Friday, May 24, 2019

how the elite control most people

Tactics that the elite use to control most people:

technology, surveilance (broadband fibre optics, photo-ids, cameras everywhere, face recognition, freeview dtv, satellites, mobile phones, taxi drivers report to police, infiltration, smartmeters, "windows 10 has spyware in it", UMC, etc).

fluoridation, medication, Drs/"health" regime, food, water, drugs, 1080, vaccination, mercury fillings

psychology, hypnotism, brainwashing, humour, lies, propaganda

(mass) media, tv, net/web, papers, movies

vices, pleasures (porn/scammers/cammers, drugs, food)




work, everyone is too "busy" (live  to work, working for the bank)

forcing things via essential neccesities/services, national resources (eg smartmeters, fluoridation, fibre, banks)

dependency (eg electricity vs candles/fire/longjohns, welfare, etc)

radiation/em/bio-electrical (smartmeters, wireless)

weather manipulation, chem trails, 1080

Making selves out to be good, "experts/authorities/professionals",  "science", etc and making others out to be evil/bad, "pseudo", etc (moralistic/dualistic).

trends, fashions, peer pressure

divide and conquer


disruption, confusion, fear


money power, rent, interest, monopoly, gst, wages, prices

daylight saving time changes

science used for slavery, technology

There are also half a dozen to a dozen more we still yet have to add.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

root causes

what are the root causes of abortion?
what are root causes of rape/incest?

what are root causes of mass unemployment and "welfare state"

what are the root causes of "increased incidence of (at high risk) (disadvantaged) (urban) (childrens) tooth decay"?
what are the root causes of "have to fluoridate the water"?
what are the root causes of "get a water filter:?

what are the root causes of "housing crisis" in NZ/US/Eire?

what are the root causes of increased numbers of children/teens on medications?

what was the root cause of the 2019 christchurch mosque shooting (hint globalism, etc).

What is the root cause of my slightly heightened sensitivity and/or of my bad situation/condition and/or of my being so upset/mad?
What is the root cause of my misery regarding this neighbours ringing sound going all day and night eveyr day and night?

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

7 churches part 3

Forenote: I dont/cant believe there can be any God anymore because if there was a God he would not allow such totally mean and cruel hell on earth wrongs to be constantly done to me for so long and allow the culprits to be getting away with it for so long (though these criminals and cowards won't get away with it forever, even if there is no God, there is not doubt from world history and other evidences that they will one day be overthrown and strung up like the evil filth coward criminals they are, even if they still succeed for some decades/centuries yet). But i still post historical and other discoveries even if they relate to the bible. (Don't think that just because i manage to post some connections means everything is fine and dandy. Things have been hell on earth for me here the last 4 years.)

Continuing our found proposed matches of the 7 churches.

1 Ephesus - Jerusalem
2 Smyrna - Alexandria
3 Pergamum - Rome
4 Thyatira - Constantintople
5 Sardis - Madrid
6 Philadelphia - Philadelphia in USA
7 Laodicea - London.

6. Philadelphia.

The 6th church Philadelphia seems to match the church of the puritans and pilgrim fathers (and pioneers/colonials?) with its centre at Philadelphia in the USA, as seen by that the details of Philadelphia are similar to those of the American puritans?

Philadelphia means "brotherly love".
The name is the same as the Philadelphia in the modern USA.

Details of Philadelphia (Asia Minor) in history and geography etc:
- in great Roman road-system (see footnote for comparisons),
- "descendants of Macedonians",
- ancestral bravery & self-reliance (compare Puritans, Pilgrims, Amish, wild west, cowboys),
- large Jewish population (compare New York, Hollywood),
- founded by Attalus II (compare Atlas/Atlantis/Atlantic).
- Philadelphus king of Pergamum (matching Rome in Revelation),
- city of Lydia (compare 5th church Sardis) (compare name London?)
- subject to earthquakes (compare LA?)
- Philadelphia was also the name of a city of the Decapolis in Transjordan, earlier named Rabbah and later named Amman.
- Septuagint of Ptolemy Philadelphus? (compare bible/KJV/AV? ASV? NWT? JST?)

Details of Philadelphia/letter in Revelation/Apocalypse 3:
- "he who opens and no one can shut", "I have set before you an open door"
- synagogue of Satan of "those who say they are Jews but are not" (which was also in Smyrna) (might match the freemasons? or catholics? or bad Jews? or BIs? or Mormons? JWs?)
- kept from the hour of testing or great tribulation.
- "which is to come on the whole world/earth".
- "i will make him a pillar in my temple" (compare American buildings masonry)
- "write on him the name of my god" (compare brands? 666?)
- "the city of my God the new Jerusalem" (compare Pilgrims Progress? New York?)

7. Laodicea.

Laodicea the 7th church of Revelation 2-3 seems to match the Victorian and/or modern Western church(es) with the centre at London, as seen by that the details of Laodicea are startlingly/amazingly similar to details of Victorian London and Britain and British Empire.

Laodicea means laos "(common) people/lay/laity", leithos" town hall", & leon "lion" closely related, + dike "justice/rule", dikaios "righteous", "civil servant, public serving" (compare British parliament, house of commons, democracy, US republicanism, British civil service, British law, British lion, city of lions/lyonesse).

The name Laodicea is similar to London or Claudia or Boadicea.

Details of Laodicea from history, geography, etc:
- founded by queen Laodice wife of Antiochus/Seleucus II (compare Boadicea? Claudia/Genuissa/Gwenwisa daughter of Caesar/Claudius/Caractacus? Queen Victoria, who said the empire was due to the bible? Britannia?)
- city of Phrygia (compare Phrygians with Britons/Celts),
- important city, metropolis (London was the largest city of the world at the start of the last century).
- on river Lycus (compare London on the Thames),
- seat of an early christian church (compare British christian traditions of Claudia/Pudens, Joseph of Arimathea, St Alban, Arthur).
- isolated in community,
- was a manufacturing & commercial centre (compare Tubal & Meshech in prophecy) (compare British industrial revolution, free trade, Manchester school economics, Keynesian, Marx)
- contributed to advancement of science & literature,
- had a large jewish population,
- their letter to Caius Rubilius in favour of Jews (Josephus)?
- Laodice daughter of Priam of Troy & Hecuba (compare Brutus the Trojan),
- martydom of Lulianos & Paphos (compare martyrs Julius & Aaron),
- St Artemon (compare St Alban? St Aaron? Arthur?)
- celebrity of place attributed to fertility of soil,
- near Colossae,
- passed to kingdom of Pergamon (= Rome in Revelation 2),
- centre in Roman road-system (compare Britain is a famous historical Roman province),
- water heavily charged with calcerous matter (London has hard water in contrast to soft water in the North, and British use lime in the water. Also compare fluoridation.)
- embellished beautiful monuments,
- baths,
- theatre(s) (compare Shakespeare, etc),
- restored from own means,
- "For I desire to have you know how greatly I struggle for you, and for those at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my (Paul's) face in the flesh" (Colossians 2:1).
- Laodicea & Hierapolis (Colossians 4:13) (compare Britain & Ireland?)
- "letter from Laodicea" (Colossians 4:16)
- apocryphal epistle to the Laodiceans from Paul.
- also name of a queen of the Gileadites/Galadens.
- on river Lycus (also name of Apollo as healer), a centre of Asclepius (god of medicine/healing) worship, great medical school, "eyesalve" (compare RCP, fluoridation, medication, Dr Watson).

Details of Laodicea/letter in Revelation/Apocalypse:
- 7th/last church matches 7th/last day or sabbath/saturday (= Seventh Day Adventists? Latter Day Saints?)
- only one of the 7 churches with a plural name "Laodiceans" in some versions? (= many churches/denominations/sects? colonies/nations/tongues?)
- "Faithful & True Witness" (compare Jehovah's Witnesses?)
- "the head of God's creation" (compare Evolution vs Creation?)
- lukewarm
- rich/riches.
- wretched, miserable, poor, blind, naked (compare Victorian London of JTR's times, Booth's letter, Scrooge, workhouses, "beggars are lay"?)
- "buy from me gold" (compare gold standard?)
- "white garments" (compare poor hygene/cleanliness then, compare cotton? compare pope of modern times?)
- "as many as i love i reprove and chasen (compare discipline)
- Jesus on outside,
- sup/dine (compare British dinner/tea/supper).
- "sit down with me on my throne" (compare British king/queen).

That is the 7 churches done in 3 blog posts. We also have some more further details matches to add to a few like Sardis sometime. Only reaming thing to mention is that I see my 3 posts on the 7 churches are not as great and easy to understand unfortunately, but they are not so difficult that some people should not be able to understand without too much effort hopefully.

situation problems

Don't "say the grass is greener on the other side", because others have told me to "shift" which is a contradiction. You can't deny some situations are more better/worse/suitable/unsuitable than others. They say "its all about location", and "lucky latitudes", etc. They say people are less/more happy on overcast/sunny days and in winter/summer. "Genetics determines what you can be, environment determines what you will be".

Don't say it is just a "mental problem". A situation like this one can make a persons condition worse than it otherwise naturally was/is/would. These things are very real hell wrongs been being done by others to me, not just my mental. My mother was on medications but still had to shift from a hell situation. This globalist regime is insane/unnatural.

Monday, May 13, 2019

7 churches part 2

The 7 churches of Revelation/Apocalypse part 2 (of 3).

1 Ephesus - Jerusalem
2 Smyrna - Alexandria
3 Pergamum - Rome
4 Thyatira - Constantinople
5 Sardis - Madrid?
6 Philadelphia - Philadelphia in USA
7 Laodicea - London.

4. Thyatira.

Thyatira seemingly might match the medieval church with centre at Byzantium/Constantinople/Istanbul, as seen by that the details of Thyatira are maybe analogous to details of Byzantium.

Thyatira means "burning incense".

The name Thyatira is maybe similar to that of empress Theodora (wife of Justinian)? (and/or another Theodora & Theophylactus in 880-928/932? or 1050?)

Details of Thyatira from history & geography:
- (city of) northern Lydia, borders of Mysia,
- on great trade route,
- valley of Meanander (compare Dardanelles, Scamander/Troy),
- dyes, dyed fabrics, (compare silk?)
- centre for trade in wool,
- founded by Seleucus Nicator (Greek/Macedonian Syrian),
- much inhabited by Jews,
- Lydia seller of purple from there (ref Acts),
- Thyatira is not far from Byantium in maps.

Details of Thyatira/letter in Revelation/Apocalypse:
- 4th of 7 churches following Pergamum/Rome.
- at top right of arch of 7 churches plotted on map going from Ephesus (s.w.) to Pergamum (n.w.) to Thyatira (n.e.) to Laodicea (s.e.). (Compare the schism between west and east in ... ad.)
- false-prophetess Jezebel (who might match empress Theodora 530? or Helena mother of Constantine 328? Irene 800?)
- things sacrificed to idols (= icons?)
- sexual-immorality/adultery/bed/fornication (like Pergamum) (compare Theodora was an actress who wore scimpy clothing and founded house for ex-prostitutes)
- killed with plague/death (maybe = Justinian plague 537? plague 547? Black Death bubonic plague 1347?)
- no other burden (compare Byzantine public works & slavery, Slavs),
- authority over nations (= empire?),
- morning star (Lucifer/Venus) (= Pendragon comet? star in coin of Honorius? "morning star of the reformation"?)
- just before chapters break.
- 4th church may match 4th day (Mercury/Wednesday which may = pope Mercurius/John 534? Woden/Germans)?

5. Sardis.
Sardis the 5th of the 7 churches we are not overly sure of the exact correct match but we think that it seems to probably match the church around the times of the inquistition and conquistadores, with its centre maybe at Madrid or Toledo, as seen by the similarity of some of the details of Sardis with details of those times and places.

Sardis/Sparda/Sert-Kalessi was the name of the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia, but its origin and meaning i am not sure of from sources that i have checked so far.
The name Sardis is maybe similar to Sephardim (Spanish/Ladin Jews), Sparta, the Sherden Sea Peoples, Sardinia, Savoyard, Sarsen stones (Stonehenge), and the name "Saracens" used for Basques at the battle of Roncesvalles, and/or similar to Cadiz, Cardinals, Chartres, Swiss chard, Chardonnay/Chardonel, and/or Tartessos/Tarshish, Tardenoisian, New Carthage. All of which are connected with the Spain/France/Italy area. Sardinia was under Spanish rule in the later middle ages. The Conquistadores are similar to Spartans?

Details of Sardis/letter in history and geography:
- residence of Croesus,
- renowned for wealth,
- captured fabulous treasure there,
(The times of the conquistadores was one of gold from the Americas.)
- capital/metropolis of Lydia. (Spain was under Lydian sea-power 1149-1101/1057. Lydia has been connected with Libya which latter Spain has ancient historical connections with. Compare name Ladin/Latino? or Lisbon?)
- ten times as big as Gordium (compare Spain? Latin America?),
- 50 miles east of Smyrna,
- one of the oldeset cities in Asia Minor,
- Cyrus conquered it,
- Persian royal road (compare Peleset sea peoples, and/or Spain was under Pelasgian rule 1101/1057-972/970),
- Alexander the Great conquered it from Persians (compare Spain was under indirect Babylonian rule 578-569, and theoretically maybe under indirect Persian rule c 480 and Alexander's indirect rule? Spain was under Atlantean rule and Atlantis was defeated by Greeks.)
- sacked and captured by Antiochus,
- after period of long decay,
- regained importance under Roman rule (= Hispania? Spaniards? renaissance? reformation?)
- a main centre in Roman road-system,
- noted for beauty & wealth,
- wool-dyeing,
- now miserable village (compare modern Spain & Latin America, and the remains of ancient Tiahuanaco/Atlantis city),
- destroyed by earthquake (Lisbon quake? Atlantis quake?),
- sardine/sardius is a red/reddish or ruby or (brownish red) carnelian or blood-red or flesh-coloured stone, or "a variety of chalcedony, of many colours, each variety receiving a differnt name". (Red can be gold, blood, revolution, Mediterranean/Latin hot-blood, American indian, cardinals, pink/pale 'White Anglo-Saxon Protestants'? Santa?)
- sardius was the first stone in the first row of the high-priests breast-plate in the Torah/Pentateuch. (Spain first in pope's realms in thise times?)
- sardonyx is sardius + onyx and has "3 stripes of different colours" (like the flags of Atlantis, Italy, France, Germany, USA).
- sardine is a fish. (These times were those of Columbus, etc. Also smelly times before more hygene/cleanliness. Maybe also a parallel of tinned/canned sardines with European ships?)

Details of Sardis/letter in Revelation/Apocalypse 3:
- "7 spirits", "7 stars" (compare 7 seas, 7 climate zones, 7 continents, 7 cities, 7 champions of Europe?)
- Sardis is the only church that has nothing good said about it. (Matches the conquistadores, inquisition, etc.)
- comes just after the chapters break between the 4th & 5th of the 7 churches.
- "book of life" (= bible? index of forbidden books?)
- "he who overcomes", &, "I will in no way blot his name out of the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels" (sounds similar to inquistition).

Sunday, May 12, 2019

7 Churches of Revelation

The 7 churches of Revelation/Apocalypse 2-3 were 7 churches in the times of the apostle John (between 30s to 100 ad), but many agree that they seem to also match 7 church ages between the time of Jesus and modern/future times because the details are similar to the history of christianity/church. This may be supported by the match with the 7 x 7 in Zechariah. (7 lampstands/candlesticks could be either one menorah or 7 menorahs.) 7 x 7 = 49, and 49/50/52 is the pentecost. However, we have made even further possible discoveries that the 7 churches may also analogously match 7 centres of the 7 church ages:

1 Ephesus - Jerusalem
2 Smyrna - Alexandria
3 Pergamum - Rome
4 Thyatira - Constantintople
5 Sardis - not sure (see post when comes for candidates)
6 Philadelphia - Philadelphia in USA
7 Laodicea - London.

We have already leaked info on these in some forums in last few years, but this is a more improved and easier to read version. Part 1:

1. Ephesus:

Ephesus the 1st of the 7 churches certainly seems to match (the early church with centre at) Jerusalem, as seen by that the details of Ephesus are very analogously similar to ones of Jerusalem.

Ephesus meaning of name: "desirable" / "overseer/rule", or "border".

Name is similar to Jebus or Cephas or Eucharistus/Evaristus or Jesus or Ephrathah or Ebionites or Essenes or episcopal "bishop" or Eve.

Ephesus secular historical/geographical details:
- original inhabitants Carians & Leleges followed by Ionians,
- Croesus,
- gateway to the east,
- one of oldest  cities of Asia Minor,
- centre of Roman province of Asia,
- "in the Roman province of Asia no city was more important than Ephesus",
- seat of proconsul,
- shrine/temple of many-breasted divine mother Diana/Artemis who was worshiped all over Asia (compare "Jerusalem is the mother of us all", - "mother church", "Mary Mother of God"),
(- Diana/Artemis/Ashera virgin goddess,)
- temple one of the 7 wonders of the world,
- visited/founded by Paul,
- "John church leader in Ephesus",
- epistle/letter to Ephesians,
- capital of Ionia,
- on Aegean sea,
- zealous,
- one of chief centres of Eastern church / important centre of christianity / Christian centre of Asia,
- important commercial city,
- importance as a religious centre,
- substantial Jewish population,
- home of Timothy,
- noted for commerce, learning, architecture,
- riot at Ephesus in Acts,
- surrendered to Cyrus,
- destroyed by an inundation (compare the diaspora "flood"),
- "today Ephesus is a desolate ruin",
- temple destroyed by maniac,
- ruined by quake 17 ad,
- Paul preached here,
- scene of ecclesiastical riots,
- church councils,
- regular excavations,
- Ephesians decree in Josephus,
- south of Smyrna,
- "one of most important cities of Roman Empire alongside Rome, Antioch, Alexandria, Corinth (compare 7 church patriarchates included Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Rome).
- center/temple of imperial cult / caesar worship (compare Romans put Jupiter in temple, and Jerusalem is a catholic centre).
- Inscription stone at Ephesus similar to temple one in Jerusalem.

Ephesus/letter details in Revelation 2:
- 1st of 7 churches,
- apostles,
- midst of paradise (compare ideas that Jerusalem is site of Eden),
- "works/teaching of the Nicolatines" ("victory over the people", clergy ruling the people, also at Pergamum),
- 7 lampstands/candlesticks (menorah/menorahs, hanukah),
- "Saturday" (ref B Thierring)? (Though more likely 1st church matches 1st day?)

2. Smyrna

Smyrna the 2nd of the 7 churches seems to symbolise the persecuted church, with its centre maybe at Alexandria (Egypt) or else Antioch (Syria)? As we see below that the details of Smyrna are very analogously similar to ones of Alexandria/Egypt:

Smyrna means "myrrh", or "goddess Myrrha".

The name Smyrna/Izmir is maybe similar to "Symon zelotis Egiptum" or Simon Stylites or Sara or St Mark (Pharos) or Stella Maris (Isis/Mary) or Mizraim?
(Maybe connected with St Nicholas of Myra?)

Details of Smyrna from general history and geography:
- large sea-port town,
- gifted with a free civic life by Romans,
- one of earliest places to establish imperial cult,
- emperors worshiped as gods in temples erected in their honour,
- myrrh exported for manufacture of perfume & incense as well as for medicinal use,
- important city on west coast of Ionia,
- old city dates back to Theseus,
- Alexander the Great built the new city,
- became subject to Rome,
- noted for beauty,
- Christianity got early foothold there,
- a centre of early christianity,
- sent bishop to Nicea 325,
- mixed nationalities and creeds,
- considerable commercial importance,
- at head of gulf,
- figs, raisins, tobacco, carpets, rugs,
- chief commerical centre of Levant.

Details of Smyrna from Revelation/Apocalypse 2:
- 2nd church between 1st Ephesus/Jerusalem & 3rd Pergamum/Rome. (Compare concord between Ephesus/Artemis and Alexandria/Serapis might match 1st & 2nd churches Ephesus & Smyrna/Alexandria?)
- "who was dead and has come to life" (= Serapis?)
- oppression (= compare Hebrew slaves in Egypt?)
- synagogue of Satan of "those who say they are Jews but are not" (also at 6th church Philadelphia) (= proseuche prototype of synagogue at Alexandria? archisynagogus at Alexandria? Set/Seth? synod?)
- 10 days persecution (= "10 persecutions from Nero 67 ad to Diocletian 313 ad"? 10 yrs persecution of Diocletian 303-313?)

Alexandria was a centre of early christianity and/or heresies, in times between the apostolic church and later Roman church (Gnostics, Apocrypha, Nag Hammadi text, Septuagint, Oxyrhynchus, St Mark, Jacobites, Coptic, Simon Stylites, St Antony, Sara, one of the 5/7 patriarchates, etc).

3. Pergamum.

The 3rd church Pergamum seems to match church centred at Rome, as seen by that the details analogously match Rome:

Name Pergamum/Pergamos means "tower, citadel, heights, fortress" (maybe also a hint of -gamy "(sacred-)marriage"?) Compare St Peter's & the obelisk in front of the Vatican. (May also match the forts of feudalism of the middle ages?)

Details of Pergamum/letter in history & geography:
- large city in Mysia, a city of Mysia, nw Asia minor,
- chief centre for worship of (Roman) emperors,
- refusal to sacrifice to emperors the supreme test,
- parchment,
- famous as a Greek centre of art & culture (classics),
- temple of Zeus (Jupiter),
- temple of Augustus,
- Berosus,
- near Lesbos/Lesbians,
- celebrated for library, library rivaled Alexandria's, library transfered to Alexandria, (compare Vatican library)
- centre moved from Babylon to Pergamos to Rome (ref Hislop).

Details of Pergamum/letter in Revelation:
- where Satan's throne is, where Satan dwells (compare the throne that pope sits on, compare 4th beast dragon in Daniel).
- witness/martyr Antipas (meaning "like the father" or "anti father/pope" or "in place of father") "my faithful one" killed in the midst of you (compare Telemachus/Almachus killed in Colosseum in ca 391/404/410 ad? Pope Joan/Agnes/Anglicus slain in street in Rome? "great martyr" pope Telesphorus? Paul executed in Rome?)
- teaching of Nicolatines (Nico-las "(clergy's) victory over the people". pope Nicholas Breakspear? Nicolo Macchiaveli? council of Nicea? Santa Claus?)
- hidden manna ("supernatural food", compare catholic mass waffers)
- at the hghst top/peak of arch of 7 churches plotted on map going from Ephesus (s.w.) upto Pergamum (n.w.) and back down to Laodicea (s.e.).

NZ tradespeople problems

I know tradespeople are all busy (though truth is they all seem to all be too busy all the time) but they really have to have abit more darn consideration of us people who need services, because tradespeople stuffing me around so much all the time has caused me major hell troubles. You may be busy but you cant just dictate to us, we have rights and needs and are busy too you know. Any relationship or work between persons requires both sides to negotiate and agree and compromise reasonably.
Also you can't discriminate against a person just because they seem to you supposedly strange or unusual or supposedly sick.

One time plumbers sent two grown men around and didn't even do the job just gave me a stupid quote.
Number of plumbers make me wait for days/week, and then when ring expect me to be ready in half an hour, and grumble big time if i say i need hour notice.
One plumber purposely wrecked my hot water tap turning it off extremely hard.
One plumber stomped mud all through my hall/passage/corridor carpet.
Plumbers claimed they couldn't hear or find the ringing leaking/running sound.
I had to ring 4 plumbers before i found one not too "busy". Plumbers said "you know we charge 85 dollars an hour and have minimum charge of such and such".
I rang on Wednesday and then the 4th one said "we can't do anything until Monday, we will ring you back then", and took my details. (So i have to wait 4 days with this cursed plumbing ringing sound stopping me sleeping etc.)
Now monday 12 pm they have not rang/rung. (I sent an email after 12 and turns out they claim they were just then sorting out a time, so i should have waited until 1 oclock. Also turns out my clock was 14 minutes fast because of cursed daylightsavings etc hastles.* But that they left ringing until less than 14 minutes before 12 they should have saidlunchtime not morning.)
(I once had another plumber ditch me leaving me in lurch.)
Of course now those plumbers told me they wouldn't want to do it now because i overreacted bad. Plumbers dont reply emails (why do they have email?)
Now as a result of the other plumber problem i have been cornered into having to accept another plumber coming at 830 in the morning ("squeezed in") and i didn't have time to think (fluoridation impairs brain best ability, and stress etc does too) that it will be hell me getting ready then because darn attached neigbour will be banging etc getting ready for work as he always/often does that time in morning.
Some tradespeople have ripped me off.

You see tradespeople always all cause me hell troubles because they just pressure/dictate us to accept their terms without any consideration of fitting in with us, and they excuse it by saying they are busy. We are pressured because they are "busy" and they don't consider us priority. (Something like 70 plumbers in upper/lower hutt yet they all claim they are busy and act in similar ways.)
People can't just keep stuffing me around wasting my "life" keeping me always busy, always forcing me to accept their terms regardless of my situation needs. Trades people can't just dictate to us. I don't have unreasonable requirements. Don't worry about the hell troubles you cause me by forcing me to accept your terms without any negotiation.
No i am not exagerating or hysterical or paranoid or overanalysing (though i was abit hysterical/overreactive due to this plumbing problem going on for months with half a dozen plumbers being problematic), the last 4 years have been Hell on earth for me, i have had no time to do things i need and want, constantly wrongs being done to me by others. In last year ihad plumbers come half a dozen times and couldn't get this darn ringing sound stopped. Imagine what it is like when everything/everyone seems against you and you are all alone and no one for you and things getting worse, if you can't get trades work done etc you are in serious trouble.
I am not perfect, i have a few faults and flaws, but people have to recognize that others actions and inactions effect us. People spout off about community, but it is not a community if thy just dictate to us.
 All my effing exfriends cut me off for being angry at these and other Hell wrongs (including fluoridation) always being done to me by other people (constantly numerous times by everyone). Have the cheek to say i am bad or mental but make excuses for everyone else who mess me around.

All i expect of tradespeople etc is these:
- negotiate a time/day that suits us
- able to arrange and get it done without darn hell hastle and delays
- job done on the day if possible (i can't keep going through all the darn trouble of again preparing to let people tramp through my flat more than 1 days)
- job done properly
- not be treated as not priority
- reply to email.
- not be ripped off
I don't care about the money, i need to get needed maintenance/repairs done without hell hastle. One thing shouldn't take such massive troubles. How many times i haven't been able to even get anyone willing to do a job.

* Once again cursed daylight savings caused me hell. I hate DLS and always set and keep clock a certain amount of hours ahead remembering my time is 1 hour less ahead in summer. It is my way of defying DLS and not changing clocks two times a year. But i forgot my clock was also some minutes ahead because i always used to have it abit ahead so i am never late going out and getting to places which i have to be at a set time, because if i knew the real time i'd leave getting ready it too late.
You see there are numerous hell wrongs done to me by elite and others (fluoridated water/food, daylight savings, noisy neighbours, etc etc) which all cause hell and all combine with each other to cause hell. But i am always the one that made to look bad and others get away with it.
I hate DLS, its wrong, it causes troubles. Though the fluoridation is the one worst thing far worse than everything else and most to blame for last 4+ years hell troubles.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

101 things about NZ

101 "minor" and major things i hate about NZ and the modern western world.

Fluoridated water (and food and health products and medications) forced on majority.

$99.99c prices on majority of things.


Daylight Savings

Black as NZs national colour. (Says something about the minds/hearts of NZers. Black is death, darkness. Pretty sure it is also a reflection of fluoridation.)

Everyone being cramned into subdivided suburban slums (except for rich government and corporate execs who have million dollar mansions).

Ugly mean beast looking cars (made to look like beasts eg headlights like eyes).

1080 drops.

City councils all having different rubbush bags and refusing to accept any other but their own.

Not being able to get white normal woolen longjohns in NZ but only expensive merino or synthetic/poly or opossum fur.

Them taking away telephone copper landlines and forcing broadband fibre optics.

Excesive identification requirements but nooffical national id only unoffical/nonnational id.

Appointments system.

Quotes system.

Drs/GPs only having quarter hour slots.

Contractors system.

MMP voting system.

Churches all having same block of singing followed by block of sermon format.

People saying "kids", "guys", "hi", etc.

Excessive market rents, and housing prices by "location".

Mass unemployment caused by free trade policies, and people bashing the victims.

Sugar and salt heaped in so many foods (even wheatbix, som of which would otherwise be perfectly alright food but are wrecked).

So much "lamb" meat. Always "lamb". Poor lambs.

"Recycled singles".

Everyone always being so "busy" and "have no time".

Tradespeople messing us around.

Fake "foil" packaging thats really plastic.
Only having alluminium foil not tin foil.

Things not having ingredients lists except for food. Eg tap water, candles, pots/pans, etc.
Foods not saying whether sprayed or not (except for "organic" and even thats not as true as madeout)

Raised reflector studs in middle and sides of roads causing juddering of cars and buses.

Slow trains.
Trains with seats backwards.
"Matangi" trains with annoying loud ringing sound.

Baggy legs shorts/trousers.
Slouch sleeves jerseys/shirts.

Houses not having heat/cold and noise insulation.
Annoying noisy heat pumps.

Noisy soupedup cars.
People hinking horns despite road code saying only a warning device.
People backing out of driveways despite roadcode saying to back in and drive out.

People letting off fireworks other days/weeks/months of the year including new years day despite being illegal and causing disruption.

Helicopters flying around clocking up 1000 hrs flying time.

People not staying home when have cold/flu, and not staying for 7 days but mixing too soon (esp in trains etc).

Hemisphere-covered cameras in all places of travel/transit and trae/transaction.

Flat keys computer keyboards.


People making noise in public libraries (mobile phones, talking, banging books on shelves, newspapers, etc).

Lawnmowers all using weedeaters and windblowers. Talk about excessive OCD-like. No wonder everything echos when not even a blade of grass to insulate.

"Christmas" always lasting two whole months (all Dec & all Jan) or more (people all going away at different times and everything being veritually closed/stopped for two whole months).

Everything being about "business", corporate, money, economy, commericalism, consumerism (sports, mental health, government, etc).

Artificial/synthetic/blend clothes prevalence.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

the few outside/alone

"In one of the last interviews I ever saw Michael do, tears leaked from his eyes as he admitted to a living in a loneliness that most people would never know...."  "Michael Jackson died a lonely man. He admitted in one of his interviews with Oprah that he used to cry to himself due to loneliness. He never had a childhood. He never was a normal kid. He grew up without even experiencing life as a normal person. He never knew himself at all. Fame pays?...."
 "From what Ive heard Michael Jackson was a very lonely person and was Very mis-understood. I wonder why there was a doctor there at his home ...."
 "Michael Jackson was so lonely that he turned to mannequins to feel like he had human company. That is the degree of isolation he experienced ...."
 " of the most ... lonely people I've ever met...."
 "I'm better off dead. I'm done."

Friday, May 3, 2019

Sites of Jesus life finds

Gethsemane found?

kepos/kipos "garden" of Gethsemane/Gat-shmanim/Gat-shenim/Gat-semena/Gad-smane "oil/fat press", chorion/xorion "place/estate" (across brook/valley of Kidron, in vicinity of Mt of Olives/Olivet).

Gan-ha-melekh/Gan-ha-melech "garden of the king, king's garden(s)", royal wine press(es) (at confluence of the Kidron and the Central/Tyropoeon valleys), part of the gardens of the kings (valley in area, Mt of Olives).'s_Garden_(Jerusalem)


Cana found?

Nazareth found?
(Not sure if this has been deleted, i can't look since they banned me.)

Bethsaida found?
Dalmanutha found?
Gadara/Gerasa/Gergesa found?
Chorazin found?
Tarichaea found?
Magdala found?
Nain found?

Calvary/Golgotha/tomb found?


Mount of Transfiguration found? :

The main likely orthodox location is Mt Hermon which is not far from Casarea Philppi. (The traditional candidate Tabor may be unlikely.)

However, this might be wrong but i wonder if the mount of the transfiguration was possibly Sinai/Horeb (Lawz/Maqla)?
Moses and Elijah were both at Sinai/Horeb.
Moses face shone (Ex 34:29), and Jesus face shone.
"It is good we are here" might match.
God spoke to Moses up on Sinai, God spoke up on the transfiguration mountain.
Cloud on Mt Sinai/Horeb (Ex 24:16, 34:5), cloud on transfiguration mt.
Luke states that they spoke of Jesus "exodus" which he was about to make at Jerusalem.
I've read the 3 gospels accounts and there is not necessarily any definite time/distance parameters.
Or else it could be Calvary/Golgotha (Skull Hill) :
"tell no one until after the son of man has risen from the dead".
"3 tents".
Calvary is a "high" mountain.

The only reason against it is the distance seems just too great (though not impossible), otherwise i'd say the evidence seems pretty intriguing. Luke even uses word exodus.
The 6/8 & 1 days before & after don't necessarily limit it. It says *after* 6/8 days, and 1 day after they came down, which only means (in English at least) that they started out to there after 6/8 days. (Maybe they needed time to prepare.)
One of the gospels also says Bethsaida not Caesarea Philppi before they went to the mountain.
The high mountain as Calvary is just figurative as the most important hill/mount of biblical history. But i have thought since that there wouldn't be clouds etc. So i think the Sinai one more likely.
The temptation mount was also hypselon oros too.
However there is still parallels if not the same site.

Ref list of mountains/hills/mound/peaks/ridges/highlands/heights in Bible: Calvary/Golgotha, Sinai/Horeb, Hor (Karkom), Saphon, Hermon/Sirion, transfiguration mt, temptation mt, sermon mt, Tabor, Zion, Temple Mt, Moriah, Ararat/Lubar, 7 hills Babylon/Rome, eternal mountains Genesis 49 (pyramids?) Ebal, Gerizzim, Sephar, Nebo/Pisgah/Abarim, Lebanon/Libanus, Antilebanon, Bashan (Bishri?) Seir, Olives/Olivet, Carmel, Armageddon/Megiddo, Gilead, Gilboa, Lot's cave, Shaddai/Kur, Shepher, Paran, Halak, Ephron, Jearim, Baalah, Gaash, Heres, Zalmon, Bethel, Zemaraim, Bether, Perazim, Oreb, Azotus, Ragau, Taurus, Bethulia, Samaria, dunghill, cityonahill, Phinehas, Moreh, Hachilah, Ammah, Mizar, Gareb,  mtPanium mtMeron djebelEjeik jabalelsheikh mtbernike, el-ghor*, golan, hillcountry.