labratory or a policeman or lawyer or social worker or real estate agent or friend or family not just a Dr/Gp/Physician. Need to get rid of the enemies doing wrongs to me. People are using "go to a Dr" as an excuse to ignore the people doing wrongs to me and ignore people not caring/loving/helping.

They never help with things i ask (10 years now) just only offer their "help". The Drs are not going to stop the fluoridation etc. No Dr ever told me about the mercury fillings, the dusty tap water, the fluoridation, the allergies, etc all of which i found out by other ways and proved i was better after addressing them.

Drs cost alot of money.  They only have 15 minute slots. I have to travel along way. They have appointment systems which ar enot easy for me. Drs don't love us, and not allowed to be friends. 

God has never told me to go to a Dr.

If Drs don't address the root issue/cause of tooth decay but instead use fluoridation as a lazy answer then they are not going to address the root issue/causes of mine either but just medicate or surgery or radiation.

Why cant people ever agree that the many hell wrongs been/being done to me are wrong instead of always just saying go to a Dr or blaming me or ignoring me? There is a saying that "women don't necessarily want man to give them a solution but to empathise/understand".

All health is 4 things:
- good things you are/not getting
(eg diet/nutrition, exercise, sunlight. love, etc)
- good things you are/not loosing
- bad things you are/not getting
(eg fluoridation, allergins, radiation, stress/pressure/negatives, etc)
- bad things you are/not getting rid of.

1 Spiritual,
(eg faith, prayer, bible, church/fellowship, mouth words)
2 Social,
(eg situation/accomodation, friends, family/parents/siblings, wife/husband/children, fellowship, "community fluoridation")
3 Material.
(eg situation, food, water, radiation, genetic)

4 harms
- devil/devils
- other people
- own self flesh/fallenness/sinfulnature
- natural struggle/curse

4 helps
- God
- other people (not just Drs)
- self efforts/work/faith
- nature/animals

God judged all 3 Adam, Eve, Serpent not just one.

"Genetics determines what you can be, environment determines what you will be" (- General Nevers / RTK?)

No Dr and no amount of self efforts can overcome such immense massive hell harms andhindrances being constantly done to us.
"10 percent of NZers are medicated".
"This [internet/globalist society/economy] makes autistic people more autistic". - quote on wrongplanet website.
"There has been a significant increase in mental health diagnoses, particularly under the heading of anxiety." (- NZ, Jan 2013.)
"A quarter of NZ youth experience a mental illness by age 15".
"We have approximately 420 clients on our books currently and around 11 new referrals every week." - local community mental health team leader.
"30% of NZers/Wellingtonians over 20 are singles" - Sarc.
"The real USA unemployment rate is 30%."

"A friend in need is a friend in deed."
"Do unto others as you wouldhave done to you:
"Love your neighbour as yourself"
"As you did to the least of these so you did to me"
"Two are better than one"
"A threefold cord is not easily broken"
"A new commandment i give you, that you love one another"
"Dont tell me show me"
"I just want to find one man/person who is not the same as everyone else"
"Do not judge a man until you have walked in his shoes"
"What use is a leaflet, they can't eat it"
'Pure relgion is to take care of widows and fatherless (includes singles/alone/lonely)" James 1.
"Do not judge by appearances".
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"

What is the root cause of "go to a Dr"?
What is the root cause of "get a water filter"
What is the root cause of "have to have mandatory fluoridation"?
What is the root cause of "increased incidence of (at high risk) (disadvantaged) (urban) (childrens) tooth decay"?
What is the root cause of people cutting Sean off for being so negative/angry/mad/hateful?
What is the root cause of mass unemployment?
What is the root cause of increased teens on medication?
What is the root cause of 3 rooms having holes in walls from being angry when forcd to eat fluoridated meals?
What is the root cause of neighbours suffering me shouting at hell wrongs i am suffering?
What is the root cause of Islamic terrorism?
What is the root cause of the 2019 christchurch mosque shooting?
Why did i have to shift to this place and the last number of places before this one?

2. Answers to "get a water filter" and "get bottled water":

Water filter problems:
- As with Drs itis being told to go to the people doing it to us in first place. Peoplewho control the water also control the filters.
- Can't prove really takes bad out (some said to not do so or to be reliable).
- Can't prove doesn't put bad in (some said to do so).
- Can't prove  doesn't also take good nutrients out (yes some like distillation do take them out)
- No one will help, they just say go get one.
- Costs money to buy and to replace filter cartridges.
- Problems having to know right tap fitting sizes.
- Local ones on small NZ only have a few choices. One is trial (and has suspicious name). One takes out good nutirents.
- Only reason i have to get one is because they forcing us in putting the bad stuff in the water.
- If filters are genuine then why are the elite forcing mandatory community fluoridation?
- Filters if they even work are selfish and only care about self and not oters.

Bottled water problems:
- no one will deliver, no one will take away empty bottles.
- You have to trust the people bottling the water and delivering it. (Aligned with same people doing fluoridation.)
- Most are too small bottle sizes.
- Most are only in Pete # 1 bottles which have endocrine disruptors.
- Small NZ has alot less choice.
- OPure said "most bottled spring water is really tap water".
- Goverment made it law that they don't have to say in labeling whether is or is not fluoridated.
- Can't carry heavy water by hand/foot/trolley/train.
- Some spring water is naturally high in fluoride.
- I tried the only few local availiable ones and they had similar bad symptoms to thetap water (countdown, opure, tongariro, etc).
- Costs money. And is hastle/burden.
- Why do i have to deal with all this hell difficulty, why don't the people who want fluoride/sugar get their own instead (which is much easier)?

3. Answers to "why does no one else suffer same effects?"

Some people have asked me "why are you the ony one effected by the water/food?" "Surely it is logic...."
- Where is actual proof that no one else is effected?
If you say it doesn't effect you then i have to believe you (unlessi see evidence otherwise), and so if i say it is effecting me you should believe me (unless compelling proof it is not).
- I have seen that people do seem to be effected, though they don't see/admit it themselves.
Why are there so many bald men around? Why so much prostate cancer?
Fluoride is proven to harm some peoples thyroid so that alone is enough proof it is wrong to force it (regardless of cunning complicated excuses of they can "go to a Dr" or "get a filter" or "take idoide" etc).
- Some people don't mind being medicated brain slaves.
- There is no doubts to me from many experiences stark evidences that it is the food and water causing the symptoms/effects and not anything else, because only synchronised with the food and water and not anything else.
Who do you expect me to believe? Your/their mere words claims/arguments or actual physical experiences evidences i have kept having?
People are forcing their beliefs about the water/fluoride on/in us.
- I have a much higher daily water intake than most others because i have to eat alot of grains due to my situation.
- Every local treament plant has different ingredients/treatments of the water.
- They did road works numerous times right outside my flat, for all i know they might have put something in there and so oly be doing worse to us here and not anyone else?
- Some of my foods also seem to have been fluoridated, and i cant prove that everyone elses foods are or are not also fluoridated.
- Not all of NZ is fluoridated, only 50 percent of settlements.
- Why are they forcing it on us?
- Why did they make it worse in the months around the election here 1-2 years ago?
- Why do science and reference books and fluoride packaging labels say fluoride is "hazchem", "poison", "toxic", etc? Why does Cory's nutrition book say too much fluoroide causes "poisoning of the body organs"?
- Why does the bible talk about wormwood/blood water?
- Why did the EU and Israel stop fluoridating their water?
- Why would i be maing such a fuss about nothing? I would just eat my guts out and do the things i need and want if it wasn't hindering me.
- Anything that stops us from being our best is harmful.
- How can i prove it is "not" the water/food if they won't stop forcing the fluoridation?
- Look at a picture of the "Kool-Aid man". Fluoridation has been called kool-aid by some of its pushers.
- Even if i were wrong about it harming/hindering my ability/health they still have no right forcing it in me every meal every day only for "at high risk" peoples teeth.


It is wrong to be forced into crammed subdivided suburban slums.
Individual humans need living space too not just nations/races.
Maybe the majority are communistic and don't mind (or spend most of their time away from home at work etc) but us more artistic/cultured/independent must have some space so we can create without being constantly stopped by mediocre mundane menial people always doing annoying things all around.

Anything which stops us from being our best is evil/wrong/harmful/poison, especially when forced on/in us by others and forced on more than one person.

People can cut me off but i can't cut off all the hell wrongs been being done to me.

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