Thursday, November 16, 2017

Community Fluoridation = Communism

Very important, please try to read if/when you have time. (If the text is too small use control + too increase the size.)

The sharp truth about fluoridation. (Updated October 2020.)

Part 1: The claims of the case for fluoridation.
1. Concise comprehensive summary of the fluoridationists commonest arguments.
Part 2: The evidences for the case against fluoridation.
1. Evidences that fluoridation is not the only best answer to tooth decay.
2. Evidences that fluoridation is not "safe".
2b. Christians and fluoridation.
3. Evidences that fluoridation is forcing it on people.
4. How can we achieve a change?
Final note about "there are many other more important issues".
Appendix: Quotes from science books on fluoride.

Part 1. The claims of the case for fluoridation.

1. Concise comprehensive summary of the pro-fluoridationist's claims:
The authorities and "experts" and people who are pro-fluoridation say that "community fluoridation" is a "cheap, safe, effective, beneficial" and "science" solution to the problem of "increased incidence of (at high risk) (disadvantaged) (urban) (children's) tooth-decay" in accordance with "cost-benefit analysis". They say that the fluoride "secretes in saliva" and helps remineralisation. They call it "oral health on tap" and "leveling dental inequalities".
They claim "tooth decay is found in fossils all through history".
They claim that "experts" "studies" and "monitoring" show that fluoridation is "safe" not harmful. They say the fluoride "disassociates" in the water. The say chemical compounds like fluoride have different properties to chemical elements like fluorine.
It as also been said that "the body expells fluoride remarkably quickly".
They imply that opponents have to give proof that it is harmful, and that they haven't, and they won't stop unless/until they do.
They say the opponents are "misinformation" and "odd" and "paranoid" or "conspiracy theorists"* and "anti-science".
As further evidence that it is safe they claim that "people are living longer" and "people are getting smarter".
Also, they claim that they are "not forcing it on/in anyone" and "there are options for anyone who doesn't like it" such as "getting a water filter" or "bottled water" etc. They claim that "the council's responsibility ends at the toby/tap".
The pro-fluoridationists say it is "not a medication/medicine but a supplement like iodising salt". They say some water has too little fluoride and they are only "correcting a natural deficiency in the water", and some water also has too much and they remove it.
They say "anti-fluoridationists" are wrong because "all water has fluoride".
The councils say they only accept "system reviews metanalysis, RCTS, cohort studies, case-control, cross-sectional studies, case series, case reports", and not "ideas, opinions, editorial, anecdotal".
Sceptics and critics also replied to me "why does no one else suffer effects?" "Surely it is logic...?"
People say the water here looks pretty clean/clear/pure.
Newspapers say that "there are many other more important issues than the fluoridation issue".
The parliamentary fluoridationists say they have a Royal Society "scientific advisor". They also claim that the water meets their "standards" and "code of practice".

Part 2. Evidences for the case against fluoridation.

Now for the other side's disproofs of the clever cunning claims of pro-fluoridationists side given above.

1. Fluoridation is not the only best option solution to increased tooth decay:
The only claimed benefit of fluoridation is reducing increased tooth decay of at high risk people, there is no other benefit (except that it also helps with bones, but they don't include this in their claimed reasons). Fluoride has no water purification value (thats chlorine not fluoride).
Firstly it is disputed and doubted by some that fluoridation is even very effective or beneficial. Some studies in the last number of years have shown it is seemingly is not very effective ("less clear efficacy in adults", "European commission finds no advantage", "old 1940s studies"). The Ministry of Health's own study of Wairarapa children a few years ago found that unfluoridated rural children had better teeth than fluoridated urban children. The fluoridated water didn't stop my mother's dog loosing almost all its teeth.
If fluoridation is such agreat solution then why don't they force it on everyone? Only say 50 percent of NZ settlements are fluoridated, mainly urban ones. Only 10 percent of UK is fluoridated. Only say 50 percent of the world is fluoridated (mainly US, Australia, NZ, Ireland). Mainland Europe stopped fluoriation. Israel stopped.
Secondly it is a lie that water fluoridation is the only best & cheap solution to tooth decay. Consider the below options:
That it is "increased" incidence of tooth decay proves there are unnatural causes.
Instead of fluoridation we should be addressing the root causes of the increased tooth decay which include sugar heaped in foods (especially breakfast cereals, biscuits, soft drinks), processed carbs, oral cleanliness, nutrition, socio-economic disadvantages. Some people try to claim that sugar is not much of the problem, but go look at food packaging ingredients lists and see how sugar is often in the first 3 listed ingredients (ingredients lists are in order of amount). A newspaper review of 'That Sugar Book' said "we all know that sugar is the new crack cocaine". Bacteria from sugar and carbs sticking to teeth, and acid in saliva, and oral uncleanliness is the main cause of tooth decay. There is no reason why they can't easily address these root causes. They are misusing fluoridation as an easy "science" solution so that that they and people can keep on living a lifestyle in violation of natural laws (eg heaping sugar in foods). How convenient that they found something that allows people to eat all the sugar they like, and be uncleanly, without any harmful effects of the substance. Sorry but things in real life are not that conveniently easy. The root issue problems actually still have to be addressed anyway. Thus it is an evasion of individual and social/community/collective/corporate responsibility. And they may be purposely refusing to address the root causes so they have an excuse to fluoridate.
Them calling fluoridated water "oral health (on tap)" is a moronic or evil lie because it doesn't make our mouths any more cleanly/hygenic.
A friend of mine said she stopped eating foods with more then 10 percent sugar, and brushed her teeth once/twice every day and she has had "no (more) holes/fillings for 10 years now".
The NZ Maoris had better teeth before modern Western lifestyle and diet.
A Sedgeford archaeological paper said tooth decay is due to diet and cleanliness.
There are also other fluoride options:
- Topical fluoride is more effective than induced fluoride.
- People can easily get extra natural or supplementary fluoride from a number of sources including the natural fluoride that is already in most water, fluoridated toothpaste, bottled water, fluoride tablets, tea (which is high in fluoride), fluoridated salt/milk.
To claim they are "correcting a natural deficiency" is not true, because the water here is not naturally deficient for people with natural diet, it is only "deficient" for "at high risk" people with unnatural diet (sugar heaped in foods, prcessed carbs). And it is not the water that is "deficient" but the at high risk people.
Those that claim that tooth decay increases when they stop fluoridation are purposely cunningly omitting that they didn't stop the heaping of sugar in foods & drinks, and didn't address the one or two other main artifical causes of increased tooth decay.
It is also a contradiction that different countries have different recommended levels of fluoridation (not because water has different natural amounts in different places), and that there are "lowest" and "maximum" levels.

"... 2 cups of brown sugar..." - A typical 'Edmonds Cookbook' recipe.
"Banyan & Margosa are good for teeth...." - A South Indian / Sri Lankan saying.
"Take care of those teeth" - WAPF.
"Prevention is better than cure".

"... a few years ago Sue Kedgley when standing for the district health board was very strongly opposed to fluoride. When I asked her why, she said that as a child her parents experimented with her and her sister - giving her sister no fluoride, and her fluoridation. she ended with rotted teeth  while her sister was fine. Of particular  interest back then was that someone else standing for the board, who had a Greek name, was opposed fluoridation was president of the Dental Association...."

2. Fluoridation is not safe and is not suitable:
Below we list various evidences that fluoridation is not "safe".
The fluoride compound they put in our water is not the same natural fluoride compound or the same amount as the fluoride in natural water. They put more in than natural, and more than agreed safe ppm. According to a nutrition book the amount of non-natural fluoride compound in fluoridated tap water is 100 times the amount of natural flouride compound in non-treated water!
It is not fair they fluoridation is not forced on everyone (eg farmers).
What proof do we have that the elite practice eating and drinking the fluoridated water & food every day like they force us to?
The profluoridationists have not given any strong indisputable proof that fluoridation does not harm or hinder brain or body best whole abilities or health, despite their claimed studies.
"the long-term effects of fluoridation were insufficiently acknowledged. They also lacked a proper study on the effects of fluoridation on formula-fed infants."
They are forcing their claimed beliefs on us, and forcing us to accept they are gods.
"Experts" can be lying or wrong like any other fallen humans.
You can't expect me to believe that the "experts" with all the amazing technology etc they have don't know the negative effects on ability/health that fluoridation certainly has (from my own stark experiences evidences).
 Science can be used for slavery since the scientists have the knowledge/power and the people do not. Those who control science or food or water or health control people.
It is wrong to say "we won't stop unless you prove harm/hindrance", rather they shouldn't be doing since they have not proven it is not harming or hindering ability or health.
Common people are not able to prove to others harm or hindrance of health or ability because they don't have the ways and means to conduct scientific experiments and examinations and tests and dissections of dead or living animals or humans. I have proven to myself from many experiences and evidences that fluoridated water and food definitely causes negative (side-)effects & symptoms which are not synchronised with anything else except with eating/drinking the food/water. I also noticed years ago that the fluoridated tooth paste seemed to make me dumb during the day.
Fluoridation is proven to harm thyroid of some people. "Thyroid an endocrine gland ... secreting thyroxine, which principally increases the rate of oxidative reactations in metabolism (of the entire organism), thus greatly influencing growth and development" (Longman/Larouse).
A nutrition book says too much fluoride causes "poisoning of the body organs" (ref Cory).
The fluoridationists can not control the intake or dosage of water and fluoride ("untargeted form of supplementation", "may lead to too high or excessive health-threatening intake in certain population groups").
The EPA and Pears Cyclopedia both say intake of small amounts of harmful substances over time can be quite harmful.
They are constantly flooding/loading/saturating us with "a foreign substance" every meal every day, and we have no chance to detox.
Some people get a double or triple dose from water, tea, tooth paste.
The last general election here a few years ago in the weeks before and after the election they noticably increased the level of fluoride in the tap water (and some "organic" foods I ordered), which is surely evidence if not proof that there is some purposeful negative brain/body effect of fluoridation.
The labels on the packets of the fluoride they put in the water, and the signs at the water treatment plant, and labels on fluoridated toothpaste tubes say "danger", "toxic", "hazchem", "poison", "acid", etc.
Science and reference books also say alot of scary things about fluorine and fluoride, see the quotes in the appendix.
The Fluoride that they put in our water is an "industrial waste". It is illegal to dump it in the sea.
Some new studies in the last number of years have shown some harms to babies/children etc. Some conventional sources admit that fluoridation has "ethical as well as medical considerations", is "toxicologically and physiologically debatable", and "can lead to damage health", and can have "health effects".
Israel said there is "scientific evidence that fluoride in large amounts can lead to damage in health".
Fluoride is in list of "water contaminants" in Denmark.
There was a court case recently in the USA where the "anti-fluoridationsists" gave evidence of harm to children.
It is said that the fluoride also comes with other substances such as "arsenic, lead, mercury and other heavy metals"?
Fluoride combines with some substances, and/or it helps some substances like alluminium to cross the blood barrier in the brain?
The phrase "community fluoridation" may imply a sense of "mass medication" or control. Compare cameras for "community safety".
We are told that we have to trust the elite and if we don't we are "paranoid". But they don't trust us eg they don't trust us with our power meters, they have cameras everywhere for "safety". Gullibility is also bad.
It is a lie that people are living longer. They haven't showed us all the stats. Are they including people in unfluoridated areas and countries in the stats? Only some people are living longer, I know plenty of people who have died not really that old. And living longer doesn't prove it doesn't hinder/harm brain abilities or body health. I know plenty of people who got cancer. Nor is it true that people are getting smarter. Plenty of people don't seem that smart to me.
Some countries in Europe etc do not agree that fluoridation is "not a medication", they say "it is not the purpose of water services to deliver medicine/medication". Someone said to me "all medicines/medications are poison". All medications have side-effects. Medical prescriptions without labeling and info are illegal.
One evidence that fluoridation does effect our brain/body abilities/health is "why are they Forcing it on us"? Why are they not addressing the root causes of increased tooth decay especially the heaping of sugar in foods & drinks?
If fluoridation doesn't effect our abilities/health then why do they call it "kool-aid"? (Two examples: "Don't drink the kool-aid" said to me by Kepha in a forum, plus "by all means keep on drinking the kool-aid" said in a fluoride thread/topic in another forum.)
If fluoridation is not bad why do they protest too much and use the "paranoia"/"conspiracy theory" accusation?
Why are there so many bald men around?
Why so much prostate cancer? (Quite a few people I know got prostate including Ken S, Ken H, Lisle E, Richard C.)
As for the contention "why does no one else suffer the effects that you supposedly are", well where is the real quality proof that others are not suffering effects,and the proof the effects I am suffering are not due to the fluoridated water/food? I just have to believe you without anymuch proof while you don't believe me with strong evidences? I can't deny the water & food synchronised effects I have been suffering. I see evidences that others are suffering various effects. Wellington district has 4 different water treatment plants which treat the water in different number of chemicals. Everyone has different situations and are effected in different ways.
If they are wrong or lying then we are harmed/hurt/hindered by fluoridation, but if we are wrong no one is harmed (as long as they address the artifical causes of increased tooth decay).
As for people who say the water looks pretty clean/clear/pure, well added fluoride is colourless and odourless and tasteless (though a source says it has a slight bitter taste).
The claim that the added fluoride "disassociates" when/after put in the water is extremely disputable/dubious. "Complexation of fluor in water into non-biological active forms of fluor." The fluoride ions &/or anion substances that they claim fluoride disassociates into could still harm/hinder/effect/disrupt parts of our brain and body.
A nutrition book says that "the most respected minds" admit that some people are (more) sensitive to fluoride.
Some water naturally has "too high" fluoride levels, which proves that too much fluoride can be harmful.
The medication prosac has fluoride in it.
1080 also has fluoride in it.
Anything that stops us from being our best is harmful.
"More than 4,200 health and science professionals  have signed the Professionals' Statement calling for an end to Water Fluoridation."
"10% of NZers are medicated...."
A water filter company claimed that fluoride effects blood vessels / micro-vessels.
A nutrition books says "toxic effects begin to appear" at "45000 mcg" intake of fluoride, and though it is claimed this is for a "daily" intake surely it keeps accumulating in our bodies over years/life.
As to claims that fluoride is expelled quickly, well it still has a half life of at least hours or day or days, and people eat at least every 6 hours during the awake part of the day, and by before the effects lessen we have to eat again.
Fluoride is deposited in some organs or glands.

Does tiny NZ think it knows better than the EU (except for Ireland and 10 percent of the UK)?

The "cheap" "cost" option is not always the best. They are wrong to put their cost over other human value. And it may not really be cheap in a wider view, since fluoridation may be causing other problems.

"Mandatory" "Community fluoridation" & "leveling dental inequalities" sounds alot like "socialised health" and communism and leveling and mass medication. (Elite pushing down & people pulling down.)

2b. Christians and fluoridation:
Some christians may say to us that they think we are wrong biblically because the bible says "man doesn't live by bread alone", and "food passes through and out", and "God/Jesus protects us from deadly poison", and "don't let anyone judge you by what you eat and drink", etc.
Our reply is that the  bible is not necessarily clear in being for or against fluoridation. There are also verses which imply being against fluoridation. Possible examples include:
Psalms 69:21 says "They also gave me gall (a poisonous plant) for my food. In my thirst, they gave me vinegar to drink." And they gave Jesus gall or wine/vinegar mixed with myrrh on the cross.
Wormwood water in Lamentations and Revelation/Apocalypse, and blood water in Revelation/Apocalypse seem very similar to fluoridation.
When it says don't let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink (Col 2:16) this includes not judging us or forcing us (and you are forcing us if you don't disagree with the mandatory fluoridation).
The cup and wine of the harlot Babylon might also relate to fluoridation. (She also sits amdist many waters.)
"What father asked for water gives a scorpion?" "Blessed are you if you give even a cup of water in my name."
"I was thirsty and you gave me".
"They shall thirst no more" (Rev 7:16).
The 7th church city Laodicea was a centre of Asclepius god of medicine worship.
Marah "bitter (water)".
Fluorine atomic mass 18.99 = 3 x 6, atomic number 9 = 18 = 3 x 6.
The Greek word for "witchcraft" is Pharmacia.
The Bible says they shall have strange diets in end times.
Daniel's food test.
Jesus would not force it on us.
"Do unto others as would have done to you", "Love your neighbour as yourself".
River of Life. Living water(s).
Jeremiah 8:14 "for Yhwh our God has put us to silence, and given us water of gall to drink, because we have sinned against Yhwh." 9:15 "Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink." 23:15 "Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall...."

3. Fluoridation is so forcing it on/in people:
Cleaning running water is an unavoidable daily essential necessity of daily life, and the public tap water is a monopoly. In my "city" there is no other clean water anywhere near here.
It is not true that they are not forcing it and that we have options. Below I show how some of the main "options" are not so easy for disadvantaged people:
- Getting a water filter is not such an easy option. Some filters don't take the added fluoride out. Some filters put bad in. Some filters take the good nutrients out. There are tap fittings difficulties. It costs to replace cartridges every so often. We can't carry bottles of unfluoridate water around everywhere. Also, some of the filter companies I've looked into seem to be allied to the people doing the fluoridation. If the filter doesn't take the fluoride out we have no way to be able to prove it to others. We are forced to have to get a filter but no one will help us to.
- Distilation costs alot of power, and takes time. You don't get alot of water per distilation. It takes the good nutrients out of the water.
- In my "city" there are not anymuch bottled water options. Most of the bottles are small sizes. Most come in pet(e) # 1 bottles which have endocrine disruptors. The government made it law that they don't have to say in labels whether it is fluoridated or not. Some spring water is naturally high in fluoride. The few good size bottle ones I tried all seem to have similar effects to the tap water. It costs alot. We can't cart heavy bottles from shops to home. No one will take away empty bottles. Opure said to me "most bottled spring water is really tap water". Also, the Bible says 1/3rd of all "springs" turned to wormwood, which could include bottled water.
- Rain water is not an easy or possible option for some of us. My backyard is to small collection area and is insecure having neighbours close on three sides just over the fence. My flat roof and gutter is connected with flats on both sides.
- Shifting to an unfluoridated area or to somewhere near a spring or to a rural area is not so easy or possible option for some people.
- Boiling it doesn't get the fluoride out. And it takes time and uses power and you don't get alot of water. Some say boiling makes it worse?
- Freezing it doesn't get the fluoride out, and it take time etc.
- Some cities like mine don't have any artesian fountain/spring. There is none in my "city", the nearest is in next "city" about 15 km away, and those of us who don't have a car can't keep carting 20 litres of water by hand/foot/trolley/train every week.
- Iodide for detox is not easily available except in salt which we can't consume much of. Kelp is not available in supermarkets only in organic shops, and it is very expensive for small amounts.
So because water is an essential necessity, and because the water service is a monopoly and there are no other water services, and because the other options are not so easy or possible or genuine as people claim, disadvatnaged people are forced to either eat/drink (& wash in) the fluoridated water, or to starve & thrist and die. Water is not the only essential necessity they have targetted because they know it is essential, compare smartmeters.
If people are not able to take care of their teeth, and if the authorities and "experts" are not able to deal with the root issues like the heaping of sugar in foods, then how are we supposed to be able to get our own water options in a disadvantaged situation?
If they can't live without sugar, how are we supposed to live without water or live with effects of fluoridation?
"Elite rulers loading people with burdens grievious to be bourne that they [the elite] won't even touch with their little finger."
The NZ government uses the words "mandatory fluoridation" which seems to me pretty like force.
Some other countries say they stopped or banned fluoridation or have never done it because of issues about "personal liberty" or "freedom of choice" and it being "unethical", "compulsory (mass) medication", and it violates "bodily integrity".
Fluoridated water is not like other supplements such as iodidised salt or folic acid in bread. People can easily avoid iodised salt, and/or bread, but they can't easily avoid fluoridated water.

4. How to achieve a change:
Although the onerous or burden of proof should be more on the fluoridationists' part unfortunately it is not, and unless someone is able to strongly scientifically prove that fluoridation does harm or hinder body or brain health or abilities, then we can only try to present the strong evidences case which we have above to either the "elite" (mps, councils, DHBs, etc) or the people. (Over the years there have been various publishings of body/brain harms/hindrances that fluoridation causes but for some reason they are not enough to stop the forcing of fluoridation.)
We can try to give the evidences case to the "elite" on the chance that they are genuinely doing it because they misbelieve that it is the easy answer to tooth decay, but they might not accept it if it is not "studies" presented by "experts". If they are really secretly/lyngly doing it on purpose for bad reasons then they won't accept it either and it would be a waste of time trying anymore to convince them with evidences and arguments.
If the elite won't accept the evidences then only way we can achieve a change is to get the truth out to as many of the people as possible. We can try written word, but most people are not readers and are not intellectuals, so we may need spoken word not written word, and we need an instinctive and emotionally appealing and psychologically appealing form. Some people only care about the harms to children or the environment. To get the info out to many people we need mass media, and/or regular activism and meetings, and leaflets/posters/stickers/billboards etc.
Other options might include Money power. Forming a community.
Please share this with anyone you can. (That is not like a chain letter because chain letters have nasty fear threat of curse if people don't pass it on.) Feel free to adapt and use the evidences in any activist means of distribution.
Though the problem is people might just get filters (not that I am sure they are genuine) and not care about anyone else.
For myself, whether this works or not I have no other options but to keep trying to have faith in God that he will solve this and other injust mean cruel hell slavery problems. If there is no God or if he doesn't answer (if I don't have faith) then I will have to starve and thirst to death or slay myself because I am not able or willing to accept being a fluoridated brain slave (and other things I've been suffering) for the rest of my so-called "life" however short or long I have left.

Note that this election in 2020 I've seen/heard that National and Labour are profluoridation. Act is claimed to be for "freedom" but Act's leader said he was profluoridation a few weeks ago. The Greens were profluoridation when I asked them a few years ago.
NZ 1st is said to have been against the new bill.
Social Credit did say to me after I asked them that they are against fluoridation, but their written policy that they gave me a link to doesn't actually say so, it just says they are against compulsory medication and compulsory treatment?
Advance say they will submit the issue to public referenda in each district.
So if this article doesn't make any change to the 4 main pro-fluoridation parties then we need to get the truth out to people.
(Obviously we can't just vote for or against anyone only on this one issue though. Though the parties doing fluoridation also tend to be doing other wrongs too.)
Edit note: Its after the election now and sadly half of NZers voted labour back in and a quarter voted National, and Act got 10 seats. That over 3 quarters of NZers voted the same old proven bad 4 main parties shows how hopelessly "dumb" NZers are including so-called "christians".

Under the present old system the regional council and city councils act on recommendation of the Ministry of Health, and the councils might only change if a majority of people petition them.
From what little I've seen about the new proposed act so far it seems that under the proposed new act the decision is with the central government and with the DHBs?
Both these systems have problems.
It is not easy for many of us to get information to the masses, and the people are unfairly influenced by the media and demagogery etc.
The councils can't legislate about sugar in foods etc? The councils won't listen to people unless they present "studies" by "experts" or unless there is a majority.
The DHBs can't legislate about sugar in foods etc. There is no guarantee that they will look to the real root causes and not just use fluoridation as a convenient easy solution, and/or that they won't be doing it on purpose for bad reason.
From the Ministry of Health's past-present record they are evading the root causes and either using fluoridation as an easy solution or lyingly doing it on purpose for bad reason.
Only the central goverment and parliament can address some of the root causes such as sugar heaped in foods, etc. But if the mps won't listen then it is not easy for many of us to get a majority of NZers to press for a change.

"Education about diet and cleanliness" is a good thing. But we need to hurry up with solutions because meanwhile we are loosing precious days and years being hindered and harmed by forced fluoridation every meal every day.

Personal note: For myself I am asking you "elite" to please stop forcing fluoridated water on and in me, or if you won't then to at least tell me what filter or other option is best (though I am sceptical that filters really work because if the "elite" are so evil and lying to force fluoridation brain slavery they surely would also lie about filters too).

Final note: Yes, I know there are also a number of other problems in the world too that we all need to seek answers to (see some of my other articles on them). But this is also an important issue that also needs an answer.
Yes things could be even worse, and some people in the world and history may have been suffering some worse things, but it doesn't mean the mean cruel hell things we are suffering are not bad.

* Even if they stop they have ruined our trust in them.

* Note: Some readers who have some expertise have given me information that the old claim that fluoride helps bones (helps prevent osteoporosis and helps maitain maximum calcium in bones) has since been proven untrue.

Fluoride Free NZ (prev Fluoride Action Network NZ).
David Cory 'NZ Nutrition & Your Health.
Sedgeford Archaeological Society paper
NZ Ministry of Health
Newspaper review of That Sugar Book.
Skeptics in the Pub
Taranaki Court Case records
Chris Laidlaw, Greater Wellington regional council
Upper Hutt City Council
Capacity (now Wellington Water)
Pears Cyclopedia
Pastor Chris Finlay
Opure bottled water private correspondence
Fluoride packet labeling
Fluoridated toothpaste labeling
Water treatment plant signs.


Appendix: Quotes from science and reference books on fluorine and fluoride:

"Fluorine ... toxic ... highly reactive ... a most powerful oxidizing agent." - Larousse/Longman.
"Fluorine ... the  most chemically active of all the elements." - Nelson's.
"Fluorine ...  a halogen ... the most reactive element known. ... a vigourous oxidizing agent which will even oxidze chloride ion and water." - Collin's.
"Fluorine ... halogen ... it is very reactive and combines with most elements.... It is acid. ... etches glass... volatile silicion fluoride." - Pears.
"bone progressively takes up fluorine from water percolating through deposits" - Pears.
"Fluorine ... pungent corrosive gaseous element ... extremely active chemically...." - Oxford.
"Fluorine ... extremely reactive ... combines withpractically all elements" - Readers Digest.
"Fluorine ... higly toxic.... As the most electronegative element, it is extremely reactive: almost all other elements ... form compounds with fluorine. ... proved difficult and dangerous to separate from its compounds, and several early experimenters died or sustained injuries.... ... corrosve hydrogen fluoride.... Global fluorichemical sales amount to us $ 15 billion a year. ... organofluorine poisons that deter herbivores." - Wikipedia.
"Elemental fluorine is highly toxic to living organisms. Its effects in humans start at concentrations lower than hydrogen cyanide's 50 ppm.... ... as well as liver and kidney damage...."

"is taken up by glucose-requiring tissues such as the brain and most malignant tumours" (See "A full-body PET scan" picture at in section "PET scanning" where can see it in Brain & in Prostate/Kidney area.)

"Halogen ... They are all poisonous. They are all oxidizing agents. They react vigoiurously with metals and hydrogen." - Collins.
"Halogen ... the term halogen means salt-producer". - Pears.
"Halogen ... they are reactive gases or liquids" - Longman/Larouse.

"the fluoride ion resembles the hydroxide ion. Fluoride contributes a distinctive bitter taste." (Biblical word "wormwood" means "bitter"?)
"Toxicity : Fluoride ion"
"Soluble fluorides are moderately toxic: 5–10 g sodium fluoride, or 32–64 mg fluoride ions per kilogram of body mass, represents a lethal dose for adults. One-fifth of the lethal dose can cause adverse health effects...."
"Ingested fluoride forms hydrofluoric acid in the stomach which is easily absorbed by the intestines, where it crosses cell membranes, binds with calcium and interferes with various enzymes, before urinary excretion."
"insecticides containing inorganic fluorides."
"Most current calls to poison control centers for possible fluoride poisoning come from the ingestion of fluoride-containing toothpaste. Malfunctioning water fluoridation equipment is another cause: one incident in Alaska affected almost 300 people and killed one person. Dangers from toothpaste are aggravated for small children, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends supervising children below six brushing their teeth so that they do not swallow toothpaste. .... Most had no symptoms...."
"Hazard maps for fluoride in groundwater". "groundwater resources that are heavily contaminated with arsenic or fluoride."
"Concentrated fluoride solutions are corrosive. Gloves made of nitrile rubber are worn when handling fluoride compounds. The hazards of solutions of fluoride salts depend on the concentration. In the presence of strong acids, fluoride salts release hydrogen fluoride, which is corrosive, especially toward glass." - Wikipedia.
"Fluoride spill eats concrete" - 2nd hand news item.
Fluoride is related to iodide : there is a morbid condition from too much iodide.
Fluoride is related to bromide which supresses mental excitement.

"compound of a halogen with a more electropositive element or radicle". - Longman/Larouse.
"Metal Halides tend to be ionic". - Collins.

Sodium fluoride (which is one of the 4 types they put in water):
"Sodium fluoride ... used as ... an insecticide." - Penguin.
"Sodium fluoride Danger poison-toxic by ingestion" - packaging.
"Sodium fluoride ... toxic" - packaging.
"Sodium fluoride ... poison" - packaging.
"Sodium fluoride ... Keep out of reach of children. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a poison control center right away. ... do not swallow...." - toothpaste label.

"Fluorophosphoric acids ... have been suggested as nerve-gases for chemical warfare as they inhibit the enzyme choline esterase" - Readers Digest.

Hydrofluoric acid:
"Hydrofluoric acid ... highly corrosive and poisonous ... used in etching glass" - Longman/Larouse.
Hydrofluoric acid ... corrosive fuming liquid. attacks glass and is used for etching glass." - Penguin.
"Hydrofluoric acid burns" - Wikipedia.
"hydrofluoric acid, which could eat its way through glass, or to aqua regia, which could eat through anything else."

Sodium Fluorosilicate:

(Hydro)fluorosilicic acid:
"(Chemical) Hazchem ... Caustic soda ... hydrofluorosilicic acid ... chlorine gas ... in emergency dial 111 fire brigade" - water treatement plant wall/door sign.

"1080 is the common name for Sodium fluoroacetate, a highly toxic and non-discriminatory pesticide"
"warning 1080 poison sodium fluoroacetate ... do not touch ... deadly to dogs"

""Bromides!" the word rang ominously on Greg's hearing.  Otherwise dope. Strait-jackets had evidently given way to more efficient methods."

Monday, September 25, 2017

Origins of Islam?

Origin(s) of Allah.

The conventional theory is that Allah comes from Al-ilah "the God" and the Arab god Ilah "God" and is related to biblical El/Eloah/Elohim "God" and Phoenician/Ugaritic/Canaanite El/Il. However, Christians dispute that Allah is the same God as Yahweh/Elohim/Adonai in the bible. Allah is singular, Elohim is plural. A popular theory is that Allah was a "moon god" like El is in Ugaritic. However I am not sure whether Allah does (only/wholly) come from Al-ilah/Ilah.

There are a number of extant theories/claims for the origin of Islam including:
- From Judaism/Bible. (Longman-Larouse.)
- Mohammed was an offended Christian who started his own sect/religion.
- A Papal conspiracy. (Chick Publications / Crusader Comics. Compare Babylon mother of all harlots in Revelation/Apoclaypse. The Koran mentions a victory of Romans in Surah 30.)
- From Petra/Edom.
- From Indian empire/emperor. (Inner Traditions?)
- From Egyptian religion.
- From Nestorianism.
- One of Muhammad's sources was a Syriac or Arab monk Sergius the Monk or Baeira/Bahira/Pakhyras, and he was either Nestorian or Nasorean or Gnostic or Jacobite or Arian.
- From religion of Abraham, & Ishmael, & Fitra. (Koran.)
- From Moon god.

I had did a brainstorm to see if I could find where Allah comes from and came up with these candidates:
Biblical: Ala-mahozim ("god of forces/fortifications", Daniel)?* Eloah/El/Elohim/Eliyon "God"?* Mahalalel ("the blessed god")?* Halleluyah? Deir Alla (Balaam)? Ararat? Lilith? 666/616 (Allah, Bismallah, Maometis, 99 names)? Helel "Lucifer" (Isaiah)? Aila/Aelana (Elath/Eloth)? Havilah? Delilah? Zillah? Al Ab (Father)? Baal?
Phoenician/Ugaritic/Canaanite: Aleion?* El/Il?*
Italian/Roman: Pope St Adeodatus/Deusdedit 1 (615-618)?* Adaloald (616-626)? Arian (Unitarian)?* De ira "from the wrath" (Pope Gregory)?* Alleuia/Alleluia (Gergory)?*
Greek/Classical: Atlas/Atlantis?*
Hittite: Alalus?
Syria: Alalakh?
Mesopotamian: Alala? Irra/Erra? En-lil/Ellil?* Ilu/Anu/An (god/heaven)?* Allatu (Ereshkigal/Ninkigal)? Iraq? Lahar?
Arabian: Ilah/Al-ilah/Allah/Allahoma?* Al-lat/Al-ilat? Alif/Aleph/Alpha? Bismallah? Abdullah/Abdallah (Mohammed's father)? Hilal (god of new moon)? Halal (Muslim version of kosher)? Ha'il?
Egyptian: Ra (sun god)?*
Norse/Germanic: Allah found in a Viking inscription?
British: Alanus (Nennius)?* Alla/Aelle/Aelli/Aella (Sussex, Deira)? Aslan "lion"?
Indian: Ila? Aila "son of Ila"? Anila? Aryan?
Slavic: Ilya ("Elijah")?

It looks to me like Allah comes from a clever combination of Arab god Ilah, and Roman Alleuia or De Ira or Arian or Adeodatus or Atlas/Atlantis (which may be the beast in Revelation). The Arab god Ilah may come from El/Il/Ilu or Enlil/Ilu.

Enlil is an interesting candidate. Helel "Lucifer" in Isaiah possibly comes from Enlil (Sumerian) / Ellil (Akkadian/Semitic) / Ellel (Hittite/Hurrian). Though some people think El came from Enlil.

I like quite a few things about Islam/Muslims, but I don't think it is wholly true compared to the bible, and I think it seemingly has human or spiritual/angelic origins.


Jesus? Ishi? Aish/Ish? Esau? Aysh? Aiysh? Jesse? Isra(el)?
Iswara? Mahisa? Ishmael? Isaac? Isaiah?
Isis? Sia/Say? Shu/Yshsh?
Ea/Ia? Istar?

Mohammed (Ahmed "Paraclete" (595-) 609/611 (-622-625-632)) :
Ham? Moses? Alamahozim? Baphomet/Sophia? Prophet (like Moses)? False Prophet? 666? Mammon? Maimonides? Lo-ammi? Haman? Hamor? Moab? Benammi/Ammon? Milcom?
Miamon? Memnon?

Stella Maris? Jesuits?
Mary? harlot Babylon?

Badr (Beder) :
Abaddon? Bard? Pandera? Hadar? Peter? Bethel?
Badrig/Patrick? Badarn/Padarn/Patern(us)? Bedivere? Bede?

Mesha? B...? Meshech? Massah? Mithkah? harlot Babylon?
Makeda? Mahra? Macae?

Sheba? Kefa/Cephas? rock/stone (Daniel)? Bethel? Shetiyah? Eve/Chava?

Koran (Quran) :
Koren "horns"? Korah? Qumran? Keturah? Quirinus? Logos?
Dhul Qarnain (Alexander)?
Acoran/Abora (Canary Is)?

Islam (Muslim Mussulman Mohammed rock) :
slavery? submission? Aslan?
Shalom? Isra(el)? Ishmael? Lamb Dragon (Earth Beast)? White Horseman?
Elam? Iran?
Musa? Salaam? Iram/Irem?

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Being One & Loving Each Other

"God" (Yhwh) & Yeshua wants us to be One with Him and with each other (and to love one another) because it is a so much more most amazing best thing for ourselves and others, rather than being not one  (dualistic/schizoid) and being alone. We need each other. When (1) we are one with Jesus & with God then (2) we are One with each other [like i say/think/feel "I Am (being) ((one) with) God/Jesus (and i am One with others (Sean, Matthew, Ian, dad, Eric, Andrea, Pada, Philip, neighbours, etc))"] then we suddenly can see ourselves and others how God/Jesus sees us & them and we will see and have Love for another. ("The Word was with God and the Word was God"?) The other day when i suddenly had this experience and suddenly saw it i sucked in my breath, then screamed-like "no, no", and heard Jesus words "that you may be one, as we are one", then really cried so mournfully and hurtfully seeing myself and others, and then so wanted and prayed to be One. Please try to see. I was not just trying another way to "make" people care, or just "ranting" about the awful trouble(s). Afterwards i wasn't sure whether to tell anyone because i was scared that my motives might be mixed and partially wrong, but i thought/felt it was alright to tell because it was like i have to tell people because people have to know.

Just need to add: the focus is (I am) (being) one with Jesus/Yeshua.
Its him. Its like touching a live emotional electric current when it
happens. You feel His spirit/soul/nature/being, and see as he sees. The focus is the "First Love". This is also connected to "the love of many grow cold".

What is the source of Love? We can not make our selves love others, or make ourselves like the Word/Bible, only by being one with him (God & Yeshua the First Love) are we made like the Word ("the word becomes flesh", "law(s) written in our heart"). When we are One (or communion, = "touch his garment") with him we then intimately know his love for all others ("filled with his love") and his Will and his commandments, and will do the same works "Jesus" did.
Ehad "union/one/united" value 13 = ahaba "love" value 13. "That you may be one as we are one". "In him everything holds together." The West is more dualistic/schizoid (not-One) than the East. 666 is man becoming "gods" without God/Yah, and they can only reach 99.9 percent and "a form of godliness without the substance". The globalism / NWO / UNO ("one") / Atlantis Rising is all about a fake One-ness. See the book Two Be One by Ernest HJ Steed. The church is supposed to be a body and a community.

(The above is the more recent written version of this info. The following is the earlier first version.)

A possible revelation/insight that came from begging God to have mercy & save me from the hell i've been suffering, and/or from peoples prayers:
His name is "I Am".
1. One with Jesus, One with God, 2. One with Others (each other), 3. One with animals/plants.
("Love the Lord; and Love your neighbour as yourself."
"3 helps: self, others, God; 3 harms: self, others, devil".)
("As above (in heaven), so below (on earth).")
As opposed to (Western/European/Christian) dualism/schizoid.
God is in us, He/His power works through us, we are One with him (He is everywhere in universe), when we do things like making discoveries we can see it as being like experiencing something that is God not just us. (Not mean in any self pride sense; not mean in any blashphemy way.) No longer struggle with our bad (as separate individual to God). Abit less hard to believe and abit easier to believe.
Also, "I want you to have same/similar what i have".
(From friend Matthew saying it's God that does it not me.
"Don't know how to explain it".)
We "die with him [Jesus on Cross] and raised with him".
("What would Jesus do/see/say"?)
2a. "That you may be one as we (I [Jesus] and the father) are one".
("love one another".
Ahaba "love" numerological value 13 = ehad "one/union" numerological value 13.)
So why don't people care/love/help us? Why people don't care I'm being forced to eat bad harmful water every meal, every day? Why am i forced to either eat harmful water, or starve/die?
(God judged all 3 of Adam, Eve & Serpent, not just one.
What others do & what others do not do. Others can Harm/hinder or not, & others can help or not.)
When this realisation/revelation of one (with God/Jesus and with others "as we are one") & love (one another) flashes it easier and not so hard to love others because we see like the same as Jesus/God sees.
2b. Adam/man & Eve/woman, the 2 become 1, "This is a great mystery".
(Men often been too uncaring about their women partners, don't realise intimacy is give-&-receive full meaningful relationship.)
"Two be One". The exploited desire in "One World Government".
(The world elite's "One" of philosopher Plato.)
"Form of Godliness without the substance". (666 "man becoming gods (without God)".)

The corner stone / foundation stone (Jesus) is most precious. From friend Ian once saying about God taking away the sand and making rock, see the sand blowed/wiped away and most a precious stone/rock.

From the MoA (Messenger of Adonai), NZ.

Friday, March 17, 2017

the NZ Housing Crisis examined

The NZ Housing Crisis examined.

(This is intended as speech notes and as notes for a flyer/leaflet, or for a youtube video.)

Housing Crisis?
"Too few houses"
Too many people.
Too few people have too many houses and too many have too few.
Too expensive houses.
Too low income of some and too high income of some.
People don't care about anyone else.
Too much having to shift around.
Sub-urban subdivision madness.
Building houses policy causes some people trouble.
Other possible connections.
Our party the only one to address the real causes.

"Housing Crisis"?
Probably everyone in NZ has heard about NZ's "Housing Crisis" and the related building sites in a number of places around urban areas which was started under John Key.
But was/is there really a "housing crisis"? Did Winston Peters really "catch John Key out"? In this flyer we present some different ideas about the housing crisis which no one else seems to say, and we don't just make parliament laugh like Peters did.

"Too few houses":
No one is denying that there has been a bit of a so-called housing crisis in NZ in recent years, otherwise the government wouldn't have felt pressured to do something about it. I witnessed someone living in one new house just finished while they were building another new house beside it, which might suggest a major demand waiting list. In browsing I have seen thousands of views recorded for houses that I have looked at. I have been told by a friend that someone put a house on the market and there were hundreds of enquiries within just days. Certainly the NZ population of 3 million decades ago must have naturally increased somewhat, and there is also supposed to be an aging population (some "people are living longer"). My father told me that he was talking about building houses years/decades ago and they didn't listen and now they have this "crisis". Not many years ago they were preoccupied with plans to build a "Parliamentary Palace". However, it is our impression that this "housing crisis" is not wholly genuine but has some other seeming root socio-economic/political causes which we will now move on to discussing.

Too many people:
It is our impression that one cause of this "housing crisis" is that over the last number decades the NZ government has brought in a very large number of immigrants, esp from Asia and the Pacific. These immigrants surely have majorly increased the population, and then this population must have increased quite abit too through many births. (A friend told me that there is recently noticeably a lot of foreigners in Auckland esp in the church charity organisations.) There also seem to be plans for more such increase of population. On the train one time I heard two young student/corporate types talking about how certain NZ cities/towns infrastructures could or could not "handle a sudden increase of population". The thought arose "sudden increase from where"? This is seemingly all part of an organised globalist plan. Moreoever an Auckland transport/development advert on the net/web had pictures of urban/city devlepoment planning which gave impression of purposely copying ancient Roman towns/cities including craming houses all together (and also even an amphitheatre-like formation to the side). If we can not handle the population that we already have (eg housing crisis, unemployment, etc) then we should not be bringing more population in. (They did this in the UK, and now when they are still trying to force more refugees locals are saying "we can't, we are full". (There was a "world refugee week" a few months ago. UK has again recently changed the rules for workers/immigrants from NZ.) A couple of years ago Australia limited immigrants from NZ because foreigners were using NZ as backdoor to Australia.) This is not "racist", there are immigrants from Europe etc too. We simply have brought in too many people regardless of their racial identity.

Too few people have too many houses and too many have too few/little :
Aside from the too many people and too few houses cause, another reason for the "housing crisis" seems to us to be the fact that in the last number of decades there has been a growing gap between the rich and the poor, including in housing affairs. Lots of wealthy people in NZ own holiday homes (ie they two or more homes/houses). (I also came across a couple in the UK on a net forum who mentioned that they had a 2nd holiday home elsewhere in the UK, and they were talking of it still having the original lightbulbs.)  Quite a few rich have massive mansions with tons of rooms. There are also alot of rich people who own rentals properties. Bob Jones is said to own half the buildings in Auckland and/or in Wellington (he also has or had houses in Australia and UK). Meanwhile non-rich people struggle to even get a pitiful tiny place. "He who has 2 coats let him give to him who has none" - John the Baptist.
(Also, my father said quite a few times that he saw seemingly empty housing corporation nz places.)

Too expensive houses:
This is a part of the previous point. In looking for a house myself I have noticed lots of houses that have far too huge prices or rents (too huge for what they are and too huge for most normal people). One of the biggest I saw in Kelson was a million dollars! They call such places "executive" homes or similar names. Also the new Reserve Bank governor's new mortgage 20 percent deposit rule a couple of years ago has since made buying a house even more hard for non-rich people. They presumably will claim that this deposit rule was to stop people defaulting on payments, but we suspect that it was to make it harder for plebs to ever own their own home and always be paying rent, but at any rate even if it was not their intention it is still the result. There is the madness of houses being priced mostly by "location". Market rents are shockingly high for places like Hutt and Wellington. My flat was 60000 when I bought it (on a mortgage), now it is 150000 a decade later. In addition there is also the far too massive real estate commissions. When we buy a house several people (lawyers, bank, etc) get quite large sums of money from us for doing very little (and its like everyone gets piece of the pie). Interest rates on mortgages are also far too high. Even if/when they built all these extra houses some people still may not be able to afford to buy or rent them? There are said to be homeless people in the USA especially since Reaganomics and Clinton's benefit reforms.

Too Low Wages/Income (&/or too much money going out) of some and & too high income of some:
Another part of the previous point is that many NZers have too low income, while some have too high income. [We thought that Key's "housing crisis" was related to people who can afford houses, but the term "housing crisis" is also used in relation to homeless people. Does this mean Key's was building them cheap houses?] Many workers have too low wages. Alot of unemployed/beneficiaries have too low income or no income due to harsh "new right" benefit reforms, and banks have a "surplus" rule for mortgages with disqualifies low income people. Meanwhile many corporates have too high incomes/wages/salaries.

(People Don't Care About Anyone Else:
The fact that there are homeless people reflects bad on the people not just on the government and elite. Why isn't anyone offering people to stay at their places? And/or where are their families/parents/relations / whanau/hapu/iwi? Where are all these so-called "Christians" I keep hearing/seeing claims of? People are also too accepting, and also too apathetic.)

Too much having to shift around:
One more possible factor in this "housing crisis" is the fact that alot of people seem to have to shift around too much? There always seems to be alot of people shifting seemingly because of problems with the place where they have been living.
(Note also that NZ has been noted for poor heat insulation, though they have had an insulating old homes campaign the last number of years; and NZ houses are even more noted for poor noise insulation. I must also mention that I really disliked the practice of building houses on concrete pads flat on the ground, though they seemed to have raised concrete pads a little bit in more recent years?)

(Sub-)Urban madness:
Another part of this last point might be the bad practice of houses being cramed in all together in urban areas [Roman-style] rather than spreading out in places over the country/countryside. There is far too much of the bad practice of sub-dividing and craming even more houses close together. Even with John Key's new houses they are craming buildings in sections in urban areas. And of course everyone needs/wants to be living as close to the CBD as possible.

Causes Some People Trouble:
One other possible factor reason for the building policy might possibly be that this building houses causes noise etc problems for some people living beside/near the sites. (Peter Dunne talked of "positive disruption". Maybe abit like constant change, & DLS.) In my own journeying around I saw them crazily building houses next to retirement places. What sort of respect is that for retired people? (Though other people are no less important either.) I suffered about 3 years them building houses first in the ex-bowling club out back and then in the empty section out back. Of course some people may not mind the noise etc (I saw someone living in one new built house while they were building another new house beside it), but it does bother some of us.
("Crises" are also good distractions from other important issues?)

(There might also be a connection with the rebuilding after Christchurch earthquake, abit like Nero rebuilding Rome after the fire?
And also a connection with the insulating old homes campaign of the last number of years? And the renovating of Housing Corp houses of the last couple of years?)

Some of our points above are confirmed by that this housing crisis is not unique to NZ. There is/was also a "US Housing Crisis" , and a housing crisis in Ireland, both at about the same time as the one here. Apparently there is also one in Canada too. Also a housing shortage in Sweden "as migrants given priority". Another forum thread titled "Britain's housing crisis".

More confirmations I've seen include homeless people camping in Bunnings carpark (though this could possibly be a hoax). I've seen homeless people begging on the street in Wellington in recent years. A social worker from City Mission said there are people having to stay in hotels who have to battle with WINZ every week to get them to pay the rent.
A piddly little bach sells for 500000 in Martinborough .

Are we heading towards this sort of "corporate paradise" seen in Ireland ?

Our party is the only one which is speaking out and cares about the real root causes of the NZ housing crisis, and unlike the others we will address all the aforementioned causes.

This speech/video/flyer on the housing crisis is one of a series of speeches/videos/flyers in important national & social issues including
- the "housing crisis".
- Water fluoridation.
- Unemployment.