Arthur's battles in other sources
In the Historia Britonum of "Nennius" there is a list of 12 battles of "(King) Arthur" (these 12 battles are actually only 9 battle sites because 4 battles were fought in one of the sites). Arthurian scholars have come up wit various theories about this battle list: some have plotted location theories are for the 9 sites; some have claimed that the list is a composite made up of battles "lifted" from other sources. Some scholars have suggested that the battle list may have an earlier poem source. In our own researches we first found that the 8 of 9 battle sites certainly seem to match 8 of the 9 Saxons Shore sites of the Notita Dignitatum from Great Yarmouth (Glein) to Portsmouth (Badon), with them matching all in order which leaves us little doubt that it is surely right. We also later found a number of other sources lists also seemingly may match the HB 12 battles / 9 sites list (including the Pa Gur, and Gwallawg's battles, and the 12 monasteries, etc), and this seems to also confirm the "poem source" theory of others. Unfortunately various critics and skeptics have claimed that they can't see any matches of these other lists with the 12 battles of Arthur and the 9 SS sites (they also claim they dont see any good match of the 12 HB battles with the 9 SS sites), and our attempted write-ups and tables do not seem to be able to be understood by people. So the purpose of this page is to list many lists which seemingly might have some matches with the 12 battles list of the HB and the 9 SS sites. (4 asterisked lists we have not yet finished/done.) Our notes of possible matches wit the HB & SS sites are in square brackets after the sites in the lists (not exhaustive/finished yet.) We are not necessarily saying they all do match but we are sure that some certainly do. Among the more interesting are Gwallawg's sites.
2 battles of Badon (AC, Bullen)
2/3/4 matyrs:
Julius of Legions
Aaron of Legions
Alban of Verulam/St Alban's
Amphibalus of Winchester
2/3 rivers:
Thames, Severn, Humber, Dee
3 islands Britain:
Wight, Man/Eubonia/Buile, Orkney.
3 renowned cities (Beroul?)
Snowdon/Isneldone/Sinadon "snow hill"?
Caerleon "city of the legion"?
3 frivilous battles (Triads)
Godeu/Achren/trees [Caledon/Celli/Weald]
3 vultures of Ely (PG)
3 courts of Arthur
3 sons/provinces (HRB)
Locinus/Locrin/Loegria [Legionis/Richborough/Lucrinum/Patrick]
(Corineus/Cornwall) [Kent?]
Kamber/Wales [Camlan/Camelot? Gwal? Canterbury?]
Albanact/Albania [Guinnion/Dover/Downs]
3 arch bishops/flamens / provinces (HRB)
Legions/Dubricius/Tremounus Kambria/Wales
London/Guethelin Loegria & Cornwall
York/Sanxo Albania/Northumbria/Deira
3 several battles (HRB)
3 revolutions/elements/trinity (Hanes Taliesin)
3 prisons
3 Caer Oeth & Anoeth,
3 Gwen Pendragon [Guinnion/Badon]
3 Stone of Echymeint?
3 churches Padarn/Paternus:
first Maritime
middle Again's Cross
last Great
3 solemnities Padarn/Paternus (Vita Patern) :
kalends Nov
17th before kalends May
12th before kalends July
3 groups of Anglo-Saxon invaders:
Jutes Thanet/Kent/Wight/Hampshire Hengist
Saxons Sussex/Wessex/Middlesex Aelle/Cerdic/Port/Stuff
Angles East Anglia/Northumbria/Mercia Ida
"Frisians Dumfries"?
Franks Kent
3 petitions Patrick (HB)
3 rivers Tribruit?
3/4 battles Vortimer (HB, HRB, Evans, Arcus)
0/1/thrice west side Thanet
(Aegelsthrep/Aylesford 455)
1/2 super flumen Derquentid
(Crecganford/Crayford/Dartford 457)
2/3 Epsford/Kitscoty/Sethirgabail "slaughter" "Aylesford"
(Wippedesfleot/Ebbsfleet 466)
3/4 campo iuxta lapidem tituli ripam Gallici maris "Richborough"
(unnamed 473)
4/0/daily Thanet/unrecorded
(buried in brazen pyramid at entrance of Saxon port, at the rock were Saxons first landed, or in London/Lincoln)
3/4 cities 577 (ASC) :
1/2/4/5/6/7/8 provinces/capitals Roman Britain:
1 Roman Britain / Britannia
1 Prima
2 Secunda
3 Flavia
4 Maxima
5 Valentia
6 Vespasiana
7 Caledonia
8 Orkneys
4 battles at Dubglas/Linnuis
tetragrammaton (Hanes Taliesin) : y/i/j h w/v h
4 particulars that Patrick resembled Moses in (HB)
sons of Vortigern (HB, Eliseg) :
(4 Faust/Britu)
4/5 cities re/taken by Saxons in 571 (ASC) :
Bensington/Benson [3 Bassas/Reculver/Birchington?]
Aylesbury [Celdion/Aylesford? Agned? Glein?]
Egonesham/Ignesham [5 Guinnion/Dover? Agned?]
Liganburgh [6 Legionis/Richborough]
Bedcanford [Badon? Cerdicsford? Camlan? Brede? Brychan's?]
4/5 tyrants/beasts (Daniel, DEB, HRB)
1 Constantine/lion
1/2 Aurelius/Conan/lion
3/4 Vortipore/leopard
(4/3 Cuneglas/bear)
4/5 Maelgwn/dragon
4/5/6 nations/languages Britain (ASC) :
6 islands Arthur/Maelgwn (HRB) :
Ireland, Iceland, Gothland, Orkneys, Norway, Dacia/Denmark
7 Champions of Christendom/Europe
George/England/Dragon's hill
James/Iago/Spain/Compostela [Camelot/Legionis/Jago?]
Antony/Italy/Black Castle [Dubglas? Guinnion?]
7 kings/sons of Amalgaid baptised (Vita Patrick, HB)
7 saints lives mention Arthur:
Padarn/Paternus [Badon?]
7 servants/men of the porter:
1 Grynn
5 Gwrdnei cats eyes
7 Clust
7/8/9 Saints Brittany/Armorica/Letavia
(Clair/Nantes) [Glein? London? Eidyn? Agned? Badon?]
Malo [Dubglas/Maldon?]
Corentin/Cornouailles [Caledon?]
Samson of Dol(e) [Dover/Guinnion? Samuel/Eldol?]
Padarn of Gwenedeg/Vannes [Badon? Guinnion? metropolis? Bassas/Wantsum?]
Pol/Paulinus Aurelian(us) de Leon [Urbslegionis]
Tudwal/Treguier [Tribruit?]
Brioc [Bregion? Broceliande? Birchington?]
(8 Gildas) [Badon? Agned? Glein? Caledon?]
7 castles wall of Severus/Carausius (HB)
Saints relics (Vita Gurthiern) :
St Gurthiern [Glein? Guinnion?]
a part of the head of St Guenole [Guinnion/Badon/Dover?]
Tennennan [Tribruit? Trahannon?]
Guedian [Guinnion?]
Idunet [Badon? Eidyn?]
8 labours sons of Turein/Turenn
1 three apples Hisberna/Hesperides [Avalon?]
2 pigskin Tuis/Greece
3 Pexar/Persia [Bassas?]
4 two steeds Dobar/Sigar/Sicily [Dover/Guinnion/Eidyn]
5 pigs Easal/Asal, gold pillars
6 Falinis hound whelp
7 amazons Fincara
8 three shouts hill Midkena [Badon? glen Ailbe?]
(1)8 Bretwaldas:
0 Hengist
1 Aelle
1-2 gap / Cerdic/Natanleod
2 Ceawlin
3 Ethelbert
4 Redwald
5 Edwin
6 Oswald
7 Oswiu/Oswy
7-8 gap / Mercian/Offa
(1)8 Egbert
(5 boroughs)
Modena Archivolt:
Unnammed/Lancelot [Brancaster? Glein? Linnuis?]
Isdernus/Yd(i)er/Ider [Eidyn? Badon? companion of Patrick?]
Artus de Bretani(a) [Badon/Braddon/Bredenstone?]
a-Burmaltus/Durmalt le galois [Gwal? Martin le Grand? Camelot?]
Winlogee/Guinevere/Wenlowen/Gwendoloena [Guinnion/Dover]
middle/top: tower(s) [castellum Guinnion / Dover castro / lighthouse]
Mardoc/Melwas/Meleagant [Martin le Grand? Camelot?]
Carrado/Carados of the dolorous tower [Caledon? Cerdic? Camelot?]
Galvagin/Waluuanii/Gawain/decorated shield [shield of Guinnion?]
& Galvariun/Glaeshin [Cross of Guinnion? Caledon?]
9 months (Hanes Taliesin) :
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
9/7 emperors (HB)
1 Julius Caesar, mouth Thames/Dolobellus [mouth Glein?]
1 Julius Caesar, Trinovantum/Curia
2 Claudius/Orkneys/Moguntia
3 Severus/Gwal/Carun [3 Bassas/Reculver/Wantsum, "Severn"]
(Bassianus/Caracalla) [3 Bassas]
4 Carausius [4 Celidon? Rutupi?]
5 Constantius/Constantine, Cairsegont/Carnarvon/Minmanton
6 Maximianus/Martin
7 Maximus/Gratian/Aequantius, MonJovis/Cantguic/Crucoccident
8 Severus/Aequantius [Agned?]
9 Constantius [9 Badon?]
9/7 battles of Arthur (Pa Gur) :
(Wynthnaint? Mabon, [Banon,] Gwyn Godybrion)
1 Tribruit 1 [1 Glein/Yarmouth]
2 Eidyn 1 on the border [2 Othona/Dubglas]
3/4 Celli & Cuelli [4/3 Celidon]
4/3 Afarnach's hall / Paiach [3/4 Bassas/Reculver]
5 fastness/settlements of Dissethach [6/5 Legionis/Richborough]
6 mynydd Eidyn / Eidyn 2 [5/6 Guinnion/Dover/Edinburgh Hill]
7 Tribruit 2 [7 Tribruit/Lemanis]
8 uplands of Ystawinguin [8 Agned/Bregion/Anderida/Hastings]
9 Mon/Anglesey [9 Mons Badon/Portchester/Meon]
9/12 Saxon Shore forts (ND)
"1" Skegness
4 / 1/0 Branodunum/Brancaster
5 / 2/1 Gariannonum/Burgh/Caistor/Garieni [1 Glein]
1 / 3/2 Othona/Ludanbyrig/Limen/Bradwell/Maldon [2 Dubglas/Linnuis]
(London/Thames) [2 Linnuis/Dubglas]
6 / 4/3 Regulbium/Reculver/Baetasiroum/Bass [3 Bassas]
7 / 5 Rutupiae/Ricborough/legio augusta [6 Legionis]
2 / 6/5 Dubris/Dover [5 Guinnion]
3 / 7 Lemanis/Lympne/Stutfall/Romney [7 Trat Tribruit]
8 Anderida/Andred/Pevensey/Abulcorum/Hastings [8 Agned/Bregion]
9a Adurni/Portchester [9 Badonis]
9b Clausentum/Bitterne
"12" Carisbrooke
9/12/13/14 battles of Arthur (HB, LF) :
1 Glein
2/2-5 Dubglas/Linnuis
3/6 Bassas
4/7 Celidon
5/8 Guinnion
6/9 Legionis
7/10 Tribruit/Ribroit/Arderit
8/11 Agned/Bregion
9/12 Badon/Bath
11/13 Camlan/Avalon
14 Arthuret?
9 porters/watchdogs Ysbaddaden Bencawr (Culwch & Olwen)
9 men of Luthor/Liber son of Art?
9 hostages Niall
9 raised from dead by St Patrick (HB?)
9 worthies
9 yrs (Pillar of Eliseg)
islands Pliny/Plutarch?
bergos andros mona ricnea glessariae
10 sons Glywys (Saints Lives)
1 Gwynllyw/Gwynlliog,
2 Etelic/Etelicchion;
4/3 Poul/Pennichen;
5 Seru/Seruguunid;
6 Gurai/Gurinid;
7 Mar/Margan;
10 Metil/Crucmetil.
3/4 Pedrog alone no part
11 Consuls (HRB)
1 Morvid of Gloucester [1 Glein?]
2 Mauron of Worcester [2 Maldon/Dubglas?]
3 Anaraut of Salisbury
4 Arthgal of Cargueit
5 Jugein of Legecester/Leicester [6 Legionis/Richborough]
6 Cursalen of Kaicester [5/6 Guinnion/Dover?]
7 Kinmare of Dorobernia
8 Galluc of Salisbury
9 Urgennius of Bath [9 Badon]
10 Jonathal of Dorchester [Dover/Guinnion?]
11 Boso of Ridoc/Rico [Bassas/Reculver near Rutupi / Avalon?]
11/99 chapters/kings (HRB)
1 Brutus
2 Lavinia/Brutus/Kamber/Maddan/Ebrauc/Brutus/Dunwallo [2 Dubglas?]
3 Gurguintbrabtruc/Gorbonian/Capoir/Lud [2 London? Guinnion?]
4 Lucius [legionis?]
5 Maximus/Carausius [Caledon?]
6 Vortigern [5 Guinnion?
8 Aurelius/Ambrosius/Uther [Urbslegionis?]
11 Arthur
(15 Brutus)
(16 Jago/Sisilius) [legionis]
(17 Urianus) [Urbslegionis?]
(18 Gratian) [Glein? Agned?]
11 kings Bedegraine:
(Duke Eustace of Cambenet) [Camelot? Camlan?]
King Brandegoris of Stranggore [Branodunum?]
King Clariance of Northumberland [Glein?]
King Lot [2 London/Dubglas?]
King Uriens/Urience of Gore [Urbslegionis?]
King Idres of Cornwall [Eidyn?]
King Cradelment/Cradelmas of North Wales [Caledon?]
King Agwisance of Ireland [Agned?]
King Nentres of Garlot [Agned? Badon?]
King Carados [Caledon?]
(Sir Morganore, seneschal of the) King of the Hundred Knights (Pinel)
11 hundred acres (Pillar of Eliseg)
# battles Gwallawg (Taliesin) :
plain Lleenawg [1 Glein?]
Maw & Eiddyn / Clydwyn [2 Othona/Dubglas/London? 3 Celidon?]
3 Aeron [3 Bassas/Afarnach/Reculver?]
4 Arddunion "fortress height" [5/6 Guinnion/Eidyn/Dover]
5 wood Beit & 6 hunter Mabon [4/3 Caledon?]
7 Gwensteri subdue Lloegyr [6/5 Legionis/Richborough]
8 marsh Terra/Haearddur [7 Tribruit/Lemanis]
1 Agathes & 2 Brettrewyn [8 Agned/Bregion/Anderida]
end of wood Oleddyfein [9 Badon/Portchester?]
(Eiddyn) [5/6 Guinnion? 9/12 Badon?]
(Gafrain retreat Brecheinawc) [Avalon/Brychan's]
[Note correct numbering is uncertain but all are in the order of the text except for Agathes/Bretrewyn which was apparently displaced probably due to different chronological and geograpical orders of the battles.]
12 hides of land Arviragus?
12 portions land Carrum (Sts Lives).
Group of 12 poems?
12/20 Hen Ogledd "Men of the Old North"
1 Cynfarch/Urien/Rheged [Glein? Urbslegionis? Agned?]
2 ElidyrLydanwyn/Llywarch Hen Rheged [London? Eidyn?]
3 Cynfelyn/Cynwyd/ClydnoEidyn [Caledon? Eidyn/Guinnion? Othona?]
4 Dunawt/Pabo "Pillar of Britain" [Dubglas? Bassas? Pavloc?]
5 Gwrgi / sons of Eliffer [Eli/Legionis?]
6 Ceidyn/Gwendoleu [Guinnion?]
7 "300 swords/shields/spears" [Guinnion/Badon?]
8/8a TudwalTudelyd/RhydderchHen [Tribruit?]
9/8b Serfan/Mordaf
10/9 Elffin/Gwyddno/Gawrdaf/Garmonyawn [Guinnion? Eli/Legions?]
11/10 AedanUradawc/Gabhran [Agned? Camlan/Avalon?]
12/11 Elidyr Mwynfawr/Gorwst Priodwr [Eidyn/Badon?]
(13/12 Huallu & Dywanw) [Avalon?]
12 monasteries:
12/1 glyn Rosin / Hodnant [1 Glein? 2 Othona?]
11/2 Martrun / Cydweli [2 Maldon? 3/4 Caledon?]
& 10 Boducat/Bodiicat
9 Llangyfelach/Guhir [Fount guur helig?]
8/5 Raglan [3/4 Regulbium/Bassas]
7/6 Leominster / lann llieni [6/5 Legionis / lynn liuan]
6/7 Glasgwin [5/6 Guinnion?]
& 5/8 Colguan [3/4 Caledon/Weald?]
4/9 Repetun [7/10 Tribruit]
3/10 Croyland [Agned/Anderida?]
2/11 Bathonia [9/12 Badon]
1/12 Glastonia [Avalon? Guinnion?]
12/24/150 Knights Round Table:
1 Galahad
2 Lancelot/Lac [Camelot? Legionis?]
3 Gawain [Guinnion?]
4 Percy/Vale
5 Lionel [Legionis?]
6 Tristan/Lyons [Tribruit? Legionis?]
7 Gareth
8 Bedivere [5 Bredenstone/Badon? 7 Brede? Bedcanford?]
9 Blubrys
10 Lacote/Male/Tayle
11 Lucan
12 Plomyds
13 Lamorak
14 Bors/Ganys
15 Saser
16 Pellens
17 Kay
18 Ector/Maris
19 Dagonet
20 Degore
21 Brumeur
22 Lybys/Dyscophorlis
23 Alynore
24 Mo(r)dred
12/13 apostles/disciples (& evangelists) (Italy claims) (Bible, Vinci, Stowe)
1 Simon/Peter/Cephas/Antioch/Babylon/Rome
2 John/Ephesus
3 James/Iago/Compostela
4 Andrew/Patara
Matthew/Levi Bartholomew/Nathanael Thomas Philip
Jude/Thaddeus/Lebbaeus James/Alphaeus Simon/Zealotes
12a Judas/Iscariot
12b Matthias
12c Paul/Pavloc/Saul/Cavloc
12 months (Modena Archivolt)
12/10/7 Caesars/emperors
(0/1 Caius Julius "Dioneus" Caesar)
1 Octavian/Augustus Caesar
Caligula Caius Tiberius
4 Claudius
5 Neron Caesar
(Otho, Galba, Vitellius)
Trajan "Alexander"
12 chapters of battles Joshua (Higham)
18/12/4/2 signs/houses/constellations zodiac (Berosus) :
* 1 Leo/Sphinx
* 1 Taurus
1 Aries
* Aquarius
* Scorpio/Serpens/Aquila
12 crosses Eleanor
0 Harby Notts/Lincs
1 St Cath's Lincs
2 Grantham Lincs
3 Stamford Lincs
4 Geddington/Kettering Northants
5 Delapre/Hardingstone/Northampton
6 Stonystratford/Watling Str Bucks
7 Woburn Bedfs/[Bucks/Lond]
8 Dunstable Bedfs
9 St Albans Hertfs
10 Walthamcross Hertfs
11 Westcheap/Cheapside Lond/Berks
12 Charing Lond/Kent?
[?13] Wetsminster/Blackfriars.
12 thousand persons (Vita Patrick, HB)
9/12 sons of Cunedda (Harleian) :
1 Meriaun? [1 Glein?]
2 Osmail,
3 Rumaun
4 Dunaut [Dubglas? Guinnion/Eidyn?]
5 Ceretic [4 Caledon? Crucmaur/Cereticiaun? Cerdic?]
6 Abloyc [Avalon?]
7 Enniaun girt [Guinnion?]
8 Docmail [8 Bregion?]
9 Etern [9 Eidyn/Badon?]
The Book of Hours of the Virgin (of Ninnian)
11 British kings/chiefs (Claudius)
Clavdio Avgusto [Glein? Dubglas/London?]
Coligny calendar months:
Dumannios "darkest depths" nov/dec [Dubglas?]
Anagantios jan/feb [Agned?]
Giamonios apr/may [Guinnion?]
Edrinios aug/sep [Eidyn?]
Cantios sep/oct [Kent? Guinnion?]
route of boar hunt:
Cabals cairn
13 wonders of Britain
1 loch Lumonoy/Lomond
2 river Trahannon
3 Hot Lake "Badon"
4 Salt fountains "Badon"
Lynn Liuan
DuoRig Habren
Fount guur helig
Appled Ash
9 wind hole/cave
10 Levitating altar
11 Returning plank
Amr's tump
Cabals cairn
14 Cruc Mawr
13 treasures of Britain:
forts Hadrians Wall (ND)
14 battles Cadwallon/Cadwaladr
15 children of Brychan
1 St Ive/Johannes
2 St Endelion/Endelient
3 Menfre/Minver
4 Tedda/Teath
5 Mabon/Mabyn
6 Merewenne/Marham church
7 St Wenn/Wenna [Guinnion?
8 Keyne/Keyne [Guinnion?]
9 Yse/Issey
10 Morewenna/Morwenstow [Morwynion/Guinnion?]
11 Cleder/Clether/Brynach [Celidon? St Ledger? Bregion? Afarnach?]
12 Keri/Egloskerry
13 Helie/Egloshayle [Agned?]
14 Adwen/Advent
15 Lanent/Lelant [Clausentum/Badon? Avalon? Glein?]
(Dyfrig) [Dover/Guinnion]
(Afallach) [Avalon? Afarnach/Bassas?]
(Berwyn) [Bregion?]
17 British tribes/provinces/counties Roman Britain (OEC)
1 Cornabil/Danmonia
2 Durotriges/Dorset
3 Belgae/Venta
4 Atrebates/Calleva/Silchester
5 Regnii
6 Cantii/Canterbury/Kent
7 Trinobantes/London
8 Iceni/Venta
9 Catieuchlani
10 Dobuni
11 Silures/Isca
12 Dimetae/Dyfed
13 Ordovices
14 Cornavii
15 Co(r)itani/Lincoln
16 Brigantes
17 Attadini/Ottaduni/Votadini/Gododin
24 sons of Llwyarch Hen
24 kings
28/33/92 cities/flamens (HB, RoC)
140 churches city of lions/lyonesse
365 books/churches/bishops Patrick (HB)
many towered Camelot
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