Monday, November 30, 2020

before you cut someone off

Next time before you cut someone off or judge them for being "negative" just consider this:

how would you like to be forced to constantly always be hearing a ringing sound in your flat/house going all day and night every day and night for 3 years and have everyone purposely refuse to cooperate to find and stop it?

how would you like to be forced to eat and drink fluoridated water and food every meal every day and suffer the brain/body abilities/health hindrances and effects every day? (It is forced, bottled water and water filters are not so easy and genuine and good as people are lead to believe, and there is no way to avoid being forced to drink & eat it every day.)

how would you like to be in 40s and still always been single and all alone with hardly any real normal family and friends?

how would you like not being able to find out who your real grandfather was becuase relatives are too sensitive and authorities have too excessively unfair privacy laws?

how would you like to have friends and christians and family cut you off for being negative?

how would you like to have the police and mental health called in on you and to be forced under the mental health act and compulsory treatment for 17 months and be unfairly/untruly called a paranoid schizophrenic?

how would you like to be stuck in a bad accomodation situation and not be able to shift because of the housing crisis and because prices & rents are all too excessively high?

how would you like to be stuck in a corporate body company share flat situation, with neighbours problems? To have an attached neighbour who stomps heavily on bare wooden floor all day every day for 10 years? How would you like to be stuck in a small isolated place like Upper Hutt and New Zealand?

how would you like the power company and meter readers constantly messing you around for 3 years since the first smartmeters roll out, trying to force smartmeter on you?

how would you like tradespeople like plumbers and others mess you around for weeks/months/years refusing to do jobs so that it is very difficult to get need work done?

and many more such things present and past.

Well I have been suffering all these and more being done to me and yet no one seems to care or sympathise but some/many just instead cut me off for being negative. People can cut me off, but I can't cut off the mean cruel wrongs being constantly done to me by this regime and others.

I am sorry I speak/write negative but it is impossible for me to not say/write anything when suffering such awful constant wrongs being done to me and when I have hardly any positives. I can't help crying out and getting angry with such injust mean cruel wrongs. The only reason I have been negative is because I can't get them to stop doing mean cruel constant wrongs to me.

All I wanted was for people to sympathise or at least just agree that the things being done to me are evil and wrong. The elite and others would not be so easily able to get away with it if others agreed it is wrong. If I had friends/family it would not be so hard to bear the hell wrongs.

People have criticised me for being negative, but no one ever says the wrongs are done to me are wrong? People say I'm negative but they can't see that they support negative themselves (eg christians saying we have to accept trials and tribulation)? People criticise me for negative but never compliment me when I say/do positive? People punish me for negative but did they try to get any positive going? Even when I tried to write/say positive people didn't care or reply.

This regime knows they have me trapped powerless by their cunning clever laws and tactics not able to stop the mean cruel hell wrongs being constantly done to me every day. They simply refuse to stop them and if I can't control my angry reactions they know they can just force me under the mental health act. They have it all rigged up to evade redressing the wrongs and instead controlling us and making us have to suffer powerless. But i will find a way to die and even if worst comes to worst they can't keep me suffering for more than another 80 years and then I'll be dead and they won't be able to keep making me suffer the constant mean cruel wrongs anymore after that.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Where was Nazareth?

This is a reposting of my old Nazareth of Jesus article which was once posted in my Historum forum blog. Unfortunately Historum seems to have disgracefully also deleted my threads/topics and blogs after unfairly banning me.
Please note that this is abit roughly written. We have only done a quick editing of our original not very well written article. I seem to have lost my previous edited version so I had to reedit the older/oldest version again.

Could the "real/lost" Nazareth be Nabratein rather than the traditional "Nazareth"? by Sean B.

The reason for this article was that I had  seen that sources claim that the traditional "Nazareth" in Lower Galilee was not around (evidence it didn't exist or no evidence it existed) at the time of Christ, or it was not a city then and there was no synagogue there then. If the New Testament is true then it is a challenge then to find/prove either that the traditional Nazareth was around (at that site) in the time of  Christ or that Nazareth was not at that site and to find another true/real/original Nazareth site. I did a little looking around for alternative sites in wider vicinity of "Nazareth" without finding any major other candidates and evidence (see list of  considered candidates at end).
 Later on I was working on my Ark of the  Covenant article I noticed about my comment on the ark of Nabratein and had a sudden flash inspiration connection that this seemed like it might be the lost Nazareth especially because Nazareth was  supposed to have a synagogue and Nabratein does have one. Subsequent investigation seemed to offer a lot of confirmatory evidence. To me, Nabratein/Safed seems/feels/looks more right than "Nazareth" for Jesus' Nazareth. If correct it sheds light on Jesus home/life. "Nabratein was the obvious candidate to emerge".
 Admittedly there are doubts and my theory here could be wrong. Carol Meyers wrote in a reply to me that "Nazareth can't be Nabratein", though she didn't say why, and/or she didn't say "Nabratein  can't be Nazareth"?

Also, note that as usual/often there is so much conflicting info on different skeptics/antis/critics and  believers/Christians sides, and ignorance on my and/or others parts about Jewish people-in-the-land settlement(s) history etc.

Nabratein is near Safed, roughly ... miles north(- north-west/-east) of Capernaum & lake Galilee.
I haven't found many pictures of Nabratein (I have  found there is not a great deal of free good info on the web/net).

This article gives seventeen possible evidences/arguments that Nazareth is Nabratein in n.e./Upper Galilee rather than the traditional "Nazareth" in s.w./Lower Galilee.

1. Nazareth is said in the NT to have had (and/or been on) a cliff/height/hill(top) (note John 4 also stresses "(come) down") :

 Traditional "Nazareth" does have Nebi Sa'in ("too steep / 14% grade / range / elevated-tableau") &/or is "1,200 ft above sea-level, surrounded by hills", but only the modern (Arab/Jewish) city is on hill/top(s), not the ancient which was in valley. [Though Keller says the vice-versa: that old  "Nazareth" "lay farther up the hill than the modern village"? My sources are bit confusing/confused as to whether the ancient or modern and Jewish or Arab city was on hill or in valley.] "Nazareth" is in Lower Galilee while Nabratein/Safed is in Upper Galilee.

 Safed/Zefat (which Nabratein is near / (4 km) n.n.e. of) is "lookout", "situated on a hill" / in "mountains", "elevated", "view over the valley", and "is the highest city in Galilee". Nabratein is "on a ... promontory, in Upper Galilean highlands,  650 m above sea-level, on north side of mount Biriya, the site is situated on the summit of a small hill, the east side of which is marked by wadi Nabratein, [and] on the north side ... [is] the much deeper Khallat es-Siddiq", and its name is associated with root meaning "rise/swell(ing)/grow/prominence, 2 hills / the 2 high places".

2. Nazareth had a synagogue (building &/or congregation) (like Capernaum, Masada, Gamla, Japha, Jerusalem, Gadarenes) :

 Sources say the traditional "Nazareth" didn't ("no trace found"). [However, "there were many synagogues all over Galilee ... many not excavated" (which agrees with the gospels). Some  suggest the synagogue at Nazareth was destroyed (while others say not) and Keller wrote that "in the whole of Palestine there is not one synagogue left from those days. When the Romans ... razed Jerusalem ... and the inhabitants of the ancient country were scattered ... their sanctuaries fell ... to destruction." Counter that is "Yet 1st Century synagogues have been found in a number of Galilean cities, and there are no records of any  mass destructions taking place in Nazareth that would have obliterated a synagogue if it existed." Though there are academic articles which have "authoritative"-like arguments that synagogues didn't originate or become prominent until the 1st or 2nd century ad. They say that synagogue in gospels meant an assembly or place (or private home) of worship/prayer, or place/house where 10 men gather to pray. If the English translation of gospel verses is correct (and not a mis-translation) then they seem to imply a special/separate  structure/building? Others also point out things like that synagogues used on any other days other than sabbath weren't private houses/homes. Sepphoris had a synagogue in 6th cent [b/ce].]

Nabratein/Safed [&/or K Shema] did have a synagogue (like Capernaum) except that there maybe a problem that the date is mid/late Roman not early Roman? [Though, "Nabratein's synagogue is somewhat earlier than the other synagogues of Upper Galilee", and compare the later Capernaum synagogue "built on top of ruins/foundations of" previous one(s), and/or that 2 archaeologists believed the ("200 ad") Capernaum synagogue  dated from time of Christ. Although some statements/evidence seems sure that Nabratein (synagogue/ark) was mid/late Roman to late Byzantine [1], there has been some evidence that perhaps shows that the dating/stratigraphy is not  as definite as held [2].
1 - "preponderance of middle Roman pottery under flooring", inscription "494th year after Roman destruction of Temple", "lintel with inscription provides some clues to stratigraphy", "[style of] lintel first used in Late Roman".
2 - ["Why archaeologists disagree";] "at least 2 periods suggested by lintel" ("[late Roman lintel & Byzantine inscription]"), "inscription additional to lintel", "late Roman structure tentatively identified, tho some confusion as to date of the synagogue's initial construction", "only small exposure of earliest flooring was attained", "location of northern wall for periods preceed late Byzantine could not be identified", "badly disturbed foundations ... signified early history of building more complicated than previously considered", "theory of late Byzantine rebuild after gap 150 years", "revised stratigraphy", "seemed to indicate founding of the building prior to Late Roman period", etc.]

3. Nazareth had a synagogue and was home of Jesus who was a great rabbi who when 12 debated with scribes/pharisees (whence later  Rabbins) in Jerusalem. [Nazirite means consecrated.]

 Nabratein/Safed is one of 4 holiest cities being a center of mystic Kabbalists, and had synagogue(s) in mid/late Roman times.

4. Perhaps: Jesus read from book of Isaiah.

Compare the Torah shrine/"ark" found at Nabratein (synagogue).

5. NT Nazareth &/or traditional "Nazareth" is not mentioned in "pre-Christian" Jewish sources (like Josephus, bible, Rabbinic, maps, etc).

 Nabratein is n.e. of Safed which is mentioned in Josephus (Sepph) etc. Nasor/Hazor is mentioned in the Apocrypha.

6. Not any much evidence that the traditional "Nazareth" was very [well/highly] inhabited (city) in the NT JC's times [between pre-pottery Neolithic/MBA/IA and post-IA tombs / 1st cent a.d.], it was "small size/unimportant/insignificant  hamlet" etc, (apart from "some remains/house(s) (walls) date to time of Jesus" claims, and "many graves/traces"). [Its possible  though that Nazareth was insignificant, separated, small, peasants, not-on-main-routes which might be significant if Jesus home/upbringing was poor? (And JC moving to Capernaum maybe like moving to city?)]

 Safed/Nabratein has evidence of structures as early as 1 ad; before that there was pottery but not associated with major structures though [incl bronze age/iron age] (and though early Roman &/or late Hellenistic/Hasmonean remains/coins on the whole / in general "low/few").

7. NT Nazareth was a polis "city/town" (with a synagogue) (like Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nain, Bethsaida, Sodom, Capernaum, etc) (one of only a few mentioned in the gospels), not a kome "village" (like which only 2 Bethany & Emmaus were named in the gospels). [Though Oxford says there were only a couple of cities mentioned in gospel time(s).]

 Traditional "Nazareth" was "small size / ..." (and no synagogue). [Though Oxford says "Distinctions between the 2 [city & village] were not great, and they were sometimes used interchangeably." (Plus it is reckoned that "Luke's knowledge of the holy land was not always correct".)]

Safed/(Nabratein) is "one of 4 holiest Jewish sites" (and had synagogue(s) like Capernaum, and is mentioned in Josephus), plus the evidences of habitation there we quoted in # 6. [It seems like a twin-city to Capernaum?]

8. No one is certain what meant when Nathanael said "can any good come out of Nazareth" (possibilities include "size", "goodness", graves, peasant, zealots, etc)?

 Nabratein/Safed had some negative associations like the Arab name relates to "place where pigs rot".

Though this point could also apply to the traditional Nazareth which seems to have been small and insignificant etc.

9. Jesus home is elsewhere/later said to be Capernaum. (He "moved from Nazareth to Capernaum".)

 Nabratein is similar and like a sister-city to Capernaum in that both associated with "ark" and synagogue finds, and geographically close, etc.

"Capernaum is a big detour in traveling from Cana to Jerusalem" (re John 2:12).

10. Perhaps compare: Nazareth/Nazara was near Cochaba (&/or [Japhia/Legio]). [Cochaba maybe related to the "son of the star" messianic title?]

"Nazareth" is/was near Sepphoris.

([K Shema] is near) Nabratein/Hazor is near  Sepph/Safed/Saphet/Zefat is near Chorazin?

"Nazareth" is further from NT sites (which are all fairly close vicinity) except for Nain and uncertain-location Cana and "Nazareth".
 Nabratein is nearer NT sites like Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum which are mentioned in the gospels and by Jesus.

11. The location of Cana is said to be unsure. On one hand there are upto 3 sites in sw/Lower Galilee near/north of the traditional "Nazareth".
Though on other hand there are upto 5 possible candidates closer to Safed/Nabratein and/or north/Upper Galilee than  to "Nazareth" and/or Lower Galilee. Cana might even be Gamla to the east of lake Galilee, closer to Nabratein?

[Not sure where Nain was and whether it is closer to "Nazareth" or Nabratein?]

[Nabratein might also be closer to Bethsaida candidate locations?]

12. Joseph/Jesus was a "carpenter"/mason/builder/architect or adept/initiate.

 Keller does mention that modern "Nazareth" had "a surprising number of carpenters [who] run their workshops and sell their wares .... and a variety of ... implements ... are manufactured there."
Also, sources reckon Joseph may have moved to Nazareth near the newly being built Sepphoris for employment.

 Safed & Nabratein have modern & ancient craft/trade connections (incl pottery/stone-vessel fragments, ark/synagogue architecture, "artists quarter where they make and sell pictures and other artistic handicraft", etc. Safed is one of 3 Jewish holy site and a center of the mystic cabala.

13. It has been said that "Nazareth" was not on the/a major/main road/route, (though Keller and map do have a major/military/caravan road/route pass by "Nazareth")?

14. Jesus/Nazareth was associated Naphthali &/or Zebulun, and Dan.
 "Nazareth" is associated with Zebulun.
 Nabratein is associated with Naphthali and Dan  ("house of David"?)

15. The considered possible Aramaic relations of the Nazareth name cast doubt on the Lower Galilee location of Nazareth. [Jesus (spoke Aramaic and) was once called a Samaritian by enemies, which might be a point for the traditional "Nazareth", though perhaps there could be a connection with Aram/Syria?  (Christians, (Zealots, and/or Essenes/Yahad) were called Galileans/Nazarenes.)]
 Nabratein/Hazor is further north (& is "Arabic").

(15./10. Nabratein is in Upper Galilee which was a largely village culture area further from the arm  of Herod Antipas / Sepphoris (and with Zealot centers later).
 "Nazareth" in "Jewish Galilee" is right in Herod  Antipas' / Sepphoris' vicinity. (Though Jesus did somewhat respect Roman authority.))

16. Nazareth/Nazarene has a disputed origin/meaning of its name, one being natsar "watch/guard/keep", or netser "branch", etc.
 Safed means "lookout", and there was a 7 branched menorah found at Nabratein.

17. The name of the NT &/or traditional Nazareth/Nazarene (&/or Nazirite) is variously/alternatively spelled Nazareth, Nazarene, Nitrat, Nasareth/Natsareth, Nazaret, Nazara (Greek), an-Nasira/an-Nasiri/Nasara (Arab (Nisba)), Nasoraya, [Hnwsyr], Nasoreans, etc.
 Nabratein is variously/alternatively spelled  Nabratein/Nabartine, Nevoraya/Nevoraia, Niburay(y)a(h), etc. It is also not far from Nasor/Hazor mentioned in the Apocrypha.

18. Khallat es-Siddiq by Nabratein might be related to the "Teacher of Righteousness", James the Just, the Just One ((Jesus) in Acts)?

List of our considered candidates for Nazareth or Nazarene:
(Kefar- / en-)Nabratein/Safed?* Nasor/Hazor (1 Maccabees 11:67)?* en Hazor / Kh. Hazireh?* Kadesh Naftali/Nephtalim (refuge)?* Nephthar?* Arzareth (2 Esdras 13)?* Ettell?* Bet-Netofa?* Zaretan?* Anaharath?*  Ginnesar/Gennesaret/Chinneroth/Chinnereth? Exaloth/Chesulloth (near Nazareth)? "Nazareth" (Lower Galilee)?* Santa Casa di Loreto? Notsarim? Nozrei_ha-Brit ("keepers of the covenant")?* Nazirite/Nazarite?* Nassenes? [Essenes?] Yeishu ha- Notzri/Nezer ("the shoot/sprout/branch")? "Nazareth (Judea)"?
Nazare? Lazaret? Nabaret? Lazarus/Eleazar? Mt Nisir? Neter "god"? Nestorius/Nestorian? Capernaum/Tell Hum? Nasoreans  (Mandeans/Sabians/Subbis, Aramaic)? A Nazareen ("a member of a mystic group schooled for 9 years in Alexandria")? St Gregory of Nazianzen? Nusayri/Alawites? Nizari/Nizar(i)  (Assassins/Ismailis/Shiites)? Arab name Nasir/Nazir (cf Robin of Sherwood)? Mazzaroth?

My Galilee, Nazareth/Nazarene &/or Nabratein/Safed (& synagogue & carpenter) references &/or acknowledgments:
Holy Bible, RSV Common Bible/Apocrypha, Werner Keller (Bible as History), Anchor Bible Dictionary, Rene Norbergen, Mithra book,  Baigent/Lincoln/Leigh (DSS Deception, Messianic Legacy), Oxford, B walker, Flavius Josephus, Jstor Nabratein articles, wikipedia (Nazareth, Nabratein, Safed, Santa Casa), Google search (Nabratein), Carol L / Eric M Meyers (articles & 1 private correspondence), Jonathan Meyer (private correspondence), Catriona Logan  (conversation & trip photos/video), Libronix/Logos, Hayyim ben  Yehoshua (Refuting Missionaries), Drou (comment).


List of considered Cana candidates:

Kanah/Qana al-Jalil (s.e. of Tyre, Lebanon) *
Baskama (Golan)
Kenath-nobah (Golan)
Capar Ganaeoi (north Galilee, northwest of lake Huleh) *
Gamala/Gamla/Jamla "camel" (Salam/Sanam "hump", water cistern, cups, baths, synagogue, Golan)? *
Gennesaret (near Capernaum)?
En-gannim (n Samaria / s Galilee)
Kafr/Kfar/Kefar Henna/Kanna/Kenna (east of Sepphoris) *
Khirbet Qana/Kana-el-Jalil (ruins, synagogue, 330 ft above Beit Netofa valley betw Sepphoris & Tiberias on sea Galilee, 8 mi north from Nazareth via Reineh) *
kefar Hana(n)yah?
Qunaytirah (Golan)
Qan'abah (Golan)
Ain Quana/Qana (spring, 1 mile north of Nazareth)
al-Jamlah/Gamle (Tell ed-Dra' east of lake Tiberias)
Beit Jann (upper Galilee)
Janoah (east of Tyre)
Beth-san (ne Samaria / se Galilee)
Zaanannim (to the north of Galilee, west of Huleh)

Friday, November 27, 2020

this regime and God

This western world regime elite and God are mean can cruel and injust because of doing the following things to me:

- They forcing me to suffer hearing this constant neighbours heat pump ringing sound in my flat all day and night every day and night for 3 years now, and it is impossible to block out because the type of sound it is it penetrates regardless, and everyone refuses to do anything about it. This is mean cruel TORTURE being forced to hear it all day and night every day and night and not be allowed to react under threat of police or mental health act. How would you like to be forced to hear a constant ringing sound all day and night every day and night?

- They forcing me to eat and drink fluoridated water and food every mouthful every meal eveyr day and to suffer the brain & body abilities & health hindering effects all day every day. Nothing is more mean and cruel to be forced to eat something which negatively effects your brain abilities.

- They have me trapped in this bad flat and not able to shift because of the housing crisis and because prices/rents way too excessive.

- I am being blocked from being able to find out who my real maternal grandfather was because of stupid "family" sensitivities and because stupid excessive privacy laws (even though the grandparents are dead).

- No one ever gives me any positive feedback/response for all my hard work studies discoveries.

- They have me trapped under the Mental Health Act compulsory treatment and medication support 3 days a week for the last 16 months causing me more hell trouble. They lied about me having hallucinations and being paranoid etc.

- They made me in 40s and always-been single and alone.

- The power company won't stop messing me around trying to force smartmeters and having meter readers messing me around causing me troubles.

And many more things too if those 8 examples are not mean cruel hell bad enough. Not to mention mean other wrongs they are doing to others too even if they aren't suffering as bad things as I am.

And no one seems to care a stuff. I just want friends etc to say gee mate that really is such awful wrong being done to you that you are suffering. But no one does, they say nothing or they say oh but maybe ... or cut me off.

One day I will die and then no more mean cruel hell wrongs will be kept being done to me. And some day everyone doing these evils to us will pay even if there is no God, and everyone who didn't care will too.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Who was/is Jesus?

Did Jesus truly exist?
When was Jesus?
Where was Jesus?
Was Jesus of Nazareth or a Nazarene?
Was Jesus "an Aryan" or a Jew?
Was Jesus the Messiah/Christ/Annointed One?
Was Jesus "raised up as a spirit being"?
Did Jesus rise from the dead?
Is Jesus God or One with God?
Is God 3 in 1?
Did Jesus have siblings? (I.e. did Mary have other children?)
Is Jesus Melchizedek?
Were papists, King Arthur, Robin Hood, Christmas, Mormons, etc christians?
Was Ron Wyatt a fraud/liar?
What is the correct spelling/pronounciation of Jesus' name?
Some references.

Did Jesus truly exist?

In early sources Jesus was a great religious teacher and miracle worker who was believed to be the messiah and the son of God and was crucified and was claimed to have risen again.
At this stage Jesus is not agreed to be proven by anyone to have existed or not. But there are a number of good evidences that he surely did exist.
The bible says where 2 or 3 witnesses confirm it can be regarded as true, though it does warn about bearing false witness.
Jesus is claimed in the bible etc to have been seen by 12 disciples/apostles, 70/72 disciples, the 70/72 Sanhedrim (council of elders), 150 christians (Acts 1), over 500 witnesses (1 Corinthians), the 5000 that he fed with loaves and fishes.

Documentary evidence:
Jesus is attested in the bible. But the bible is not one book but many books. Jesus is testified in 27 books of the Bible written by 8 authors: Matthew, Mark, Luke (Luke, Acts), John (John, 1 & 2 & 3 John, Revelation/Apocalypse), Paul (14 books from Romans to Hebrews), James, Peter (1 & 2 Peter), Jude. There have been discovered some early manuscripts of New Testament books including the Bodmer Papyrus fragment of John's gospel of the time of Trajan 98-117 ad and/or the Rylands papyrus fragment of John from before 125-150 ad, and the Old Syriac Palimpset of Sinai copy of the gospels derived from a Greek text of 150 or 2nd century ad.
Jesus is attested in a book of sayings and miracles of Jesus from 140-160 ad found in 3 scraps of papyrus.
The books grouped together as the New Testament Apocrypha also attest Jesus.
Jesus might be attested in the Talmud if Yeishu ha-Notzri is based on Jesus.
Jesus is mentioned in Josephus who was born about the time Jesus died and wrote in 94 ad not long after Jesus died.
Jesus is attested in a number of historical sources including Tacitus 112 ad, Suetonius 65-125/135 ad, Pliny the Younger 112 ad, Lucian of Samosata, Orosius.
Jesus is attested in the church fathers including Africanus 215 ad, Origen 200 ad.
In the Dead Sea Scrolls there is the Crucified Messiah scroll which refers to a messiah who was the shoot of Jesse and branch of David, and who was put to death and suffered crucifixion for the sins of men. Also in the DSS is the Son of God Scroll which refers to the son of God and son of the Most High which is very similar to the same description in Luke 1:32 & 35.
The 'Acts of Pilate' are possibly historical verification of Jesus & the crucifiction. Though it is doubtful that the Acts are genuine. They are possibly refered to in/by [Justin Martyr &/or Tertullian]?
"O Yose ha-Gelili / Jose the Galilean, heal me!" might relate to the healer Jesus son of Joseph of Galilee?
Perhaps the saying of 'Tammuz' that "great Pan is dead" in the reign of Tiberias (15-37) is connected with the death of Jesus?

Archaeological evidence:
Jesus is mentioned in the James ossuary inscription which says James is brother of Jesus and son of Joseph.
The 3 nails found in Caiaphas' ossuary are believed to have been the nails used in Jesus' crucifixion. De Sauley found crucifixion nails near the sepulchre (not sure if this is the Holy Sephulchre or the Garden tomb).
There have been found 3 candidates for Jesus tomb: the Holy Sepulchre, the Garden Tomb, and the Talpiot Tomb, with the Garden Tomb being the most likely one.
Wyatt claimed to have found blood of Jesus which dripped on to the Ark under Skull Hill (Calvary/Golgotha). The human blood had a different number of chromosomes to normal human blood.
The Shroud of Turin is considered by some as evidence of Jesus' existence, though it is very doubtful that the shroud dates to Jesus' times.

Experts opinions:
Dr Albright says "no longer any solid basis for dating any of of the NT after ca ad 80", and all NT books were written "sometime between ad 50 and 75".
Dr John Robinson who independently investigated the NT's reliability concluded that NT books written before ad 64, and Matthew "was written as early as ad 40 within 8 years of Christ".
"... Jesus probably existed" (Dawkins)!
An article about Massey's Jesus/Horus theory said "evidence for JC as an historical personage is incontrovertible"!
"Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically...."
No one has proven that Jesus did not exist.

Evidence of the disciples and martyrs:
A number of the apostles and early christians were martyred. Why would people suffer such a death for someone who didn't exist?

When was Jesus?

Going by the information in the Bible combined with knowledge of world history we can be sure that Jesus lived sometime in the 60 years between the 10s bc and 30s ad.
Daniel said Jesus would be 69 weeks of 7 years, or 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.
There are candidates for the Star of Bethlehem between 17 bc and 9 ad including Halley's comet in 12 bc, a conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn in 7/6 bc, a conjunction of Jupiter & Venus in 3 &/or 2 bc.
Jesus was born near the end of Herod the Great's reign 40-4 bc.
Jesus was born in the reign of Augustus Caesar 19 bc-ad 14.
Jesus was born in the time of Quirinus whose dates are 10-7 bc & 6-7 ad.
There was a census when Jesus was born. There were censuses every 14 years, and there were ones in 7/6 bc? and 7 ad.
Jesus was (between 12 and) "about 30" years old in the 15th regnal year of Tiberias (14-37 ad) which would be about 27/28/29 ad?
Jesus was crucified during the rule of Pontius Pilate which ended in 36 ad.
The saying of 'Tammuz' that "great Pan is dead" in the reign of Tiberias (15-37) is possibly connected with the death of Jesus?
The Talmud is the only source which differently places Jesus in the time of the Maccabees a couple/few hundred years before. But some scholars say that the Yeishu ha-Notzri of the Talmud might not even be Jesus, and if he is then the Talmud has certainly evidently misplaced Jesus back to the time of the Maccabees in contrast to all the other early sources.

Where was Jesus?

The bible says Jesus was in Egypt briefly, and Judaea (Jerusalem, Bethlehem), and Samaria, and Galilee (Nazareth, Capernaum, Cana, Nain), and Phoenicia/Lebanon briefly (Tyre/Sidon), all in the Roman Empire. Jesus spoke Aramaic/Syriac.
Some sources claim that Jesus was in India (Aquarian Gospel, Damo Bullen) or in America (Book of Mormon), however these are only late 20th century sources and there is no proof that Jesus was ever in those places.

Was Jesus of Nazareth or a Nazarene?

The gospel says there was an Old Testament prophecy that Jesus would be a Nazarene, but it is said that this prophecy is not known/found in the Old Testament, though some of the prophets did refer to the messiah as a notzri "sprout/shoot". The Nazarene prophecy has been suggested to be the verse in Judges about Samson being a Nazarite (meaning "consecrated"), but experts in Hebrew say that Nazarene or notzri and Nazarite have different "z" letters in the Hebrew alphabetic script (tzadhe and tzayin)?
"There is no evidence that Jesus was a Nazarite or took the Nazarite vow." "Nazarites didn't drink wine but Jesus did." Though Jesus is often supposed to have had long hair.
The Talmud mentions one Yeishu ha-Notzri who might be Yeshua/Jesus of Nazareth, though scholars say Yeishu may not be Jesus.
Jesus was called the sprout/shoot of Jesse and branch of David.
There was a sect of Jews called the Notsarim and a sect called the Nozrei ha-Brit "Keepers of the Convenant" in the times of Jesus, but some say these were separate to Jesus and the messianic/christian sect.
Both Matthew and Luke confirm that Jesus lived in a city/town called Nazareth. An Old Testament prophecy also confirms that the messiah would be in the land of Zebulun and Naphtali in the Galilee area.
Some scholars say that the evidence is that the place called Nazareth in southwest/Lower Galilee was not a city and didn't have a synagogue in Jesus' times. So this "Nazareth" might not be the real Nazareth of Jesus, though it still might be the real one.
There are other candidates for the city/town Nazareth including Nabratein in north/Upper Galilee.

Reference list of the 6 different names/words mentioned:
natzir/nazir/Nazarite "consecrated/devoted"
Nozrei ha-brit "Keepers of the Convenant"
ntsr/netzer/netser/notzri/ha'Notsri "(the) shoot/sprout/branch"

Was Jesus "an Aryan" or a Jew?

Some people have claimed that Jesus was an Aryan beng the son of a Gallic Roman solider named Pandera.
However the bible makes it clear that on his mother's side Jesus was a descendant of David and Judah and Jacob/Israel and Abraham, while on his father's side he was the son of God.
Pilate put a superscription on the cross saying "Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jews".
There is no proof that Jesus had any father let alone a Roman or Gallic or Aryan one.
The few Jewish sources which identify Jesus as or with the son of Pandera or son of Stada are highly suspect and unreliable. It is also odd for Aryans to use Jewish sources for the theory.
At the time of Jesus the Jews thought Jesus was the son of Joseph not Pandera or Stada.
Wyatt claimed to have got a sample of Jesus blood which dripped onto the Ark under Skull Hill (Calvary/Golgotha), and tests showed it had a different number of chromosomes to normal human blood, which would confirm he was the son of God.
Jesus himself identified himself as a Jew eg in the chapter with the verse where he says "salvation is of the Jews".

Is Jesus the Jewish Messiah/Christ/Annointed One?

- The name Yeshua was found in the Torah in the Bible Skip Code.
- John the Baptist was given a sign of the Spirit resting on Jesus and a voice from heaven.
- Jewish astrologers discussed an ancient prophecy that the Messiah would be born when Jupiter and Saturn came to gether in Pisces. There was such a conjunction in 7/6 bc around about the time of Jesus' birth.
- Jesus fulfilled many prophecies including these:
preceeded by a forerunner/Elijah (Isa 40)
born of the tribe of Judah (Gen 49)
born of a virgin (seed of the woman in Genesis, Isa 7:14, Matt 1:18),
born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2),
slaughter of babies at Ramah,
a Nazarene (Judges, prophets),
entered Jerusalem riding on a colt (Zech 9, "Moses on Ass in Temple"),
appears 483 years after decree to restore Jerusalem (Daniel),
betrayed for 30 pieces of silver (Genesis, Zech 11),
silent before accusers (Isa 53),
garments divided and lots cast for garment (Psalm 22)
no bone broken (Psalm 34),
passover lamb of God (Abel's sacrifice, Exodus passover),
sacrificed son of God (Abraham offers Isaac).
hanged on a cross/tree (Moses' Nehushtan serpent on cross),
buried with the rich (Isa 53).
3 days in the tomb (Jonah).
The chances/odds/probability of anyone fulfilling all these is pretty unlikely.
- The meanings of the names of the 10 patriarchs in Genesis from Adam to Noah are "man", "appointed", "mortal", "sorrow", "the blessed God", "shall come down", "teahcing", "his death shall bring", "despairing", "comfort".
- Jesus was annointed. The spirit came down like a dove above Jesus' head at his baptism. The woman poured oil/purfume on Jesus.
- The demons testified that Jesus was the son of God.
- Jesus performed many signs and miracles and healings.
- The baby John the Baptist leaped in the womb when the pregnant Mary came near.
- There has not "yet" ever been any other messiah to appear to the Jews, though there have been many who claimed to be the messiah during the last 2000 yrs, and though the bible warns that a false messiah or antichrist is going to come in the future.
- The name Yeshua has been related to y'mach/yimah sh'mo/shemo wezkhro/vezikhro/v'zichrono which can mean either "may his name & memory be praised" or "may his name & memory be striken/blotted-out".
- "The high priest answered him, "I adjure you by the living God, that you tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God." Jesus said to him, "You have said it."" (Matt 26:54. John 10:34-36.)

"I know men and I tell you, Jesus Christ is no mere man. Between him and every other person in the world there is no possible term of comparison. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour, millions would die for him." - Napoleon.
"I search in vain history to find similar to Jesus Christ, or anything which can approach the gospel. Neither history nor humanity, nor ages, nor nature, offer me anything with which I am able to compare it or to explain it. Here everything is extraordinary." - H. G. Wells, British writer, 1866-1946.
"By this test, Jesus stands first. I am a historian, I am not a believer, but I must confess as a historian that this penniless preacher from Nazareth is irrevocably the very center of history. Jesus Christ is easily the most dominant figure in all history. Christ is the most unique person of history. No man can write a history of the human race without giving first and foremost place to the penniless teacher of Nazareth." - H. G. Wells, British writer, 1866-1946.

Was Jesus "raised up as a spirit being"?

- The disciples saw Jesus (Luke 24:40; John 2:19, 29), you can't usually see spirits. "They will look on him who they pierced".
- The disciples touched and handled Jesus, and "a spirit has not flesh and bones". (Luke 24:39; John 20:27.)
- Jesus ate fish (Luke 24:43).
- Jesus breathed on them (John 20:22).
- The tomb was & is empty.
- "If Christ be not raised our faith is in vain".
- They heared him speak. You can't usually hear spirits speak.
- Jesus sat down at the right hand of the father, which seems like a body person not a spirt person.
- He is coming again but there is no mention of re-incarnation.

Did Jesus raise from the dead?

- The tomb was/is empty, no body has ever been found anywhere.
- "If Christ be not raised our faith is in vain".
- Jesus was seen by many witnesses: the 12 disciples/apostles saw him, and then over 500 brethren (1 Corinthians).
- Saul/Paul the Apostle saw/heard Jesus in a vision on the road to Damascus.
- Some other people have been raised from the dead, eg Lazarus.
- "you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful/holy one see decay" Psalm 16 & Acts 2.
- the woman poured perfume over Jesus which helped him not decay.
- Jesus had said/prophesied that he would be raised again on the 3rd day.

Is Jesus God or one with God?

- Pliny the Younger records that Christians sang a hymn to Christ as a god.
- Jesus said "I Am" (and they fell back).
- Jesus was/is called "Lord" (Adonai).
- Jesus is "the Word (of God)". John 1 says the Word was God.
- The abbreviation INRI of the words in the cross superscription is YHWH/JHVH in Hebrew.
- The name Jesus "God + salvation/saves" has Jhvh/God in it. The Arabic/Islamic name for Jesus is Isa which is similar to Isaiah which combines Isa & Yah.
- "Yehoshua/Jesus is Yhwh/Jhvh with an sh put in it"?
- Jesus made clay when he healed the blind man, like the Creator in Genesis.
- Jesus allowed people to worship him, but the bible says not to worship men/angels.
- Jesus is called the "Only begotten" "Son of (the most high) God". How can God have a son that is not also God too? "Son of God = incarnation of God". It can't be just be a direct creation of God, it is more than that.
Proverbs 30:4 "what is his son's name?"
"Declared to be the son of God ...." Romans 1:4.
"God ... has spoken to us in his son" (Hebrews 1:1-2).
Some demons/spirits cried out that Jesus was son of god.
Roman soldier at death of Jesus said "truly this was the son of god" and/or "a righteous man" (Matt 27:54; Mk 15:39).
"The high priest answered him, "I adjure you by the living God, that you tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God." Jesus said to him, "You have said it."" (Matt 26:54. John 10:34-36.)
Jesus called God "Father".
Jesus had no wife or children or descendants (implying because he was God and his children would be God too).
- Jesus is called 'Emmanuel' "God with us".
- Jesus said ot the disciples/apostles "I am the father are One", "He who has seen me has seen the Father".
- Scribes and Pharisees tried to kill Jesus because of "blasphemy".
- Thomas said "my lord and my God!"
- Meanings of names of 10 patriarchs in Genesis "..., the Blessed God, shall come down, teaching, his death shall bring, despairing, comfort."
- "God was manifest in the flesh...." 1 Timothy 3:16.
- Jesus calmed the storm in the sea of Galilee and the apostles said "who is this that commands even the wind and the sea" implying a conection with God.
- "Christ Jesus: who, being in very nature God" (Philippians 2:5-5).
- "For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form" (Colossians 2:9).
- "The son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being...." (Hebrews 1:3.)
- Jesus is called "the alpha and the omega". In Genesis it says "God" (the) "aleph and tau".
- Jesus is confirmed as one with God in this verse "For unto us a child is born. To us a son is given; and the government will be on his shoulders. His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (9:7).
- Among the 99 names of Allah are quite a few which Jesus was also called or identifed as being in the New Testament including The Guide to the Right Path, The Guide/Way, The Light, The Heir / The Inheritor of All, The Originator, The First, The Emancipator, The Forgiver, The Last, Wahid "The Unique/Single", Ahad "The One", The Living, The Resurrector, The Truth/Reality, The Witness, The Living One, The Judge, The Bringer of Judgment, The Just, The Restrainer, Salaam "The Giver of Peace", Malik "The King/Lord/Master".
- "who is this who forgives sins, none but God can".
- "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). "through whom he (Jesus) also made the universe" (Hebrews 1:2). "Jesus Christ, by who are all things, and we exist through him" (1 Cor 8:5-7).
- Jesus came from heaven/above (John 6:38; 8:23). Jesus existed before he was born ("before Abraham was I Am", "from ancient times" Micah 5:2, "in the beginning" John 1, "where do you come from" said Pilate). But Jesus is not an angel: "For to which of the angels did God ever say, "you are my son; today I have become your Father"" etc. (Hebrews 1:5 etc).
- The spirit of God and the spirit of Christ seem to be the same in Romans 8:9.

Is God 3 in 1?

- God says "We/Us/Our" in Genesis 1 & 2. Allah also says we/us/our in the Koran.
- Elohim "God" is plural.
- In the verse the says "God is One" the word for one is Ehad which is plural like union/unity not singular like one alone.
- "God is love", how can you have love with one all alone?
- The holy of holies is alternatively the place of the 3 holy ones.
- "holy holy holy" in Revelation.
- 3 nails in the crucifixion?
- Jesus cried 'Eloi Eloi' "my God my God", which might imply the Father and the Spirit?
- Trinity of Kether Binah Hokhmah in the Cabala confirms trinity?
- The Lord bless you and keep you verse that has "the Lord" three times.
- "Father, Son, Holy Spirit" Matthew 28:19.
- "the Father, the Word and the Spirit, and these 3 are 1" (1 John 5:7-8).
- Psalm 110: "the Lord said to my Lord"?
- Man is made in image of "God". Body, Soul, Spirit.
- Triads in the natural world / creation.
3 lobes of the brain.
3 dimensions.
"space, matter, energy"?
3 states of matter: solid, liquid, gas.
- "Allah has 2 right hands"? = 2 persons or 3 hands?
- Triads in gentile mythologies also seem to confirm the biblical "trinity", eg:
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Indian).
- There is also a false trinity of the Dragon, the Sea Beast and the Earth Beast in Revelation.
- The papacy has a false trinity of White Pope (father), Jesuit Black Pope (Jesus the son) and Red Pope.
- 3 letters in YHWH.

Did Jesus have brothers? (Did Mary have other children?)

"But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to her firstborn son" Matthew 1:25 (implies Joseph did know Mary afterwards.)

"While he was yet speaking to the multitudes, behold, his mother and his brothers stood outside, seeking to speak to him. One said to him, "Behold, your mother and your brothers stand outside, seeking to speak to you."" 12:46-47.

"Isn't this the carpenter's son?  Isn't his mother called Mary, and his brothers, James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? Aren't all of his sisters with us?" Matthew 13:55-56.

"His mother and his brothers came, and standing outside, they sent to him, calling him. A multitude was sitting around him, and they told him, "Behold, your mother, your brothers, and (your sisters) are outside looking for you."" Mark 3:31-32.

"Isn't this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judah, and Simon?  Aren't his sisters here with us?"" Mark 6:3.

"His mother and brothers came to him, and they could not come near him for the crowd. It was told him by some saying, "Your mother and your brothers stand outside, desiring to see you."" 8:19.

"After this, he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, his brothers, and his disciples; and they stayed there a few days." 2:12.

"His brothers therefore said to him, "Depart from here, and go into Judea, that your disciples also may see your works which you do. For no one does anything in secret, and himself seeks to be known openly.  If you do these things, reveal yourself to the world." For even his brothers didn't believe in him. ....
But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he also went up, not publicly, but as it were in secret." 7:3-10.

"All these with one accord continued steadfastly in prayer and supplication, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers." Acts 1:14.

"But of the other apostles I saw no one, except James, the Lord's brother." Galatians 1:19.

"To the lady chosen by God and to her children" 2 John 1 (this may be written to Mary who Jesus entrusted to John at the Cross?)

It is not certain which James and which Mary is refered to in the verses which say "Mary the mother of James ((the less) and (of) Joses)" in 27:56 & 16:1 & 24:10.

The James ossuary inscription says "James brother of Jesus, son of Joseph".

Is Jesus Melchizedek?

While it is true that Pslams and Hebrews does imply that Jesus is our great high priest after the order of Melchizedek, and is a king like Melchizedek, it doesn't seem to be true that the historical Melchizedek in Genesis was Jesus (as the pre-incarnation angel of the Lord). Melchizedek in Genesis seemsto have been a real human being. Even though his parents are not mentioned this doesn't mean he didn't have any parents. Genesis gives no indication of Melchizedek being an angel or the Lord. The opinion that Melchizedek is probably Shem is supported by the seeming evidence. Jesus is thus a descendant of Shem/Melchizedek.
So on the one hand Jesus is a 2nd Melchizedek or the one greater Melchizedek, but on the other hand he is not the historical Melchizedek of Genesis.

Were papists, King Arthur, Robin Hood, Christmas, Mormons, etc christians?

Some of these people were/are indeed claimed to be Christians in early source texts.
Arthur is said to have carried the image of Mary & cross of Christ at Guinnion and/or Badon in the HB & AC.
Robin Hood is said to have been a devotee of God and the son of God and Mary and Mary Magdalene in the Little Geste.
These people might have been real Christians.
However, they might not have been real christian. We need to be be aware that some Roman sources seem to have falsely combined Christian names/persons with non-Christian names/persons. For example the early popes list seems to really subtly match the list of Roman emperors, eg pope Alexander matches Trajan who has 3 associations with the name Alexander, and pope Pius 1 matches Antoninus Pius. So in sources written by these people the "(Lord) Jesus (Christ)" probably really either Zeus or Jupiter Capitol (same 2 initials etc) or Julius Caesar (same 2 initials, comet-star, Divus Julius, etc) or Augustus (Divi Filius "son of God") or Claudius.
Revelation in the bible confirms that christians need to come out of the harlot Babylon who seems to be a type of Rome and of false mixed religion. Since the synod of Whitby in 664 to recent years the popists have been tricking christians into believing the pope has the keys or authority of Peter of Matthew 16. A popish forum poster said to me "beware of your paster, the Vatican sent out many Jesuits as false church pastors".
However, when things are secret or subtle it is very hard to be sure of whether something is true or not.
Having said that, there may be true Christians in all churches/denominiations/sects. There are good and bad people in all religions and political groups etc.
The bible gives a number of evidences for who is or is not a christian or messianic including by their fruits you shall know them, those who bow, those who keep his commandments, they love one another, they do not just say, they have faith with works, not good and evil coming out of same mouth, if they confess Jesus.

Was Ron Wyatt a fraud/liar?

There are certainly claims of critics that Ron Wyatt was a liar or fraud. There are some dubious things in some of Wyatt's discoveries claims. However, alot of the things like the site of the Ark of the Covenant are hard to prove either way and they have not been either proven or disproven despite claims they have been. Some of Wyatt's discoveries like the one of Joseph in Egypt have actually been independently proven right by other scholars like myself.

What is the correct spelling/pronounciation of Jesus' name?

Jesus is an English-Latin version of the name Iesous in the Greek New Testament. Jesus was a Jew/Israelite/Hebrew, and he spoke Aramaic and I'm not sure what the Aramaic version of the name was. Some Jews did speak Greek at the time. The name Jesus is the same name as Joshua and Jeshua in the Old Testament. Messianics say the correct Hebrew version is Yeshua, and this name is found in the Torah using the skip code, though nonmessianic/nonchristian Jews dispute that this is the correct Hebrew name for Jesus. Some say Jesus is the same person as Yeishu ha-Notzri in the Talmud, though some scholars say it is not certain that these 2 persons are the same person. Some messianic christians claim the name is Yashua which is similar to their Yahua version of Jehovah/Yahweh. The Arabic/Moslem version of Jesus is Isa/Issa.
God knows all languages and he probably doesn't mind people using their own nation's language version of Jesus' name.

Some of my references/sources include:
The Holy Bible.
New Testament Apocrypha.
Grant Jeffrey 'Signature of God'.
Daily Mail 'Focus on Fact No 4 The Story of Christmas'.
Werner Keller 'Bible as History'.
Chuck Missler '66 40', Radio Rhema.
The Quran/Koran.
Alice Parmelee 'A Guide Book to the Bible'.
Brooks & Robertson 'The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error 1', Moody Bible Institute.
Cory 'The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error 2', Moody Bible Institute.
Watchtower Bible & Tract Society 'Good News from God'.
Watchtower Bible & Tract Society 'What Can the Bible Teach
New World Translation.
Ron Wyatt.
Alan Millard 'Treasures from Bible Times'.
'Aquarian Gospel'.
'Book of Mormon'.
'Judaism is not Christianity minus Jesus' facebook group/page.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Hayyim be Yehoshua 'Refuting Missionaries'.
Ahavat Elohim messianic forum.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

When was King Arthur?

This is a half finished post on When was King Arthur according to early traditional source texts? We are just posting it for storage and for reference use for ourselves and others.
Since we recently finished articles on Where was King Arthur? and Who was King Arthur? we should complete the effort by also posting on When was King Arthur?
(Note: All of the dates entries are from early sources, and all the dates are for the person/place/event mentioned in the first lines except for just a few which are "crazy" faint possibilities like the ones for Nennius & Ninnian and Gildas & Hilda.)

When was Arthur?

Arthur comes after Bardus in Holinshed & Hoeh. Bardus has date 1922-1819 (Hoeh).

Arthur comes after Brutus in the HRB. Brutus has dates: time of Eli (HRB), 1149-1125 (Hoeh), 1108 (24 kings), Brutus the 1st consul of Rome? ... (Spain)? Brutus murderer of Caesar? Robert Bruce?

Arthur comes after Membyr/Mempricus 1009 (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Evrog/Ebrauc 969 (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Brutus 2 Darian Las 929 bc (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Lleon/Leil 917 (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Rhun/Hudibras 892 (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Bladud in the HRB. Bladud has date 929-909 (Hoeh), 853 (24 kings).

Arthur comes after Leir/Lear/Llur 834 bc (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Dunwal Mulmutius 441 bc (24 kings) in the HRB.

Arthur comes after Beli 401 bc (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Gwrgant/Gurgiunt 375 (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Cyhylyn/Guithelin 356 (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Heli/Beli mawr 58 bc (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Caswallawn 47 (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Caesar 60 (ASC), 47 bc (HB) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Cymbeline 4 bc (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Guiderius 17 ad (24 kings) in the HRB

Arthur comes after Claudius 47/46 ad (HB, ASC) in the HB & HRB.

Arthur came after Christ in the HRB & 24 kings. Christ has dates during Maccabees (Yeishu ha Notsri, Talmud), 4 bc (24 kings), 1 ad (ASC), 3 ad (ASC), ad 17 (24 kings), 30 ad (ASC), 33 ad (ASC).
"The Lord Jesus Christ" in Roman Catholic and Arthurian might really be Zeus or Jupiter Capitol... or Julius Caesar or Augustus or Claudius.

Arthur comes after Joseph of Arimathea 12-30 or 63/76 ad.

Arthur came after king Lucius & pope Eleutherius 79 (OEC), 156 (HRB), 161 (OEC), 167 (HB, ASC), 181 (24 kings), 189 (ASC).
"Pope Evaristus" is really emperor Nerva.
"Pope Eleutherius" is probably emperor Lucius Verus.
Eleutherius might match Ebur in the AC.
King Lucius might match Lucius Artorius Castus?

Arthur comes after Coel/Cole in the HRB & 24 kings. Cole has date 265 (24 kings), king C... of Wessex.

Arthur came after the martyrdom of Sts Alban & Julius & Aaron & Amphibalus in the persecution of Diocletian 209? 283/287 (ASC)? 298-303/304-313, St Alban features in the story of St Germanus 429, St Alban's features in story of Uther (HRB).
St Julius might really be from Julius Caesar.

Arthur comes after Maximus in the HB & HRB & 24 kings. Maximus has dates 381 (ASC), 383 (24 kings).

Arthur comes after Gratian 379 (ASC), 381 (ASC)

Arthur comes after Honorius refuses call for help in 410.
(Telemachus was martyred during Honorius' reign.)

Arthur came after the Romans left Britain 348 yrs (HB), 409 yrs (HB), 409 (some Romans go to Gaul, Ethelwerd), 418 (some Romans left to Gaul), 447 yrs (HB)? 465 (R of C), 470 yrs (ASC), 485 (Ethelwerd).
Though there has been a theory that Arthur might match Lucius Artorius Castus, or Count Theodosius the brown bear. Some think Arthur might have had Roman blood.

Arthur came after the Groans 443 (ASC), 446.

Arthur came after Agitius/Ayitius/Aetius who has dates: 423 (Avitus)? 432/437 (Aetius), 443 (Atilla the Hun ASC)? Severus Aequantius? Gratian Aequantius 447? 446-454 (groans, Aetius) Avitus 455-456? Egidius (Gregory of Tours)? Anthemius? 517 (Agapitus)? 535-536 (Agapetus)?

Arthur came after Vortigern in the HB & Hergest & HRB.
Vortigern's dates are 400 (HB), 426 (Hergest), 447 (HB), 449 (ASC, Ethelwerd), 455 (ASC).
Though Vortigern is mentioned by some as a candidate for Arthur, and/or Arthur might have been Vortimer who was during Vortigern's reign?

Arthur came after raids by Scots/Irish/Gwydel and Picts which lead to the Britons appealing to the Romans to aid them, and when the Romans ignored appeals they called in the Saxons to aid them. The raids of the Scots and Picts have been variously dated: late 380s (Maximus), 397 (Picts/Irish/Saxons), 408/410 (attacks by Scots/Picts/Saxons), when St Patrick was a boy, before Cunedda and Cadwallon battled them.

Arthur came after the invasion of the Saxons.
The dates for the invasion of the Saxons are 350, 360 (Germanics, Wiki), 367/368 (Germanics, Theodosius), 380 (SS forts), 397 (Picts/Irish/Saxons), 4400 (Stilicho vs Saxons, Richard of Cirencester), 400 (HB), 406 (Germans in Gaul sever contact between Britain & Rome), 408/410 (attacks by Scots/Picts/Saxons), 421, bef 429 (Germanus), 438 (ACb), 441 (Gallic Chronciles), 443 (ASC), 446, 447 (HB, AC), 449 (Hengist, ASC, Ethelwerd), 449-456 (Bede), 469 (ACb), 473 (Brynjulfson), 477 (Aelle, ASC, Ethelwerd), 494/495 (Cerdic, ASC), ca 500 (Northumbrian Angles, Wiki), 501 (Port, ASC, Ethelwerd), 514 (Stuff, ASC, Ethelwerd), before 547 (Ida, ASC), ca 550 (Essex, Wiki).

Arthur came after the revolt 452 (Wiki) and/or the Long Knives massacre of 460 in the HRB.

Arthur came after Hengist 449 (ASC), 452, 488 (ASC, Ethelwerd).

Arthur came after Horsa 455 (ASC, Ethelwerd) in the HB & HRB

Arthur comes after Vortimer 455/456 (ASC) in the HB & HRB. Though Vortimer is a candidate of ours for matching Arthur.

Arthur is not mentioned by that name in the Gallic Chronicles of 452 & 511.

Arthur comes after St Germanus of Auxerre in the HB & HRB. Some think that Badon in Bede may be the Halleluyah Victory of Germanus. Arthur was dux bellorum, Germanus was dux proelli or dux belli.
Germanus has dates: came with Patrick (HB), 429 (Halleluyah Victory), 447 (2nd visit), 480/480s (Vita/Life of Germanus).


Arthur comes after Leo & Easter date in the AC. The date of Badon is considered by some to maybe be connected with the 84 yrs Easter cycle (easter cycle start/end date 438 to Badon 482). The 2nd battle of Badon coincides with an Easter date.
Easter dates from sources include: 438 (McCarthy & OCroinin), 453 (Leo, AC), Dionysius Exiguus 532 (EH, Florence), 626 (ASC), 634 (ACb), 640 (ASC), 655 (ASC), 661 (Pontesbury, ASC), 665 (Badon, AC), 685 (ASC), 703 (Adamnan EH), 710 (EH), 716 (ASC, EH), 755 (Elvod, OEC), 768 (AC), 774 (ASC).

The 128 yrs from Vortigern to Badon in Hergest has been dated: 390-518 (Kamlesh G), 425/426/428-554 (Hergest, CB, Jones), 449-577.

Arthur's father Uther Pendragon is associated with a sidus or comet star. Dates for comets include 441/442 / 5th cent (Northampton, Idatius/Marcellinus), 451/453 (Halley's, Atilla), 498/499 (Chronicle of Edessa / Roger of Wendover), 1500 ya / 500 ad (Encke's, Forsyth Petroglyph)? 530/535 (Halley's, Michael the Syrian / John of Ephesus)? 538 (Camlan, Roger of Wendover), "Pendragon comet 574" (Hassell), 650 (AC), 676 (AC), 677 (Ethelwerd), 678 (ASC), 684 (Broomstar, Halley's, 1 source of Nuremberg chronicles, Chinese), 729 (ASC), 891 (ASC), 905 (ASC), 975 (ASC), 995 (ASC), 1066 (ASC), 1097 (ASC).
Though scholars say that Arthur's surname Mabuter in the HB may be a title meaning horrible son rather than meaning son of Uther, which means Uther and Arthur might be the same person? *

Arthur comes after Ambrosius/Aurelius in the HB & HRB. Arthur lead at Badon in the HB may match Ambrosius seems to have lead at Badon in the DEB. Ambrosius has dates 429-450/456 (1st victory, Bede)?

Arthur's battles are just after mention of Octa in the HB.
Arthur fought Osla/Ossa at Badon in Rhonabwy, which might match with Octa/Ossa in the HRB.
Octa/Aesc has dates 455 (ASC), 456, 457 (ASC), 465 (ASC), 466, 473 (ASC), 488 (ASC).

Pharamond is one of the knights of the Round Table in some later stories.

Arthur is implied to have fought Saxons and "specifically Kentishmen" in the HB (HB, Jackson, Evans). The Jutes and Kent have dates 449-473 (ASC), 488 (ASC), 552 (ASC), 560-568 (ASC), 596 (ASC), 601 (ASC), 604 (ASC), 616-617 (ASC), 633 (ASC), 640 (ASC), 664 (ASC), 673 (ASC), 676 (ASC), after 685 (ASC), 686-687 (ASC).

Arthur's dates range in early traditional sources (and in modern scholars) is: Draco & Ursa (Hitching), 3349 bc (Waddell), Bronze Age (Drou or Dale), Ursus 776-742 bc (me), the bear in Daniel, Deoartavo(i)s 47-67 (me), 180 (LAC, Infopedia) 350/383 (Morris)? 421 (Arthur &/or Gildas, CMSM &/or another source)? 450/454 (Grail, Malory), not 452 (no Arthur, Gallic chronicles), 470 (Badon, HRB), not 511 (no Arthur, Gallic chronicles), 516/518 (Badon, AC, 24 kings), 519 (Arthur subdues Ireland), 537/539 (Camlan, AC/WA), 540 (Shakespeare & the Welsh)? 542 (Camlan, HRB), 546 (Badon, one AC version), 554 (Badon, Hergest), "abdicated in 574 (541 yrs after the crucifiction)", 576 (Camlan, Hergest), 631-650 (Arthus, Swedish king list), 640 (Shakespeare & the Welsh)? 650 (Arthur, Wace, Morris), 700 (Infopedia), 807 (Arthgen, AC, Evans, me), Alan of Brittany (Zoetropo).

Arthur is contemporary of pope Supplicius in the HRB. The Arthur candidate of some Riothamus was contemporary of pope Simplicius.Supplicius is surely Simplicius 468-483, he is not likely to be the only other possible candidate Symmachus 446 or 485 or 498-514 or 522.

Arthur might have been in the gap between the 1st & 2nd Bretwaldas 491-556/560, and a 2nd Arthur might have been in the gap between the 7th & 8th Bretwaldas 670-802?

Arthur's battles might have been in the no gains gap 519-552 of the ASC.

Arthur fought Cerdic in the HRB. Caradoc is (a knight of the Round Table in) some King Arthur stories.
Cerdic's dates range is: interpreter of Hengist (HRB), 494/495-516/534 (ASC). (See also Ceretic of Elmet below.)

Arthur was contemporary of Geraint/Grant/Gerentius/Wuthgirete of Devon in some stories. Geraint's dates are either 501 (ASC) or 710 (Ethelwerd, ASC).

Arthur was contemporary of Gildas (Sts Lives, DEB), and Badon was 44 yrs after Gildas' bday or on Gildas' bday, and was 10 or 44 yrs before Gildas wrote.
Gildas' dates range in early traditional sources is 421 (CMSM or other source)? "gap in Gildas 500-550" (Carroll)? 512 (died, W of M), 546 (wrote, 1648 translation), 565 (to Eire, AC), 570/572 (died, AC), 680 (Hilda, ASC, Ethelwerd)?
Though Arthur is not mentioned in the DEB.

Gildas was contemporary of Ainmericus/Ainmire who has dates 548-551 or 566-569 or 573-576.

Arthurs 9th battle was at Urbslegionis or "Caerleon" the city of the legion. Legions in or near Roman and Sub-Roman Britain:
"Caer lleon on dee 917 bc",
"Caer lleon on usk 401 bc"
Caesar landed at/near Richborough 60/47 bc,
legions in Claudius invasion at Richborough?
Colchester (43-49/55),
Mancetter (43-58),
Richborough & Fishbourne (44-5),
Burrium (55-66),
Watling Str (60),
Menai (60-1),
Colchester (60-1),
Wroxeter (68-80),
Legio 9 Hispania at York 71-121,
Second legion from Gloucester to Caerleon 74/75 ad (till c 255)
Gloucester (75),
Chester & Caerleon 78
Eboracum/York & Virconium/Wroxeter & Deva/Chester & Isca/Caerleon 80,
Inchtuthill (83-7),
Mons Graupius (84),
Hadrian's Wall (120),
Bo'ness/Bridgeness (142),
Severus 2 legions York,
Eboracum/York & Deva/Chester & Isca/Caerleon 180,
Legio Valeria Vict at Chester 88-250
Rutupi/Richborough (Saxon Shore forts ca 270/293, Richborough built 277-285 or 305 or ca 395, legio Augusta garrison at/to Rutupi/Richborough (from Caerleon) 305, legion 2 Augusta at Rutupi in ND 395/400s/420/420s/428 until 15th C/1542/16th C/before 1672, church built end 4th or beg 5th cent, large popn ear 5th cent),
Maximus withdraws his legions from Britain 383,
Gratian with 2 legions sent away, Romans granted 1 legion,
Stilicho removed legion/force 401,
legio 6 Victrix, one of the two legions recalled 402
Constantine 3 withdraws remaining legion Augusta to Gaul 407,
"a late relief force sent ca 420 or so to help the Britons",
Logiore & soldiers of Coroticus in Life of Patrick?
forces from Caerleon transferred to Cardiff by early 5th cent,
Legio 2 Britannica from Gaul early 5th cent,
Legio 2 Britannica just 1,000 strong by ear 5th cent,
Leo (AC)?
Natanleod & 5000 (508, ASC)?
Pol Aurelian de Leon (David under 514, synod ca 545, died 575)?
"Caerleon on Usk ad 516"
"British legion near Orleans 530"?
St Dalmas / "legion of Britons at Loire in 536"?
Liganburh 571 (ASC)?
synod Urb(i)s Legion(is)/Legionum 601 (AC),
Legercyestre 606/607 (ASC)
battle Caer Legion 613 (AC),
siege Exeter ca 630?
Sentleger / St Ledger 635?
Caerleon (800),
Legaceaster (894, ASC)
"Civitas Karlegion / Legeceastre" (Florence of Worcester, 894 & 908),
"city of legions" (973, ASC?)
"the legionaries of Britannia Minor" (Roman Martyrology 2004),
St Loyes / Exeter (2010).

Arthur lead at the battle/siege of Badon in the HB, AC, HRB.
Badon's dates range in early traditional sources (and/or modern scholars) is 429 (Bede)? 430-440 (Higham), 450/454 (Malory), 470 (HRB), 482 (from easter cycle), 485 (Snyder), 485-520 (Wood), 487 ad (454 yrs Malory), 490s (Wood), 492/493 (DEB, Bede), 494-497 (Morris), 500 (Dumville), 501 (DEB, Evans), 516 (AC), 546 (one AC version), 554 (Hergest), 577 (Badon/Bath, ASC), 634 (ACb), 661 (Badon 2, Pontesbury, Hunt), 665 (Badon 2, AC), 675 (Badon 2, Bedwin, Charles, ASC), 939 (Badon/Brunandune)? 940 (HB)?
10 (Badon-Gildas, DEB), 12th (Glein-Badon, HB), 22 (Badon-Camlan, AC), 44 (Saxons-Badon or Badon-Gildas, DEB), section 50/56 (Arthur's battles, HB)? 63 (ACa)? 71/72 (Saxons-Badon, ACb), 128 (Vortigern-Badon, Hergest), 150 (Saxons-Badon, DEB), 222 (Saxons-Badon 2, AC/WA).

Arthur's great victory over the Saxons on St David's birthday/day was in 540 or 640 (Shakespeare & the Welsh).

Arthur's spear was named Ron in 470 (HRB). Rhun was son of Urien 626 (AC). Rhun was son of Maelgwn.

Arthur's battles were until Ida in the HB.
Ida's dates are 547-560 (ASC, Ethelwerd) or 584.

Arthur's battle of Camlan has dates range of 537 (AC), 542 (HRB, Stow & Warner), 576 (Hergest), after Arthuret (Triads).
10 (Camlan-Maelgwn), 22 (Badon-Camlan, AC), Triad 84, 92/93 (Saxons-Camlan, AC), cw126 (Camlan).

Arthur's battle of Camlan, and Maelgwn's death are associated with plagues, and "the plague is not mentioned in Gildas"?
Plagues dates include: 537/539 (Camlan, AC), 544 (pestilence, Columba)? 547 (Maelgwn, Justinian, AC), 590-604 (Gregory, Book of Hours), 639 (Emaus), 644 (London), 664 (ASC), 682 (AC), 683 (AC). *

Arthur was after Merlin in the HRB, and contemporary with Merlin in some stories, or before Merlin 573 in the AC.

Arthur is contemporary with Peredur in some stories, or before Peredur 573 (AC), 583 (AC), 593 (Hergest).

Arthur is contemporary of Dubricius in the HRB, or before Dubricius 612 (AC).

Arthur was contemporary with Urien in some stories, or before Urien in the HB. Urien's dates range is 567, or 575 (Wiki), 590, after 596 (Wiki), 600.

Arthur's grave is supposedly at Glastonbury, but Glastonbury has a founding date of 688 in the ASC.


Arthur came before Arthuret in the AC/WA, or during according to Ardrey which might be supported by the Triads having Arthuret between Goddeu (which is compared with Celidon) and Camlan.
Arthuret has dates range: before Camlan (Triads), 573 (AC), 593 (Hergest).
10? Triad 84, 128/129? 152?
Arthuret 2nd/middle of 3 between Goddeu (Caledon?) & Camlan might match either Arthur of Guinnion, or Arderit/Tribruit, or Anderida, or Andredes weald (Caledon).
Gwendoleu at Arthuret resembles Guinnion & Dover.
Arthuret was near the Caledonian wood, and Guinnion was in the Caledonian wood in an Irish source.

Arthur comes before Y Gododdin 538 or 570 or 596 (Wiki), 598 (Wiki), 600 (Wiki), or 638 (Wiki). (Though Arthur might match a person in the Y Gododdin?)

Arthur is considered to have come before Bedford 571 (ASC) &/or Dyrham 577 (ASC)? Though some have connected Badon with Bath in the 577 ASC entry. 3 of the sites in the 571 ASC entry have similar names to 3 of Arthur's battle sites in the HB (Bensington/Bassas, Egonesham/Ignesham/Guinnion, Liganbugh/Urbslegionis).

Arthur is implied to have come before the separation of the Cornish & Welsh at Dyrham 577, and the separation of the Welsh & North at "Chester" 601 (AC), 602 (Hergest), 607 (ASC), 613 (AC), 616.

Arthur comes before Constantine in the AC & HRB. Constantine has dates 407, 589 (AC). (Except for modern theories that Arthur might match Cuneglas who was contemporary with or after Constantine.)

Arthur/Badon came before Maelgwn in the 24 kings & AC & HRB & HB & DEB.
Maelgwn's dates are 547 (AC), Mailcun 559? Coinmagil 577 (ASC)? 581 (24 kings), 586 (Hergest), at Arthuret (DMT).
10 (Camlan-Maelgwn), 146 (Cunedda-Maelgwn).

Arthur comes before Ethelbert in the HRB. Ethelbert has dates 560 (ASC), 568 (ASC, Ethelwerd), 594 (AC), 616 (ASC).

Arthur is before Aedan 558 (AC), 603 (ASC), 607 (AC), 651 (ASC). Though some scholars identify King Arthur with Artuir mac Aedan who fought battles during Aedan's reign.

Arthur comes before "Chester" 601 (AC), 602 (Hergest), 607 (ASC), 613 (AC), 616.
Though some scholars identify the battle of "Chester" with Arthur's battle of the city of the legion

Arthur comes before Ceretic of Elmet 604-614, 616 (AC), 619. (See also Cerdic & Caradoc above.)

Arthur comes before the battle of Cirencester 577 (ASC), 628 (ASC), 629 (Ethelwerd).

Arthur comes before Penda in the HRB. Penda has dates 626 (ASC), 628 (ASC), 629 (Ethelwerd), 633, 645 (ASC), 655 (ASC, Ethelwerd), 657 (AC).

If Arthur was a Celtic christian then he came before the synod of Whitby 664.

Arthur comes before the 2nd battle of Badon 634 (Badon 2, ACb), 661 (Badon/Potesbury, Hunt), 665 (Badon 2, AC/WA), 675 (Badon/Bedwin, Charles).

Arthur comes before Cadwallon 629 (AC), 630 (AC), 631 (AC), 633, 634, 635 (24 kings)

Arthur comes before Cadwaladr 658, 664 (Hergest), 682 (AC), 684 (Ethelwerd), 685 (24 kings, ASC), 686 (ASC), 687 (ASC), 688 (ASC), 689 (HRB).

Arthur comes before pope Sergius 688 (ASC), 689 (HRB).

Arthur lead at Badon. Badon came before Bede's EH 735 (AC). Though Arthur is not mentioned by that name in the EH.

Arthur came before the HB of Nennius/Mark 55 bc (HRB), Nemuivus found at Bodleian 5th-8th cents? 542/547 (HB)? ca 555-595 (Nynnio ap Erb)? long before 560 (Ninnian, ASC)? 613 (Nennius & Elvod), "evidence vatican ms HB old as 674", that he had/used earlier sources dating ca 679/680, late 7th cent (Brewer's/Cooper), 796 (OEC), "claims of Mark/Marcus the Anachoret 822 to authorship of HB", 858 (421 + 428/438, Mermenus, HB), 946 (HB), 976 (HB), 984 (HB date of some), 989 (447 + 542, HB), 994 (447 + 547, HB, OEC), 10th cent (Mark's date, Gunn), 1071 (Irish HB)? Dumville on Nennius not before 12th century,  "12th cent historians refer to HB under name of Gildas / ascribed it to Gildas".
The HB of Nennius/Mark mentions Elvod who has dates 613 (Nennius & Elvod), 755 (HB apology/prologue footnote in OEC), 768 (AC).
The HB mentions Merfyn & Edmund. Merfyn has date 844 (AC) or 858 (HB) or 904 (AC). Edmund has date 946 (HB), 947 (AC), 976 (HB), 989 (HB).

Arthur comes before Charlemagne 800.

Arthur came before the Norman conquest 1066.

Arthur came before the HRB of Geoffrey of Monmouth 1136/1152. (Except for modern theories that Arthur is Alan of Brittany and Lancelot is modeled on ..., and that the Knights of the Round Table match king ...'s round table.)

Arthur came before the Morte de Arthur of Malory 1471.

Arthur came "once" before the "future".

24 kings = 24 kings & 33 cities document
AC = Welsh Annals
ASC = Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
CMSM = Chronicle of Mt St Michel
DEB = Gildas
EH = Ecclesiastical History of Bede
HB = Historia Britonum of Nennius/Mark
HRB = Geoffrey of Monmouth
ND = Notita Digitatum

OEC = Old English Chronicles
R of C = Richard of Cirencester
SS = Saxon Shore

Wiki = Wikipedia


Arthur's battles might have been somewhere in the following:

The westward limit of Anglo-Saxon cemeteries is only (at most) about 60 miles further west in the 7th century than it was in the early 5th (Halsall).
1st victory of Ambrosius between 429-450/456 (EH?)
Bede jumps 447/456 (to 565) to 596 (EH).
Jutish phase 450-500.
Increasing Saxon settlement ca 452-453.
Series of conflicts 455-519 (ASC, Brynjulfson).
Britons migrate to Brittany 458-460/480 (Evans)?
Saxon victories largely confined to coastal areas ca 460 (ASC).
Period of minimal Saxon activity 466-73.
British Recovery 473-517 (Ashe).
Only landings on the coast 488-547 (ASC).
50 yrs relative peace 488/496/503/504-547/570/577 (Evans, Wiki, Doyle).
ASC silent on Kent 488-565 (ASC).
Sussex disappears from the records 490-685.
Gap between Bretwaldas 491-560.
Saxons take 57 yrs to advance 25 miles 495-552 (ASC).
"Saxon advance halted ca 496-550".
"No archaeological evidence for occupation by Anglo-Saxons in that area of Sussex between the 5th and 8th century."
The Saxons were at Dorset's borders at beginning of 6th cent.
"gap in Gildas 500-550" (Carroll)?
Angles & Frisians emigrate to Continent 510-555/534-548/1st half 6th c. (Procopius).
Frankish influence 510-570/ear-late 6th.
We hear no more of Kentish dynasty of kings 512(-552/560).
No gains gap 516-552 (ASC).
"Essex not recorded king until Aescwine 527" or 604 (ASC)?
Mass migration of Celtic monks to Brittany ca 530-540.
Anderida appears to have been resettled by about the middle of the 6th century by a Saxon community.
Conflict between West Saxons & Kentish 568 (ASC).
Anglian slaves sold at Rome 580 (Gregory).
West Saxon king driven from his kingdom at Woddesbeorg 591/592 (ASC).
"There is no evidence from the 6th century to suggest that Saxon settlement had expanded further north than the southern one-quarter of the island." (Brynjulfson.)
Romano-British fields in Hampshire, Buckinghamshire, & Essex were ploughed into the 7th century.

Following are candidate matches in the ASC & AC for the 12 battles of Arthur in the HB of Nennius. The most likely matches are asterisked.

Glein (Great Yarmouth?) - Aegelsthrep/Agaelesthrep/"Aylesford" 455?* Cerdicshore 495/514 (ASC, GYAM)? Glewancester 577? Glannauc 629?

Dubglas/Linnuis (Othona/Ludanbyrg?) - "Thanet"? Crecganford/Lundenbyrg "Crayford/London" 457?*

Bassas "shallow" (Reculver?) - "Thanet"?* Ebissa? Epsford 455?* Wippedsfleot 465?* Cerdicesford/Avene 519? Bensington 571? Bass 669? Reculver 690?

Celidon (Kit's Coty/Coldrum? Weald in Caesar's invasion) - "Kit's Coty, Aylesford" 455?* "Crayford/Dart/London" 457? "no record" (HB/HRB)?* unnamed/fled like fire 473?* Andredesleaga 477?* Andred 490? Netley/Cerdicesford 508? Cerdicesleag 527?* "Aylesbury" 571? Arthuret/Merlin 573? Fethanleag 584? Wigracester "white town in green woodland" 584?

Castellum Guinnion (white, Badon in AC, Dover?) - Derguentid? "Thanet"?* Benedict shone 482? Andredescester 490? Wihtgarasburh 530? Wight 534? Wihtgarasburh 544? Martii 538? Bamburgh-castle 547? Wibbandune 568?* Egonesham 571? Arthuret/Gwendolau/Merlin 573?* Dyrham 577? Wigracester "white town in green woodland" 584?* Wight/Ashdown 661? sea/Centwin 681? Kent & Wight 686? Michael on Mt Gargano 718?

Legionis ("2nd Rome", Rutupi/Richborough/Gawain?) - stone on Gallic seashore?* "Thanet"?* city of Andred 490? Portsmouth/Llongborth 501?* Natanleod 508?* Iulius 540? Liganburh 571? Eliffer 573?* Wigracester "white town in green woodland" 584?* city of the legion 601? "Chester" 607/613? Maserfield/August 642? Campus Gaius 656? "Rome" 688? Usk 728?

Tribruit (Lemanis/Lympne?) - Pen/Parret 658?* Trent 679? sea 681?

Agned/Bregion (Anderida/Pevesney?) - Andredesleag 477? Andredescester 490?* Egonesham 571? "Aylesbury" 571? Pen 658?* Sussex 661?* Bedwin/Agatho 675?* Bregowin 759?

Badon (Thanet mentioned in aftermath in HRB, Portchester?) - Halleluyah 429? "Thanet"?* Benedict shone 482? Benedict ascended 509? Badon 516? Cerdic died 534? Bebbanburh 547? Badon 554 (Hergest)? Beranbury 556? Wibbandune 568?* synod of Victory 569?* Bath 577? Woddesbeorg 592?* Beandune 614? Bardney/Barnburgh 642? Bradford 652? Pontesbury/Ashdown/Wight 661?* Badon 665?* Bedwin 675?* Wight 686? Llongborth/Devon 710?

Camlan/Avalon - Natanleod 508?* Benedict ascended 509? Camlan 537? Camlan 542? court of Rhos 547? Gabran 558? Arthuret 573?* civil war 568? Bedcanford 571?* Woddesbeorg 592?* Cantscaul 631?* Bardney 642? Avon 652? Morgan dies 655? Glastonbury 688?

Arthur - Atilla 443? Vortigern British king 449?* Ethelbert?* Ethelric 588-593? Aethan 603? Garth Maelog 722? Arthgen rex 807?

Britons vs Saxons - Jutes vs Saxons 449? Kentish vs Saxons 568?* vs South Saxons 607?* East Anglia vs Northumbria, Northumbria vs Kent, vs Ethelings 617?*


I'll just append the note on Badon's date and location which I've started working on:

Name Bath / Bado/Badeu / Badon/Baddon/Vadon/Faddon / Badonis/Hadonis / Badonic / Badonicus / *Badonbyrig / Kaerbadum / Baddesdown/Bannesdown / Bath-hill (DEB, HB, EH, HRB, Rhonabwy, Camden, Wynn, Jackson):
Badarn/Padarn/Patern/Paternus of Gwenedeg/Vannes.
Beandune/Bampton 614 (Ethelwerd, ASC).
Brunandune/Brunanburh (Ethelwerd).
Braddon Hill, Dover.
There is a Bath area in map of Roman Dover.
Branodunum/Brancaster (ND)?
Braydon Water (Great Yarmouth)?
Adurni (Portchester, ND)?
Abaddon (Apocalypse/Revelation, Bible).
Wibbandune/Wimbledon 568 (ASC).
Arthur of Bradley (ballad).
Benedict Biscop Baducing is a similar B- name (ASC)?
Woddesbeorg 591/592 (ASC). (Compare Woden/Wodan & Badon/Vadon?)
Beadanhead/Bedwin 675 (Ethelwerd, ASC).
Cunedda vs Bethan/Liethali (HB)?
Baithene son of Aedan?
Badbury Rings.
Bebbanburh/Bamburgh 547 (ASC).
Beranbury 556 (ASC, d/r interchange?)
Bradwen (Cattraeth, Gododdin)?
Highland of Adowyn/Adoen / Adonwy / Adan (Gododdin)?
Badr 624 (Muslim).
Ysbaddaden (C&O).
Atilla & baedon/baedan 443 (ASC).
Bath 577 (ASC).
Baodan/Baetan/Baitan son of MacErca 566/567/581.
Fiachna son of Baetan 623 (Annals of Ulster).
Spanish queen Badda/Baddo 589/587/586.
St Bothan, St Bathan, St Baithan, St Baithen, St Baiton, St Baothin.
Bishop Baithanus 640 (Bede).

Date 40/43/44/45 yrs or 1 generation (DEB):
It is not known for sure whether the 44 yrs was from the arrival of the Saxons to Badon, or from Badon to Gildas'writing the DEB, and whether Gildas' birthday was the date of the arrival of the Saxons or the date of Badon.
Gildas' dates range in early sources is 421-512/572.
40 yrs alarm after Maximus (HB).
40 days & nights Germanus (HB).
Halleluyah Victory curbed invasion threat for a generation (EH).
16 + 25 yrs Patrick (HB)?
40 yrs Patrick (HB).
85 (2 x 40) yrs Patrick (HB).
120 (3 x 40) yrs Patrick (HB).
40 days & nights Patrick/Moses (HB)
Patrick's pope was Celestine who is the 43rd pope.
405 yrs nativity of Lord to coming of Patrick & 40 yrs death of Patrick to death of Bridget (HB).
40 yrs death of Patrick to death of Bridget & 4 yrs birth of Columba to death of Bridget (HB).
Vortimer's battles in section 44 of the HB.
40 days Rum map Urbgen (HB).
44 yrs easter 438 to Badon 482 (McCarthy & OCroinin)?
44 yrs arrival of Saxons 447/449 to Badon 491/492/493 (Bede)?
Columba "dove" & Iona "dove" linked with Jonah "dove" who is linked with 40 days in the Bible.
77 yrs old minus 32 yrs = 43 yrs old Columba (ASC 560 entry).
43 yrs Columba 521 (AC) to Columba/Ida 560/565 (ASC).
128 (3 x 43) yrs Vortigern to Badon (Hergest).
444th yr Scots & Picts (Ethelwerd).
Cadwallon 443 ad in one source.
Cunedda 443/445/446 ad in one source.
Socrates Scholasticus 445 ad.
Emmigration of Angles to the continent 510-555 (Procopius, Evans) matches 44 yrs?
Nynnio ap Erb 555-595 matches 40 yrs.
400 - 4 (HB 66) vs 447 (HB 15, 31, 50) is 43 yrs difference?
Riothamus connected with Euric 440-484 matching 44 yrs.
Riothamus connected with Geatica chapter/section 45.
40 days St Martin (Brewer's).
St Martin died 444 in ASC.
Atilla the Hun 443 ad (ASC).
Higham dates Badon to 430-440.
Theodoret & Evagrius 544 ad.
Pestilence 544 ad (Columba).
Stilicho 4400 (R. of C., Claudian).
Badon 516 to Camlan 537 is 22 yrs (half of 44, AC).
"Great victory of Arthur against Saxons on St David's birthday/day 540/640"?
542 ad Camlan (HRB).
Benedict shines 482 (ASC) + 77 (45 + 32) yrs Columba 560 (ASC)?
Benedict shines 482 (ASC) + 40 yrs = Columba born & Brigit died 521 (AC).
28 yrs Stilicho to Vortigern + 12 yrs to Ambrosius, & 4 yrs Vortigern to Saxons (HB)?
44 yrs from arrival of Saxons (DEB, EH) might connect with 56/66 yrs 448/458-514 of Ethelwerd, and/or the 69 yrs from the arrival of the Saxons to Decius & Valerian in the HB?

Badon was 44 or 150 yrs after the arrival of the Saxons.
The dates for the various invasions of the Saxons are 350, 360 (Germanics, Wiki), 367/368 (Germanics, Theodosius), 380 (SS forts), 397 (Picts/Irish/Saxons), 400 (HB), 4400 (Stilicho vs Saxons, Richard of Cirencester), 406 (Germans in Gaul sever contact between Britain & Rome), 408/410 (attacks by Scots/Picts/Saxons), 421, bef 429 (Germanus), 438 (ACb), 441 (Gallic Chronciles), 443 (ASC), 446, 447 (HB, AC), 447 (180 years before 627, Bede)? 449 (Hengist, ASC, Ethelwerd), 449-456 (Bede), 469 (ACb), 473 (Brynjulfson), 477 (Aelle, ASC, Ethelwerd), 494/495 (Cerdic, ASC), ca 500 (Northumbrian Angles, Wiki), 501 (Port, ASC, Ethelwerd), 514 (Stuff, ASC, Ethelwerd), before 547 (Ida, ASC), ca 550 (Essex, Wiki).

Birthday of Gildas (DEB):
It is not known for sure whether the 44 yrs was from the arrival of the Saxons to Badon, or from Badon to Gildas'writing the DEB, and whether Gildas' birthday was the date of the arrival of the Saxons or the date of Badon.
Gildas' dates range in early sources is 421-512/572.
Birth of Columba 405 + x + 40 - 4 (HB).
Birth of Columba 521 (AC).
Birth of Columba 560 - 43 = 517 (ASC).
Birth of Brigit 454 (AC).
Birth of David 458 (AC).
"Great victory of Arthur over the Saxons on St David's birthday/day 540/640".
St Patrick propetically foretold St David's birth (HRB).
Gildas met St David's pregnant mother.

840/940/960 slain (HB 946/994):
Battle of Athelstaneford 836.
Natanleod may come from Gwledig Naw Cant Lliwed "ruler of 900 (warrior) companies".
939 ad Brunanburh (Ethelwerd).
2040/2046 slain at Beandune in 614 (Ethelwerd, ASC).

Date 516/518 (AC):
Benedict ascended 509 (ASC).
Gildas wrote/died 512 (W of M).
56/66 yrs 448/458-514 of Ethelwerd.
"Aelle/Alle/Ella died ca 515."
David 10 years under Pol Aurelian 514, David born not later than 514 (Life of David).
Cadwallon 517 ad in one source.
Birth of Columba 560 - 43 = 517 (ASC).
Columba was born 4 yrs before death of Brigit (HB), Brigit died in 521 (AC) which makes Columba born 516.
Beandune/Bampton 614 (Ethelwerd, ASC).
Ethelbert died 616 ad / 5618 am (ASC).
"Arthur invades Eire 519".
Badon 520 (Wood).

Thanet mentioned in Badon aftermath chapter of the HRB. Badon near a flat island in another source:
Vortimer's battle at Thanet (HB, HRB).
Adurni is near Wight which is similar to Thanet.
Our Badon candidate Braddon at Dover is not far from Thanet.

Saxons flee to their ships in Badon aftermath chapter of the HRB, implying Badon was near the coast and implying that he drove them out of Britain. Badon was near the "Severn sea" in the HRB. Badon near a flat island in another source:
Our Badon candidates Braddon/Dover & Adurni are on the coast.
Arthur drove out the pagans at Guinnion in the Irish HB.
Cadwallon "drove the Irish out of Anglesey".
Cunedda expelled the Liethali/Bethan from every part of Britain (HB).
Arthur drove the Saxons out of Britain at Clarence.
The "enemies were routed and driven even to the sea" by Germanus (HB).
The Saxons fled to their ships in Vortimer's 4th battle (HB).
In Vortimer's 3rd & 4th battles the Saxons fled to their ships and betook themselves to Thanet, and sent to Vortigern to desire leave to depart and return to Germany, and they went on board their galleys leaving and returned to Germany (HRB).
Compare St Patrick rid Ireland of serpents/snakes?

128 (3 x 43) yrs Vortigern to Badon (Hergest):
120 yrs Patrick/Moses (HB).
Camlan cw126.
Arthuret yr 128/129.
390-518 (Kamlesh G)?
425/426/428-554 (Hergest, CB, Jones)?
Vortigern's dates range is 396-400 (HB), 5658 + 373 + 28 (HB), 426 (Hergest), contemporary of Germanus 429/447 (HB), 447 (HB), 449 (ASC, Ethelwerd), 455 (ASC).

Dux bellorum Arthur leads at Badon in the HB;
Duce Ambrosius seems to lead at Badon in the DEB & HRB bk 4 chap 20:
Germanus was dux proelli, or "Saint Germanus of Auxerre was twice styled dux belli by Bede". Germanus was "was unanimously chosen commander against the Saxons" in the HB.
Ambrosius has dates 429-450/456 (1st victory, Bede)? or in the time of Zeno 474-491 (Bede), or 5658 + 373 + 28 + 12 (HB) or 400 - 4 + 12 (HB), or between 460 & 470/542 (HRB).

Badon near "Winchester" in Welsh Tysilio. Badon of the AC matches Guinnion of the HB:
Adurni is not far from Winchester.
Our Badon candidate Braddon at Dover is also our castellum Guinnion site, and Guinnion may match Guintonhi/Guintruis/Guitguic/"Winchester".

Badon of AC matches Guinnion of HB:
Castellum Guinnion/Gurnion/*Alborum "white fort" 5th/8th of 9/12 might match: St Gwyddno/Goeznovius? Guitolinus vs Ambrosius (HB)? Dover/Braddon (Albion, white, 6th of 9, ND)? Gurthrenion/Gwarthennian of Vortimer & Germanus (HB)? Guinefort? Glasgwin (12 Monasteries list)? Galafort?

Badon is a siege in the DEB, maybe implying defensive fortifications:
Vortimer's battle of Thanet was a siege in the HRB.
Siege Perilous of the Round Table?

Osla/Ossa at Badon (Rhonabwy) & Arthur's 12 battles come immediately after mention of Octa/Otca (HB):
Oslaf/Oslake at Wibbandune 568 (ASC).
Vortimer fought Octa & Ebissa (HRB).
Octa was either the son or grandson of Hengist.
Octa has dates range between 429/460 & 470/542 (HRB)? or 455-488 (ASC), or 512.

Badon occurs in the 12 battles in section 50/56 of the HB:
Ethelbert became king in 560 (ASC).
Ethelbert reigned 56 yrs (560-616, ASC).
Wibbandune 568 (ASC) is 50 yrs after Badon 516 (AC).
56/66 yrs 448/458-514 of Ethelwerd.
Saxons take 57 years to advance to Salisbury 495-552.

Badon may be connected with the 150/300 yrs prophecy of the DEB:
Augustine's prophecy in the ASC 607 entry?
146 yrs Cunedda to Maelgwn (HB)?
St David 146/147 yrs?
Augustine 596 was about the 150th yr from 446 (Bede).
Arthuret yr 152.
330 yrs gap in Edinburgh Chronicle 734-1065.
396 yrs Cerdic 475/477 to Alfred 871 (ASC).
334 yrs Hengist 453 to 787 (Ethelwerd)

Badon is 9th/12th of 9/12 (3 x 3/4) battles sites of Arthur (HB):
Urbgennius of Bath is 9th of 11 consuls (HRB).
Mon/Mona/"Anglesey" is 9th of 9 battle sites of Arthur (PG).
Adurni is 9th of 9 SS forts (ND).
12 yrs Vortigern to Ambrosius vs Guitolinus (HB).
Vortimer's 4 battles and thrice enclosed (HB & HRB).
"3 several battles" of Arthur (HRB).

Dubricius/Dyfrig of Legions was at Badon (HRB):
Dubricius 612 (AC).
Mandubracius of the Trinovantes?
Compare Germanus was at Halleluyah Victory 429.
The city of the legion might be Rutupi/Richborough?
Compare intercession of Columba helped Scots to victory at Bannockburn 1314.

Number 470 slain at Badon in the HRB is 10 more than the 460 slain in the Long Knives massacre and might be a date:
Arthur contemporary of pope Supplicius 468-483 in the HRB.
Riothamus' date is 460/470.
"Ambrosius' battles 460-470".

Possible date of Badon of 482 (easter cycle, McCarthy) or 485 (Snyder) or 485-520 (Wood):
Life of Germanus c 480/480s.
Badon might match Benedict shone 482 (ASC).
"Ambrosius 83 yrs old"?
Arthur contemporary of pope Supplicius 468-483 in the HRB.
"Arthur in yr 454 in Malory = 487 ad"?
Brendan born 484 (Brewer's).
Cayburn battle 488 is similar to Badon & Caliburn?
Patrick 85 yrs (like Moses 80 yrs, HB 55).
"Glein 486" (Wiki).
Hengist died 488. Battle of Cayburn 488 (local tradition).

Some scholars think that Bede's Badon might be the Halleluyah Victory of Germanus in 429, & Higham dates Badon to 430-440:
Arthur and/or Gildas is 421 in the Chronicle of Mt St Michel and/or another source?
Arthur was a contemporary of Gildas who has a maximum dates range of 421-512/572.
Vortigern 426 (Hergest).
Ambrosius's 1st victory 429-450/456 (Bede),
Patrick 428 (AC), 430 (ASC).
Moses appeared in Crete in 431 (ASCe). (Moses = Patrick in HB.)
The 1st victory of Ambrosius has dates 429-450/456 in Bede?
Vortigern's date is 425/426/428 in Hergest.

"Badon date 493 in Bede":
Patrick 492 (Irish Annals).
Michael appeared Mt Gargano 493.

There was a mount/mountain/hill/down at Badon/Baddesdown:
Portsdown Hill at our Badon candidate Portchester?
The hills/downs/heights/cliffs at our Badon candidate Dover?
The mountain in the Pillar of Eliseg?
Dragon's Hill of Natanleod?

Badon was a victory of Arthur over the Saxons:
Ceawlin was driven from his kingdom at Woddesbeorg 591/592 (ASC).
Synod of Victory 569 (AC) after Wibbandune 568 (ASC)?
"Great victory of Arthur over the Saxons on St David's birthday/day 540/640"?
Halleluyah Victory 429.
St Patrick associated with Victoricus.
1st victory of Ambrosius (Bede)?
"Benedict shines in the world" 482 (ASC)?
"Benedict ascended" 509 (ASC)?

Badon 554 (Hergest):
Relics of St Patrick 553 (60 yrs later, Irish Annals).
Sarum 552 and/or Beranbury 556 (ASC)?
The 2nd battle of Badon 634/665 (AC) is roughly 100/110/111 yrs after 554.

Some think that the 2nd battle of Badon might have been in the same place as the 1st battle of Badon:
Badon 2 & easter 665 (AC) has been linked with either Pontesbury & easter 661 (ASC) or Luith Feirn/Fortrenn 664 (Ulster) or Bedwin 675 (ASC).

Arthur carried the image of Mary & cross of Christ at Guinnion &/or Badon (HB & AC):
Santa Maria de Bretona was a Celtic bishopric from ca 569 (Galicia).
Our Badon 1 site Dover/Guinnion has two churches of St Mary in Castro and St Mary .... Sources say St Mary in Castro may date to as early as ca 600 ad.
St Mary's Reculver.
Our Badon 2 site Adurni/Portchester also has a St Mary's parish church in it.
Bitterne has St Marys (dating to at least 690-700)?
There is a 'St Mary Bourne' near Calleva and/or Adurni?
"Winchester, a lofty tower ... founded in honour of Mary" in 908

Guinnion (HB) or Badon (HB, AC) was Arthur's greatest battle in his 12 battles:
The name of St Martin le Grand of Dover might relate to Arthur's greatest battle and/or his 12 battles? (Martin = Mars = war god.)
St Martin's Canterbury?
"St Martin's London" (HRB)?
St Martin died 444 (ASC)?
Calends Martii 538 (ASC)?
Martianus 538?
"Great victory of Arthur on St David's Day (1st of March) 540/640"?
St Martin's Hwiterne long before 560 (ASC)?
Martin Aureo 561?
St Martin of Galicia died 580?
Pope Martin 649-655?
Mt St Michel?
St Michael of Gargano 493? (Michael warrior angel in bible.)

Badon yr 71/72 in the AC:
69 yrs from the arrival of the Saxons to Decius & Valerian (HB)?
Bonedd y Saint 70/71?
Cissa 72/76/89/90 yrs old (Nothgyth Quest).
Gildas dies in 572 (AC).

Caer Odor & Odor Nant y Badd or Nant Badon &/or river Badon/Avon (24 kings doc, CB):
Mantuantonis/Mutu-antonis (Ravenna cosmography 69)?
The river Antona at Winchester?

Alternative name of Solsbury for Badon/Bath (HRB):
Our Badon candidate Portchester is in the Solent.
Badon is linked with Brunanburh by Nennius, and some think Brunanburh was in the Solway area.
Some have Badon near Sarum/Salisbury.
Silbury Hill?
Sulis Minerva?

Arthur and/or his battle of Badon have a dates range in early traditional and modern scholarly sources of 3349 bc (Waddell), Ursus 776-742 bc (me), Deoartavo(i)s 47-67 (me), 180 (Arthur, Infopedia), 350/383 (Morris)? 421 (Arthur &/or Gildas, CMSM &/or another source)? contemporary of Gildas 421-512/572 (Sts Lives, DEB), 429 (Badon thought by some to match the Halleluyah Victory in Bede's EH), 430-440 (Badon, Higham), 450/454 (Malory), not 452 (no Arthur, Gallic chronicles), 459-475 (Albericus), during pope Hilarius 461 (Salzbury Annals, Polonius, Preis), during Aegidius 461-464 (Guise), during pope Supplicius 468-483 (HRB), 470 (number slain at Badon in HRB thought by some to be a date), 482 (Badon, McCarthy & OCroinin), 485 (Badon, Snyder), 485-520 (Wood), 487 ad (454 yrs Malory), 490s (Badon, Wood), 492/493 (Badon, "Bede")? 492/493-516 (Badon, Jackson, Evans, Cooper), 494-497 (Badon, Morris), contemp of Cerdic 494/495-516/534 (HRB), 496/497 (Badon, Wiki), 499-511/518 (Badon, Brynjulfson), 500 (Badon, avg, Jackson, Wiki, Dumville), 501 (DEB, Evans), not 511 (no Arthur, Gallic chronicles), 516/518 (Badon, AC, Ashe), 519 (Arthur subdues Ireland), 537/539 (Camlan, AC/WA), 540 (great victory), 542 (Camlan, HRB, Stow & Warner), 546 (Badon, AC), before Ida 547-560/584 (12 battles, HB), 554 (Badon, Hergest), 566/567 (Baodan/Baetan/Baitan as Badon), "abdicated in 574 (541 yrs after the crucifiction)", 576 (Camlan, Hergest), 580 (Simon Stirling), 582/586/588 (Ardrey), 589/587/586 (queen Badda/Baddo as Badon), 631-650 (Arthus, Swedish king list), 634 (Badon 2, ACb), 640 (great victory), 650 (Arthur, Wace, Morris), 665 (Badon 2, AC), 700 (Arthur, Infopedia), 807 (Arthgen, AC, Evans, me), 940 (number slain in HB as date)? Alan of Brittany (Zoetropo).
We can see from all of the early traditional ones that Arthur must have been between 421 and 584, while a 2nd Arthur may have been around in 640-650.

We will just append a list of dates ranges for persons who may be connected with Arthur &/or Badon.

Alban: Ialebion 1758-1739, Albyne 1600/1560 bc, Labienus? 209? d 283/287 (ASC), 304/4304 (R of C), Germanus 429/447, Ailbe 527, synod Alba 544, Albinus 550.


Andred: 477 (ASC), Cayburn 488 (local tradition), 490/491 (ASC), 756.

Agatha/Agatho: 675 (ASC).


Aelle/Alle/Ella: Halleluyah victory 429? came 477 ASC, 490 ASC, d c 515, r 560 ASC, Alleuia 580 (Gregory), d 588 ASC, Alleuia (Augustine).

Adomnan: d 704 (AC).

Aedan: 582 (A of C), fought 603 ASC, d 607 AC, d 651 ASC.

Arviragus: 17/46/47.

Arthur: 3349 bc (Waddell), Ursus 776 bc? Deoratavois 47-67? LAC 180 (Infopedia), gen Ursicinus 349-359? 350/383 (Morris)? Ursinus 366? 421 (CMSM)? Ursus 422? 450/454 (Malory), not mentioned 452 (Gallic), "b 465"? 470 (HRB)? no mention 511 (Gallic), 516 (AC), invades Eire 519, 537 (AC), 540 (SatW)? 542 (HRB), 554 (Hergest), Arthari 586? Arthus 631-650 (Swedish)? 640 (SatW)? 650 (Wace, Morris), 700 (Infopedia).

Arthur: 22 yrs.

Arthuret: 573 (AC) 593 (Hergest).

Arthuret: yr 10 / 128/129 / 152.

Anmericus: 548-551, 566-569, 573-576.

Ambrosius/Aurelius: 1st victory 429-450/456 (Bede), 455 ("ASC", Brynjulfson), c 460 (Brynjulfson), "Ambrosius' battles 460-470", 467 ("AC", Brynjulfson), 479 (major chronicle annals, Wiki), Pol Aurelian synod c 545? Pol Aurelian de Leon d 575?

Ambrosius: 83 yrs old, AC 100 yrs.

Atilla: 434-453, war 443 (ASC).

Amal: 530.

Brendan: b 484 (Brewer's), d 574 (AC), d 577 (Brewer's).

Benedict: shone 482 (ASC), d 509 (ASC), rule 529 (Pears, Parker), d 536 (M of W), biscop 628-689/690.

Benedict: 54 yrs 482-536?

Benignus: d 468 (AC).

Beli/Heli/Eli/Ely: 401 bc, 58 bc, Cymbeline 4 bc, son d 613/616 (AC), d 627 (AC), d 722 (AC).

Brigit: d 405 + x + 40 (HB), b 454 (AC), d 521 (AC).

Badon: 429 (Bede)? 430 (Higham), 482, 485 (Snyder), 493 (Bede)? 516 (AC), 520 (Wood).

Badon: 128 yrs Vortigern to Badon, 44 yrs arrival Saxons to Badon (DEB, EH)? 72 yrs arrival Saxons to Badon, 150 yrs arival Saxons to Badon? 10/44 yrs Badon to DEB, 22 yrs Badon to Camlan.

Brocmail: d 607 (ASC), 613/616, d 662 (AC).

Birinus: baptised 635 ASC, d 650 ASC.

Bebba: 547 ASC.

Bass: at Reculver 669 ASC.

Botolph: 654 ASC.

Beda/Bieda: came 501 ASC.


Cerdic: arrived 495 (ASC), ford 508 ASC, shore 514 ASC, r/ford 519 ASC, leaga 527 ASC, d 534 (ASC), d 616/619 (AC), d 798 (AC).

Cerdic: 514 is the 56th/66th yr (Ethelwerd).

Cerdicshore: 495, 514.

Cerdicsford: 508, 519.

Cutha/Cuthulf/Cuthwin: 568 ASC 571 ASC, 577 ASC, d 584 ASC.

Cynog: d 606 (AC).

Columba: b 405 + x + 40 - 4 (HB), b 517 (ASC), b 521 (AC), pestilence 544, came 560 (ASC), to Britain 562/563 (AC), came 565 (ASC), d 594/595 (AC), life 650 (Adomnan).

Columba: 45 + 32 = 77 (ASC).

Constantine: Condida 571/577 (ASC)? 589 (AC).

Cross: chronicle 734-1065.

Cattraeth/Eidyn/Gododin: 538, 570, 596 (Wiki), 598 (Wiki), 600 (Wiki), 638 (Wiki), 668 (Ulster).

Caesar: 60 bc, 55 bc, 47 bc, daughter 17ad (24 kings).

Cynric: came 495 ASC, r 534 ASC.

Ceawlin: fought 556 ASC, r 560 ASC, d 593 ASC.

Ceolric: 591 ASC.

Conmail: d 577 ASC.

Condida: d 577 ASC.

Cunedda: 328-389, ear 5th c, 443/446.

Cadwallon: 55 443-517, 629 (AC), d 689.

Celestine: 429/430.

Daniel: d 584 (AC).

David: b 458 (AC), b not later than 514 (Life of David), St David's 519/6th cent-1087, TyGwyn 527/528, day 540? d 544 (Usher), synod Llanddewi 545, 580s (Tigernach), buried by orders of Maelgwn late 6th cent (HRB), d in reign of Constantine, d 600/601 (AC, Brewer's), field of Leeks 633, day 640 (SatW)? St David's burnt 645 (AC).

David: 32 yrs, 65 yrs, 100 yrs, 146/147 yrs.

Dubricius: d 612 AC.

Dionysius E...: 527 (Playfair), 532, replaced 1752.

Easter: 438, 453 (AC), 532, 661 (ASC), 665 (AC).

Easter: 84 yrs, 44 yrs, 532.

Evaristus: 79 (Arundel, OEC), 97/99-105/107.

Eleutherius: 156 (HRB), 4160 (R of C), 161 (Arundel, OEC), 167 (ASC), 174/175, 189 (ASC).

Ethelbert: b 552 (ASC), r 560 (ASC), battle 568 (ASC), r 594 (AC), d 616 (ASC), 5618 am (ASC).

Ethelbert: 32nd yr (ASC), 53/56 yrs (ASC).

Ethelings: 617.

Esc: r 455 ASC, r 488.

Ebur: b 150/151 (AC), d 501 (AC).

Elvod 613, 755 (HB apology/prologue footnote in OEC), 768 (AC).


Farimail: d 577 ASC.

George: d 300 (Brewer's), Dragon's Hill 508? adopted 1098.

Glastonbury: 688/7th cent (ASC), 1184/1539.

Germanus: Alleuia victory 429, 2nd visit 447, died 448, life c 480/480s.

Gildas: 421 (CMSM or another source)? b not later than 498 (Life of David), born "c 500", "gap in Gildas 500-550" (Carroll), wrote/died 512 (W of M), wrote 546 (Habington, HB 31), to Eire 565 (AC), d 570/572 (AC, Irish, Wiki), Hilda d 680 (ASC)?

Gildas: 44/150 yrs, 10/44 yrs, wrote 29/44/53 yrs (Evans), d 54/69/78 yrs (Evans).

Hengist: Hergest? came 449 ASC, d 488, battle 835 ASC.

Horsa: came 449 ASC, d 455 ASC.

Ida: 547 (ASC), 560.

Iago: d 613 AC, laid waste 952 AC.

Julius: 540 ASC.

Judoc: 903 (ASC).

Kentigern/Mungo: d 612 (AC).

Laurentius: 616 ASC.

Leo: synod 439 (ASCe), 453/455 (AC).

Llongborth: 500/501/508, 710/712.

Lucius: 156/167/189, LAC?


Lucius Tiberius/Hiberius: LAC? Lucerius 469-70? *

Martin: b 371 (Brewer's), d 400 (Brewer's), d 444 (ASC), calends Martii 538 (ASC), church long before 560 (ASC), Aureo 561, d 580 (Galicia), Martinus 641, Pope Martin 649-655, at St Martin's 1061.

Mary: 569 (Bretona), 600 (Dover), 690-700 (Bitterne), 694 (ASC), 908 (Winchester, Ethelwerd), 1088.

Michael: 421 (CMSM)? Gargano 493, consul 538? consecration 718 (AC).


Maximus: 381/383 (ASC), 422?

Maelgwn: d 547/549 (AC), Mailcun 559? Coinmail 571/577 (ASC)? d 581/586, succeeded 590.

Maelgwn: yr 10? yr 146 (HB).

Mela: came 501 ASC.

Mellitus: 604 ASC, d 624 ASC.

Mauricius: 583 (ASC).

Marcian: r 449 ASC.

Marcus: 406.


Nennius: 55 bc, Nemuivus found at Bodleian (5th-8th cents), 542/547 (HB)? Nynnio ap Erb 555-595? Ninnian long before 560 (ASC)? 613 (Nennius & Elvod), "evidence vatican ms HB old as 674", that he had/used earlier sources dating ca 679/680, late 7th cent (Brewer's/Cooper), 796 (OEC), "claims of Mark/Marcus the Anachoret 822 to authorship of HB", 858 (421 + 428/438, Mermenus, HB), 946 (HB), 976 (HB), 984 (HB date of some), 989 (447 + 542, HB), 994 (447 + 547, HB, OEC), edited 10th cent (Mark's date, Gunn), 1071 (Irish HB)? Dumville on Nennius not before 12th century,  "12th cent historians refer to HB under name of Gildas / ascribed it to Gildas".

Ninnian: long before 560 (ASC).

Nicholas: at council 325 (Brewer's), 343 (ASC).

Neot: chronicle 914.

Natanleod: d 508 ASC.

ND 395/400s/420/420s/428, until 15th c/1542/16th c/before 1672 (Speyer).

Oslake: 568 ASC.

Palladius: sent 429 (ASC), 430 (Ethelwerd).

Patrick: 365 books? b 387/389 (Brewer's), 403 (popular writers & folk piety), came 405 (HB), 421 (HB)? left 428 (AC), sent 429/430 (ASC), arrived/landed 432 (Irish Annals, Brewer's), 433 (Life of Patrick), arrival 438 (HB), d 457 (AC), consul 459? d 461/462 (Irish Annals, Brewer's), 492 (Irish Annals), letter to Coroticus 496-508, consul 500? relics 553 (60 yrs later, Irish Annals).

Patrick: x yrs, slave 6/7 (HB), captive/freed 16/17 (HB), continued great while in Rome, consecrated 25 (HB), 30 yrs (AC), (16 + 25 = 40?) taught 40 (HB), (Irish baptised in 5th yr of Logiore,) apostle of Irish 85 (HB), died 120 yo (HB), 60 yrs after (Irish), (+ x yrs) + 7 yrs to coming Lord / Judgement.

Paterius: 443.

Pedridan/Penda: 658 ASC.

Paulinus: 534, converted 601 ASC, invested 625 ASC, baptised 627 ASC, d 644 ASC.

Paulus: 496/498/512/517/518.

Count Paul: 460/470?

Pol Aurelian: David 10 years under Pol 514, synod c 545, d 575.

Pabo: son died 595 AC.

Peter: 616 (ASC), 626 (ASC), 643 (ASC), 655/656 (ASC), 675 (ASC), 686 (ASC), 688 (ASC).

Petrus: 406/433/443/489/504/516/521/533/534/540.

Porta: came 501 ASC.

Riothamus: 460, 470.

Rhun: baptised 626 AC.

Redwald: 617 ASC.

Rutupi/Richborough: built 277-285 or 305 or ca 395, legio Augusta garrison at/to 305, legion 2 Augusta at 395/400s/420/420s/428 (ND), church built end 4th or beg 5th cent, large popn ear 5th cent.

SS: forts ca 270/293, 360 (Wiki), 368 (Theodosius)? 380, 395/400s/420/420s/428 (ND), 452 (revolt, Wiki).

Severus: 189/207, 447, 632.

Supplicius: 468-483.

Sutton Hoo: 491-612/620(-"660").

Stuff: came/fought 514 ASC, 534 ASC.

Theodosius: count 367/369, r 423 ASC.

Tewdrig: 584, 630.

Uriens: 567, 575 (Wiki), 590, after 596-600 (Wiki).


Valentinian: r 449 ASC.

Vortigern: 396-400 (HB 66), 426 (Hergest), invited 447/449 HB/ASC.

Wihtgar: came/fought 514 ASC, taken 530 ASC, given 534 ASC, d 544 ASC.

Wipped: came 449 ASC, Epsford 455? d 465 ASC, Wibbandune 568 (ASC)?