Before the Manifesto below we first have to give this explanation:
Below is a start of a manifesto. It is only a start and is in construction. At present this is only "my" manifesto but it is intended for a party or movement and the policies should be commonly agreeable to others.
I am sick of me and others suffering the effects of many ongoing bad/evil things that have been happening in this country in the last decades especially since the Rogernomics changes of the 80s, and I am sick of that there don't seem to be any parties or movements or people trying to do anything much effective to stop them. Also although I recognise faith in God is more important than political efforts, I think/feel it seems right to also try to make a difference in the community or for a community. So I have decided I am again going to try to start a movement myself. Among the things we need to do for this is to produce and publish a manifesto.
(Actually we need two manifestos, a short one of a dozen or so principles, and a longer detailed one with policies points. This is the longer one. The slogans in the contents list might serve as a short one.)
There is a national election here in a month's time but it is too late for us to be ready to contest this election, so it won't be for another 3/4 years until we can contest the next election if I am still alive and able then. (Though to be sure I don't believe in just being a party with a manifesto and just campaigning in the months before the election, I believe in being a movement with a philosophy of life and principles and being active all the time. Nor would it be enough if we have only a few members in parliament, we would have to have a majority to be able to really do anything much.)
I haven't yet been able to come up with a good party/movement name that covers the main angles of being nationalist (that's NOT the same as the so-called National Party) and God-/Christian-friendly (though not necessarily a Christian party). (Suggestions welcome.) Previously I was using the name Zealandia Party but after I stopped it a year or so ago I recently found that Action Zealandia seems to have stolen the name after I mentioned it in a certain web forum their founders visit. I considered joining them but I'm not happy about some things like they don't allow members over 35 only supporters, they don't seem to be actively standing against fluoridation? and they don't seem to really be making alot of effective progress despite some good progress they are privately reported to have been making, and they focus too much only on racial and not enough on social? and some other reasons I can't list. So although it seems pointless starting another group of own when there is already another movement that has some nationalist principles in common, I need to try do something myself since no one else is effectively doing anything much. Though these last few years I haven't been able to do anything much activism-wise like meetings and speeches etc, and I don't know whether I will be able to do much in coming weeks and months and years. And a political movement will not so very likely succeed without such activism. But at the least I won't feel so bad if I do at least publish our evidences on the evils of this regime/system.
There is not really any of the parties standing in the election this year which I very much favour. Social Credit is probably the only one I have anymuch interest in. Though I agree with various policies of theirs, there are missing things. Action Zealandia is not even standing in the election.
I'm totally against most of the parties like National, Labour, Act, Conservative. Even NZ First I have stopped favouring much since Winston Peters just seems to have been pro-National or pro-Labour and pro-Globalist, and their policies on employment etc are not wholly agreeable. The Greens are not against fluoridation and their record in parliament and their policies also are not all agreeable. I've been against the Maori party ever since the scandal of the first founders, and their overall general policies are not all agreeable? I don't like Mana either. I prefered 1 or 2 of the previous minor Maori parties like Mana Motuhake (spelling?) (not the Mana party).
Advance NZ sounds/looks like they might have some agreeable points? but I'm not sure of them for various impressions reasons including the American type colour combination. I especially don't like that their leader is an ex-National Party mp.
Outdoors sound/look like they might have some agreeable points, but I don't know enough about them, and from their name they seem too much like a one point party (just "outdoors" stuff)?
Legalise Cannibis is just like a one point party, and not very serious.
Of the 2 christian parties, Vision NZ the successor to Destiny NZ might possibly have some ok. Not sure about the "ONE" party, and it doesn't look likely to get many votes.
So for me I'd have to vote either Social Credit or Outdoors or Vision NZ (or possibly ONE? or lastly Advance NZ?) (I'm not sure I will be able to vote, again, due to my situation as I can't get out easily or much. But one vote isn't going to make much difference, though I would vote if I can.) None of those parties have enough greatly agreeable in common to join except perhaps Action Zealandia.
Well I better stop talking and post the start of the manifesto. Any suggestions on policies and points are welcome. We will seriously do our best to incorporate anything and everything that seems right, though we won't sell-out on any major principles for any corrupt reasons unless we are sure the points are wrong.
Manifesto of the [Zealandia? Revival?] Party/Movement.
(P.s. Any and all original ideas are "copyright" to this party/movement and/or the persons. (We have already had policy points and other things stolen or copied at least twice in past years by mainstream politicians and others.) Anyone who shares common "nationalist" or "christian" interests with us is free to use them as long as you are not one of our common "globalist" etc enemies pushing the current regime/system, and preferably if you can try to give acknowledgement or credit. We acknowledge that there are some points in our own manifesto which we learnt from our mentors and others. When we are able to we will try to add references/sources/credits/acknowledgments to each section of those we can remember. One of my main mentors I acknowledge for alot is the prominent NZ nationalist Kerry Bolton. We don't mean any false stealing of any one elses achievements. Its not about our esteem, we are only trying to find how to stop the wrongs we are suffering.)
Contents list of policies partly or fully completed below:
Sovereignty **
Food - "healthy & wholesome food"
Water - "clean natural water".
Abortion - "natural steps relationships"
Housing - "affordable housing for NZers first"
Immigration - "selective immigration"
Dental Health
Health - "holistic health"
Energy - "alternative energy".
Gender Affairs - "divine & natural gender relations"
Defence - "armed neutrality"
Electoral & Government - "occupational franchise" **
(Policies not yet added:
Social Welfare/Security
Education & Training
Trade **
Foreign/International Affairs/Relations **
Maori Affairs
Industrial Relations
Economics/Economy **
Business **
Land & Valuation
Culture **
Privacy & Information
Civil Aviation
Superannuation & Senior Citizens
Science & Technology
Civil Defence
The problem is not just the regime but the people too, the problem is in all of us and we all need to be fix ourselves. This has been put in different words by different people eg
"a way of life" (Mein Kampf)
"personal code of honour"
"self improvement" (Action Zealandia)
"not ideology but genetics" (The Scorpion)
"not archaism or futurism but rebirth" (Campbell)
"not a patch but ..."
"not more laws but ..."
"not external/shallow but deep"
"law written in hearts" (Bible)
"repentance" & "we need to be born again" (Bible).
We are opposed to how the globalist elite have separated us from Godly and Natural laws and boundaries/borders/"barriers", and natural organisms (races, nations, families) and cultures, and natural struggle, and we are opposed to how the global elite have enslaved us under unnatural artificial laws and socio-economic environment, and social engineering, and consumer culture, and artificial competition, and traditions of men, and treat us as if we are just "consumers/customers/clients" and cattle, and economic units and cogs in their system.
NZ and NZers must have national sovereignty and independence from any globalist, foreign and private interest and influence and control that is against our national interest.
We must free ourselves from the control of all those globalist elite, international bankers, big business, corporates, rich/wealthy, Bilderbergers, and international organisations which have been doing harm to our nation and culture and society.
We do not support the TPPA.
We will not withdraw from the United Nations, but we will not be subjected to them if or when/where they go against our national interest.
We will pursue friendly relations with all nations, but we will not go along with anyone or anything that goes against our national interests.
We will not participate in any peacekeeping/policing or operations or bases which only serve foreign/private interests and which go against our national interests.
All NZ's natural resources and assets must be returned to NZ ownership.
No farmlands should be owned by foreigners overseas.
Economics should serve the nation, not the nation serve economics.
No more making seat thighs parts purposely too long so people have to slouch in the seats.
No more swamping the market with a majority of clothes made of artificial synthetic material. People must have a equal choice of clothes made of natural material. Also cotton clothes must not be made too thin thread and too tightly woven and too thickly died so that they don't breathe.
No more purposely making clothes with slouch sleeves.
No more making trousers and shorts with way too baggy legs.
No more swamping the market with cheap imports from Asia.
We must reduce the use of chemical dyes and bleaches in clothes, especially black and "made to fade" ones.
No more making shoes with hollow soles that wear out quickly.
Reduction of promiscuous and eroticist clothing trends.
There should not just be "three sizes (small, medium, large) fits all".
Food: (See also Health.)
Although the bible might be right that man doesn't live by bread alone, and that food passes through, and God protects believers from poison, it nevertheless still seems that food and diet does have some effect on our health and ability. Compare the tree of life.
"To have a new man we need a new body" and this includes a good holistic food diet. Unlike the governments of the last decades we are not afraid of encouraging everyone to be their best health and ability. Those who control the food industry have control over urban people. The enemy targets necessities and people's weaknesses & pleasures & "flavours" as means for controling people.
A stop must be made to the spraying and dusting of fruit and vegetables with chemical sprays and powders. (Not just for the environment but for peoples health.)
The fluoridation of foods must be illegal.
GST must be taken off food necessities and only remain on luxury foods/drinks.
The food industry must not be allowed to keep heaping sugar and salt in foods and drinks.
All food and cooking packaging and utensils should have the ingredients listed.
Microwaves should be discouraged. A number of people I know who had microwaves died of cancer.
The use of growth hormones must be banned.
Encouragement of small farms, home gardens and communal gardens.
It is not right that the best goes to the elite and imports while we get lower quality.
Food should not just be sold by "weight" but by amount.
There should be a vegetarian option in the Armed Services (if there is not already one), not just a meat diet.
Water: (See also Dental Health, Health.)
Those who have control of the water have control of people.
The forcing of "community fluoridation" of public tap water must be stopped and the culprits arrested. The answer to "increased incidence of (at high risk) (urban) (children's) tooth decay" is not to force fluoridation on people but to address the root causes (sugar heaped in foods, oral cleanliness, processed carbs, socio-economic inequalities). The authorities have no right to force anyone to have to keep eating and drinking added fluoride. The authorities can give no proof that fluoridation doesn't harm or hinder our body or brain health or ability. They can not control the dosage/intake of water and fluoride. It is not fair that it is not forced on everyone equally, and even if it were we all have different situations and some people are effected more than others. We have no proof that the elite practice eating and drinking fluoride every meal every day like they force us too. Fluoridation is forcing disadvantaged people to have to eat it every meal every day because water is an unavoidable daily essential necessity of life and a monopoly. Getting a water filter is not such a easy solution as people are falsely lead to believe: it is not easy to find a filter that genuinely takes the bad stuff out, and that doesn't put any bad in, and that doesn't take the good nutrients out, plus there are tap fitting difficulties, etc.
We oppose the privatisation of public tap water and waste.
In addition to stopping the fluoridation of public tap water, we should install more artesian springs/fountains around urban areas, and we support rain water and bore water sources for homes and farms. Atmospheric and distillation should also be available. So that people will have options and no one will again be under forced fluoridation.
We are opposed to the allowing and encouragement of abortion. But we recognise that just banning abortion doesn't solve the problem. Abortion is not just a woman's choice at the time of abortion. There are other people involved in the choice including the man and the child etc, and the choice is not just at the time of the abortion but at the time of intimacy and even before then during all the environmental circumstances leading up to it. Our policy is not just dogmatic or legalist but genuinely gets to the real issue.
We must address the root causes of why abortion has become so accepted rather than merely being for or against the choice of abortion. It is a myth that abortion mostly arises from just rape and incest cases. (1) We must limit the promiscuity and eroticism and porn in our "culture" including in media, advertising and clothing.* No premature sex education in schools or by parents (like my foster parent did to me). (2) We must encourage commitment, marriage and family. People must have responsibility if they want to play around with "intimacy". We all must stop seeing "intimacy" as just materialistic and stop separating love and sex. We must learn there are a number of steps and stops over time in developing relationships* and a number of spots in "intimacy"*. Men also need to not be so rough with women but to be gentle*. People don't just want a one off prostitute, people want love and companionship and family. People don't just want someone physcially nice but someone who has a nice character (though physcial health/fitness does also play a part in mental health/ability). (3) We must encourage physical fitness, as apparently it is a fact that promiscuity is found more in the unfit/weak.* (4) We must limit the pushing of the doctrine of materialist evolution which is to blame for peoples attitude to relationships and to unborn life. (5) Protection of the national birth rate. Anyone who has an unauthorised abortion is committing murder of a national subject. (6) Coeductaion schools might perhaps be another factor to consider. (7) If people want to enjoy "intimacy" without having a baby then here are a number of natural and artificial contraceptive and birth control options available including marriage certificates, abstainence, waiting until after metapause, planning it just before period, pulling out, condoms, the pill, sterilization. Adoption of baby or sending child to boarding school is also an option. Education and counselling should be available at the age of mental & physical maturity. The socio-economic burdens on families can be alleviated (see relevant policies). Motherhood, childrearing and homemaking needs to be recognised as a valuable decent worthy occupation. We also need to get back to extended families instead of nuclear families. And we need to repair the break in family tradition which passes on marriage and parenthood skills.
In rare cases where the life of the mother is at risk all the people and experts involved need to decide what is best and right to do.
* References/credits: Dr J Dobson, Focus on the Family; 'Friends' TV show; B Walker, Women's Encyclopedia of Secrets; Hitler 'Mein Kampf' (amazingly!)
That the "housing crisis" is due to the policies of the decadent Western system is seen by that there is a "housing crisis" in NZ & Ireland & USA at the same time.
While we have a housing crisis we must limit the amount of immigrants and refugees being let into NZ. The housing crisis was caused by the large amount of immigrants and refugees being brought into NZ over the last decades. NZers must come first.
It is not right that a person like Bob Jones can own half the buildings in Auckland and/or Wellington while most people can't even afford a piddly little room anywhere near a city.
We must put a stop to excessive market rents.
We must put a stop to excessive house prices.
People should not be allowed to own holiday homes while some people can't even afford one home.
The interest rates on mortgages is too high. We must have a state bank to counter the profit driven private banking sector.
We must stop the practice of excessive subdivision and squeezing of houses together in small spaces.
We must address the problems of low wages and unemployment so that people can afford houses (see employment policy).
There needs to be more fairness and responsibility of authorities and the law and neighbours in company share and corporate body situations.
There needs to be more noise insulation in housing.
We should have double glazing and central heating like in the UK.
It has been proven that buildings can be built quickly with "lump labour".
There are a few special types of (small/emergency) houses that can be built more easily and quickly and cheaply.
Credit can be created to pay for the cost of building of houses.
It is not right that there is surveillance everywhere including hemisphere-covered cameras in all places of trade/transaction and transit/travel, "freeview tv", smartmeters, fibre optics, face-recognition, photo-identification, etc. Its a cunning lie that "people don't have to worry if they have nothing to hide". People have a right to privacy especially in their own homes. We have a right to be able to see the people who are watching us. "In heaven the walls are transparent, but there it is two-ways".
There are other ways to lessen the alleged crime rate and secure "community safety" other than excessive surveillance (and other than "community fluoridation"). Surveillance is wrongly being used by the elite to control people rather than for genuine crime and safety reasons.
We oppose the forcing of unofficial photo identification. Not everyone has a drivers license or passport, and it is not so easy for a person to get some other form of photo identification or "two forms of identification". There should instead be an official national (photo) identification card. It is also wrong that birth certificates are no longer accepted as identification.
No more blaming the unemployed and beneficiaries for what is the fault of successive governments. Mass unemployment has been caused by free trade policies (plus immigration policy). Free trade policy causes NZ industries to be pitted in competition with cheap imports from Asian sweat shops and coolie labour, which causes cost cutting and restructuring and relocation, causing mass layoffs.
It is not just the duty of citizens to do their fair share of work, but it is also the duty of the government to promote NZ industry and secure the livelihood of citizens.
Immigration should be limited while we can not provide jobs for citizens.
The two above are the main reasons for mass unemployment since the 80s. Wikipedia timeline of NZ proves NZs unemployed doubled in just a few years of Rogernomics changes. It is a myth that mechanisation is the main cause.
We should encourage cooperatives and profit sharing schemes, as well as merit pay, and worker participation in .... This will help remedy the problem of low wages instead of merely raising the minimum wage.
The practice of overtime needs to be reformed.
No dual income families while there are no income families.
Limit the employment of students or children at youth rates while there are unemployed adults.
Restoration of trade/craft apprenticeships.
Closing of the share/stock market and investment corporate share holding. It is not right that elite brag that they "don't work (hard) but their money works for them", while other NZers are kept too busy earning enough to pay the bills, and others are blamed for being beneficiaries because of mass unemployment due to free trade policies. Profits should be shared among the workers who made them instead of them being taken by the shareholders.
Breaking up of large chain department stores and big businesses, and encouragement of small businesses including low interest development capital/credit.
Vacant positions should be filled by some experienced person below within the business rather than the practice of hiring in new professional CEOS from without.
Mechanisation should only be where suitable not where it is unsuitable or unnecessary. The increased leisure from mechanisation should be fairly distributed among all.
It might be possible to institute a 6 hour work day for all, which would leave more time in the afternoon and evening for sports and leisure and family and cultural pursuits.
A stint of military service and/or labour service for new young adults would help encourage the dignity of labour and bridge class divisions.
Scrap the employment contracts act.
We also support the introduction of occupational franchise for parliamentary elections, wherein every occupational group will have representation in parliament (see our Government policy for more details).
Firstly all immigration and refugees should be limited while we can not provide for the population we already have as exampled by the housing crisis and mass unemployment. NZers must come first, "charity begins at home". It is not right that people "care" about people overseas and yet don't care about people suffering wrongs in their own street.
Secondly immigration needs to be more selective as to national cohesion and integratability.
In a book club meeting I went to the guest speaker Bob Jones bragged that one time some politicians were debating privately that NZ was destined to become Asian or Indian and the only question was whether it would be Asian or would be Indian. This is very wrong and shows that the concerns of nationalists are not just "racist" but are true and justified.
We do not hate any races. However, we respect biodiversity in that the NZ European and Maori communities have a right to have their existence as a community protected from being annihilated by policy of purposeful ethnic fragmentation. All the world's "70 nations" have a right to exist. Individuals have a right to belong to a community of their kind.
A certain amount of guests are welcome to stay in NZ if we have no problems catering for the population we have.
Immigrants in certain jobs need to speak proper clear English.
Dental health: (See also Water.)
The answer to increased incidence of tooth decay is not to force community fluoridation on people but to address the root causes. The root causes of increased tooth decay are sugar heaped in foods & drinks, processed carbs, oral cleanliness, nutrition, socio-economic disadvantages. The main cause of tooth decay is bacteria from sugar and processed carbs. The people pushing fluoridation are liars and criminals because they purposely won't stop the heaping of sugar in foods and they use tooth decay as a lying reason to forced fluoridation.
Dentists fees are far too expensive and must be reduced. Scraping student fees and debts will partly help with this.
Health: (See also Food, Water, Abortion.)
Whoever controls "health" controls people, whether private or "socialised".
Encouragement of holistic health rather than Drs only specialising in pathology and medicine. It is a myth that some problems are due to genetics or aging.
We agree with the saying "prevention is better than cure".
We recognise that there are various factors in health including material (genetics/hereditary, diet/food, water, pollution, exercise/work, radiation, medicine/medication, germs/mites, allergies, stds, sunlight, sleep, ventilation, posture, alcohol, smoking, drugs, vaccination, bottle feeding), social (happy content marriage, stress, love), psychological, spiritual (the Spirit, evil spirits/demons, belief/faith, sin, mouth words, healing), and we must address all possible factors and especially root causes.
An end to forced community fluoridation.
We must lessen the amounts of added fluoride, sprays, sugar, salt, additives, growth hormones, etc in peoples foods and drinks and tap water.
We need to lessen the radiation from microwaves, tvs, cell phones, etc.
Traffic fumes from too much traffic in some streets & roads is another problem that needs remedying.
Encouragement of physical education in schools.
Encouragement of callisthenics in work places.
We support retaining having a public health sector and not just privatised health. There needs to be adequite funding from taxes for public health.
Reduction of public health "ceos" salaries and more fair wages for all health staff.
Private GPs/Drs fees are too excessive and must be reduced.
We don't like how certain local politicians have long been on the district health board and in the city council at the same time.
We do not support the banning of hemp. But we do support encouraging that using drugs is not for our best health and ability and that "no animal poisons or harms itself". We do support opposition to drug traffickers and pushers targeting vulnerable victims though.
Taxation & Rates:
We do not support high/heavy taxes. But at the same time we do not support a flat tax or cutting taxes altogether, as we recognise that some taxes/rates are a necessity in a national community. Every common undertaking needs funding and a sacrifice of members/supporters, whether taxes, rates, tithes, donations, advertising. The people who push the claims that taxes should be cut altogether don't tell you that taxes are just replaced by line charges and user pays. At least taxes are supposed to go to the common good of all where as private line charges and user pays only go into shareholders pockets. It is wrong that politicians like John Key have been able to use the tax cuts bribe to get votes. The problem with taxes is that taxes have been too much spent on things like politicians high salaries, benefits for mass unemployed, and the national debt instead of going to pay for the things they should like health, education, defence, etc. Another thing is that taxes have been used for things that should instead be covered by credit (social credit). All things that can pay it back could be covered by credit. So if we address these wastages of taxes then there is no need for high/heavy taxes, and people won't be so mad at their taxes going to things they shouldn't. See our employment policy for how we fairly address the problem of mass unemployed beneficiaries. We will reduce excessive ministers and MPs salaries and perks.
As we said, taxes should be used for the things they should be and which things can't pay it back including health, education, defence, etc. It was crazy how when Winston Peters managed to get taxes paid into some of these things he was bashed for it. The aim of our governments is not just a surplus/bonus for tax cuts, but to dutifully serve the best common interests of the nation.
It has been suggested by some that it would be possible to replace all taxes by a simple 1 dollar transaction tax on all transactions, and we will consider whether this would be feasible and fair.
If we still have any income tax then it should be slightly staggered. A flat amount tax is unfair because the poor are hit harder and the rich are hit much less. But a flat percentage income tax might be possible and fair.
GST/VAT should only be on luxury goods and services not on common basics and essentials like food.
Energy, Electricity:
We oppose the subtle forcing of smartmeters on people.
Electricity is an essential service and there needs to be a state run electricity corporation to counter the profit driven private electricity companies.
Encouragement of alternative energy with a view to not only environmentally friendliness and safetiness and sustainability but also for independence from control of corporates.
(All possible sources of energy to consider include: solar, wind, steam, biogas, ethanol (from crops), hemp, tidal, wave, shake/dynamo, pedal, geothermal, kelp, water (hydrogen fuel cells), gas, alcohol, diesel, coal, recycling, hydroelectric, fusion, nuclear/atomic, fission, Tessler coil, graphene.)
Some of these energy sources will be possible as independent mini-energy sources for homes and farms.
Return of our natural resources and assets to NZ ownership.
Gender affairs: (See also Abortion.)
We oppose the encouragement of homosexuality such as hero parades. Homosexuality is not natural or Godly. The encouragement of homosexuality is at the expense of heterosexuality. We don't judge homosexuals but homosexuals should keep their affairs private rather than publicly parading it.
Protection and encouragement of heterosexual marriage and family.
Stop the over-effeminatising and emasculation of men and society. Stop the promotion of women as just physical lust objects. Protection and encouragement of men and womens mental and physical genderness and health. Women like confident, well-built, working, devoted male men. No more Homer Simpson-like mocking of men and fathers in sit-coms.
We should not keep encouraging the use of the words "guys" and "kids" which convey a low quality/value.
As we said in the section on abortion we must reduce the materialistic promiscuity and eroticism in our "culture" including the media, advertising, clothing trends.
Stop the promotion of "recycled singles". We support encouraging courting not just dating.
We believe men and women are different and have different natural roles, though we do not see either as inferior or superior and we don't support unfair artificial discrimination.
The way to stop "sexism" is not to seek artificial engineering or to annihilate natural genders but to seek natural & Godly relations.
In the Bible God tells men to love their wives (as Christ loves the church) not just wives to submit to husbands.
We do not support transgender operations, it is impossible for a man or woman to totally change their physical and mental body and brain gender.
Women naturally have interaction of both anima and animus. Men can develop their anima as well as their animus.
Men and women together form a natural pair comlementing each other.
We are neither war-mongerers not pacificists. We support a position of armed neutrality.
An end to the disarmament of NZ. "Arm good friends, disarm bad enemies".
While we do not support massive defence spending while not spending on important social and other needs, we also do not support not giving enough to defence. There will be an allocation of adequite funding for defence and the Armed Services.
We will stop participation in "peacekeeping/policing" and operations and bases that are only serving globalist or foreign or private interests, and we will only do what defence or war activites are for our common national interests and expediency and our geopolitical situation.
Confiscation of war profits.
We support having a vegetarian option in the Armed Services (if there is not already one) instead of just a meat diet.
Less reliance on technology alone.
We support having Cadets training or clubs in schools.
A stint of military service for new young adults will help make sure that NZ has ready trained soldiers, as well as helping NZers to be fit and giving them a rite of passage to become citizens, plus it will help to bridge class divisions. This will also include survivalist skills and self defence training. An additional benefit is that some people can also learn a trade in the Armed Services.
We support gunownership for trained people. "No enemy will so readily invade a nation in which everyone is trained and every home has a gun".
Upgrading & updating of obsolete equipment/armaments/weaponry by the creation of a national armaments industry which will be a combination of private and public enterprise.
Decent pay for soldiers.
Via occupational franchise the Armed Services will have representation in a parliament.
We must redress all the wrongs of the system of the last decades. No one would be eager to fight for a system which has been treating them bad.
Electoral & Government:
Ancient Persian and Classical philosophers said that the best forms of government are monarchy, aristocracy and democracy, and the worst forms of government are tyranny, oligarchy and ochlocracy.
On one hand we agree that democracy has some good value as a system. At the same time though we also realise that democracy is also not wholly the best system because the best are always in a minority while the rest are in the majority, and because voters are influenced by media and demagogery and psychology and their own interests. Likewise, aristocracy as rule of the best is ideally the best system of government. But historically "aristocracy" has sometimes become bad, and the people need a means to have some say to redress wrongs. So we support a proportional balance of monarchy, aristocracy (or meritocracy) and democracy.
We support replacing the current geographical and party voting system with an occupational franchise system. Parliament will be made up of elected representatives from all the main occupational groups (including labour, commerce, farmers, armed services, homemakers, churches, teachers, tertiary students, etc) as well as all representatives for all regions and all legal parties that have anymuch leaders and members and supporters.
We also support allowance and provision for direct representation and participation in/to parliament and councils by citizens or their representatives, as well as petitions and referenda and recall.
Ministers will be people who have experience and knowledge in the fields (technocrats) rather than just party politicians who don't have any such experience and knowledge in the field.
Parliament will not be a voting body but a working and advisory body. Members will be able to get experience and rise up by personality and merit, and those who make the decisions will have responsibility.
We need to have a nationalist movement and party organisation with a nationalist philosophy.
The excessive salaries and perks of ministers and MPs will be reduced.
All peerages and knighthoods will be reviewed as to whether the people really merit them.
We favour having a strong central government.
We support having one head of state and/or government. But we do not favour retaining the British Monarchy since they have not really been serving the common national interests but have been serving only the interests of some.
An end of the forced practice of daylight saving. The time will be set half way between the 2 times and left there permanently.
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