No one has found any historical person named Arthur in history sources like Gallic Chronicles, Gildas' DEB, Bede's EH, the ASC, etc. But I am sure that "Arthur" or the leader of the 12 battles or at least of Guinnion or Badon/Bath was a real person or persons in the 400s and/or 500s ad. So either the person was not named Arthur but had another name, or he had a name similar to Arthur but not exactly the same spelling, or the name Arthur is from some ancient/prehistoric war god or is a title/epithet made up from mere words.
In our investigations on Arthur's 12 battles we found the battles may best match 1 of 3 sources: the 9 Saxon Shore Forts of the ND, Vortimer's battles (HB, HRB). or the ASC battles from 440s to 500s (or 600s). In our paper Who Is Arthur we surveyed 34 main candidates and we concluded that the 6 chief candidates for the historical Arthur are Ambrosius (DEB, EH, HB, HRB/DGB), Vortimer (HB, HRB/DGB), Ethelbert (ASC), Maelgwn's uncle (DEB), Gwawrddur (Gododdin), or Riothamus? Having gone through our candidates again specifically looking for which candidates may have a match for the origin of the name Arthur we found that Artur must come from one of the names such as Vortimer, Gwawrddur, Arthwys, Riothamus, Ethelbert, Aurelius, or a few others. In this post we look at how Arthur might come from the likes of Vortimer or Gwawrddur/Gwarthur or Garthwys Hir. We also secondly look at how the names of some other persons like Gwallawg and Cadwallon I Lawhir might connected with Arthur.
This post only deals with possible names connections, not with all the details matches of some of the persons with Arthur. Eg Vortimer's name might be whence Arthur is posted here but all the other matches of Vortimer with Arthur are not included here but are in other articles.
(Note before the lists: It seems Arthurians are not very inclined to agree that Arth & Gwarth or Garth names can be related or corresponded despite examples below clearly demonstrating that at least some of them can/do match. So for anyone who doesn't agree the question is where did the name Artur come from then? Whether from a person with a name that can linguistically match or from a title/epithet made up from mere words. Where do you think Arthur's name came from? Lucius Artorius Castus? Riothamus? Athrwys? Arthwys? Vortimer? Aethelbert? Arcturus? Arthur mac Aedan? St Arthmael? Mercury Artaois? Deoartavois? Nin-urta? Garthos (Armenian)? Ardys? Artook Khan? Aldroen/Alatorius? Attila? Arthari (Diaconus)? Authari (Lombard)? Ardaburius (Goth)? Einion Yrth/Urth? Xartus (Indo-European)? Garthwys Hir? Vortigern? Orthrus? Arthur father of Geoffrey of Monmouth? Arthuret? Ard Righ "high king"? Arth Vawr "great bear" (Ursa Major)? Ard-na-Said "height of the arrows" ("Arthur's Seat")? Gwawrddur/Gwarthur? Vortipor? corruption of Aurelius? arth-wr "noble one"? arth "bear" as in Caledonian/British bears or as in Cuneglas? "stone" (matching Petr or other similar)? ard "high" + vawr "great" or gur "man" (like the meanings of Vortigern and Riothamus)? Clogwyn Du'r Arddu (Snowdonia)? etc?)
1. Possible origin of the name Arthur/Artus/Arturius (or Arthwys) from Vortimer/Gwrthefyr (or Vortigern/Gwrtheyrn or Vortipore/Wortiporius) or Gwawrddur or Garthwys Hir or Einion Yrth.
List of similar names demonstrating how Arth- and Gwarth- or Garth- name could be related or corresondened.
(Note: I know some of the headers are not "linguistically correct" in the way they divide the names parts, but you will see why we had reasons for grouping and heading the names the way we have done.)
-(t)igern- names:
Vortigern/Gwrtheyrn (great king / overlord, DEB, HB, HRB, ASC)
Catigern (person, HB)
Dutigern/Outigern (person, HB)
Tigernach (Irish)
Kentigern/Cyndeyrn (saint Mungo)
Igerna/Igraine (person, HRB)
-art(h)- names:
Art/Airt (king, Irish)
Artognou (Tintagel inscription)
Artan filii Grippud (Powys)
Arthen map Seissil (Ceredigion)
Artus /Arthur/Artuir /Arturus/Arthurus (dux/king, HB, HRB, AC, Gododdin)
Arthus (king, Swedish king list)
Arthuis/Arthwys ap Mar (DMN)
Arthgallo (king, HRB/DGB)
Arthgal (consul, HRB/DGB)
Arthmail (king, HRB/DGB)
St Arthmael/Arthmail/Arthfael/Armel (Breton/French)
Arthlwys/Artgloys (Ceredigion, Harleian)
Arthuret/Arfderydd/Arddrydd/Armterid (573, AC)
Arthur's Seat/Ard-na-Said (Edinburgh)
Arthari (P Diaconus)?
Artorius/Arturius (Latin name)
Artri (Irish name)
Eithir map Arthat
Loyngarth/Llwynarth "grove of the bear" (Wonders, HB)
Carmarthen (HRB)?
-ard(d)- names:
Arderyd(d)/Erderit/Arthuret/Armterid/Arywderit/Ar(f)derydd (AC)
Arderit/Tribruit/Ribroit (HB, PG)
Arddunion ("fortress height", Taliesin)?
Ard-na-said/Arthur's Seat
Clogwyn Du'r Arddu ("high/height", Snowdon)?
-urth/yrth- names:
Einion Yrth / Einiawn Yrth / En(n)iaun Girt (Gwynedd, Harleian)
Urtigernus/Gwrtheyrn/Vortigern (king, HB)
-wart/vort- names:
Wart (boy Arthur, TH White)
Wortiporius/Vortipore/Gwerthefyr/Gwrthevyr (king, DEB, HRB)
Vortimer/Gwrthefyr/Gwerthefyr/Guorthemir (leader, HB, HRB)
Vortigern/Gwrtheyrn (king, DEB, HB, HRB, ASC)
-gwart(h)- names:
Gwarthan (Y Gododdin)
Gwarthlev (Y Gododdin)
Gwarthur/Gwawrddur (person, Y Gododdin)
Guartherniaun/Gwarth Ennian (Vortigern's castle/city/synod/land, HB).
Gwerthrynion/Gwrtheyrnion (castle/city/land/province/kingdom)
Dynguayth Guarth Berneich (castle/country, HB)
Guerthaeth (king of Gwynedd, HRB/DGB)
Guortheneu (person, HB)
Guarthi(gern)/Guorthigirn/Vortigern (king, DEB, HB, HRB, ASC)
Guorthegirnaim (province/kingdom, HB).
Caer Guorthegirn/ Cair guorthegern (Vortigern's castle/city/council, HB).
Gwerthefyr/Guorthemir/Vortimer (leader, HB, HRB)
Guortepir/Gwerthefyr/Vortipore (king, DEB, HRB)
-gart(h)- names:
Garthwys Hir / Gorthyn Hir (person, Y Gododdin)
St Kentigern/Cyndeyrn Garthwys (St Mungo)
Gartnait/Gartnaithboc (king, Pictish/Cruithne/Scot)
Gartnaich/Gartnach/Garthnach (king, Pictish/Cruithne/Scot)
Gartbuir/Vortipore/Gwerthefyr (king, DEB, HRB)
Loyngarth/Llwynarth (Wonders of Britain, HB)
-gwrth/gurth/gorth- names:
Gurthiern (saint, Vita Gurthierni, Sts Lives).
Gurthrenion/Gwarth Ennian (Vortigern's castle/city/synod/land, HB).
Gwrtheyrnion/Gwerthrynion (castle/city/land/province/kingdom)
Gwrtheyrn/Vortigern (king, HB)
Gwrthefyr/Vortimer (leader, HB, HRB/DGB)
Gwrthebiriuc (land of Vortimer)
Gwrdebyr/Wortiporius/Vortipore (king, DEB, HRB)
Gorthyn Hir / Garthwys Hir (person, Y Gododdin)
Drest Gurthinmoth/Gurthinmoch
Gurthmwl Guledic
-girt- names:
Eniaun-Girt/Einion-Yrth (Gwynedd, Harleian)
-wuth/vot- names:
Wuthgirete/Grant/Geraint (Ethelwerd, ASC)
Voteporigis/Votegorigas/Voteporix Protector
similar arth/athl/athr names:
Arthwys ap Mar (DMN)
Arthlwys/Artgloys (Ceredigion, Harleian)
Ath-rwys/Atroys ap Meurig ("very vigorous", Glywysing, Harleian)
similar gwarth/arth/art names:
Gwarthlev (Y Gododdin)
Arthlwys/Artgloys (Ceredigion, Harleian)
Artognou (Tintagel inscription)
similar art/arth/gorth/gwarth names:
Artan filii Grippud (Powys)
Arthen map Seissil (Ceredigion)
Gorthyn Hir (person, grave, Y Gododdin)
Gwarthan (Y Gododdin)
Guortheneu (person, HB)
similar art(h)/wart/gwarth names:
Art/Airt (king, Irish)
Wart (boy Arthur, TH White)
Gwarth Ennian (Vortigern's castle/city/synod/land, HB)
Guarthi(gern)/Vortigern (Eliseg, HB)
similar full arth/gwarth names:
Arthur (miles/dux/king, HB, HRB, AC)
Gwarthur/Gwawrddur (person, Y Gododdin)
similar full arth/gwarth names:
Arthur (HB, HRB, AC)
Gwrthefyr/Vortimer/Gwerthefyr/Guorthemir (leader, HB, HRB)
similar full arth/gwarth names:
Arthur/Arturius (HB, AC, HRB/DGB)
Gartbuir/Vortipor/Wortiporius (DEB, HRB/DGB)
similar art/arth/garth names:
Artus/Arthur/Arturius (miles/dux/king, Y Gododdin, HB, HRB)
Arthus (king, Swedish king list)
Arthuis/Arthwys ap Mar (DMN)
Garthwys Hir / Gorthyn Hir (person, grave, Y Gododdin)
St Kentigern/Cyndeyrn Garthwys (St Mungo)
similar full arth/garth names:
Arthur (HB, HRB, AC)
Garthwys Hir (person, Y Gododdin)
similar gwarth/garth names elements:
Garthwys Hir (person, Y Gododdin)
Gwarth Ennian/Guartherniaun (Vortigern's castle/city/synod/land, HB).
similar full gwarth/garth names:
Gwarthur/Gwawrddur (person, Y Gododdin)
Gwrthefyr/Vortimer/Gwerthefyr/Guorthemir (leader, HB, HRB)
Garthwys Hir (person, Y Gododdin).
similar arth/garth/gwarth names:
Arthwys ap Mar (DMN)
Garthwys Hir / Gorthyn Hir (person, grave, Y Gododdin)
St Kentigern/Cyndeyrn Garthwys (St Mungo)
2. Possible link of Gwallawg('s battles) &/or Ambrosius(' Gwaloph battle) &/or Cadwallon (or Cunedda) &/or Gavael-vawr &/or Gwawrddur &/or the name of the Welsh/Wales &/or William Wallace with each other, and possible link of these with Arthur('s battles/battle) via Gwawrddur &/or Arthgal.
Demonstration lists of similar gal/gwal persons names and meanings in Arthurian sources.
-art(h)- names:
Art(h)egal (Spenser)
Arthgal/Arthgallo of Cargueit/Warguit/Warwick (HRB, legend)
Catgualart/Cadwallader/Cadwaladr (HB, HRB, Harleian)
-gal- names:
Art(h)egal (Spenser)
Arthgal/Arthgallo of Cargueit/Warguit/Warwick (HRB, legend)
Galluc of Salisbury (HRB/DGB)
-gul- names:
Embres-guletic/Emrys-wledig (Ambrosius/Merlin, HB)
-wal(l)- names:
Wall/Gwal/Gual (HB)
Wales/Welsh (HRB, ASC)
William Wallace (Scottish)
Cadwallader/Cadwaladr/Catgualart (HB, HRB, Harleian)
Caedwalla/Caedualla (ASC)
Caedualla/C(e)adwalla/Cadwallo(n)/Katwallawn Lawhir (HB, HRB)
-gwal- names:
Gualo & Guales & Gualenses (leader, queen & Welshmen, HRB/DGB)
Gwal/Gual "wall" (HB)
Gwallawg/Guallauc ap Lleenawg (battles of, Taliesin, HB)
Catgualart/Cadwallader/Cadwaladr (HB, HRB, Harleian)
Cat-gwaloph/Guoloppum (battle of Ambrosius, HB)
-gwawl/gwawr- names:
Gwawl (Cunedda's mother)
Gwawrddur/Gwarthur (Y Gododdin)
-gavael- name:
Gavael-vawr ("great grasp", the Porter, PG)
similar name meanings:
Lawhir "long/tall hand/arm"
Gavael-vawr "great grasp"
-cat/cad- names:
Cat-gwaloph/Guoloppum (battle of Ambrosius, HB)
Catgualart/Cadwallader/Cadwaladr (HB, HRB, Harleian)
Caedwalla/Caedualla (ASC)
Caedualla/C(e)adwalla/Cadwallo(n)/Katwallawn Lawhir (HB, HRB)
same/similar full names:
Galluc of Salisbury (HRB/DGB)
Guallauc/Gwallawg ap Lleenawg (battles of, Taliesin, HB)
similar arth/gwarth names:
Arthur (HB, HRB, AC)
Gwarthur/Gwawrddur (Y Gododdin)
similar full names elements:
Guallauc/Gwallawg ap Lleenawg (battles of, Taliesin, HB)
similar full (cat/cad) gual/wal/gavael names:
Cadwallo/Katwallawn (HB, HRB)
Cat-gwaloph/Guoloppum (battle of Ambrosius, HB)
Guallauc/Gwallawg ap Lleenawg (battles of, Taliesin, HB)
Gavael-vawr ("great grasp", the Porter, PG)
similar full names:
Guallauc/Gwallawg ap Lleenawg (battles of, Taliesin, HB)
William Wallace
similar gallo/gualo/wallo names:
similar serial/plural battles:
Arthur's battles (HB)
Arthur's or Gavael-vawr's battles (Pa Gur)
Gwallawg's battles
Vortimer's battles (HB, HRB) or Vortigern's (ASC)
Cunedda/Cadwallon vs Gwydel/Liethali
William Wallace's resistance
similar single battles:
Arthur vs Saxons at Eidyn/Guinnion/Badon (HB, PG, Modena)
Cunedda/Cadwallon vs Gwydel/Liethali/Bethan (HB)
Ambrosius vs Guitolinus (Cat-gwaloph, HB)
Ambrosius/Dumnonii/Romans vs Vortigern/Dimetia/Britons (HB).
"Vortimer vs Ambrosius"
Arthur vs Lucius (HRB/DGB)
battle of Catraeth/Eidyn (Y Gododdin)
Ambrosius vs enemy at Badon (DEB)
similar graves/tombs/sepulchres:
Arthur's grave
Ambrosius' sepulchre (HRB)
Vortimer's bones/grave/cenotaph (HB, HRB, Vortigern Studies)
Patrick's sepulchre/grave (HB)
similar dux/duke/duce:
duce Ambrosius (DEB)
dux Arthur (HB)
duke Riwal (Vita Winnoc)
similar nature:
Arthur dux bellorum "war leader" (HB)
Vortipore "leopard" (like Nimrod & Alexander, DEB)
Vortipore "gave them battle and came off with victory" (HRB)
possible matches with Saxon Shore forts 9 battles sites:
Vortigern yielded up strongest fortifications of island.
Vortimer asked to be buried where Saxons first landed.
Octa destroyed all the cities and fortified places from "Albania" to "York".
Vortimer's chief ports of the island.
Vortimer's 12 pennies reward or 7/8 yrs, Arthurs 12 battles.
Ambrosius' 10000 troops or 7/8 yrs, 7/9/12 battles Arthur?
similar 12 battles descriptions:
"sometimes our countrymen, sometimes the enemy won" (DEB 26).
"sometimes extended their boundaries by victory, and sometimes were conquered and driven back" (Vortimer, HB).
"at that time sometimes the enemy and sometimes our countrymen were defeated" (Urien, HB).
"sometimes victorious, sometimes defeated" (Maxim(ian)us, HRB).
"sometimes to favour the one, sometimes the other" (Eldol, HRB).
"sometimes the Britons prevailing, sometimes the Romans" (Arthur vs Lucius, HRB).
Similar father & son names:
Arthur son of Ut(h)er, Vortimer son of Vortigern?
Arthur son of Pendragon, Riothamus son of Deroch
Arthur son of Pendragon, Ursa/Arcturus son of Draco
Arthur son of Uther, Cadwallon son of Urth/Yrth/Girt
Athrwys son of Meurig, Aethelbert son of Ermenric
Similar aurelius/vorti and ambrosius/imer names/elements:
Aurelius Ambrosius, Vortimer? (Ethelbert?)
Pol Aurelian, Vortipore?
Similar meanings/descriptions/titles:
Mabuter "terrible warrior" / "horrible son" / "wonderful head"
Vortigern "great king, overlord" the "proud tyrant"
Riothamus "great/high/superlative/supreme king" or "most kingly, king-most, kingliest" or "freest"
Aurelius "golden, fine, excellent"
Ambrosius "immortal" the "great king"
Maximus "greatest"
Arthur as arth-wr "noble one"
Arthur as ard "high/height" vawr "great" / gur "man" / righ "king"
"Magnanimous Arthur"
King Arthur was a king/high king/emperor
"the great king Mailcun" (HB 62).
Maelgwn was a great king of the Britons (Sts Lives).
Similar epithets:
St Vortimer / Vortimer Fendigaid, Magnanimous Arthur.
In conclusion I conclude that the origin of the person Arturius/Arthur/Artus is either:
He was named Arthur but didn't exist (fiction/fake/myth).
He was named Arthur and existed (eg Arthur mac Aedan).
He had a name like Arthur but spelt abit different (eg Vortimer, Vortipore, Vortigern, Gwawrddur/Gwarthur, Garthwys Hir, Arthwys, Athrwys).
His name Arthur from a corruption of a similar but different name of his (eg Aurelius, Aethelbert, Riothamus/Rhiotavwys, Attila, Aldroen/Alatorius).
He existed but he was not named Arthur but was given the Arthur name from an earlier prehistoric/ancient mythological/legendary/historical god/person (eg Nin-urta, Mercury Artaois, Deoartavois, Lucius Artorius Castus, Arcturus), or from something like a place/battle name (eg Arthuret, Clogwyn Du'r Arddu, Llwynarth/Loyngarth, Ard-na-Said/Arthur's Seat).
He was not named Arthur but had a similar name that had same/similar meaning (eg Aethelbert).
He was not named Arthur but was given that name from a meaning like "bear" as in "Caledonian/British bears" or the bear Cuneglas.
He was not named Arthur but was given that name as an epithet/title made up from mere words (eg arth-wr "noble one", arth "bear" or ard "high" and vawr "great" or gur "man" or righ "king", or "stone").
He existed but was not named Arthur but some other name (eg Ambrosius, Riothamus).
He neither existed nor was named Arthur (fiction/myth).
And I conclude the most likely origin of the name Arturius/Arthur/Artus is either:
Gartbuir/Vortipor/Wortiporius (Gildas/DEB, Geoff/HRB/DGB)
Gw(e)rthefyr/Vortimer (Nennius/HB, HRB)
Gwawrddur/Gwarthur (Aneirin, Y Gododdin)
Guarthi(gern)/Gwrtheyrn/Vortigern (DEB, HB, HRB, ASC)
Garthwys Hir / Gorthyn Hir (Y Gododdin)
Arthwys/Arthuis (DMN) or Athrwys.
Versions of the names Arthur, Vortipor, Vortimer, Vortigern:
Artus/Arthus /Arzhur/Arthur/Arthwr/Artuir/Artur /Arturo /Arturus/Arthurus /Arturius (HB, HRB/DGB, AC/WA, YG)
Wortiporius/Uortiporius/Vortiporius/Vortipore/Vortipor /Guortepir/Gwerthefyr/Gwrthevyr/Gwrdebyr/Gwrdeber /Gartbuir (DEB, HRB/DGB)
Vortimer/Guorthemir/Gwerthefyr/Gwrthefyr (HB, HRB)
Vortigern/Vortiger/Vortigen/Wurtgern/Wyrtgeorne /Vurthern/Urtigernus /Guorthegirn/Guorthigirn/Guarthi(gern) /Gwrtheyrn / Gurthrigern (DEB, HB, HRB, ASC)
Caer Guorthegirn/ Caer Guorthegern/Cair Guorthegirn /Cair Guorthegern/Cair Guothergirn (Vortigern's castle/city/council, HB).
Guartherniaun/Gwarth Ennian/Guarenniaun/Gurthrenion (Vortigern's castle/city/synod/land, HB).
Gwerthrynion/Gwrtheyrnion (castle/city/land &/or land/province/kingdom)
Guorthegirnaim (province/kingdom, HB).
As for Arthur's father Uther we have these candidates for his origin:
Uter/Uther/Gwythyr/Iubher Ben/Pendragon: Ebur (501, AC)? Ebrauc/York? Vortigern? Arthur/Mabuter? Vtere? Othere? Octa? Vortimer? Eormenric? Victor? Vithar/Vidar? Tewdrig/Teudubric? Einion Yrth/Urth? Voteporix? Usher? Withol(us)? Urbien(us)? Jutes/Euthones? Othilaz? Luthor/Liber? Authari? Athrwys? Hoder? Natanleod? Authun/Andhun 685/686? Uther Ben "wonderful head" of Bran? Eleutherius/Eucharistus? Ull? Penda? Draco? Gwyn Dragon? Gwen Pendragon? Deroch? Iberia/Hibernia/Eire? Oberon? Guitolinus/Guethelin (Guotelin, Guitolion?) Vortimer? Ursus? Watling Street?
Igraine/Igerna/Igerne/Eigyr/Ygrayne (Arnive) : Vortigern? Ierne/Eire? Ivlaine (Hoxne)? Glein? Holy Grail? Egeria? Irene? Iuturna? Ingoberg? Grainne? Green Man? Grannos/Bran? Igreen?
If Arthur son of Uther is Vortimer son of Vortigern then this is a light on Arthur's origin(s). However it doesn't get us overly far because Vortimer like Arthur seems to only occur in not fully historical works like the HB and HRB/DGB. Therefore we have to further find out who Vortimer matches in more historical sources. Perhaps Vortimer may match the likes of Aurelius Ambrosius (DEB) or Riotimus (HF, Gaetica) or Vortipore (DEB) or Ethelbert (ASC).
For example -timer resembles -timus. Or maybe Vor- resembles Aur- and -imer resembles Amr/Emrys. Or perhaps -mer resembles -bert (despite being differnt languages).
In anycase this means Arthur matches at least two persons in Arthurian sources.
"terrible warrior", "horrible son", "wonderful head"
Vortigern/Vortiger/Vortigen/Wurtgern/Wyrtgeorne /Vurthern/Urtigernus /Guorthegirn/Guorthigirn/Guarthi(gern) /Gwrtheyrn / Gurthrigern
"great king, overlord, hero king", "ignorant king", "proud tyrant"
Both are fathers of sons with similar names (Arthur & Gwerthefyr).
Both full names are pretty similar.
The meanings are similar.
Both start with U/Gwy- or U/Wy/Gw-.
Both have -t/th-.
Both end with similar -er/yr or -iger/gern/georne/ern/egirn/igirn/eyrn (compare Yrth/Girt).
Both have versions without a last -n.
The only major differnce is the first -r- dropped.
Artus/Arthus /Arzhur/Arthur/Arthwr/Artuir/Artur /Arturo /Arturus/Arthurus /Arturius.
Both are sons of fathers with similar names (Uther & Vortiger).
Both full names are pretty similar except for the Gw-.
Both have similar -t/th-.
Both av similar -ur/wr/uir or -efyr/emir/imer (for interchange of u/w/ui and fy/emi/ime, compare other words/names like gawr/vawr/mawr "great", gur/fir "man", Guinevere/Guanhumara/Winlogee, Urth/Yrth, Vortipore/Gwrthefyr/Gartbuir).
Both start with similar Ar- or Gwr/Gwer/Guor/Vor-, except for the minor difference of the Gw/Gu/V- in the latter, but there are some other examples/evidences of Arth- and Gwarth- or Garth- names interchanging (eg Loyngarth/Llwynarth, Garthwys & Arthwys, Gwarthur & Arthur, Arthur/Wart, Gwarthan & Artan or Arthen), or else compare that Vor- of Vortimer might possibly match Aur- of Aurelius?
Regarding that variant -ur or -us, perhaps compare Vortimer and Riotimus?
As for Merlin we have these candidates:
Merlin/Myrddin/Merlinus (Afellenaw Silvestris Caledonis Wylt Ambrosius Emrys/Embres-guletic Aurelius Carmarthen/Caerfyrddin, merde, Antichrist? Abros/Ambros? Caer Myrddin? Moridunon sea fort? Lailoken?) :
Melkin? Melwas? Maelgwn? Martin? Berchan? Augustine? melyn "yellow"? Merefin? Mervin/Mermenus? Ambrose of Milan? Mars? Mercury? Nimrod? Druid? Mordred/Smerbie? myriad? merle "blackbird"? merde "dung"? Ermenric?* Meurig/Mavricus? Amr/Anir? Lailoken? Aneirin/Neirin? Weald? Guitolinus? Ninnian? Vortimer?* Vortigern?* Mary? St Mildrid? Mellitus? Ambrosius?* Germanus? Maun/Moses/Patrick? Mark/Marcus/Cunomorus? Meirchion (DMN)? Menw? Belyn's Gate (London)? Milden Hall?
I'll just post an addenda on candidates for the "Mary" of Arthur's Guinnion battle. The cult of Mary can't come before 431 ad when it first spread west from Byzantine area. The cult of Mary is supposed to have not reached Britain until the 600s, and if this is true then the "Virgin/Mary/Mother" of Guinnion must be some other person or thing. I have thought of all possible candidates and think she may be one of the ones below or similar.
Mary/Mara/Miriam (Mary mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene).
Mariamne (Herodian).
Artemis/Diana (virgin, Ephesus)
St Materiana
Poppaea (wife of Nero)
Perpetua (wife of Peter)
Stella Maris (Isis/Venus/Mary)
Sulis Minerva
Claudia daughter of Caractacus
Sulis Minerva
Anna/Morgause (sister of Arthur, HRB/DGB)
Angleica (spouse/wife of Arthur)
Brigit (AC, Richard of Cirencester)
Blodeuwedd (Craig y Dinas)
Ceridwen (Hanes Taliesin)
Castle of Maidens
Diana/Nemorensis (virgin, HRB/DGB 1:11)
Faerie Queen Caelia
Genuissa/Gwenwisa (dtr of Caesar/Claudius, HRB, 24 ks doc)
Guinevere/Guanumara/Winlogee (wife of Arthur)
Guales (queen of Welsh, HRB/DGB)
Gwawl (mother of Cunedda)
Helena (St Michael's Mt, HRB)
Holy Grail (Mary in some views like the Ark)
Igraine/Igerna (Arthur's mother, HRB)
Lady of Shallot/Astolat
Lady of the Lake
Lioness (mother of Constantine, DEB)
Martia/Marsia (HRB)
Mary/Mari Lwyd (Guinnion/Badon, Wedale, ancestor of David, HB)
Mother of Merlin (St Peter's, Carmarthen, HRB)
Olwen (C&O)
Rowena (daughter of Hengist)
Sabrina (HRB)
Severa/Sevira (daughter of Maximus/Vortigern, Eliseg)
Associates of Arthur candidates:
Aldeberge/Bertha (wife of Aethelbert)
Badda (Spanish queen)
Baduhenna/Badones "goddess(es)"
Book of Hours of the Virgin associated with St Ninnian
Domina Ivlaine "Lady Juliane" (Hoxne Hoard)
Eafe (Kentish Royal Legend)
"Kentish men remember, Christ & St Mary" in 694
Mildrid (Kentish Royal Legend)
Margaret (Dover)
Mary (Dover, Reculver, Portchester, Winchester)
Maid Marian/Marion
Maiden Castle?
Santa Maria de Bretona (Galicia)
'St Mary on the Rock' of Fife
Winifred (Arthur of Bradley).
Ursa Major/Minor (Great Bear).
Unless Mary is a corruption of a male/masuline name like Emrys or Mars or Merlin/Myrddin or Martin.
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