Joseph in the 3rd & 4th dynasty evidences

 This article is an attempt to show the quantity and quality of the matches evidences for Joseph of the bible having been in Egypt during the (2nd? or) 3rd to 4th (or 5th) dynasties of Egypt as opposed to the conventional chronology's placement of Joseph in the Hyksos period and Rohl's placement of Joseph in the (11th-)12th dynasty.

Centenarian / 110 yrs old match
7 yrs famine match
Joseph's store houses match
Goshen match
Rameses match
Jacob match & 17 yrs match & 3 wives match & Ephraim & Manasseh match
Zaphenath/Paneah (Joseph) match & Gold chain match*
Joseph (Zaphenath/Paneah) match & head of Joseph match & bones removed match *
Potipera priest of On match
Asenath match
Chariot & horses match
Hebrews/Semites in Egypt match
Potiphar captain of the guard match
Potiphar's wife match
Pharaoh match
New king who knew not Joseph match
"215"/430 years match
7 yrs plenty match
Joseph bought all money & cattle & land & lives for pharaoh match
Lion of Judah match
Jacob's couch
Journey to bury Jacob in Canaan match
Eternal mountains of Genesis 49 match
Shechem match
"Joseph was not a pharaoh" match
Vizier match
Joseph's 2 sons Ephraim & Manasseh match
Israel match
Machir match
United kingdom match
Dreams match
Sequential Egyptian-Biblical matches
Dates match

Centenarian / 110 yrs old match:
The bible says Joseph lived to a 110 yrs old. A 110 yrs old is a perfect old age in Egyptian culture so on one hand it can't be nailed to one period.
On the other hand there are a number of people in the 2nd/3rd to 4th/5th dynasties period who were centenarians &/or lived to a 110 yrs old including Imhotep (allegedly though unverified), Djedi (in the Tales of the Magicians or Westcar Papyrus). Some of these people also have similarities with Joseph.
Joseph as Zaphenath could match Sekhemhet whose name could mean "grey haired Son of a foreigner ruling overall" or "grey haired ruler over all" according to one source?
"106 yrs temples never opened" (plus 6 more years for Mycerinus makes a 112) in Herodotus may also match 110 yrs?
(100 store rooms of Sekhemhet complex?)
Pepi of the 6th dynasty may have reigned 64 or 94 years.

7 yrs famine match:
We have found possible matches for the 7 yrs famine in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties period including:
- The 2 droughts between the Ice Age(s) and the 1st dynasty in Cambridge Ancient History might match the ones of Abraham and Joseph in the bible, and they might have really been contemporary with the early dynasties?
- Old Kingdom legends claim the 2nd dynasty king Neferkasokar saved Egypt from a long lasting drought.
- The Bent Pyramid may represent the 7 yrs plenty and 7 years famine because: The lower half is wide and steep, the upper half is narrow and shallower angle; the lower half has big rocks, the upper half has small stones; the Pyramid is linked with Pi 3 & 4 (or 7); the area nearby is associated with St Joseph. Alford gave a good quantity and quality of evidences that the Bent Pyramid was designed not accidental.
- The 7 yrs drought/famine of Djoser/Zoser in the Sehel/Philae inscription. (Though critics dismiss this because the inscription only dates to the Ptolemaic period.) Djoser's pyramid complex is right beside that of Sekhemkhet who may match Joseph as Zaphenath.
- The 7 years famine is also found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, and it seems Gilgamesh was near contemporary to the 1st or 3rd dynasty of Egypt.
- The fire in the fire & flood of Surid in Masoudi's text?
- The Unas famine scenes which are beside the Step Pyramid complex of Djoser and beside the Buried Pyramid complex of Sekhemkhet (who may match Joseph as Zaphenath).
- The Qebeh "cool" name of ...'s pyramid might be from after the famine?
- The granaries found at Lagash might also suggest Joseph was around before then?
- See also the Storehouses match section.
The match of Joseph's 7 yrs famine with the 12 years flood in the 12th dynasty in Rohl's chronology is alot less quality match.

Joseph's store houses match:
There are matches for Joseph's storehouses in the 2nd/3rd to 4th/5th dynasties period.
Models of granaries in Old Kingdom tombs.
Wyatt found what he claimed to be grain storage bins in Djoser's step Pyramid complex. And sources also say that "inscribed stone vessels of the rulers of the first two dynasties were collected and deposited in storage galleries beneath and sealed off when the Step Pyramid of Djoser, a Pharaoh of the 3rd Dynasty, was built."
There are over a hundred storage rooms in the Buried Pyramid complex of Sekhemkhet (who may match Joseph as Zaphenath).
Other store rooms around the tombs of the 1st dynasty may have been put there in Joseph's time?
The "ambitious building program" or "considerable building projects" of Khasekhemwy?
Imhotep was an architect. (Imhotep's name may be an Egyptian rendering of Joseph's name.)
Some traditions thought the 3rd-4th dynasty pyramids were Joseph's store houses. Alford suggested water might be a solution to the mystery of the Great Pyramid's nature/function. Possibly the pyramids might have been designed to play somesort of a useful role during the famine to do with water or something?

Goshen match:
Goshen can't match Qesem/Phacus/Faqus in the n.e. delta because that latter only dates from the 26th dynasty? We also give alot of other reasons why Goshen, Rameses, Pithom and Zoan can't match the conventional northeast delta sites in our separate article/paper on this issue. Some of the reasons include:
- Goshen as the "best of the land" better matches Giza than the north-east delta.
- The bible says the Hebrews filled the land of Egypt, which fits better with a more central location of Goshen.
- Exodus mentions the Nile river which seems to be the main stem/trunk not one of the 7 mouths/branches.
Jacob who was in Goshen matches Khufu/Cheops who was in Giza/Agouza, and matches the shepherd Philitis "lover of righteousness" who was in Giza in the 4th dynasty according to Herodotus. Josephus said the exodus started from Letopolis (Sokhem) which is not too far away from Giza.
Some versions of the name Goshen (Massoretic) / Gesem (Septuagint) / Kessan (Artapanus) are similar to some versions of the name Giza/Gizeh/Er-ges-her.
All the 4th-6th dynasty tombs around 1/2/3 sides of the Great Pyramid look like they could be graves of the 70 souls who came to Egypt with Jacob and their near descendants, all centred around Jacob's/Khufu's Great Pyramid. I would suggest that the remains in these tombs should be examined to see if it can be determined if they are early Hebrews/Semites (Orientalid/Armenoid).
The Hebrews were still in Goshen in Exodus though it also says they filled the land.
Giza has tombs from the 4th to 6th dynasties (plus one from the 1st Intermediate Period).
Some of the 12th dynasty sites like Heliopolis, and Kahun/Lahun are not really that far from Giza, or are similarly in the same Middle Egypt vicinity.
There is some possible evidence that the 6th dynasty was near-contemporary with the 12th dynasty, see the Dates match section.
Additionally/alternatively the Goshen candidate of conventional scholars and of Rohl in the north-east delta of Lower (North) Egypt may have also had Semitic presence in the 12th-13th dynasty? The Hyksos found Avaris abandoned from previous occupants. 1 Chronicles 7:21-24 implies that sons of Ephraim/Manasseh were in Canaan during the 430 yrs when the other Israelites were in Egypt.

Rameses match:
In the story of Joseph in Genesis the Hebrews dwelt in the land of Goshen or Rameses, and in Exodus the Hebrew slaves built a store city Raamses, and the Hebrews dwelt in Rameses and the exodus started from there.
There are a number of reasons why Rameses/Raamses can not match the conventional location Pi-ramses(-meriamun) in the north-east delta of Lower Egypt. These reasons include:
- Piramses is only from the 19th dynasty which is too late for Joseph and Moses unless its use is an anachronism which is unproven.
- Rameses was a land, Piramses was only a city, though they try to claim that the surrounding land may have been called after the main city in it.
- The bible doesn't have any Pi- or Per-, only Rameses/Raamses, while the other name Pithom is supposed to have a Pi- (though it doesn't have a Per-).
The land of Rameses was another name for the land of Goshen, and we have shown in the Goshen match section that Goshen must match Giza/Agouza. Josephus said the exodus started from Letopolis not far away in the same Middle Egypt area.

Conventional scholars claim Moses can't be before the 19th dynasty when the first pharaohs named Ramses appear in king lists. But they don't also claim Joseph can't be before the 19th dynasty, they assume it is an anachronism in that case. So it could also be an anachronism in Exodus too. However, the bible doesn't even say for sure that the pharaoh was named Ramses, it only mentions a place Rameses/Raamses. Traditions have a number of names for the pharaoh of the Exodus. But if we assume a king named Ramses in or before the story of Joseph &/or Moses then there are possible evidences of a king named Ramses before the 19th dynasty.
The Book of Sothis king list has kings named Ramses before the Hyksos.
Herodotus has a king Rhampsinitis in/after the 12th (or "18th" or "19th") dynasty, and/or in/before the 4th dynasty and/or the 19th/20th dynasty. Some scholars think Rhampsinitis was Redjedef (4th dyn).
There are some other names maybe similar to Ra-mses "son/born of Ra/sun" in other king lists before the 19th dynasty, eg Mesoc(h)ris, Rayosis (Eratosthenes), name Ramses found in 3rd & 4th dyn sites (ref Hoeh), Pyramid (3rd-4th dyn), Moscheres (4-6 dyn, Eratosthenes), Se-ra "son of Ra" (4th dyn), Rimush (Akkadian, "6th dyn"), Rameri/Meryre (6th dyn), the son of Ra Sesostris 1, Ranmaat/Nema(at)re/Lamares/Labari (12th dyn), Imyremeshaw/Mermesha (13th dyn), ...mosre (13th dyn).
The reign of the god-king Ra/Re began in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th dynasty (Raneb, Rahotep, Reufu, Redjedef, Se-ra, 5th dyn sun kings).

Found candidates for a land/city of Ramses in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties when we place Joseph include:
- "Many historians have been puzzled by the fact that the name of Rameses should appear on so many of the building blocks that went into the early buildings of the third and fourth dynasties." (Though conventional scholars claim this is just from Ramses II who "stuck his name all over the place".)
- The name Pyramid(s) for the 3rd-4th dynasty buildings?
- Robert Palmer suggests Ra'amcc/Re'mcc/Reemshusha/Raemshemsu/Heruemshemsu "the worshippers of Re" is associated with An(eb) or Memphis, both 3rd-5th dynasty sites, though I couldn't find confirmation of this?
- Gaon matched Raamses with Ain Shams "eye of the sun" a suburb of Cairo built on top of the ancient Heliopolis (city of Ra).
Candidates for the Raamses of Exodus 1 in the (6th? &) 12th (& 13th?) dynasty when we place Moses may include:
Piramses(meriamun) (Qantir/Avaris/Daba, which the Hyksos found abandoned by previous occupants).
The temple of (city of) sun/Re of Sesostris 1 (Ain Shams/On/Heliopolis).
Pyramid(s) (Abu Roash to Giza to Abusir to Sakkara to Dahshur to Lisht to Meidum).
Ranmaat/Nema(at)re/Labari (Amenemhet 3 & Labyrinth).
"Ra founded Thebes, founded Piramses according to same plan".

Jacob/Israel match:
The conventional chronology claims that Joseph was in Egypt in the Hyksos period, and they cite 2 Jacob names in that period as supposed evidence. However, they have no really good matches for Joseph and Jacob etc in their supposedly contemporary period, and the fact that there are two Jacob names/persons in the Hyksos period (Yakub-her and Yakobaam) means that Jacob can't be both, and it also indicates that Jacob must have been before these two persons.
Shechem was founded in Jacob's time in the bible, and Shechem is mentioned in the 12th dynasty Excration Texts, so Jacob can't be later than the 12th dynasty.

In our own placement of Joseph in the 3rd-4th dynasties we find there is a strong candidate match for Jacob.
Jacob who was in Goshen or Rameses matches Khufu/Cheops who was in Giza/Agouza, and matches the shepherd Philitis "lover of righteousness" who was in Giza in the 4th dynasty according to Herodotus. The name Ramses is found in 3rd & 4th dynasty sites.
Jacob's and Khufu's names are similar: both have similar cob/kov/Khuf.
Jacob(-el)'s name means "(may El/God) protect" (compare Yaqub-har "the god Har watches over"). (Khnum-)Khufu's name means "protected (by the god Khnum)" or "(Khnum) protect me".
Both Jacob & Khufu are associated with 17 years. Khufu's highest year in verbatim contemporary records is 17. Herodotus' 10 & 20 years are also close to 17 years (rounded off).
Jacob had 2 wives & 2 concubines, but 1 wife died before he came to Egypt. Khufu had 2 or 3 or 4 wives. Clayton lists 2 named ones and 2 unknown wives/queens of Khufu, and his genealogical tree shows 2 or 4 spouses. There are 3 satellite pyramids beside the great pyramid which some say are of Khufu's wives/queens.
Jacob had 4 (+ 2 + 2) + 2 + 2 (+ Joseph's 2) = 12 or 14 sons. Khufu had a "rather large family". From various sources Khufu seems to have had between 6 to 9 to 15 sons. Clayton lists 6 sons, and his genealogical tree shows 5 of them. A couple/few other sources list some other sons of the king. There is also a similar number of tombs/mastabas on 1 or 2 sides of the great pyramid.
Jacob's body was taken from Egypt to Canaan to be buried. Khufu's mummy has not been found.
Jacob is associated with (Joseph,) Ephraim & Manasseh. Khufu is associated with (Djedefre/Sphinx,) Khafre & Menkaure. Khufu is also associated with Djedi in the tales of the magicians, and Djedi is similar to Joseph & Djedefre.
Jacob had 1 daughter Dinah. Khufu had a similar daughter.
Jacob is associated with the lion of Judah (Genesis 49). Khufu is associated with the Sphinx. He is also associated with the "eternal mountains" of Joseph in Genesis 49, which might match the pyramids? Jacob's Ladder has also been compared to the Step Pyramid and/or the Great Pyramid.
See also the Jacob's Couch match section below.
Jacob's date is ca 1800s bc. Khufu's conventional date has no real proof.
Some critics might say that sources say Sneferu and Hetephires were Khufu's parents and so Jacob can't match Khufu, however they admit in some articles that Sneferu & wife are only "most possibly" Khufu's father and mother.

There are also a few other names possibly similar to Jacob in the same 3rd-4th dynasty period, eg: Aches, Khaba, Khaibaw-sokar (3rd dyn), Ka-aper (the "Sheikh el-Beled", 4th dyn), Kawab (4th dyn), and/or Kbhw-ntrw?
Imhotep's father Kanofer might also match Jacob, since Imhotep's name may be an Egyptian rendering of Joseph's name.

Zaphenath/Paneah (Joseph) match:
Found possible matches in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5t dynasties period for the Zapenath/Paneah name of Joseph given to him by Pharaoh include:
Khasekhemwy (2nd dyn)?
Sneferu "the beneficent king"?
Djed Sneferu?
Saophis Comastes "trafficker, getter"?
Hu/Sphinx/Sheshepankh "eternal living image"?

The best most-likely match for the name & person Zaphenath (Paneah) is Sekhemkhet (Djoserty-ankh) of the 3rd dynasty who has a number of possible matches with Joseph/Zaphenath including:
- The name Sekhem(k)het is similar to the name Zaphenath(-paneah). Or the meanings of Zaphenath & Sekhemhet might be similar?
Sekhemhet is said to mean "powerful body" which might match Joseph being called "the all-comely" in a Jewish/Christian text?
- Sekhemhet is also called Djoserty-ankh. The -ankh is similar to the name Paneah (considered by some to be pi-ankh). Djoserty is maybe similar to Joseph?
- Pharaoh gave Joseph a gold chain or necklace of gold. Found in Sekhemhet's pyramid complex was a golden necklace or "hollow gold tube".
- Potiphera in the story of Joseph story might match Ra-hotep/Hotepra of the 3rd dynasty, and/or might match Hetep-ren in an inscription found in Sekhemhet's pyramid complex?
- Wyatt & others have shown that Imhotep & Joseph have alot of similarities. Imhotep's name is found in graffiti on/in Sekhemhet's pyramid complex.
- Sekhemhet is the supposed "successor" of Djoser, and his pyramid complex is beside Djoser's and looks as if a vizier's beside his king's?
"from earliest times viziers and other officials of important rank held the sekhem [scepter]".
Vizier is tjaty in Egyptian. Sekhemhet is corresponded with Teti by conventional scholars.
- One source claims Sekhemhet can mean "Grey haired Son of a foreigner ruling overall", which is similar to Joseph being a foreigner and placed over all Egypt and living to a 110 yrs old?
- Joseph's 7 yrs famine matches the 7 yrs drought/famine of Djoser whose pyramid complex is next to Sekhemhet's. The Unas famine scenes are also next to Sekhemhet's pyramid complex. Sekhemhet or the king in the king lists he is supposed to match reigned 6 or 7 years?
Sekhemhet's pyramid supposedly would have had 7 steps.
- Joseph's bones were removed by Moses. Sekhemhet's intact sarcophagus was empty.
- Jacob came to Egypt some years after Joseph did. Sekhemhet comes a little before Khufu/Cheops who matches Jacob.
- The 100/120/132 store/storage rooms/chambers/containers of Sekhemhet's pyramid complex may be some of Joseph's storehouses.
- 7 yrs plenty of Joseph might match the giant fennel branch on Sekhemhet's sarcophagus?
- Joseph married Asenath daughter of Potiphera priest of On (Heliopolis). Names found in Sekhemhet's pyramid complex include a nebty or queen name Sen-nebty, and a nebty or queen name Htp-ren(...)(nebty).
- Joseph rode in the 2nd chariot. Maybe compare the ramp of Sekhemhet's pyramid complex?
- Joseph: 70 souls. 70 days. Sekhemhet: His pyramid has a 72 degrees slope.
- Joseph: was in Pharaoh's/Potiphar's prison for 2 yrs. Sekhemhet: sekhem can mean "shut place, imprison".

Khasekhemwy might possibly be Joseph/Zapenath.
Joseph as Zaphenath seems to match Sekhemhet. Khaskhemwy's name is similar to Sekhemhet's.
Khasekhemwy's wife Nemathap is similar to Joseph's wife Asenath/"Ius-en-at".
The seated statue of Khasekhemwy looks as if he could be Joseph as vizier.
Joseph was Shemite/Sethite. Khasekhemwy has banner of Seth alongside symbols of Horus.
Joseph is connected with Djoser's 7 yrs famine. Seals at entrance to Khasekhemwy's tomb mention Djoser.

The 4 persons of the 4th dynasty & Giza complex Khufu/Cheops, (Djedefre/Sphinx,) Khafre & Menakure seem to match the 4 persons of the biblical family subsection of Jacob, (Joseph/Zaphenath,) Ephraim & Manasseh. The names Sphinx/Sheshepankh & Zaphenath/Paneah (p-ankh) are similar. The face of the Sphinx/Sheshepankh is thought to be either Djedefre or Khafre/Chephren, and it might match the head of Joseph/Zaphenath of Genesis 49, and/or the Sphinx might match the lion of Judah of Genesis 49. (The Sphinx could be both the head of Joseph and the lion of Judah because the messiah is connected with both.) The sphinx is connected with dreams like Joseph is. Another name of the Sphinx is Hu which might be related to Huni whose name is maybe similar to Paneah/Puh-nee'uh?

A king of the 4th dynasty in one king list is Saophis Comastes who is called a "trafficker, getter" which may match Joseph who built storehouses, and who bought all the money & livestock & land & bodies for pharaoh.

Joseph (Zaphenath/Paneah) match:
We showed above that Joseph as Zaphenath may match Sekhem(k)het of the 3rd dynasty. There may also be 1 or more other matches for Joseph in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties period.
Names or persons similar to Joseph in the times or places of the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties include: Houdjefa? Zosus? Tosorthros? Sepa? Djoser/Zoser? Imhotep? Djoserty-ankh (Sekhemhet)? St Joseph associated with the area nearby the Bent Pyramid? Joseph's Canal not far from the Bent Pyramid? Sofe/Souphis? Djedi? Djedef-re? Userkaf?

We found that Jacob certainly seems to match Khufu/Cheops. Other members of the 4th dynasty also seeming may match members of Jacob's & Joseph's family subsection. Ephraim may match Khafre/Chephren. Manasseh might match Menkaure/Mycerinus though we are not sure of this match. Joseph seemingly might match Djedefre/Redjedef who comes between Khufu/Cheops (Jacob) and Khafre/Chephren (Ephraim). "Djedefre's starry sky" recalls Joseph's dream. Djedefre's pyramid was not at Giza like the others which could match Joseph didn't dwell at Goshen with Jacob and co. Djedefre reigned about 7 yrs.
The 110 year old Djedi of the 4th dynasty in the Tales of the Magicans (Westcar Papyrus) also has some similarities with Joseph. Both lived to a 110 yrs old. Djedi's name is similar to that of Djedefre who we show may be Joseph. Djedi dwelt at Djed-Sneferu which is the Bent Pyramid area, and we have shown that the Bent Pyramid may connect with Joseph and the 7 yrs plenty and 7 years famine. In the Tales of the Magicians the person that goes to fetch Djedi rides in a vehicle similar to Joseph's chariot in Genesis.

Imhotep has alot of matches with Joseph (see our separate article on Imhotep). Imhotep's name may be an Egyptian rendering of Joseph's name.

Potiphera(h) priest of On match:
In the story of Joseph there is mentioned a Potiphera (Ke) (priest) of On (Heliopolis).
Conventional scholars have claimed that Potiphera would match the name Padipara "he who Ra has given" in Egyptian. However this name is pretty late, and their name match is not overly convincing, and they also have no actual person match in the Hyksos dynasties period that they claim Joseph was in in Egypt.
We place Joseph in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties. Candidates for the name &/or person Potiphar (or "Potiphar's daughter") in this period include:
Parinbara ("predynastic" inscription, Waddell)?
"Hutchef-rekhen of An" (ca 2nd dyn)?
Hotepher-nebty (a woman/queen of Djoser's reign, 3rd dyn)?
Hetep-ren[...]_nebty (a name found in the pyramid complex of Sekhemhet who may match Joseph as Zaphenath)?
Rahotep/Hotepra priest of On (3rd dyn)?
Rauser (a priest and the father of 3 of the 5th dynasty kings)?


Of the above seemingly good possible match for Potiphera priest of On is Rahotep/Hotepra priest of Heliopolis.
(Ra/Re is also Phra. P- "the" is a common prefix, though apparently it wasn't used in the earlier dynasties. A later Rahotep is also called Parahotep.) "It was suggested that Potipherah was a prince, not only a priest", and we find that Rahotep was also a prince.
Critics have scathingly asserted that Rahotep can not be read Hotepra because of modern Egyptologists established rules of Egyptian grammar etc. However this is highly disputable as there are plenty of good possible evidences that show we could be right and they could be wrong. Some older Egyptologists books do have the version Hetepre/Hotepra. There are Egyptian names with Ra/Re and/or hotep/hetep written at either or both ends, and with the 2 elements either/both ways around in relation to each other in Egyptian and in Hebrew/Semitic. Different nations may write in different directions too.
But I can't be sure of the match because I can't find confirmation that Rahotep had a daughter named Asenath &/or who married a Zaphenath/Joseph, though his daugter's name Sethtet could possibly match the name Asenath.
Zaphenath/Joseph married Asenath daugter of Potiphera. In Sekhemhet's pyramid complex was found a nebty name or queen name Htp-ren(...)(nebty), which is similar to Hotepra/Rahotep and "Potiphera('s daughter)"?
The name Hetepheres in the 3rd-4th dynasty is also similar to "Potiphera('s daughter)" or "Potiphar('s wife)".

Pa-rin-bara is similar to the orthodox Padipara (there is a d & r interchange within/between some languages like Hebrew). "Predynastic" remains may actually have been contemporary with or overlapped with the 2nd to 3rd dynasties. Store rooms around predynastic and archaic or early dynastic tombs might have been part of Joseph's storehouses.

Possible matches in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties period for Asenath daughter of Potiphera who Joseph/Zaphenath married include:
Ash_Nin-i /lady_Ash / Ha ("predynastic" inscripton, Waddell)?
Nemathap/Hepenmaat (wife of Khasekhemwy, princess of northern royal house, relief from Heliopolis, 2nd dyn)?
Satet in the 7 yrs famine of Djoser inscription?
Hotepher-nebty (woman/queen of Djoser's reign, 3rd dyn)
Rashaa (Imhotep's wife)?
Sen-nebty (a name found in the pyramid complex of Sekhemhet who may match Joseph as Zaphenath).
Djeseretnebti (name found in Sekhemhet's pyramid complex)?
Hetep-ren (a name found in Sekhemhet's pyramid complex)?
Sethtet daughter of Rahotep (who we showed is similar to Potiphera priest of On)?
Achethotep son of Rahotep?
Hetepheres (wife of Djedefre)
"Queen's Pyramid" (Bent Pyramid satellite)?
Arsinoe near the Bent Pyramid which we showed migth be connected with Joseph?
Rhodopis/Rud-didet (daughter of priest Rauser, and mother of 3 of the 5th dynasty kings)?
Nitocris of the 6th dynasty buried in 4th dynasty pyramid of Menakure?

Now we will give some reasons why someof these are possible candidates for matching Asenath:

Sen-nebty or Djeseretnebti or Hetep-ren are names found in inscriptions in Sekhemhet's complex, and we have shown that Sekhemhet has many matches with Joseph as Zaphenath. Sen-nebty is similar to Asenath. Hetep-ren is similar to "Potiphar('s wife)" or "Potiphera('s daughter)".

The "Queen's Pyramid" satellite pyramid of the Bent Pyramid satellite, and Arsinoe nearby the Bent Pyramid (3rd-4th dyn) are possible candidates for Asenath because the Bent Pyramid may represent the 7 years plenty and 7 years famine (as we have already shown), and Djedi who dwelt at the Bent Pyramid may match Joseph as Djedefre (as we have shown).

Hetepheres is a wife of Djedefre, and we have shown that Djedefre has good possible matches with Joseph. The name Hetepheres is similar to "Potiphar('s wife)" or "Potiphera('s daughter)".

Rud-didet who may match Rhodopis in Herodotus was a daughter of a priest Rauser, and mother of 5th dyn kings. Rauser is a priest similar to Potiphera, and we have found that the 5th dynasty kings might match with some of Joseph's or Jacob's sons or grandsons.

Chariot & horses match
Conventional scholars believe that chariots &/or horses were first introduced into Egypt by the Hyksos (15th/16th dynasty), and so they say Joseph and Moses can't be before then. However there are some evidences for chariots &/or horses before the Hyksos.
Rohl said they found some evidence for horses/chariots a little earlier than the Hyksos.
The chariots were all lost in the Red Sea crossing so that is partly why they haven't been found in Egypt.
Herodotus said the chariots/horses were lost/stopped use of in the reign of Sesostris (12th dyn).
Ramps in some Egyptian buildings like the Deir el Bahri may evidence wheeled vehicles.
Wheel-like glyph in some ancient inscriptions/texts?
There is a progressive increas of chariots/horses in the bible from the time of Joseph (2 chariots) to Joseph (unstated number of chariots & horsemen) to Moses (600 and the rest of the chariots of Egypt) to Moses (all chariots lost in sea) to Jabin (900 chariots) to Philistines had 30000 chariots in King Saul's time, to Shishak (1200 chariots and 60000 horsemen) to Zerah (300 chariots), and so there may have only been a few in the earlier times. Jabin seems to match the time of the Hyksos.
In the case of Joseph some have suggested that chariot may have been sedan chair.
The person that goes to get Djedi in the Tales of the Magicians (Westcar Papyrus) travels in a vehicle maybe similar to Joseph's chariot?
Ashkenaz of Genesis 10 is associated with horses later in the Bible.
Rohl suggested that the Merneptah Stele's association with chariots/horses implies a date of not before Solomon.

Hebrews in Egypt match
Contrary to conventional scholars claims that the Hyksos is the earliest only main period of Semites in Egypt, and that the Amarna letters indicate there were no Israelites in Canaan then, and that the Merneptah Stele is the earliest mention of Israelites in Egypt or in Canaan/Israel/Palestine, there are some possible evidences of Israelites in Egypt (and/or in Canaan) before then including:
- The Set(h) race of the 2nd dynasty? (Joseph was in the 2nd or 3rd to 4th or 5th dynasty.)
- The shepherd Philitis "lover of righteousness" at Giza in the 4th dynasty matches Jacob at Goshen who matches Khufu/Cheops at Giza.
Herodotus said the Egyptians hated the 4th dynasty Pyramid builders.
- I would suggest that the remains from the many Giza tombs should be reanalysed to see if it can be determined if they are early Hebrews/Semites (Orientalid/Armenoid).
- Set(h) the first of the 3 Hermes seems to match the Old Kingdom. (3 Hermes roughly match 3 Kingdoms of Egypt, and match the Jewish 3 reincarnations Seth, Moses, Samuel. Shem is sometimes also called Seth.)
- Asiatics in the First Intermediate Period (Clayton).
- Increase of Levantine names in the reign of Amenemhet 2 (12th dynasty).
- Lahun/Kahun/Gurob had a multiethnic/Asiatic population? and was suddenly abandoned.
- Possibly Asiatic/Semitic/Hebrew slaves in the pectoral of Sit-Hathor-yunet.
- Asher, Menti, Zabulanu, Jerusalem, Shechem mentioned in Middle Kingdom execration texts?
- Avaris abandoned by previous occupants before the Hyksos came.
The Hebrews were later confounded with the Hyksos, which indicates they were close-ish in time.
- The Sinaiatic "Canaanite" script of ca "1500" bc.
- The name Jacob-el in reigns of Tuthmosis & Ramses 2/3.
- Ta Shasu/sasuw Yehua(w) Aamu/hemu "Jhw/Yahu (in the land) of the Shoshu" / "Schasu of Yahweh" in the Soleb inscription of Amenhotep 3 implies Hebrews already in Canaan then.
- The "name Israel [in Canaan] is mentioned on Berlin statue pedistal relief 21687 dated to about time of Amenhotep 2 (or Ramses 2)", which shows they were already in Canaan in the 18th or 19th dynasty.
- "The ark of the Aamu"?
- The Habiru or 'amelut sagaz Mesh' "people of the rebel Mesh" of the 18th dynasty Amarna letters could be refering to contemporary Israelites named after Moses of a few hundred years before? The Amarna letters could be anytime down to David's taking Jerusalem, not just down to Joshua. There are matches between the Amarna letters period and the time of David, see our separate article on this.
- 104 Asiatic names from Amarna west?
- Israel was already in Canaan in the Merneptah Stele.
The Hyksos can not match the Hebrews because:
- The Hyksos were kicked out, the Hebrews were reluctantly let go and then pursued.
- An ancient source differentiates between the king shepherds and the captive shepherds.
- Two Jacob names in the Hyksos period seems to indicate that Jacob must be some time before them.
- The Hyksos period better matches the period between Moses and David, roughly the Judges period.
The Apiru of the 19th dynasty are called senen "knights" and they hauled stones for Piramses, so they can't match the Hebrew shepherds who made bricks for Raamses.

Potiphar captain of the guard match
Conventional scholars have claimed that Potiphar would match the name Padipara in Egyptian. However their name match is not overly convincing and they also have no actual person match in the Hyksos dynasties period that they claim Joseph was in in Egypt.
We place Joseph in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties. Possible matches for the name &/or person Potiphar (or for "Potiphar's wife") in these dynasties include:
Hotepdif (2nd dyn)?
Imhotep architect of Djoser/Zoser (3rd dyn)?
Rahotep/Hotepra leader of the warriors of the monarch?
Hotepher-nebty (a woman/queen of Djoser's reign, 3rd dyn)?
Hetep-ren[...]_nebty (a name found in Sekhemhet's pyramd complex)?
Djedefre or Djedefptah (4th dyn)?
Ptahhotep (5th dyn)?


Imhotep is perhaps a likely candidate for Potiphar. Imhotep's name is supposed to have been *Ja-im-hatap which if we reverse the hatap & Ja and omit the -im- might be similar to the name Potiphar? Some scholars have shown the close relationship of Joseph & Imhotep. If Joseph as Zaphenath matches Sekhemhet we note that Imhotep's name is found in graffiti on Sekhemhet's pyramid complex. Imhotep was an architect, vizier/chancellor, maker of stone vessels, etc. Potiphar's wife might match Imhotep's wife Rashaa?

Potiphar's wife match:
Candidate matches for Potiphar's wife "Zuleika" in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasies include:
Hotepher-nebty (a woman/queen of Djoser's reign, 3rd dyn)?
Rashaa (Imhotep's wife)?
Hetep-ren[...]_nebty (a name found in the pyramid complex of Sekhemkhet who may match Joseph as Zaphenath)?
Nefert/Nofret "beautiful, good" (Rahotep's/Hotepra's wife)?
Uba-aner's wife (Tales of the Magicians, Westcar Papyrus, 4th dyn)?
Dalukah (legendary 3rd/4th dyn queen)?

The most likely candidate is Imhotep's wife Rashaa, if it is possible that Imhotep could match Potiphar.

Two stories very similar to the story of Joseph and Potiphar's wife are the 4th dynasty story of Uba-aner's wife in the Tales of the Magicians, and the story of Gilgamesh and Ishtar in the Epic of Gilgamesh, both of which date to about the same time we place Joseph in. Another similar story is that of Bata and Anpu's wife, but this only dates to later times and we don't know the date of the events in the story.

Pharaoh match:
The pharaoh/king in the story of Joseph in Genesis is unnamed and is only called Pharaoh. In the story there also occurs the place name Ramses, and there also occurs the name Raamses &/or Rameses in the story of Moses in Exodus, and in the latter case they assume it means a king named Ramses.

Pharaoh: The name/word Pharaoh is said to be known in Egyptian kings records from time of either the 12th dyn or Tuthmose 3 or Akhenaten or Merneptah or Siamun. Since the Torah is supposed to have been written by Moses this could fit with our placement of Joseph in the 3rd-4th dynasty, with the name pharaoh being an anachroism, though the name pharaoh may not have been a major title in the 12th dynasty, so the use of the name pharoah in the story of (Abraham &) Joseph (& Moses) could be an anachronism put in by later writers. On the other hand though there are some possible evidences for the name pharaoh existing before the 12th dynasty, eg:
Herodotus has a king Pheros in/after the 12th (or "18th" or "19th") dynasty and/or in/before the 4th dynasty or the 19th/20th dynasty, which fits with our placement of Joseph in the 3rd-4th dynasty and Moses in the (6th? and) 12th dynasty.
Some traditional sources suggest that pharaoh was known from the earliest dynasties, or that it was a name of the 1st ruler of Egypt? Josephus had Pharaohs [from Menes?] until Solomon/Shishak.
Waddell also claimed Sumerian inscriptions or Indus inscriptions (read as Sumerian) or early Egyptian inscriptions (read as Sumerian) contain a word that matches Pharaoh?
Pirua of Peruvian king lists is also similar?
The name Pharaoh is supposed to come from Egyptian Pr/Pr'o/Pr'3/Perao/Peraa/Paruw'ar or Aaperti "great house", but there might be a possibility that it may come from the name Sneferu which is variously written Snfrfrw / Snprfw/Snprvw/Snprby/Snprvu/ Snpfv / Snprf/Snfrw//Snprb/Snprv/Snfrv/Snfr(w) / Snpw or Snaphru/Snef(e)ru, or Sen-nefer, or from Khafre/Chephren/Ephraim or another later ruler's name? Sneferu heads the 4th dynasty just before Khufu/Cheops (Jacob).
Or the name Pharaoh might be connected with the name Phra/Ra/Re? The god-king Ra's reign began in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th dynasty (Raneb, Rahotep, Reufu, Redjedef, Sa-re/Se-ra, 5th dyn sun kings).

Ramses: See the Rameses match section.

The pharaoh of the Joseph story might match Djoser or Ser/Surid.
Djoser is the pharaoh in the 7 year famine Sehel/Philae inscription, and his pyramid complex is next to the one of Sekhemhet who may match Joseph as Zaphenath.
Surid of the 3rd/4th dynasty has a few similarities with the pharaoh of Joseph: He is associated with a dream, he is associated with fire & flood (which is similar to plenty & famine), and he was "300 yrs before the Flood" like Joseph was "215" or 430 yrs before the exodus. (430 is 2 x 215; 300 is 2 x the 150 yrs in Herodotus.) The names Djoser/Zoser/Ser and Ser/Seris/Soris/Surid may be the same?

New king who knew not Joseph match:
Exodus says there arose a new king who knew not Joseph (or who didn't recognise what Joseph had done), and this might also imply that the line of Joseph intermarried into the line of the pharaohs?
We place Joseph in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties, and Moses in the (6th? and) 12th (and 13th?) dynasty.
The 12th dynasty is a new Kingdom (Middle Kingdom), new capital (Thebes/Itjtawy), new dynasty, and new king.
The Amenemhet 1 took the name Wehem-meswet "repeater of births" "implying that he was first in a new line".
Joseph may match Imhotep who was not recorded after his lifetime until the 18th dynasty. (Imhotep's name may be an Egyptian rendering of Joseph's name.)
Some assert that Exodus implies that the new king is immediately before Moses and the exodus which would mean that the pharaoh of the exodus would have to be he first king of the dynasty. But the bible doesn't say how long or short there was between the new king who knew not Joseph and the pharoah of the exodus.

"215"/430 years match:
There is a dispute whether the length of time the Hebrews were in Egypt was ("a little over a 100 yrs" (Rohl) or) 215 yrs (Septuagint) or 400/430 yrs (Massoretic) (or "500 yrs" (Palmer)). We address this dispute in a separate short article in which we show that the 430 yrs opinion is the more likely to be correct one. Here we just give possible matches with our placement of Joseph in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties.
We place Joseph in the (2nd? or) 3rd-4th (or 5th?) dynasties, and we place Moses in the (6th? &) 12th (& 13th?) dynasty. The 1st Intermediate Period is a lacuna of uncertain length. There could be 215 or 430 years between our Joseph and Moses placements.
Surid of the 3rd/4th dynasty was 300 yrs before the Flood in Masoudi, which is similar to Joseph was "215"/430 yrs before the exodus. 430 is 2 x 215; 300 is 2 x the 150 yrs in Herodotus.
The events in the legend of "Horus (Behdeti of Edfu) versus the adversaries of Re(- Harakhty)" are said to have taken place in the year 363 in the reign of Re-Harakhty, and this story is similar to the el-Arish account which is similar the the exodus story. Ra's reign began in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th dynasty (Raneb, Rahotep, Reufu, Redjedef, Sa-re, 5th dyn sun kings).
Jewish sources place the Flood in 1656 am and the exodus in 2666 am, which gives a 1000 years from the flood to the exodus, which seems to match with 600 years from Abraham to Moses, and 430 years from Joseph and Moses. The Turin Papyrus gives 955 yrs from the 1st dynasty to the end of the 8th dynasty, while the Book of Sothis has 955 yrs from the 1st dyn to the 15th/16th dyn. The 1st & 3rd-8th Memphite dynasties may overlap the 11th-13th Theban dynasties.
"8 demigods for 217 years before 15 generations for 443 years before 16th dynasty" of Syncellus is possibly similar to the biblical 215 yrs Abraham to Joseph, and 430 yrs Joseph to Moses?
There are a number of evidences for that the 1st dynasty was ca 2000s bc. Herodotus said Menes was (1)1340 yrs before Seti, and Josephus said Menes was 1300 yrs before Solomon/Shishak, which gives a date of not less than 2300s bc for Menes and makes Seti & Shishak near contemporaries. Tacitus said there were only 4 phoenixes in Egyptian history, and he had 500 yrs for a phoenix lifespan. The 1st dynasty has to come after the Flood (and after Babel?) A date of ca 2000 bc for the first dynasty fits with the Joseph of ca 1800s bc being in the (2nd? or) 3rd to 4th (or 5th?) dynasties, and this fits with a length of 430 yrs in Egypt.

There are also a number of other evidences of early and long contacts between Egyptian and Hebrew cultures including:
- The Hamitic and Semitic languages are considered to belong to the same Hamito-Semitic or Afroasiatic or Erythraic or Adamic family.
- Egyptians and Hebrews both had circumcision.
- Some have thought that the Jewish Afikoman could mean "Hapi is found". (The golden calf has also said to possibly be the Egyptian bull god Apis/Hapi.)
- Both have a decimal numbers systems.
- Jews and Egyptians are both Mediterranean race.
- Egyptians and a.d. Jews both had a matrilineal system.
- The Sinaiatic inscriptions which are said to have verses similar to ones in Exodus contain a mixture/blend of hieroglyphics and archaic alphabetic script.

7 yrs plenty match:
- The giant fennel branch on the sarcophagus of Sekhemkhet (who may match Joseph as Zaphenath)?
- The flood in the fire & flood of Surid in Masoudi's text?
- The Bent Pyramid may represent the 7 yrs plenty and 7 years famine because: The lower half is wide and steep, the upper half is narrow and shallower angle; the lower half has big rocks, the upper half has small stones; the Pyramid is linked with Pi 3 & 4 (or 7); the area nearby is associated with St Joseph & Joseph's canal. Alford gave a good quantity and quality of evidences that the Bent Pyramid was designed not accidental.
- The Sphinx rain marks might be from plentiful rain for years?
- I heard from a second hand source that Cambridge Ancient History gave evidence that the Old Kingdom period was cooler/wetter?
- In the reign of Neferkara "the Nile flowed with honey" which some suggest may mean great prosperity like the 7 yrs of plenty (though the former was only for "11 days").
- The pottery vessels filled with grain and fruit in Khasekhemwy's tomb?
- See also the Storehouses match section.

Joseph bought all the money, livestock, land & bodies for pharaoh match:
Joseph may match Imhotep who was treasurer of the king.
A king in the 4th dynasty in one king list is Saophis Comastes who is called a "trafficker, money getter".
The ancient Egyptian feudal period was from the 4th to the 15th dynasty.

Lion of Judah match:
As we said in the Jacob match section and the Joseph match section, since Jacob matches Khufu/Cheops, the Great Sphinx may match the courching Lion of Judah of Genesis 49. The lion of Judah "shall go up", and looking from the front of the Sphinx we see Khafre's pyramid which was named "the great" rising above in the background. Also, the "sceptre shall not depart from the lion of Judah's feet", matching the Sphinx paws?

Jacob's couch match:
Jacob's bed/couch is mentioned in Genesis 47:31 & 48:2 & 49:33. Jacob matches Khufu/Cheops, and Jacob's couch might possibly match the gold/bronze metalic colour wooden bed found in the "tomb of Hetephires" at Giza?

Journey to Canaan to bury Jacob match:
Joseph journeyed from Egypt to Canaa to bury Jacob.
Joseph was in the 2nd/3rd to 3rd/4th dynasties.
The journey to Canaan might possibly match with evidence of Sahure found in Canaan?
Jacob matches Khufu/Cheops, and we note that Khufu's mummy has not been found.

Famine worldwide, all came to Joseph match
Genesis seems to say the famine was worldwide.
This may match the global air of the 4th dynasty as seen in the global geodesic information encoded in the Great Pyramid? (The 3 pyramids of Sipan in the Andean region also seem to be a copy of the 3 pyramids of Giza.)
The neolithic Danubians had a 7 yrs agricultural cycle. Egyptian wheat was found in Western Neolithic Swiss Lake dwellings built on dried up lake shores. Childe said Western neolithic corresponds with Merimde in predynastic Egypt, but the predynastic neolothic culture may have overlapped and been contemporary with the early Egyptian dynasties and feudal period?
The Peru drought of "2200+/-200?" bc may also be Joseph's and confirm an early dynastic date?

Eternal mountains of Genesis 49 match:
The eternal mountains of Joseph in Genesis 49 might match the pyramids?

Shechem match?
Simeon & Levi sons of Jacob slew the men of Shechem in Genesis.
Shechem appears in the 12th dynasty Execration Texts, and Shechem was founded in the time of Jacob in the Bible, so Jacob can't be later than the 12th dynasty.
One scholar suggested that the hacking up of Shem-re in the 2nd dynasty might match the sons of Jacob slaying the Shechemites in Genesis?

"Joseph/Jacob was not a pharaoh" match:
Some will object to our match of Sekhemhet with Zaphenath/Joseph and of Jacob with Khufu/Cheops because "Joseph was only a vizier and not a pharaoh, while Sekhemhet was a pharaoh", and "Jacob was not a pharaoh while Khufu was".

Joseph could be a king: Genesis 45:8 says "he has made me a father to Pharaoh".
Joseph was vizier. Pharaoh placed him over all the land and made him 2nd only to himself. He gave him his signet ring. Joseph rode in the 2nd chariot, they called abrech "bow the knee". He was adon "lord" over the land. He married a daughter of the (high) priest. He saved Egypt and made it great.
He had a silver cup. His brothers bowed to him (like in the dream), and they said to Jacob that he ruled over Egypt, and he was ruler over the Hebrews in Egypt. The "head of Joseph" in Genesis 49. Pharoah placed his brothers over his "cattle". His brothers were afraid of him after Jacob/Israel died.
The "eternal mountains" of Joseph in Genesis 49 might be pyramids (and "pyramids are supposed to be pharaohs' tombs"). He was placed in coffin.
"A new king who knew not Joseph" could imply that Joseph or his sons were married into the royal dynastic line?
(In the story of Bata and Anpu('s wife), which is similar to Joseph and Potiphar's wife, Bata becomes ruler/king/pharaoh at the end.)

Sekhemhet might not be a king: He is supposed by modern scholars to have been a king/pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty, but his name doesn't occur in any king lists, though conventional scholars correspond him with Teti in some lists, and the only support for him being a king is that he has a Horus name and a pyramid.
Sekhemhet is the supposed "successor" of Djoser, and his semi-pyramid complex is beside Djoser's and looks to me as if a vizier's beside his king's?
"from earliest times viziers and other officials of important rank held the sekhem [scepter]"?
(Sekhemhet could mean "Grey haired Son of a foreigner ruling overall" or "grey haired ruler over all"?)
The Egyptian King Lists might not be entirely accurate/honest about who was a king, and they might have included some viziers, lords, princes, heirs, co-rulers.
The Horus names of the 1st to 3rd dynasties could be names of lords? Pharaoh is supposed to mean "great house" and so dynasties might be like family/household relatives?

Joseph may match Imhotep who was not a pharaoh. (Imhotep's name may be an Egyptian rendering of Joseph's name.)

Khufu/Cheops might not have been a pharaoh. The 4th dynasty "pyramid builders" were said to be hated by the Egyptians according to some sources like Herodotus. Philitis who dwelt at Giza then & who the pyrmaids were named after is only described as a shepherd dwelling there.

Vizier match:
Imhotep's list of titles in one inscription are somewhat similar to Joseph's in the bible, which may indicate that they were about the same time if not the same person.
Vizier is tjaty in Egyptian, and we have shown that Joseph as Zaphenath may match Sekhemkhet who is corresponded by conventional scholars with Teti whose name is similar to tjaty?
Joseph as Zaphenath may match Sekhemhet, and we find that "from earliest times viziers and other officials of important rank held the sekhem [scepter]"?

Joseph's 2 sons Ephraim & Manasseh match:
Candidate matches for Manasseh in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties are: Menkaure/Mycerinus? Minkhaf? Menkauhor? Manishtusu?
Possible candidate matches for Joseph's 2 sons Ephraim & Manasseh in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties are:
Khasekhemwy "the 2 powerful ones appear"?
Sen-nefer "2 energies/beauties"?
2 pyramids of Sneferu at Dahshur?
Khafre & Menkaure?
Manishtusu & Rimush?

As we said briefly in the Jacob match & Joseph match sections, the 4 chief persons of the 4th dynasty and the Giza complex Khufu/Cheops, (Djedefre/Sphinx,) Khafre/Chephren & Menkaure/Mycerinus seemingly may match the 4 persons of the biblical family subsection of Jacob, (Joseph/Zaphenath,) Ephraim & Manasseh (though we are not sure about the last one).
The face of the Sphinx/Sheshepankh is thought to be either Djedefre or Khafre/Chephren, which implies a family resemblance between Djedefre & Khafre.
Jacob put the younger son Ephraim before the elder son Manasseh, and we see that Khafre comes before Menkaure.
Jacob said Ephraim "greater" and Manasseh "great". Khafre's pyramid name means "the great" and his pyramid is larger, while Menkaure's pyramid name means "the high one" and his pyramid is smaller and aligned slightly off centre.
Jacob put Ephraim before Manasseh, and he adopted his favourite son Joseph's 2 sons in place of Reuben & Simeon. This matches with that Khafre is called Suphis (Khufu/Cheops) II in Manetho's king list.
Ephraim means "(doubly) fruitful (bough)", and Manasseh means "one who causes to forget" or "forgetting". Khafre/Chephren mean "the sun-god (Ra) rises shining" or "appearing like Re", and Menkaure means "eternal are the realities of Ra" or "eternal like the souls of Re". It is our own opinion that the meanings of the 2 & 2 names are similar, and in any case the Ephraim & Manasseh could have had slightly different names/meanings in Egyptian & Hebrew.
Manasseh had a Syrian concubine named Asriel. Menkaure had 2 unknown wives plus his wife Khamerenebty (nebti can mean 2 ladies), and he is also flanked by 2 women in a statue and one of them has a foreign like nome sign above her head.
Ephraim & Manasseh are also similar to Rimush & Manishtusu of the Akkad dynasty of who it is said "... speculation ... that the two were twins, as in: man istusu? rimus! "Who is with him? His beloved!" A picture of Manasseh looks maybe similar to a bust of Manishtusu? The Akkad dynasty is supposed to be contemporary with the 6th dynasty of Egypt, but the synchronism is uncertain because  it depends on context and possible time gap between 6th dyn & Ebla and/or between Ebla & Accad. Sayce said the Lagash dynasty was synchronous with the 4th-6th dynasties of Egypt because they both had the same architectural measurement quantity. If it is Lagash 1 dynasty then it may confirm Akkad & the 6th dynasty are contemporary, but if it is Lagash 2 dynasty then the Akkad dynasty could be before the 4th/5th/6th dynasty, and so Manishtusu & Menkaure & Manasseh could be contemporary.

Israel match?
Jacob was also named Israel which name is supposed to be from sarah-el/sarita-'im-Elohim "God rules/contends/struggles/prevails/power", or Isra-El "pagan god Isra + El/god", or is-rea'-El "man-friend of God". (Israel is also called Jeshurun.)
Possible matches for Jacob's name Israel in the 3rd-4th/5th dynasties are: Sarjak/Salhuk? Hesyra? Shaaru? Ser/Seris/Surid? Sneferu? Hem-netjer-Iset "priests of Isis"? Isis (Great Pyramid)? Er-ges-her? Se-ra/Sa-re? Userkaf? Sahure? Sargon/Sharrukin ("6th dyn", though might be before the 4th-6th dyns)? Restau/Rostau/Rosetta?

Machir match?
Joseph saw the children of his grandson Machir.
Candidates for Machir in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties include:
Mycerinus/Menkaure? Bicheris/Baka(ra)? Menkauhor?

United kingdom match?
The bible implies that Joseph was placed over the whole of Egypt.
Egypt seems to have been united in the late 2nd and the 3rd-5th dynasties period in which we place Joseph. Though the 1st-2nd Thinite dynasties might overlap with the 1st & 3rd-8th Memphite dynasties.
Imhotep of N & S Egypt. (Imhotep's name may be an Egyptian rendering of Joseph's name.)

Dreams match:
Joseph seems to match Imhotep who is also associated with dreams.
Surid of the 3rd/4th dynasty had dreams similar to the Pharoah in the story of Joseph.
The Sphinx is connected with dreams similar to Joseph was.
We have already shown that Djedefre may be Joseph, and that his pyramid's name "Djedefre's starry sky" might recall Joseph's dreams?

Sequential Egyptian-Biblical matches
The conventional chronology implies that other sequential Egyptian-Biblical matches support their Joseph during Hyksos match.

11th/12th dyn - patriarchs ("1900s" bc)
15th/16th dyn (Hyksos) - Joseph/Jacob ("1700s" bc)
15th/16th-19th dyn (400 yrs) - 430 yrs Jose to Moses
18th dyn (Amarna) - "Israel not in Canaan"
19th dyn - Moses/exodus, Israel, Philistines ("1300/1200s" bc)
20th dyn - Philistines/Saul
21th dyn - David (1000s bc)
22nd dyn - Shishak (900s bc), Zerah
25th dyn - So, Tirhakah, Assyrians
26th dyn - Necho (600s bc), Hophra
27th & 31st dyn - Persians.

However, when we investigate each of these we find that a number of them are weak and wrong.
They have no match for Biblical before the 11th or 12th dynasty, and they have the patriarchs and Joseph to late in overall Egyptian history (while they are earlier in overall bibical history), and they have to fit 11/12 dynasties in between the Flood and patriarchs.
They have Egyptian chronology too long/old and Biblical too short/late.
They have no proof of Joseph & associated persons during the Hyksos period. Indeed they admit they find no trace of Joseph in Egypt [then].
The Amarna texts could fit any time down to when David took Jerusalem, not just down to Joshua.
The San tablet of 400 years from Hyksos king to 19th dynasty king they themselves now claim that there is no Hyksos king name only a god name, and many also claim that it is 215 not 430 yrs from Joseph to Moses. If there is a Hyksos prince name, then the 400 years could better match the 480 years from Moses to Solomon than the 430 years from Joseph to Moses.
They admit they can find no trace of Moses and the exodus in their 19th dynasty placement.
It is admitted that their "1300" or "1200s" placement of Moses conflicts with the bible's placement of 480 years before Solomon (900s bc) or ca 1400s bc.
Their "exodus in the 19th dynasty" is too close to the Merneptah Stele.
They have less than 480 years from their "exodus in the 19th dyn" to "Shishak/Shehsonk". (Though they try to dismiss this by saying it may be 12 generations rather than 480 years.)
They admit they can find no traces of Joshua's Jericho in their Iron Age strata placement.
They have Saul, David & Shishak spread over 3 dynasties.
We show in our Shishak article that the match of Shishak with Sheshonk is weak, and the only pillar they have that is supposedly difficult to disprove is the association with the Assyrian king list. Their Zerah match with Osorkhon is weak.
The names match of So with Shabaka/Sabaco seems dubious.
Meanwhile others have found better Egyptian-Biblical matches in earlier dynasties. Tentative table of better matches:

1st dyn - Abraham?
3rd-4th dyn (Khufu) - Joseph (Jacob)
12th dyn - Moses/exodus
15th/16th dyn Hyksos - between Moses and David
15th-19th (400 yrs) - 480 yrs Moses to Solomon
18th dyn (Amarna) - David, Agur?
19th dyn (Ramses 2) - Shishak
21st &/or 22nd (& 23rd) dyn - Zoan & Noph?
21st or 22nd dyn - So
22nd dyn - Phoenicians, Assyrians?
25th dyn - Tirhakah? Assyrians
26th dyn - Necho, Hophra
27th & 31st dyn - Persians

We can not fit all the details of all the matches in this article. See separate articles of mine and others (including Rohl, Down, Wyatt, Courville, Velikovsky, Hoeh, etc). In this article we show that Joseph better fits the 3rd-4th dynasties rather than the Hyksos period. In our Shishak article we show that Shishak could match Ramses 2, and So could match Psusenes or Shoshenq or Osorkhon.

Dates match:
Joseph's ascribed biblical-based date has ranged from 1980 bc, to 1876 bc, to 1749/1727-1658 bc (Jerome), to 1706 bc (Usher, Oxford), to 1657/1635 bc (NWT), to 1647/1621 (Compton)? to 900 bc (PSBA)?.
Conventional scholars place Joseph in the 15th-16th dynasty Hyksos period in the "1700s" bc.
The bible places Moses and the exodus 480 years before Solomon (& Shishak, ca 1000/900s bc), and Joseph 430 years before Moses, giving Joseph a date of ca 1800s bc.
So the conventional "1700s" placement is a bit too late for Joseph. (Though they try to get around this by saying the 480 yrs may be 12 generations. But this scenario is unlikely.)
We place Joseph in the (2nd? or) 3rd to 4th (or 5th?) dynasties period.
In the conventional chronology the 3rd & 4th dynasties have an ascribed date of "2600s-2400s" bc, and thus they assert that Joseph can not match either of these dynasties.
However, their ascribed dates of the dynasies are only theory they have no real proofs of the dates. All their "scientific" dating methods have problems and are unreliable (carbon dating, tree rings, regnal years, Assyrian king list, Siriadic/Sothiac, Venus tablets, Thera, "Shishak/Sheshonk", Apis bulls, etc). We can't give all the evidences against them here, see our separate paper on this. They have Egyptian too long/old and Biblical too short/late. If Abraham was in the 11th-12th dynasty as conventional chronology would have it then they have no matches with biblical before then, and they have to fit 10 or 11 dynasties in between the Flood and Abraham.
The 1st Intermediate period is a lacuna of uncertain length.
Conventional chronology has no Sothaic/Siriadic date for the Old Kingdom (though there was a claim of a newly found one in some news a year or two ago).
"Conventional" sources say that early dynasties dates may still be out by up to a 300-350 yrs (refs include Clayton, Wiki), and that the tendency has been to lower the dates. A number of decades ago the Old Kingdom dynasties dates were suddenly lowered by a few centuries or "400 years" from 3400 to 3100/3000 because they found/decided/agreed that some dynasties were contemporary or overlapped rather than all consecutive (though one source says that these two long and short dates are still current in the conventional chronology). This shows how "fluid" or flimsy the adamantly ascribed dates of the dynasties are.

Some alterative dating evidences include:
Herodotus said Moeris (12th dyn) was only 900 yrs before [Amasis 2 or Amyrtaeus] which makes him about the same date as Moses. (Herodotus also said the chariots/horses were lost/stopped use of in the reign of Sesostris (12th dyn).)
Shechem is mentioned in 12th dynasty Execration Texts, and Shechem was founded in Jacob's time in the bible, so Jacob can't be later than the 12th dynasty. Two Jacob names in the Hyksos period could imply that Jacob was before then?
Herodotus said Menes of the 1st dynasty was (1)1340 yrs before Seti, Josephus said Mees was 1300 yrs before Solomon/Shishak, which gives a date of not more than 2300s bc for Menes, and makes Seti & Shishak near contemporaries.
Tacitus said there were only 4 phoenixes in ancient Egyptian history, and he has 500 yrs for the lifespan of a phoenix.
The 3 reincarnations Seth (Shem), Moses & Samuel in Jewish tradition may match the 3 Hermes Set, Shu/Num & Thoth in Egyptian, which may roughly match the 3 Kingdoms Old/FIP, Middle/SIP & New/TIP in Egyptology? This would confirm that Joseph was in the Old Kingdom, Moses in the Middle Kingdom, and David in the New Kingdom.  
Rohl suggested that the Merneptah Stele's association with horses/chariots may imply a date of not before Solomon's time.

Some may object to our placement of Moses in the (6th? &) 12th (& 13th?) dynasty. But there are some possible evidences that the 6th dynasty was near-contemporary to the 12th dynasty, eg:
The Sakkara kinglist has Pepi (6th dyn) next to the last king of 12th dynasty.
Inscription of Pepi 1 found at Tanis, and statue of Mer-meshoi (13th dyn) also found at Tanis, which may suggest Pepi and Mer-meshoi are connected?
The Karnak kinglist has 6th dyn between 11th & 12th.
Ethiopian king list has Pepi/Piori next to or only 1/2/3 kings away from Amenemhet.
13th dyn is also associated with the name Neferkare (which was the other main name of Pepi 2).
Pepi may also be connected with Apepi/Apophis. An Apepi is attested as king's son in 14th dynasty, and an Apepi reinged 40 yrs in 15th dyn.
The Ipuwer Papyrus is dated to either the "FIP or SIP".
The 1st & 3rd-8th Memphite dynasties and the 9th-10th Herakleopolitan dynasties and the 11th-13th Theban dynasties could overlap.

Sneferu = Pharaoh?
Bent pyramid = 7 yrs plenty & 7 yrs famine?
Khnum-Khufu = Mighty One of Jacob?
Khufu/Cheops = Jacob?
2/3/4 wives of Khufu = 2/3/4 wives of Jacob?
Shepherd Philitis "lover of righteousness" = Jacob
Djedefre = Joseph?
Sphinx/Sheshepankh = head of Joseph/Zaphenath &/or lion of Judah?
Khafre/Chephren = Ephraim?
Menkaure/Mycerinus = Manasseh?
Giza/Er-ges-her = Goshen/Gesem/Kessan?
Pyramids = Eternal mountains of Joseph (Gen 49)?

Bible, Josephus, Jasher.
Joseph & 2nd/3rd/4th/5th dyns:
Wyatt, Moller, R Palmer, me, Hoeh.
2nd/3rd/4th/5th dyn / Old Kingdom:
Bey, Clayton, Keller, Westcar Papyrus, Sehel/Philae inscription, Cambridge Ancient History, F Raffaele.
Childe, Ipuwer Papyrus.

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