Monday, August 5, 2019
I have been going through the most awful lonely hell these last months. It is like being in prison. I'm so trapped and all alone. I have got to get out of this awful place if it is the last thing i ever do. If anyone knows any places to rent or buy that might suit me let me know. In the mean time while i am still stuck here i am so very alone & lonely so if anyone knows of any good social events etc do let me know. Any prayers are needed and appreciated.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Ways to win
Ways to be seen/heard by eyes/ears:
bumper stickers
bill boards
letter to editor
newspaper/magazine, newsletter
sky writing
(pirate) radio
social network
demonstration, march, picket, rally, publicity stunts
drop in centre
colour red
loud speaker
Tactics/things needed:
common interest, common enemy
Every movement has a leader in centre, then an elite around them ("grass roots"), and then outermost the people around them.
Ways the elite control people:
water/food (fluoridation, sugar/salt)
mental health act
mercury fillings
laws, police
media, tv
vices, pleasures, bread & circus, drugs, porn/scammers/cammers
busy/work/live to work
psychology, exploit self interest, hypnotism, brainwash
mixing (good & evil)
science, technology
surveilance (smartmeters, freeview, cameras, mobile phone, fibre, id)
moralistic/dualism (good vs evil)
"experts/professionals/authorities/science" vs "pseudo"
playing both sides
confusion, disruption, fear/panic
radiation (tv, microwaves, smartmeters, mobile phone)
weather manipulation
persecution, threat, fear, punish, torture, blackmail
monopoly/essential services (water, ...)
divide and conquer
constant change
economics, rent, interest, monopoly, gst, wages, prices
Types of power:
money power
power in numbers
brain/science/psychological/cunning/studies power
religious/spiritual/faith/prayer/devil power
military/strategic power
physical power (eg Samson, Rambo)
* Web/net:
social network/media
list (eg Arthurnet)
yahoo/google groups
Thursday, July 25, 2019
regnal chronology a lie
Regnal years is the flawed backbone of modern Egyptian and Assyrian chronology.
You can not prove dates just by adding up hundreds of kings reigns lengths because:
- adding up tons of (highest known) reigns lengths depends on all being cosecutive without any *coregencies*. Look the same period in bible for Judah and Israel kings is claimed to have heaps of coregencies but we are to believe that there were none in Egyptian and Assyrian for same period?
- No ancient longer periods confirmations like "xxx yrs from dyn X to dyn y in ancient source such and such".
- Many kings have uncertain reigns lengths because sources give more than one reign length for each king. I can prove Khufu's conventional picked/favoured one is wrong.
- 22nd dyn was Libyan and Sea Peoples and Tanite (delta) so may be overlap with 20th-21st dynasties. Bible confirms princes of Zoan and Noph at same time.
- No confirmation of horizontal matches/synchronisms with biblical except "Sheshonk/Shoshenq = Shishak/Susakim" which is weak and is only "assume/feasible/can" only because of "maths" and similarish name.
- Some kings "not mentioned in Manetho" may mean they were not consecutive kings.
- Apis bulls length was either 24/25/26 or 14/16 yrs.
- You picked the highest/higher reign for every king of the whole dynasty.
You can't match biblical and Egyptian by ascribed dates from adding up numerous regnal years because the vertical dates "matching" is manifestly wrong because they don't yield quality horizontal matches/synchronisms except dubious/weak/wrong ones like "Shishak = Sheshonk". The orthodox have no quality matches for Joseph in Egypt under Hyksos like we do for him in 3rd-4th dyn, no matches for Moses in Egypt in 19th dyn like we do for 12th dyn, no matches for Joshua's Jericho in the Iron age strata/layer/level that they claim in matches, the Shishak/Sheshonk has a umber of criticisms. You have two whole timelines side by side and moving one/other/both up and down only one position yields all the sequential horizontal matches (Biblical-Egyptian events/details not just dates). Theirs is wrong because it doesn't yield the matches, ours does.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Akhenaten in the Bible!
Agur-ben-Jakeh of Proverbs 30 ( might be Akhenaten of the 18th dynasty of Egypt (
- The name 'Aguwr/Awgoor/Agur-ben-Jakeh (30:1) seemingly might match the name Akh-en-aten/Khu-n-aton (Akhu-en-aten).
Hebrew g & Egyptian kh do interchange with some other words like Negev/Negeb & Nekhab/Nekheb. K & t may interchange on some other cases. Some words are various spelt with a/aa/ya in Egyptian (eg Amu/Aamu, Yah/Ah/Iahu).
Agur is also maybe similar to Akhenaten's name Naphuriya/Huriya in the Amarna letters?
(Or other candidates for Agur are Ay? Ankh-kheperu-re Smenkhkare? Agum (Kassite)? Akurgal? Ugar? Agrotes? Rimsin/Eriaku? Agag/Apepi? Agga/Shagin/Shagur (Kish 1)? "a foreign sage from the east"? "name(s) of Solomon"?)
- Agur ben Jakeh means:
Agur "compiler" or "the one who is brave in the pursuit of wisdom".
ben "son of" or "he built the temple".
Jakeh "the one who spat out, despised" or "he who is free from sin, pure" or "to obey, obedient" or "the ruler of a vast region".
Akhenaten means "living spirit of the Aten, servant of the Aten, effective for the Aten, he who serves the Aten, he in who Aton is satisfied".
But the meanings being different isn't a problem because the Hebrew name and meaning may only be developed from the Egyptian name.
Agur meaning "the one who is brave in the pursuit of wisdom" may match Akhenaten saying "it is the wise man that knows these things" & "I am versed in the writings", and "This god goes where he pleases and no one else knows his going".
Jakeh "the one who spat out, despised" could match Akhenaten who was a "heretic" and was caricatured.
"the ruler of a vast region" matches the Egyptian empire in Canaan at the time of the Amarna letters.
- Agur as "son of Jakeh/Yaqeh/Yawkeh/Naki" (30:1) could match Akhenaten as a/the "son" of Aten? Or Agur as "son of Jakeh" might be Akhenaten as son of Heqawaset Amenhotep 3?
(Or other candidates for Jakeh are Akhenaten? Sakere/Smenkhkare? Akherre/Acherres (Manetho)? Gandash/Xatal (Kassite)? Akki/Anakki?)
- the Ha Massa('i) "(man) of Massa, Massaite" or Ha Moshel which comes after Agur-ben-Jakeh (30:1) might possibly match Akhenaten's name Ankh-em-maat "living in truth", or Amenhotep/Amenophis, or Ha Massa "of Massa" might be El Amarna (Akhetaten)? Or ha Massa might just be "an/the burden or (weighty/inspired) utterance/message/oracle/prophecy/gift" or "he who bore the yoke of God" or "collector of proverbs" or "testing".
(- Though Agur is not called a king like Lemuel is, while Akhenaten was a pharaoh/king. Though Akhenaten was a "heretic king" and is less imperialist than the other pharaohs/kings in the Amarna letters.)
- Agur being called n'um HaGever "this/the (able-bodied) man" (30:1, NWT) might relate to Akhenaten having a odd feminine shaped body due to a genetic disease/deformity (and who was caricatured by the Egyptians in pictures)?
Or num hagever resembles Akhenaten's name Naphuriya?
- (Le) Ithiel or Ot-el who Agur spoke to (30:1) has a name that means "the words of god" or "he who understood the signs (and deeds of God)" or "he who understood the alphabet of God" or "I am weary oh God" or "I am not God" and/or "God was with him". He might match either: Ay It-netjer "holy father, father of God"? or Queen Neferi(t)-thi/Nefertiti? or Ikhnaton (who differed from the other pharaohs who thought they were god-kings and Horus and the son of sun god)? or Hartitifin ("Akhenaten")? or Kashtiliash/Bizuiru (Kassite)?
- (Wa/We/Ve) Uk(h)al/Ucal who Agur spoke to (30:1) has a name that means "I can (transgress the law against marrying many wives without fear of being misled by them)" or "the master" or "how can I prevail" or "I am exhausted". He might match either: Wetjes-khau Tut(-ankh-amen) (l/n interchange)? Ushigu/Ushshi (Kassite)?
- Agur saying "I do not have human understanding. I have not learned wisdom, nor have I attained to the knowledge of the (most) holy one" in "Proverbs" (30:2-3) is maybe similar to Akhenaten saying "it is the wise man that knows these things" & "I am versed in the writings", and "This god goes where he pleases and no one else knows his going" (Akhenaten's speech).
- "what is the name of his (God's) son?" (30:4) is thought by some to refer to Yeshua/Jesus as the son of God. In Agur's time it might possibly refer to Akhenaten as a "son" of Aten (and/or the Pharaoh god-king as son of the sun god Re/Ra)?
- Agur is apprently about the time of Solomon since both are in Proverbs. Rohl and Palmer and others and myself give evidences that the Amarna period is contemporary with King David.
- It is well known that Psalm 104 is similar to Akhenaten's Hymn to Aten. So Agur of Proverbs could be same time and same person as Akhenaten.
- Akhenaten's "monotheism" is often considered to be similar to Judaism's monotheism so much so that many have supposed Akhenaten to have a connection with the likes of Moses and the origins of Judaism.
- Agur ben Jakeh as "a foreign sage from the east" could match Akhenaten, though Egypt isn't east of Israel/Palestine?
- Note that the prophet Nathan in David's reign is also similar to Akh-en-aten/Khu-n-aton or Aten?
- Lemu'el/Lemoel/Nemuel/Namuel/Jamuel/Jerahmeel/Lael (Melekh Massa/Masa) "King Lemuel / Lemuel the king (of Massa/Assyria)" (31:1) whose name means "(devoted/dedicated/belonging) to God, to him El, (the king) to who God (spoke), Godward" might match either:
Hor-em-heb/Hor-em-hab Meryamun ("jubilation")? Menelik (son of Sheba/Solomon)? Labayu "lion of God" (Amarna letters, b/m interchange, El/Yah interchange)? Smenkhkare? Memnon (18th/19th dyn)? Ramses 1/2? Nimmuriya (Amenhotep 3)? Ilumailu/Anumanu (Sealands)? lamentations? Jeremiel? Pa-aten-em-heb? Hanuman? Ravana? "a name of Solomon/Jedidiah"?
- Lemuel's unnamed 'em/imo "mother" (31:1).
Queen of Sheba? Mutemwiya mother of Amenhotep 3? unknown mother of Horemhab? Mutnedjmet wife of Horemhab?
- Proverbs 31 "mostly about drink"/wine/beer (31:4-7).
wine jar label dockets & wine harvest (Amenhotep 3)?
"very good quality wine of the estate of Horemhab?
- "a virtuous/worthy/noble woman" or "a wife of noble character" (31:10):
Tiye wife of Amenhotep 3? Mutnedjmet wife of Horemhab? Taduhepa? Nefertiti? Queen of Sheba?
- 22 letters/verses Proverbs 31:10-31, 31 verses Proverbs 31:1-31, Proverbs chapter 31.
21 yrs Horemhab (Bey)? 30 yrs Horemhab?
For more matches of Amarna period with time of David and Agur see:
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Moses found part 2
Moses found part 2 Moses as Mes the blue kneeling figure in the pectoral of Sithathoryunet.
The blue kneeling figure in the pectoral of Sit-hathor-yunet ( may be Moses because:
- The figure is surrounded by a prominent Mes glyph. Scholars agree that the name Moses is probably from the Egyptian word ms/mes/mosu "son". "Moses wrote his name Ms" (Keller).
- The figure is blue.
- There are wavy water lines along the bottom.
- The figure is between reeds/rushes/sedges (Sw glyphs).
- The object on the figure's arm may be the ark that Moses was found in?
- The figure is like a youth/child?
- The pectoral belonged to a princess. Moses was found by a daughter of pharaoh.
- Scholars claim that the figure represents the god Heh. Heh was frog-headed matching Moses being drawn from water.
- The pectoral is from the 12th dynasty. There are lots of evidences for Moses being in the 12th dynasty.
Egyptologists claim that the figure is just the god Heh with tadpole symbol for "tens of thousands of years", meaning wishing long life to the pharaoh/king. However, why would that be something she (the princess Sit-hathor-yunet) would want? The figure is similar to other ones, but there are differences. We suggest that they conflated themes.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Moses found part 1
Moses found part 1 Moses as Pepi.
We have found a few candidates for Moses in Egyptian history, one of which is Pepi who we compare with Moses below. Each block lists first Moses detail then matching Pepi detail.
We found that Moses has a number of similarities with Pepi 1 and Pepi 2 of the 6th dynasty.
Moses could be both Pepi 2 as child and Pepi 1 as adult because for the statue of Pepi 1 and a smaller child it has been suggested by some that the smaller child is a younger Pepi 1, and this younger Pepi 1 might rather be Pepi 2. Pepi 1 has mostly adult depictions, while Pepi 2 has mostly young child depictions.
(If you don't know who Pepi or Moses is or need pictures etc then see these .)
Meaning/name match:
Moses: His name is Moshe/Moseh/Moses / Moyses/Messene/Musaeus / Musa which has been variously suggested to be from either Hebrew mashah "to draw out" / meshiti(t)hu "drew him out" (in Bible), or mashe "bore", or Egyptian ms/mes/msy/mosu/moshe "son, born, child of, created him", or m(o)u/mem "water" (in Philo) + eses/uses "saved, drawn from" (in Josephus) or su/siph/se "child" (in Massey), or mw-se "water" or "seed" and "pond, expanse of water" with sense of "child of the Nile" (in Yahuda), or Sumerian/Assyrian mus(h) "serpent", or Mau & Shu (in Massey). His name is stated in the bible to have been due to being drawn forth from the marches of the Nile river where he had been hidden, and he has been compared by some scholars with a king Nilus named after the Nile river god Hapi/Apis. Some scholars have thought that the Jewish Afikoman could mean "Hapi is found".
Pepi: The meaning of Pepi does not seem to be known for sure but suggestions include "the very great", or a nickname of goddess Nebethetepet, or "conceal, hidden, cover". The hieroglyphs that make-up the name Pepi/Papi are 2 reeds. The name Pepi/Pepy may be connected with Nile river god Hapi/Hapy/Apis. (Compare the later Papis and/or Hapu during the New Kingdom? Compare Pepyankh, Hapiankh, Bebiankh?) In heiroglyphic/hieratic script Pepi resembles Khered "younger, child".
Pepi 1 is associated with word ms(t) "birth" in an inscription.
(Pepi is 6th dynasty. Conventional chronology claims Rimush/Mush of the Akkadian dynasty was contemporary with the 6th dynasty.)
Inscription of Pepi 1 found at Tanis, and statue of Mer-meshoi also found at Tanis, which may suggest Pepi and Mer-meshoi are connected?
(Moses is also claimed to have been called by these other names, but none are scriptually attested except for Moses:
Moses (by princess/mother).
Monios/Monius/Mneves "he was drawn from the water (by princess/mother).
(Yasara Marina) Yered/Jered/yarad "descent/down (yarad)" (by sister).
Avigdor/Abigdor "master of the fence" (by grandfather).
Abi Zanuch / Avi Zanuach (by brother),
Chabar/Chaver/Chever "companion/connector (by father).
Avi Socho/Abi Socho/sochim "master/father of seers (and prophets)" (by nurse/grandfather).
Yekutiel/Jekuthiel (by mother).
Shemaya/Shemaiah (by Israel).
Osarsiph/Arisu in Manetho/Josephus/Massey/Sayce.
Tisithen in Egyptian in Classical source.
Thoth in Egyptian in Classical/medieval/modern source.)
Moses' mother was Jochebed
Pepi 2's mother was Ankh-esen-pepi.
Pepi has been supposed to be connected with a nickname of the goddess Nebethetepet which might also link with Jochabed?
Jochabed was aunt or cousin of Amram.
Ankhesenpepi was aunt of Merenre (her nephew).
Jochabed was wife of Amran/Amram, and also of Elitzaphon Ben Parnach.
Ankhesenpepi was wife of Mennefer Meryre Pepi 1 & of Merenre Nemtyemsaf.
(Jochebed was maybe daughter of Levi or Merari or Gershom or unnamed brother of Levi.
Ankhesenpepi 4 was daughter of Merenre.)
Moses son of Jochabed was said to be a very good looking baby (in Acts).
Ankhesenpepi in statue is very good looking. Pepi 1 also seems to have a fairly good body/build in his statue?
Statue of Ankhesenpepi with child Pepi siting on her lap is similar to ones of Mary and baby Jesus.
Moses: He was adopted by pharaoh's daughter and brought up in pharaoh's household/palace.
Pepi: He was a "pharaoh/king" of the 6th dynasty, and he "came to throne at 6 yrs old".
Moses: Was Hebrew/Israelite/Semitic not Egyptian/Hamitic.
Pepi: Pepi might be connected with Apepi/Apophis. The El-Arish inscription's story of Egyptian king versus followers of Apophis is similar to the exodus story (see much fuller details in Velikovsky's book 'Ages in/of Chaos').
Moses is connected with periods of 40 & 80 & 120 years.
(Note that Levi is also connected with an age of 64 yrs old, and Melol/Adikam with 94 yrs in the book of Jashar.)
Pepi 2 reigned from childhood for either (24 or 31 or) 62/64 (or 47) or 90/94 yrs, and was a centenarian (living for 6 y.o. + 94 yrs = 100 yrs?)
Pepi 1 reigned either 15 yrs ("should have been", Sinai? SSS), 18/19 yrs (Hammamat, Sinai graffito, SSS), 25th yr (highest year/count, Hatnub, SSS), 30/31yrs (Hammamat, Hatnub, SSS?), 35(Erato)? 36 yrs (taken biennial, Sinai graffito), 44 yrs (TKL), 48-49/50 yrs (SSS).
Moses had a mateh "staff, rod" (or "boat, ship") in the bible.
Pepi 1 has a prominent staff in his statue.
Moses: Chenephres name of pharaoh of exodus in one early source?
Pepi 2's name Nefer-ka-re might
Moses: performed miracles in the field of Zoan/"Tanis" before pharaoh.
Pepi: name on stone in Tanis ("Zoan"?)
Pepi: at Memphis / Taui-ankh (Tso'an/Zo'an?)
Moses lead exodus out of Egypt after 10 plagues devastated Egypt.
"After the death of Neferkare [Pepy 2] Egyptian history is involved in darkness and confusion...."
The Ipuwer Papyrus of the "FIP or SIP" tells a story about events that some have said seemingly may match the Exodus story of the plagues etc, and this papyrus has been dated by some to the period immediately after the dynasty of Pepi (FIP).
Moses was born and grew up in Egypt, but he was not buried in Egypt.
"Pepi II's mummy has never been found".
"No mummy Pepi 2 ever found. canopic chest - empty."
Moses: Evidences that the exodus was end of (6th and/or) 12th dynasty.
Pepi: The Sakkara kinglist has Pepi (6th dyn) next to last king of 12th dynasty.
Inscription of Pepi 1 found at Tanis, and statue of Mer-meshoi (13th dyn) also found at Tanis, which may suggest Pepi and Mer-meshoi are connected?
The Kanak kinglist has 6th dyn between 11th & 12th.
Ethiopian king list has Pepi/Piori next to or only 1/2/3 kings away from Amenemhet.
13th dyn is also associated with the name Neferkare (which was the other main name of Pepi 2).
Pepi may also be connected with Apepi/Apophis. An Apepi is attested as king's son in 14th dynasty, and an Apepi reinged 40 yrs in 15th dyn.
The Ipuwer Papyrus of the "FIP or SIP"
Moses: "Was not a pharaoh", but was a leader of Hebrews in Egypt, and an adopted Egyptian royal prince.
Pepi: "Was a pharaoh/king", but I don't believe Pepi was necessarily a real full pharaoh as such. Egyptian king lists may not all be strictly literal/honest/truthful/reliable on who was or was not a king, the lists may have included corulers, crown princes or heirs, lords, viziers/ministers.
There may have been intermarriage of Joseph and Levi lines with Egyptian pharaonic and/or priestly line?
Monday, July 8, 2019
Biblical Zoan found?
The bible says Hebron was built 7 years before Zoan.
Zoan has long supposed to be Tanis, but the problem with this is that it is said that Tanis is not known before the 19th dynasty. This would agree with the conventional chronology which places Joshua in the 19th dynasty (re Hebron was city of Arba in 'Joshua'), but the problem is there are evidences that the orthodox chronology places all biblical events before Solomon too late in Egyptian history (i.e. their Egyptian dates for the dynasties are too old/long). Though Hoeh says a statue of a 13th dynasty king Mermeshoi was found at Tanis. A statue of the 6th dynasty king Merira Pepi was also found at Tanis (ref Brugsch-Bey), These might agree with our Moses in the 6th & 12th/13th dynasty, but the statues might have been moved there later, plus Mamre/Macpelah/Kirjath-Arba/Hebron/Khalil was founded in the bible somewhere between/before Abraham or Isaac/Jacob or Kohath or Moses or Joshua or Caleb or Samson or David and Absalom. Archaeologically it is attested by the EBA, though almost devoid in the LBA. So Hebron was seemingly fairly earlier/older than Tanis was.)
So anyway what this means is that either Tanis was known before the 19th dynasty or else Zoan was not Tanis but was some other place in Egypt. Another support for it being another place is that Moses performing miracles in the field of Zoan can't be so close to the Egyptian border as Tanis was/is. Tsoan is said to mean "place of departure" which supposedly supports a site in the north-east delta, but Josephus said the exodus started from Latopolis/Sokhem near Saqqara/Memphis. Zoan/Tso'an is also not necessarily as/so linguistically close to Zean/Djan/Djanet/Sant/Tanis/Djan/Tsan/San as has been assumed. Djanet/Tanis means "stronghold" or "the great city", different meaning to the Hebrew one.
The two most likely sites for Zoan are Memphis/Noph and Thebes/No/Noamun because Zoan is mentioned in association with in Noph the bible (Isaiah 19:13). (Tanis & Memphis also appear in Judith 1:10.) This might seem to imply that the sites Zoan & Memphis can't be the same because it seems Noph was Memphis (and the Judith verse mentions both Tanis and Memphis), but to me it alternatively can be that Zoan is Memphis and "Noph" is Thebes, or that the 2 biblical sitenames are two parts of same city (since Memphis does have a few different parts and names), or the bible also used Zoan for the later Tanis (as it later did in the Septuagint).
On checking it looks like Zoan is Memphis. Our reasons are:
- The name Zo'an/Tso'an could match either Ankh-tawy or
Inebu-hedj/Anbu-hat or Dahshur which were ancient names for parts of greater Memphis, with a consideration that there are evidences that Egyptian hieroglyphs may not always be read the right way around by modern scholars. Reversing Ankh-tawy/Anch-ta we have Tawy-ankh/Ta-anch. Tawy/Ta is also read taui and means "two (lands)". (Compare the similar word kaui/ka which means "bull/kine".) In any case Taui-ankh is close to Zo'an/Tso'an.
- The biblical "field of Zoan" for Zoan and/or for Egypt could match Memphis' "field of the sun" and/or "Pyramid fields", and/or match Memphis as city joining Upper and Lower Egypt. (Note the name Egypt comes from temple Hut-ka-Ptah at Memphis. Mit-rahina at modern Memphis also recalls the biblical Mizraim/Mizrahi "Egypt"? and/or Rumeida at Hebron?)
(Compare the later Tanis dynasties "saw selves as the legitimate rulers of UE & LE. Incidentally Tanis also has/had a "field" or "fields" too apparently.)
- Goshen was Giza which is an outer district of Memphis (Zoan). So Moses being there makes sense.
- Zoan means "place of departure". Josephus said that the exodus started from Latopolis which is near Memphis.
- If Moses was Pepi 2/1 of the 6th dynasty then we note that Pepi's other main/pyramid name was Men-nefer which was whence the name of Memphis. Traditional story that Moses was found in the marshes of Nile at Zoan/"Tanis" (for which there is no archaeological evidence at the later Tanis).
- Hebron built before Memphis would make sense since Memphis is like the earliest city built by the 1st pharaoh/king Menes, and it was the 2nd dynastic capital of Egypt (3rd-8th dynasties, after the Thinite 1st-2nd dynasties).
- Hebron was built 7 yrs before Zoan. This may also imply there were/are also some other similarities between the two sites. Hebron had graves/caves of patriarchs/matriarchs. Memphis had necropolis and pyramids. (Thebes in the south also had valley of kings/queens burials,, but Zoan seems to match Memphis much better than Thebes.) Jacob was buried at Hebron, like Khufu's (Jacob's) Great Pyramid is at Giza in outer Memphis. The later Tanis also had a necropolis which replaced he one at Thebes.
Helwan beside Memphis has a name similar to Hebron?
- Tanis had 17 pyramids? Memphis had Pyramid fields at Giza and Saqqara.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Jacob & Khufu part 2
(Forenote: Each block lists first details of Jacob and then matching details of Khufu/Cheops. Some of the horizontal matches between the two are so stark it can not be denied they can be the same person and is not impossible they are the same, except that we can't yet prove the vertical Egyptian dynasties dates chronology though neither can the experts whose ascribed dates are only theory with only few supposed supports. Our article below presently also only deals with Jacob and Khufu, and it presently excludes more on Joseph matches with 3rd-4th dynasty.)
Similar names:
Jacob: His name is Jacob(-el)/Yakov/James. Some associate the name Jacob with Aqaba which is considered to be from either aqeb "heel" or 'aqabat "mountain-pass (of Aila)". There is also a pun of Jacob and Kocab, as in "a star shall come out of Jacob".
Cheops/Khufu: His name is (Chnoubos, or Hnmw-/Khnum-/Noh-) Hfw/H-wj=f-w(j) / Khufu/Khufwey / Chufu/Chefu/Cheops / Shufu/Sofe/Suphis. A tradition also connects Suphis with shefet "bad luck, sinful".
Both of the names Jacob & Cheops/Khufu/Khufwey have in common the similar main parts -cob/-kov & khuf-, plus ja-/ya- & -wey at the beginning in the Hebrew name and at the end in the Egyptian name; or both names have in common jac- & che-, with the vowel and consonant the reverse way around in the Greco-Egyptian name, plus -ob & -ops?
Regarding the transposition of the ja- & -wey, or the jac- & che-, there are plenty of evidences that some Egyptian hieroglyphic names might not be read the correct way around, especially in the earlier dynasties.
Egyptian hieroglyphics and inscriptions are not written in single straight lines but in 2 dimensional patterns, and so they might possibly be read any number of possible ways and the believed "rules" of the direction/order of reading/writing them might not necessarily always be correctly ascribed by modern scholars (as seen by that many Egyptian names and words have had many different spellings/renderings since Champollion's decipherment). Lots of Egyptian names have been uncertain which way around they read, eg Narmer or Merinar, (Hnmw-)Hfw or H-wj=f-w(j)(-Hnmw), Djedefre or Redjedef, etc. Kh-u-f-u/Kh-u-f-wey/H-wj=f-w(j) is variously written/drawn as either: in an inscription photograph it is bird top left, disk (kh) top right, snake (f) in middle, bird bottom, all pointing right, which Bey draws with disk on left and bird on right and all pointing left, while in Clayton's drawing it is disk top left, snake bottom left and bottom middle, bird top middle, bird right all pointing left.
Also, some nations read left to right and some right to left, some front to back and some back to front. The sun is also said to have reversed directions of travel across the sky a few times (Herodotus), and some Egyptian king lists have reversals of order of kings in parts of them. There are also other possible Biblical evidences of early Egyptian names read with different order of elements eg Jacob = Khufwey, Potiphera = Ra-hotep? etc. (Also maybe compare hwhy/yhwh / yhhw/whhy in Cornuke's Lawz inscription?) So it cant be asserted that scholars are definitely right about the "rules" of what direction/way hieroglyps are read.
Alternatively, the name Khufu might have been an abbreviated nickname for Jacob like the modern nicknames Jake/Jack and Cob(b), or the Egyptians might not have written the (semi-)vowel(s)? We might compare variant readings of names/words like Khufu/Khufwey, Hap/Hapi/Hapy, Atum/Atmu/Temu/Tmu, Echet/Akhet/Khut, Y.../Shu, and Akhenaten/Ikhnaton/Khunaton (Agur-ben-Jakeh?) to see that the front/end vowel may be omitted/silent?
Or else it might be possible that Ja-cob matches Akhet-khufu/Khut-khufu, or that "(the mighty one of) Ja-cob" matches Khnum-Khufu since some sources claim that Joseph's/Yahuwseph's (related to Asaph's) and Judah's names contain the divine name Jah-? (Perhaps compare name Re-ufu in Great Pyramid?)
Interestingly, Hoeh previously thought that Cheops/Khufu was the biblical Job, while we have found that Khufu/Cheops seems to match Jacob. Jacob and Job(ab) are similar names. (They also lived to almost the same age.) (Possibly also compare Kubau/Kubaba in the Sumerian king list who maybe has similarities with Khufu/Cheops and Jacob or Job(ab)?)
We also note that Khafre/Chephren was called Suphis II in Manetho, which confirms that Khufu/Suphis I matches Jacob because Khafre/Chephren seems to match Ephraim who was son of Jacob's favourite son Joseph and was adopted by Jacob in place of his eldest son Reuben.
There are also/alternatively some other 3rd-4th dynasty names that are similar to Jacob such as Aches, Khaba, Khaibaw-sokar (3rd dyn), Ka-aper (the "Sheikh el-Beled"), and/or Kawab (4th dyn).
Jacob/Khufu also matches the shepherd Philitis "lover of righteousness" who dwelt at Giza in the 4th dynasty according to Herodotus, and this Philitis might be the same as Ka-aper the "Sheik el-Beled"?
The old orthodox theory that Jacob is connected with Yakob-har or Yakobaam of the Hyksos period is flawed because the fact that there are two Jacob names in this period implies that Jacob must have been sometime earlier. (There are also other similar names Yakbim in the 14th dyn, Quppen in the Hyksos dyns, like there are in the 3rd-4th dyns.) Jacob also has far more stronger matches with Khufu than with Yakub-har or Yakobaam.
Exact same names meanings:
Jacob(-el)'s name is said by experts to mean either "(may El/God) protect" (compare Yaqub-har "the god Har watches over"), or aqeb/akaiv "heel(-catcher)", or aqab "to usurp, supplanter". Some have compared Jacob with Aqaba which is considered to mean either aqeb "heel" or 'aqabat "mountain-pass (of Aila)". There is also a biblical pun of Jacob with Kocab "star".
(Khnum-)Khufu's/Cheops'/Suphis' name is said to mean "protected (by the god Khnum), (Khnum) protect me", and it is also connected shefet "bad luck, sinful" in tradition.
Expert linguists/philologists/etymologists/toponmists/Egyptologists can not deny the striking coincidence that both names have the exact same meanings of "God/El/Khnum + protect/watch". Khnum was an Egyptian creator & potter god similar to the biblical/Hebrew/Jewish El(ohim)/Jehovah/Qana and/or "mighty one of Jacob".
Fathers "different" or same?
Jacob's father was Isaac.
Khufu's father is claimed/asserted/thought/believed to be king/pharaoh Sneferu. However, some orthodox sources admit that Sneferu is only "most probably" Khufu's father.
Sneferu's name might match the biblical name pharaoh (see separate bit on this) or match Joseph's name Zaphenath and/or "the all-comely" (see later). The Egyptian pharaoh or Joseph might have been made like an adopted father to Jacob? Joseph was in Egypt before Jacob went down into Egypt. Perhaps compare "he has made me a father to Pharaoh" in Genesis 45:8?
Some traditional Egyptian sources imply that Khufu/Cheops was seemingly a foreigner (see later).
Exact same amount of time in Egypt:
Jacob lived for 17 years in Egypt according to Genesis.
Khufu's highest contemporary recorded "reign" year is 17.
It is true that Cheops'/Khufu's reign length ranges in traditional sources from
63 yrs (Manetho) to
50 yrs (Herodotus) to
"46 yrs" (one modern orthodox cattle-count theory?) to
34 yrs (Great Pyramid inscription taken as biennial cattle-count) to
26/27 yrs (Dakhla inscription taken as bienniel cattle-count) to
24/23 yrs (Turin King List) to
20 yrs (building pyr Herodotus) to
17 yrs (Great Pyramid inscription taken verbatim) to
14 yrs (Dakhla inscription taken verbatim) to
10 yrs (building pyr ramp Herodotus).
But only the two verbatim ones (14 yrs & 17 yrs) are actual reliable contemporary records, while the others are less reliable much later traditions/records/theories. The 17 yrs is confirmed by the match with the biblical Jacob's 17 yrs.
Herodotus' 10 & 20 years are also close to 14 & 17 years (rounded up/down).
Both were at the same place Goshen/Giza:
Jacob dwelt in Egypt in the land of Goshen/Gosen/Goson (Hebrew/Massoretic) / Gesem (Greek/Septuagint) / Kessan (Artapanus), the meaning of which name is unknown but has been proposed to possibly mean "drawing near" or "place of light/plenty/comfort", and it is also called the "best of the land" and the 'land of Raameses' in Genesis. (Perhaps compare go/gauh/geus/gosh means "cow" and/or "light/ray" in Indo-Aryan, related to Sumerian gu "bull"? Koren is rays/horns in Hebrew.)
Khufu/Cheops is associated with the Great Pyramid of Giza/Gizeh/Er-ges-her (meaning "beside the high") near Cairo. (Cairo area is also called "Babylon" which might recall "by the rivers of Babylon"?)
Goshen/Gesem/Kessan & Giza/Gizeh/Er-gesher are very similar names/roots with only the last letters/suffixes n/m & r/h being slighty different but interchangeable in/between some languages.
All the mastabas/tombs on 1/2/3 sides of the Great Pyramid of Khufu/Cheops look/feel to me like as if they are the 70 souls Hebrews/Israelites who came to Egypt with Jacob in to Egypt buried around Jacob.
Herodotus also said that the shepherd Philitis ("lover of righteousness") dwelt at Giza in the 4th dynasty.
Lemesurier's book also claims an alignment of Giza with Bethlehem.
Josephus said that the exodus started from Latopolis (Sokhem).
Joseph married the daughter of the priest of On (Heliopolis).
Pithom in Exodus 1 might be Faiyum/Pium, or ....
All these places are fairly close to each other in the same part of Middle Egypt.
Goshen can not match Fakus/Phacussa/Gesem in the north-eastern Nile delta of Lower/North Egypt like orthodox and Rohlite theories contend because of conflicts with various details of the Genesis & Exodus accounts such as there is no p- prefix in the biblical name. Fakus is too close to the Egyptian border.... Goshen as the "best of the land" better matches Giza than the north-east delta. The bible says the Hebrews filled the land of Egypt, which fits better with a more central location of Goshen. Exodus mentions the Nile river which seems to be the main stem/trunk not one of the 7 mouths/branches. Joshua/Judges mentions another Goshen in Canaan/Palestine/Sinai.
Both non-Egyptians:
Jacob/Israel was a Hebrew not an Egyptian, and he was a shepherd which occupation Genesis says the Egyptians disfavoured/despised. Later in 'Exodus' 1-2 the Egyptians turned against the Hebrews.
Khufu/Cheops: "It would appear that the architect for the Great Pyramid was not even an Egyptian. ... according to Manetho, Khufu was 'of a different race'." "It is written in the ancient texts (Manetho) that Cheops was 'arrogant toward the gods...." "Cheops was not a polytheist, for Herodotus records that he closed the temples and prohibited the Egyptians from offering sacrifices", and that Egyptians hated the 4th dynasty pyramid builders. (Compare anti-Semitism, and that Judaeo-Christianity doesn't tolerate other gods worship.)
Cheops &/or Chephren is also associated with the same number 56 as the god Set/Typhon who was associated with the ass, and with red headed people, and with foreigners. Alford suggested Khufu was an "evil" god. (The Sphinx was also a red colour too.)
Scholars admit that Khufu's father is only "most probably" Sneferu in their opinion. His small statue also does look non-Egyptian in my opinion.
It also seems right to me that the Hebrews are all descended from Khufu/Cheops who is the same as Jacob in 1 Chronicles 1-2 genealogical lists.
Herodotus also said that the shepherd Philitis "lover of righteousness" dwelt at Giza in the 4th dynasty, and that the pyramids were named after him. "The famous 5th-century Greek historian Herodotus states that the builders of the Great Pyramid were shepherds...." Philitis is similar to Philistine which in Hebrew means immigrant/stranger/settler.
Some sources even confound the 4th dynasty pyramid builders with the later Hyksos.
Ka-aper the "Sheikh el-Beled" of the 4th dynasty might also/alternatively match Jacob, and we note that the element -aper is similar to Habiru and Hebrew?
Buried in the same land:
Jacob's body was taken by Joseph back to Canaan to be buried there.
Khufu's/Cheops' body/mummy was not found in his pyramid, and it is not known where it is buried, with some suggesting that he was buried somewhere else (even outside of Egypt), though some suggest he might be buried underneath the Great Pyramid along with some other unlocated pharaohs bodies.
The 5th dynasty pharaoh Sahure is known to have been in Palestine at one stage, and this might possibly be when Joseph took Jacob's/Israel's body to Canaan to be buried there?
Exact same number of wives:
Jacob: He had 2 wives (Leah & Rachel) and 2 concubines (Bilhah & Zilpah). His 2nd wife Rachel died before Jacob went to Egypt.
Khufu/Cheops: He had 2 named wives/queens (Meritates & Henutsen) and 2 unknown wives/queens. Wikipedia menions a consort named Rekhetre. There are 3 satellite pyramids beside the Great Pyramid which are said to be his wives/queens ones. (Ref: Clayton.)
Not only did both have 2/3/4 wives, but at least one of them has very similar name Rekhetre/Rach(a)el (esp considering that re & el are similar, and/or l & r often interchange). The meanings of the other Egyptian wives names will be related to Jacob's wives.
Same number of sons:
Jacob had 4 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 (+ 2) sons = 12/14 sons. (He adopted Joseph's 2 sons hence "14" in all.)
Khufu/Cheops had a "rather large family".
From various sources Khufu seems to have had between 6 to 9 to 15 sons. Clayton lists 6 sons, and his genealogical tree shows 5 of them. A couple/few other sources list some other "sons of the king".
(Here is a list of all the seeming sons of Khufu that we found in a few different sources: Djedefre, Kawab, Khafre, Djedefhor, Banefre, Khufukaef/Khufukhaf, Hemiunu/Hemon? Bauefre? Minkhaf, Horbaef, Babaef, Nefermaat? Khnumbaef, Wepemnefert? Kamaha?
Some of the names or meanings seemingly may match with the sons of Jacob in Genesis, see lists at end.)
There is/are also a similar number to around about 12 tombs/mastabas on 1 or 2 sides of the great pyramid in aerial-view drawings/diagrams.
Ephraim & Manasseh:
Jacob adopted his favourite son Joseph's 2 sons Ephraim and Manasseh in place of his 2 eldest sons Reuben & Simeon.
(Ephraim means "fruitful", Manasseh means "forget".)
Jacob put the younger son Ephraim before the elder son Manasseh, and said Ephraim "greater" and Manasseh "great" (Genesis 48).
(Family sub-section of 4 or 3 persons, in the order: Jacob, (Joseph,) Ephraim, Manasseh.)
Khufu/Cheops: There are only 4 main structures at Giza: the 3 pyramids of Khufu/Cheops, Khafre/Chephren and Menkaure/Mycerinus, plus the Sphinx.
The order of the structures at Giza goes: 1 the Great Pyramid of Khufu/Cheops, 2 the Sphinx and 3 pyramid of Khafre/Chephren, and 4 the pyramid of Menkaure/Mycerinus.
The Sphinx has been suggested to be either Djedefre or Khafre.
The order of the 4th dynasty "kings/pharaohs" goes Khufu/Cheops, (Djedefre/Redjedef,) Khafre/Chephren, Menkaure/Mycerinus.
Khafre/Chephren is also called Suphis II.
The 2 groups of 3/4 Egyptian & Biblical persons match (see lists at end).
(Khafre/Chephren means "appearing like sun-god Re/Ra", and Menkaure/Mycerinus means "eternal like the souls of Re", which meanings are similar to those of Ephraim and Manasseh.)
Khafre's pyramid name means "the great/upper", and it is seen rising high behind Sphinx looking from in front of Sphinx face, and his pyramid is larger than Menkaure's/Mycerinus', and is on higher ground. Menkaure's pyramid name means "the high one", and the pyramid is smaller than Khafre's/Chephren's, and is aligned slightly off centre line of alignment of all 3 pyramids.
Khafre/Chephren being called Souphis II fits with Ephraim the son of Jacob's favourite son being adopted in place of Jacob's eldest son Reuben.
The 2 energies/pyramids of Sneferu (3rd-4th dyn) might also/alternatively possibly be connected with Joseph's 2 sons?
Both had a similar daughter:
Jacob is only mentioned as having had 1 daughter named Dinah, who Shechem tried to "make a harlot of". (Though Ari Zuker suggests that Jacob also had another 2nd unnamed daughter as implied by a discrepancy in the list of 70 or 72 souls who came into Egypt with Jacob? The 70 souls are mostly male sons and grandsons, but there is also a Serach daughter of Asher among the 70 souls. A tradition says Dinah was later married to .... Tamar is maybe a possibility for the missing soul?)
Khufu/Cheops: Herodotus mentions that Cheops "sent his daughter to a bawdy-house", and one of the satellite pyramids of Khufu's pyramid was supposedly connected with a daughter of Khufu/Cheops (or "one of his daughters" according to Clayton) named Rhodopis.
(One source gives this list of daughters and/or daughters-in-law of Khufu: Nefertiabet, Hetephires/Satnetjerkhetef, Meresankh, Meritites, Khamerernebty?)
Jacob's couch:
Jacob's bed/couch in Genesis 47:31 & 48:2 & 49:33 might match the gold/bronze metalic colour wooden bed found in the "tomb of Hetephires" nearby Khufu's/Cheops' (Jacob's) pyramid at Giza?
In Genesis 49 Jacob said the "crouching" "lion of Judah" "shall go up", and "the sceptre shall not pass from between his feet until messiah comes". Jacob also blessed the "head of Joseph" later in the same chapter (& Deut 33). (Judah & Joseph were Jacob's 2 most favoured sons/heirs. The lion of Judah is the messiah/christ, compare Aslan in CS Lewis. Joseph is also a type of the messiah/christ, having many analogous similarities with the messianic prophecies fulfilled by Jesus. Compare 'Messiah ben Joseph'?
Near Khufu's/Cheops' pyramid at Giza is the Great Sphinx crouching man-lion with stele/beard between stretched forth paws, which looks towards the east & rising sun (kedem "front" in Semitic).
Looking at the front of the Sphinx we see Khafre's pyramid, which was named "the great", rising above in the background, similar to the lion of Judah "shall go up"?
The face of the head of the Sphinx has been suggested to be either that of Djedefre (who seems to match with Joseph)* or Khafre (Ephraim). (Family resemblance between Djedefre & Khafre like that between Joseph & Ephraim.)
Some say the name of Sphinx is from Sheshep-ankh "eternal living image", which resembles Joseph's name Zaphenath-paneah. (Paneah is often considered to be pi-ankh, meaning pi- "the" + ankh "life, living image"). (Other names of the Sphinx are/were Hu, Horemkhu/Harmachis, and Abu Hol "father of terror". Hu might be connected with the 3rd dynasty person Huni/Huny/Huy whose name might match Paneah/Piankh or Benoni?)
Like Joseph, the Sphinx is connected with dreams (Dream Stele).
There is evidence that the leonine Sphinx was maybe mentioned/known in Khufu's (Jacob's) "reign", before Khafre/Chephren.
The Sphinx was apparently/allegedly once a red colour, and red is colour of Set(h) who was a god of foreigners (and whose name is similar to Seth in Genesis).
Khufu/Cheops "wrote the sacred Books...a (major) work of great/scriptual importance." (There might be texts in the secret chamber found in the pyramid shaft? The pyramid itself is a stone book encoding geodesic information.)
Jacob: Is associated with the "J & E" proto-Torah.
(Hoeh suggested that the work written by Khufu was the book of Job. Job's name is similar to Jacob's and they both lived to a similar age of 140/147 yrs. The word "write" is first mentioned in the Torah just after the wilderness stop Dophkah. Sinaiatic inscriptions which are claimed to match with verses in 'Exodus' may be from Solomon's time.)
Jacob's ladder.
His period is also associated with the word mastebah in the bible.
His prophecy in Genesis 49 mentions the "eternal mountains" of Joseph.
Jacob was embalmed in Egypt over 40/70 days.
Some scholars have compared the Step Pyramid and/or the Great Pyramid with Jacob's ladder.
Pyramids were built-up over/above mastebahs which were pre-types of pyramids.
Khufu is associated with the Great Pyramid and also with the other 2 of the 3 pyramids of Giza.
Other scholars have sometimes thought the pyramids were connected with Joseph's storehouses/granaries or Pharaoh's treasure-cities in Exodus 1. Alford suggested that water might be a solution to the mystery of the Great Pyramid, and it might be possible that this may connect with Joseph's famine? Some early traditional sources claimed the Hebrew( slave)s built pyramids. Herodotus said the Egyptians hated the 4th dynasty pyramid builders, and that the Giza pyramids were named after the shepherd Philitis who dwelt at Giza then.
Pyramids are often considered to be tombs of the pharaohs embalmed mummies, but not many have actually had bodies found in them.
Some of the Great Pyramids astronomical alignments to Sah/Osiris/Orion/Kesil/Jabr, Sept/Sothis/Isis/Sirius/Canis/Dog-star/Stella-Maris, and Draco/Taweret/Reret also seem to tie in to biblical mythological/theological/eschatologcal beliefs. Taweret is a mother/birth goddess. Isis has links with Eve and Mary and/or the Holy Spirit. Osiris has similarities with Jesus. (Some sources say how the 3 Giza pyramids mirror the 3 star of Orion's belt in the sky, and one source linked this with the 3 "magi" of the story of Jesus.)
Sirius B has a 50 yrs orbit which recalls the jubilee of 49/50 years. (Also compare "a star shall come out of Jacob"?)
The name/word pyramid might be related to Abram/Abraham or the land of Ramses/Piramses/Paramesu?
70 souls; 40/70 days ritual:
Jacob came to Egypt with 70/72 souls.
He was embalmed over a 40/70 days period, like is known in ancient Egyptian culture.
(Note that 10 & 12, 40 & 42, 50 & 52, 70 & 72, 100 & 110 & 120, 400 & 430 interchange in biblical and other ancient cultures.)
long hall of 40 columns/cubicle rooms (20 on each side) Step Pyramid complex.
40 dog days Sirius (there's a Great Pyramid alignment with Sirius).
41 sphinxes Sakkara/Serapeum.
41 blocking stones boat pit of Great Pyramid;
43 degrees slope upper Bent Pyramid,
43 degrees slope 'Red/North/Shining Pyramid'.
Great pyramid represents northern hemisphere on scale 1:43,200.
440 cubits Great Pyramid?
67 mortuary priests (& 6 independent high officials) of Khufu's mortuary cult.
70 kings, 70 days in 7th dynasty.
70 degrees Shepseskaf's pyramid / mastabet el Faraun.
70 days Sirius invisible conjunction sun.
Sekhemhet's pyramid slope 72 degrees.
72 degrees to e-w alignment of Dahshur & Giza pyrs.
"Great pyramid built 73,300 years ago";
74 degrees Meydum pyramid (now).
Djoser's pyramid slope 75 degrees.
Both worldwide/global atmosphere:
Jacob: Joseph's 7 yrs famine was world-wide according to bible. (The early time is also not long after division of nations at Babel.)
Khufu/Cheops: Great Pyramid's encoded geodesic informtion has a global air to it. (The Great Pyramid is said to analogously match the northern hemisphere. It is also claimed that the Piri Reis map is centred on Cairo/Giza.)
Same totals of years:
Jacob lived to 147 yrs old.
Hebrews were in Egypt for 430 or "215" years.
Herodotus says the 4th dynasty pyramid builders lasted for 150 yrs, including "Khufu/Cheops 50 yrs, + Khafre/Chephren 56 yrs, = 106 yrs temples never opened".
Mas(o)udi said Surid (3rd/4th dyn) built pyramid(s) 300 yrs before the "flood".
(50/56/106/150 is half of 106/215/300, like 106/215 half of 215/430.)
Same totals of years:
Joseph lived to 110 yrs old.
Herodotus says "Khufu/Cheops 50 yrs, + Khafre/Chephren 56 yrs, = 106 yrs temples never opened".
Djedi lived to a 110 yrs old (Tales of the Magicians, Westcar papyrus).
Same totals of years:
(Jubilee/pentecost 49/50 yrs.)
Herodotus says the 4th dynasty pyramid builders lasted for 150 yrs, including Khufu/Cheops 50 yrs, + Khafre/Chephren 56 yrs.
51/52 degrees of the Giza Pyramid.
(The number 56 is also associated with Typhon/Set.)
Name Israel:
Jacob: His other name was Israel/Yitzrael which means either sarah-el/sarita-'im-elohim "god rules/contends/struggles/prevails/power", or is-rea'-el "man-friend of god", or Isra-El "pagan god Isra + El/god".
Khufu/Cheops: There are names similar to Israel in the 3rd-4th-5th dynasties such as Sarjak/Salhuk, Zoser/Djoser/Ser, Ser/Seris/Soris/Surid/Saurid, Saaru/Shaaru, Hem-netjer-Iset "priests of Isis", Isis (Great Pyramid), Sa-re/Se-ra "son of the sun-god Ra/Re", Er-ges-her/Giza, Userkaf, Sahure, Asar/Osiris, Restau/Rostau/Rosetta, Sargon/Sharrukin ("6th dyn").
Pharaoh match:
The king of Egypt in the stories of Abraham, Joseph and Moses is only called Pharaoh and not any other name (though some think the names Ramses and/or Pi-Thom relate to a pharaoh's name).
Orthodox scholars believe that the name pharaoh comes from Pr/Pr'o/Pr'3/Perao/Peraa/Paruw'ar or Aaperti "(the) (great) house", and that the title/name is first known to appear in Egyptian history in the 12th dyn or 18th dyn (Tuthmose 3 or Akhenaten) or 19th dyn (Merneptah) or 21st dyn (Siamun). Since our evidence is strong that Joseph was earlier than the 12th dynasty it must mean that either the use of pharaoh in the bible is an anachronism (being written later some time between Moses and the Babylonian capitvity), or else that the Egyptian/Biblical name was used earlier. (Some sources like Herodotus, Josephus, Newton, Brewer say that the Egyptian kings were "Pharaohs"/"gods" down to the time of Solomon/Shishak/Sethos/Merneptah, and only kings after then.)
If the use of the title/name is not an anachronism, then possible matches for the name pharaoh in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties period (where we find matches for Joseph's story) include:
- Waddell claimed that Sumerian inscriptions or Indus inscriptions (read as Sumerian) or early Egyptian inscriptions (read as Sumerian) contain a word that matches Pharaoh?
- Some sources suggested that pharaoh was known from earliest dynasties, or that it was a name of the 1st ruler of Egypt?
- Parinbara ("predynastic" inscription, Waddell)?
- Peribsen or Perenmaat (2nd dyn)?
- Pirua in Peruvian king lists is similar?
- Phra/Ra/Re or Af-ra the sun god's reign in the dynasty of god-kings began in the 2nd/3rd/4th/5th dynasty (Raneb/Nebra, Rahotep, Redjedef/Djedefre, Sera/Sare "son of the sun god Ra/Re", 5th dyn sun kings).
- Sneferu of the 3rd-4th dynasty whose name various read as either Snfrfrw / Snprfw/Snprvw/Snprby/Snprvu/ Snpfv / Snprf/Snfrw/Snprb/Snprv/Snfrv/Snfr(w) / Snpw, or Snaphru/Snef(e)ru, or Sen-nefer. (Sneferu might be either Pharaoh or Zaphenath/Joseph of the Genesis story. He heads the 4th dynasty just before Khufu/Jacob and his sons, and orthodox sources suppose that he is "most possibly" Khufu's "father".)
- Herodotus has a king Pheros in the 12th dynasty and/or before the 4th dynasty.
- Reufu/Ufura found in Great Pyramid inscriptions.
- "Great Pyramid" resembles Pharaoh "great house"? or Pharaoh "great house" resembles Khufu's "rather large family" and Jacob's 12 sons and/or 70 souls.
- Chephren/Khafre (4th dyn, matching Ephraim who is called "greater in Genesis 48).
Djoser/Zoser/Ser of the 3rd dynasty is associated with a 7 yrs drought/famine in the Sahel/Philae inscription. Sekhemhet's/Djoserty-ankh's buried pyramid beside Zoser's Step Pyramid looks like maybe vizier Zaphenath's/Joseph's beside his pharaoh's?
In Masudi's story Saurid/Surid (Shaaru/Saaru, or Soris/Seris/Ser of the 3rd/4th/5th dyn in Manetho) had a dream similar to Pharaoh in Joseph's story, and he was "300 yrs before the flood" like Joseph's pharaoh was 430 yrs before the exodus events. Surid's "flood and fire" in the story might match the 7 yrs plenty and famine of Joseph? (Seris/Soris in Manetho is often supposed by conventional Egyptologists to match Sneferu, but may rather match Djoser/Zoser.)
Joseph match: (incomplete, see other articles)
Critics and sceptics have claimed that there has not been found any evidence of Joseph & Moses in Egypt (in the time they assert that they were there in), but this is because they have looked in the wrong time (because their ascribed vertical dates for the Egyptian dynasties are too long/old) and wrong parts of Egypt. We and others (Mohler, Wyatt, Hoeh) have found strong evidences for that Joseph was in Egypt in the 2nd/3rd to 4th/5th dynasties, and we can even point to actual candidate matches for the name and/or person Joseph in Egypt then.
The bible says Joseph's Egyptian name was Zaphenath-Paneah. A traditional Jewish source also says Joseph was called "the all-comely".
Among the candidates for matching Joseph/Zaphenath in the 2nd/3rd to 4th/5th dynasty are the following:
Khasekhemwy: ....
Sanakhte: His name possibly resembles Zaphenath?
Djoser/Zoser: His name resembles Joseph's (or at least the modern English versions of the Egyptian and Hebrew names seem similar), and he is also associated with a 7 years drought/famine in the Sahel/Philae inscription.
Imhotep: His name is similar to Joseph's. He was vizier of Djoser, similar to Joseph was vizier of Pharaoh. .... For further/fuller details see Mohler's and Wyatt's articles and see this other article of our own .
Sekhemhet aka Djoserty-ankh and/or Teti: The name Sekhemhet is variously spelt Sekhem(k)het/Sekhemk(h)et / Se(s)chemchet / "Szehemhet/Sejemjet" and maybe matches the name Zaphenath-paneah/Psothom-phanech.... Djoserty is similar to Joseph. The -ankh could match Paneah which is supposed to be Pi-ankh (pi- is a prefix meaning "the" or ...). Teti resembles that Joseph was tjaty "vizier". Sekhemhet's pyramid complex has many analogous similarities with the story of Joseph (see table in separate article). Wyatt showed Imhotep has connections with Joseph. Imhotep graffiti is found in/on Sekhemhet's complex. The Bible says Pharaoh put a gold chain on neck of vizier Zaphenath (Joseph). 3rd-4th dynasty: There was a gold necklace found in the Sekhemhet complex which may match the very gold chain of the Genesis story. Unas famine scenes beside Sekhemhet's complex. ....
Huni/Huny: His name might be related to the Paneah name of Joseph? He also might be connected with the Hu name of the Sphinx, and we have shown how the Sphinx matches Zaphenath/Joseph. (Alternatively Huny is similar to Benoni/Benjamin, or Hori?)
Sneferu: His name means "he of beauty" or "the two energies/beauties" or "he who makes good", from nefer "perfection, goodness, beauty, virility", (and he was also called the "beneficent king",) which is maybe similar to Zaphenath and/or "the all-comely". He heads the 4th dynasty of kings immediately before Khufu/Cheops (Jacob). The 2 energies/pyramids of Sneferu could possibly be connected with Joseph's 2 sons? The Bent Pyramid which is supposed to be Sneferu's may represent the 7 yrs plenty and 7 yrs famine.
Saophis Comastes "the trafficker or money getter" of the 4th dynasty in one king list recalls Joseph who (stored up grain, and) took all the Egyptian peoples money and cattle and land and selves/bodies. His name might match Zaphenath.
Djedefre/Redjedef: As we said in the Ephraim & Manasseh paragraph/section, .... Djedefre's name maybe resembles Joseph or Zaphenath/Thafneos/"Zatenaph/Djed(u)-en-ef". It also resembles the name of Djedi who in the tales of the magicians has similarities with Joseph including both lived to a 110 yrs old. His statue .... His son Setka's name contains the name of the god Set/Seth who was a god of foreigners. (Jacob said to let any other sons of Joseph be counted as Ephraim's or Manasseh's....) Djedefre's pyramid's name 'Djedefre's starry sky' recalls Joseph's dreams. His pyramid was not at Giza like Khufu's/Jacob's, which recalls Joseph not living at Goshen with his father. ....
Djedi dwelt at Dahshur, and we showed that the Bent Pyramid there may represent the 7 yrs plenty and 7 yrs famine, and the area is connected with St Joseph and "Joseph's Canal". In the tales of the magicians Djedi rides in a vehicle similar to Joseph riding in chariot in Genesis.
Sphinx: See the above section on Sphinx.
Shepseskaf: His name might be related to Sheshepankh/Sphinx and Zaphenath-paneah?
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Jacob and Khufu/Cheops
Jacob and Khufu/Cheops. Part 1: Introduction & General Match:
(The purpose of this article is to show proofs that Jacob matches Khufu/Cheops of the 4th dynasty of ancient Egyptian history.)
Is the history in the Bible true or a lie/myth? To answer this one has to objectively and thoroughly look into history and archaeology as well as textual criticism to see if there are or are not quality matches or clashes between the Bible and history. However, many scholars have been investigating history but have come to differing conclusions as to whether the bible and history match or not, and there is an uneven struggle between orthodox/conventional chronology and alternative chronologies. Conventional chronology has found some matches between the bible and history, but they also claim that there are quite afew/alot of supposed major gaps and/or clashes. Meanwhile some alternative chronologies including ours contend that they have found far better horizontal and vertical matches than the conventional chronology has, and they show that there are matches for most of the history in the bible. The conventional chronology views hold the reigning mainstream position in the modern world while alternative chronologies are largely dismissed/ignored, and so it is necessary to challenge them if there is evidence they are wrong/untrue, because it is important that people know the truth and not false views or lies.
Now, with a view to proving whether the history in the bible is true or not, and whether the orthodox chronology or an alternative chronology is right, we need to pick some few best pinpoint examples because the subject/topic/field of biblical history and archaeology covers a too large amount of time and number of nations for one person to be able address at one time in one article. In the bible one of the nations which the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews had alot of contact with throughout biblical history is Egypt, and among these contacts with Egypt one of the major ones is the one of Joseph and Jacob in Egypt (in Genesis). Conventional chronology claims/asserts/contends/believes that Joseph was in Egypt in the Hyksos period, but they also claim/admit that they have found "little or no actual matches evidences of Joseph and Moses in Egypt" in the dynasties they assert they were contemporary with. One of the only few major widely-favoured alternative chronologies is Rohl's which contends/holds that Joseph was in Egypt in the (11th-)12th dynasty. However, the true time of Joseph in Egypt seems to actually rather be the 3rd-4th dynasty as suggested and evidenced by Mohler's, Wyatt's, Hoeh's and my own findings. One of the most interesting Joseph in the 3rd-4th dynasty evidences is the one that Jacob surely seems to match "king/pharaoh" Khufu/Cheops of the 4th dynasty. This article is gopng to focus on trying to show that our case for Jacob matching Khufu is itself a stark enough match evidence that the conventional chronology is wrong and our chronology is right.
Dates match or "mismatch"?
Before we can address the more awesome actual matches between Khufu/Cheops and Jacob we first need to address the chronological aspect. What would convince people that Jacob matches Khufu? The only major reason we can see that the mainstream historical establishment refuse to accept that Jacob = Khufu is even possible is because they claim that they are supposedly different dates according to their expert conventional chronology and so can't be contemporaries. Khufu/Cheops was supposedly "2500s" bc in their chronology, while Jacob was ca 1800s bc in biblical chronology. Now our own answer to this is that the conventional chronology dates of the dynasties are only modern theoretical ascribed dates without any real concrete proofs and hardly any major pin/pillar/staple supports. The whole subject of this Egyptian chronology dispute is too big to address in this article, and this article's prupose is only to show the matches between Jacob & Khufu/Cheops, so we can only give some quick short evidences on this "different dates" dispute.
To match Egyptian and biblical history one has to have both vertical chronological matches of dates, and horizontal synchronisms matches of events/persons/places/details.
The bible's internal vertical chronology is not majorly disputed. Joseph was 430 or "215" years before Moses who was 480 years before Solomon who was ca 1000/900s bc.
Some people dispute whether the period in Egypt between Joseph and Moses was 430 or "215" years, and whether 600 or 400 years between Abraham and Moses, but evidence seems to support the longer periods/ages/lengths.
Genesis says 400 yrs (or "4 generations of a 100 yrs") in a foreign land.
The Greek Septuagint version of Exodus says "430 years in Egypt and Canaan", and the Septuagint and DSS and Josephus all imply 215 years.
The Hebrew/Jewish Masoretic Text of Exodus says "430 years in Egypt".
Stephen in Acts 7 says enslaved 400 yrs, though Paul says 430 yrs after Abraham in Galatians 3:17.
Versions only mention 400/430 yrs, they don't mention any 200/215 years.
"Egypt and Canaan" could mean either Canaan (Abraham-Joseph) and then Egypt (Joseph-Moses), or Egypt which held sway over Canaan at the time (as also alot during ancient history), and/or the Torah does imply some sons of Ephraim/Manasseh were in Canaan while the others were in Egypt.
400/430 years is in line with other 40/42 years trials periods of the flood, wildernss wanderings, Elijah, Jesus' temptation, 42 months in Revelation (see Rick Warren's book), as well as also the 480 yrs between Moses and Solomon.
Some add up the years of Levi 137, Kohath 133, Amram 137, and Moses 80, which seems to imply a period closer to 215 yrs, but it has been claimed that the word for begat/son in Exdous 6 genealogies is not direct son of like in the Genesis genealogies, and so implies gaps between Levi & Kohath & Amram, though others have claimed it is not true that the Exodus begats/sons words are not direct son of? Other tribal genalogies like that of Caleb have a larger number of generations between the sons of Jacob and the post-Exodus persons/
Joseph was in the 3rd-4th dynasty. There were "300 years" from Surid (3rd/4th dynasty) to the "flood" in Masudi.
Conventional Egyptian chronology though has only a small number of vertical chronological dating methods and they are all unreliable.
- The only one major pillar of modern ascribed dates of the Egyptian dynasties is the 2 Sothaic/Siriadic dates for the 12th and 18th dynasties. However, some orthodox sources admit that the sothoaic/siriadic dating is problematic and that they have supposedly moved away from it (even though they still retain the dates).
- Adding up hundreds of Egyptian/Assyrian kings and dynasties reigns lengths is unreliable. In addition, the 1st Intermediate Period is a lacuna of uncertain/indefinite length. And yet they claim that regnal years are the backbone of contemporary Egyptian chronology.
The date of the first dynasty has ranged from 5000 years bc to 2000s years bc in conventional sources of modern times. A few decades ago the orthodx date of the 1st dynasty were suddenly reduced by "400 years closer to the present" due to deciding some dynasties were contemporary or overlapped. (Though one source seems to say that the modern coventional Egyptology still has this particular 300-400 yrs difference in opinions of 1st 8 dynasties dates.) Sources say dates may still be out by up to a few centuries for the Old Kingdom dates (refs Clayton, Wiki, etc).
Joseph's/Jacob's biblical or proposed date ranges at maximum from 1980 bc, to 1876 bc, to 1749/1727-1658 bc (Jerome), to 1706 bc (Usher, Oxford), to 1657/1635 bc (NWT) to 1647/1621 (Compton) to 900 bc (PSBA)?
(Joseph's placement in Egyptian history has ranged from 2nd dyn (me, a Hancock forum poster), to 3rd dyn (Mohler, Wyatt, Walker, me), to 4th dyn (Hoeh, me), to 5th dyn (Courville, Wyatt, me), to 11th dyn (Rohl), to 12th dyn (Courville, Hoeh, Rohl, Alford, Bullen), to 13th dyn (Aufni), to 15/16th dyn (Bey, Compton, conventional), to "immediately before 18th dyn" (Bey), to 18th dyn (Marquart, Jeremias, Mercer, Barton, Rancke, Boysen, Albright, Osman, Sullivan), to 19th dyn (2018 linkedin comment), to 19th-20th dyn (Sayce, PSBA), to 22nd dyn (PSBA)?)
The traditional or theoretical date of the 3rd dynasty and/or Sekhemhet's pyramid has ranged from 4945-4731 bc (Petrie), to 3966-3766 (Bey), to 3712 (Rhodius), to ca 3200s (Sekhmekhet carbon date), to 2980-2900 (Breasted, Berlin school), to 27th cent / 2686-2613 bc (Shaw, current conventional consensus), to 1737-1663 (Hoeh).
The traditional or theoretical date of the 4th dynasty and/or Great Pyramid and/or Sphinx has ranged from "150,000" yrs ago (some believe), to "73,300" yrs ago (Balkhi), to "10,000 yrs bc" (Pyrmamidology), to Age of Leo/Cancer (Hancock, Tomas), to 7000-5000 bc (Schoch), to "4731" (Petrie), to "3733" (Bey), to 2900-2750 (Breasted, Berlin), to "The boat of Khufu dates 200 years before Egyptological date of pyramids built", to "2690", to 27th cent bc / 2613-2498/2494 (Shaw, Clayton), to "Kate Spence's astronomical work says Khufu's pyramid should be dated 50 years the other way from the historical date ... in other words 250 years lower than the radiocarbon date", to 2144/2140 (astronomical?), to "1726-1703/1699/1663" (Hoeh), to "838" bc (Newton), to "not before 800 ad" (Fomenko)?
Josephus' information that Menes of the 1st dynasty was only 1300 years before Shishak/Solomon (1000/900s bc), and Herodotus' information that Moeris of the 12th dynasty was only 900 yrs before 26th/28th dynasty both support a ca 1800s date of the 3rd/4th dynasty.
Radiometric dating like carbon dating is contended to have proofs/evidences that it is unreliable (even though the exact reason why/how is not known), and it depends on the rates/speeds having always been the same uniformitarian rate/speed as in modern times. Orthodox sources themselves say that material in Sekhemhet's complex dates 600 years older than the conventional Egyptological date of the 3rd dynasty, and their own published works do not follow the carbon date but the Egyptological date. Thera's carbon date conflicts with its conventional "archaeological" date by 100 or more years. A 2013 study on the 1st dynasty yielded carbon date of 32nd-31st century as compared/contrasted to the conventional (34th-)30th century ((3400-)3000), which is a difference of 1-2-3 centuries despite them trying to make it seem like a match by using centuries and using the 400 yrs range between the old 1906 and the modern 2000 ascribed dates for the 1st dynasty. Carbon dates conflict with stark horizontal matches evidences like Jacob = Khufu. Where there is a seeming conflict one has to decide which is the more likely right. In the case of Sekhemhet and Thera they admit either is possible, but with alternative scholars evidences they just unfairly/dishonestly regard their "scientific" dating methods as infallible and reject other matches evidences as supposedly not equal to their conflicting "scientific" evidences.
Dating by the Apis bulls sequence has the problem with that there is a gap between the 20th and 22nd dynasties, and it only covers the 18th to 33rd dynasties period. Plus it is said there is poor documentaion, and i have seen 2 different lifespan ages of Apis bulls in different sources.
There are also other vertical dating evidences which conflict with their vertical chronology but which they unfairly reject or dismiss as supposedly "unreliable" or "not authorities". Eg Herodotus said Moeris (of the 12th dynasty) was only 900 yrs before 26th or 28th dynasty. Josephus said Menes was 1300 yrs before Shishak/Solomon.
Conventional Egyptian & Biblical chronology has only a small number of claimed horizontal matches, and some are wrong or weak. They admit that there are many places where there are no matches or are conflicts, eg "no trace of Joseph and Moses in Egyptian history (in dynasties we place them in)", "no trace of exodus in this time we place it, maybe it was only minor in Egyptian's views" (paraphrase from Millard etc), "not anymuch evidence of Joshua's Jericho in this strata which we place it" (paraphrase from Millard, Sharrukin, etc), "Sheshonk's campaign list doesn't match Shishak's". Moreover other scholars have found much better stronger matches in other dynasties which evidence that the conventional ascribed dates wrong and that the alternative chronology is right. Jacob's stark matches with Khufu is one such weighty match.
Shechem was mentioned in 12th dynasty execration texts, and in the bible Shechem is first founded in Jacob's time, so Jacob can't be later than the 12th dynasty.
Since the orthodox chronology's ascribed dates are only theory and areevidenced to be unreliable/wrong, one can't match biblical and Egyptian history by orthodox ascribed dates. We instead searched through all of ancient dynastic Egyptian history and we found that the only best times that there are matches for Joseph in Egypt is the 3rd-4th dynasty which periodhas alot of quality matches with the details in Genesis. One can also confirm this by comparing the whole timelines of Egyptian and Biblical histories side by side to get an idea of what periods roughly match. Joseph was relatively early in overall biblcial history, like the 3rd-4th dynasty is in overall Egyptian history, while the orthodox Hyksos placement and Rohl's alternative 12th dynasty placement has Joseph too late in overall Egyptian history (see tables). In the old orthodox scenario you can see they have no matches with biblical in all the time before the 11th/12th dynasty! The placement of Joseph and Jacob in the 3rd-4th dynasties also fits with other found previous and suceeding matches between Egyptian and Biblical history (see table). We can't yet fully prove the dates of the Egyptian dynasties, but we can show that the conventional chronology's few vertical dating methods and few horizontal "synchronisms" are wrong, and we can show plenty of strong matches evidences for the true synchronisms between Biblical and Egyptian histories (horizontal matches, and some vertical dating evidences like the aforementioned ones of Herodotus and Josephus).
Orthodox/conventional/consensus chronology:
(3rd/4th dyn -- Byblos -- "2600s/2500s" bc)
(5th dyn -- Sahure in Palestine)
(6th dyn -- Ebla)
11th-12th dyn -- patriarchs, Shechem -- "2000s/1900s" bc
15th-16th dyn (Hyksos) -- Joseph -- "1700s" bc
18th dyn (Amarna) -- Israel not yet in Canaan
19th dyn -- Ramses/Moses/exodus -- "1300/1200s" bc*
19th dyn (Israel Stele) -- Israel*
19th dyn -- Edom (domination of Sinai, ref McEvedy/Penguin)
20th dyn (Peleset Sea Peoples) -- Saul
21st dyn -- David
22nd dyn (Sheshonk) -- Shishak/Rehoboam -- eponym
22nd dyn (Osorkhon) -- Zerah/Asa
25th dyn -- So, Tirhakah, Assyrians
26th dyn -- Necho, Hophra/Vaphres
27th dyn -- Persians.
Rohl's alternative "new" chronology:
(... -- Babel -- Eridu)
(11th-)12th dyn -- Joseph -- "1800s" bc
(12th-)13th dyn -- Moses/exodus
(13th dyn -- Yantin/Byblos -- Mari, Old Babylonian)
evidence of horse/chariots a little before Hyksos
15th/16th dyn (plague pits, Hyksos) -- Joshua/Anakim
18th dyn (Amarna) -- Saul/David
19th dyn (Ramses 2) -- Shishak
TIP difficult period
22nd dyn -- Phoenicians
Our tentative chronology:
1st or 2nd dyn -- Abraham? -- 2000s bc
2nd/3rd-4th/5th dyn -- Joseph/Jacob -- 1800s bc
FIP Asiatics -- Hebrews in Egypt
11th dyn -- Elim?
(6th? &/or) 12th(-13th) dyn -- Moses/exodus -- ca 1400s bc
15/16th dyn (Hyksos) -- Amalek? Anak? Judges, Edom? Jabin? Midian?
400 yrs Hyksos to 19th dyn -- 480 yrs Moses to Solomon
17th dyn -- Sisera
18th dyn -- Abimelech?
18th dyn -- Tahtimodshi?
18th dyn (Amarna) -- David/Achish -- 1000s bc
19th dyn (Ramses 2) -- Shishak - 900s bc
19th-20th dyn -- Zerah?
20th dyn (Sea Peoples) -- Jehoshaphat?
21st dyn -- Zoan & Noph
21st/22nd dyn (Psusennes/Sheshonk/Osorkhon) -- So?
22nd-23rd -- Assyrian (ref Weigall)
25th dyn -- Tirhakah, Assyrians
26th dyn -- Necho, Hophra/Vaphres, 40 yrs -- 600-500s bc
27th dyn -- Persians.
The orthodox chronology seems to be somewhat due to an adherence to the old scenario of Manetho and Josephus and Jerome who placed the exodus in the (18th-)19th dynasty.
Joseph/Jacob in 3rd-4th dynasties:
One other piece of general evidence just before we get in to the really interesting Jacob/Khufu matches: There are many matches evidences for Joseph in the 3rd-4th dynasties period, and this is a major reason which supports our placement of Jacob in the 4th dynasty, but there are too many Joseph evidences to write about in this article, and this article's only main purpose is to show the stark matches between Khufu/Cheops and Jaocb, and so we will only briefly list some example Joseph in the 3rd-4th dynasty matches evidences:
- 7 years drought/famine of Djoser/Zoser.
- models of granaries in Old Kingdom tombs.
- Bent Pyramid may symbolise 7 yrs plenty and 7 yrs scarcity?
- Ra-hotep priest of Heliopolis/On (and/or leader of the warriors of the monarch) may match Potiphera priest of On/Heliopolis (and/or Potiphar captain of the guard?)
- Names similar to Joseph including Djoser/Zoser, Im-hotep, Souphis, Djedef-re.
- Possible matches for Joseph's Egyptian name Zaphenath-Paneah include: Kha-sekhemwy, Sekhemhet (Djoserty-ankh), Huni, Sneferu, Saophis Comastes, Sphinx/Shepshepankh, Shepseskaf, Djedefptah/Thamphthis? Sekhemhet's pyramid complex has many seeming matches similarities with Joseph's story.
These and other Joseph evidences are discussed more in detail in other posts/papers/articles of ours.
Other scholars agree/confirm:
Walker, Mohler, Wyatt, Hoeh, Courville, and myself all agree that evidences agree with Joseph being in the 2nd/3rd-4th/5th dynasties period. A paragraph in Keller's book also implied a connection of Djoser's drought/famine and Joseph's famine.
Other researchers including Bristowe, Fasold, and two forum posters have alternatvely similarily suggested Shem/Melchizedek or Abraham or Job or Seir or Moses were in the same period, in connection with the same persons and places (Imhotep, Surid/Seris/Shaaru, Cheops, Philitis, Unas).
Some scholars have dated 3rd-4th dynasty to about the same time as Joseph/Jacob (see previous section on dates match).
In part 2 we will get to showing the awesome stark Jacob & Khufu/Cheops matches evidences.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Proofs of conspiracy by elite and of evil of others
Which gender is doing the worst evils in the modern world: males or females?
Answer: On one hand neither gender is doing more evil than the other because there are evil doers of both genders.
On the other hand, it is pretty evident that generally it is far more males who are doing the most and worst evils than females. Just like there also tend to be more famous/imfamous males than females in world history. (This is not to say that males are "superior" or females "inferiour", it is just that males are more external affairs and females more internal/home affairs and behind scenes and beside/behind males as wives/mothers.)
Though at the same time this modern western world regime is somewhat feminine/effeminate/emasculated/egalitarian/pacifistic rather than masculine, and many males are made like Homer Simpsons, and in the tv program 'Love and Marriage'.
Males: Bolger, Douglas, Bob Jones, me
Bush, Clinton, Bill Gates, masons, Obama, Pence, Trump
Lenin, Marx, Putin, Stalin, Trotsky, Yeltsin
the Pope
Hitler, Marx
Jesus Christ, Paul, Satan, Yhwh
Animus, homos
Females: Arden, Richardson, Shipley
Hillary Clinton,
Angela Merkel
Teresa May, Queen Elizabeth, Victoria
Deborah, Eve, harlot Babalon/Rome (Revelation), Mary, Ruth, Sarah,
Fatima, Kadijah
Anima, lesbians
Which race/races or subrace/subraces is/are doing the worst evils in the modern world? (Well, yes the "human race" is the worst of all the native animals/creatures of the earth. But which race or subrace within that?)
Answer: On one hand there is no one race to blame for the worst evils because there are people of all races who are doing evil or a party to it. In the bible there are bad people among the Hamites, and the Japhethites, and the Semites/Jews.
On the other hand i don't think anyone can deny that Whites/Europeans/Aryans/Westerners/Atlanteans / WASPs/Americans/British/Romans (G7/G8, Nato, EU, US, UK, Vatican) are the ones doing the most and worst wrongs in the modern world.
In the bible the Hamites seem to have the worst reputation, followed by Japhethites, and then by Semites.
If God/Christ has a chosen people then surely the Devil/Antichrist has a master race too. Draco is above Benelux in a star map.
Some people have claimed that the Jews are the one most bad culprit, and certainly no one denies that there have been some bad Jews, however, i don't see that there is as much evidences for the Jews as there are for certain Europeans.
Though at the same time, in the modern globalist regime all non-European races together outnumber Europeans.
Whites/Caucasoids/Europeans: Bolger, Douglas, Bob Jones, Key, Prebble.
May, Major, Thatcher
Bush, Clinton, Pence,
Jews: Disraeli, Dreyfus, Key, LaVey, Marx, Trotsky, Stalone, Vogel.
Blacks/Negros/Africans: Benson, Harold Carter, Johnson, MLK, Malcolm X, Mandela, Obama.
Hamites: Asshur, Canaan, leopard, Nimrod, pharaoh of Exodus, Palestinians/PLO, Sodom.
Semites/Semitism: Freud, Jesus (Christianity), Islam, Marx, Paul, Peter,
Which religion is doing the most worst evils/wrongs in the modern world?
On the other hand anyone can see that the religion with the most people doing the most worst wrongs is "Christianity"/"Catholicism"/"WASPs", (Dualism,) and/or Atlantis Rising / Platonic, and/or Atheists/Evolutionists/Darwinians/Materialists/Sceptics/Humanists, and/or Masons.
"Christians": Jacinda Ardens family & upbringing if not herself, Bolger (Catholic), Bush, mp "Chris Bishop", Calvin, Christianity is monotheism which conects with globalism, "Genesis energy", Gideons, CS Lewis, Chuck Missler, Teresa May, Mormons, Angela Merkel, bishop Sean Manchester "double agency", I Newton, Obama, the Pope, Paul, Derek Prince, Putin, Pence (Catholic), even Trump partially, Shipley (Presbyterian), Rick Warren, Ron Wyatt.
Catholics: Jim Bolger, Catholicism is one of the largest faiths/religious/churches in the world, Catholics have dual citizenship,
Catholic' means "universal" which = globalism, private Catholic schools/education, the EU president, Bill English, Bill Gates, the harlot 'Babylon'/Rome rides the beast (Revelation/Apocalypse), JFK, More, Teresa May has catholic ties in her backgroud, Narnia was named from a place in Italy not far from Rome, the Pope, Sandars and wife are outspokenly pro-pope Francis even though they are Jewish, Cardinal Woosley.
Jews: Dr Breverman, Beria? Freud, Herzl, JDL, John Key (NZ pm), Levy (Golden Dawn), Lewinsky, Marx (Communism), Moses, Mosad, Paul, Rabin, Sitchin, Shamir, B Sandars, Stalone (Rambo), Bob Sell, Trotsky, TWJ, Velikovsky, Weizman, Weishaupt (Illuminanti).
Muslims: Arafat, Al-Qaida, Bin Laden, Hussein, Taleban.
Satanists: Aquino, Walter Alter, DeBoo, PH Gilmore, Jantsang, LaVey, P Marsh, Rushdi, RW/WO, SR, TOS.
Masons: Churchill, Cagliostro, Mazzini, Napoleon, TR/S Welling/Ogle, Weishaupt.
Which class/caste/estate is responsible for the most worst evils in the modern world?
generally the rich/wealthy/patricians/bourgeois/peers/haves/producers/businessmen/ccorporates/bankers are to blame for most of the worst evils of the modern world rather than the poor/plebs/proletariat/have-nots/slaves/serfs (see James 1-2).
Yet at the same time aristo means best, and gold symbolises best, peers inplies. So it is a two-sided coin, the best are also the worst.
In addition while this regime is half capitalist, it is also half communist. The elite have private and best, while common people have the dregs and public. Fluoridation is communism in people being pushed down by captialists and pulled down by communists.
Rich/wealth/patricians/elite: Atlantis, Bilderbergers, banks, Cain means "gain", Bob Jones, Dives, Bill Gates, gold head in Daniel, interest, Job, landlords, Lotto, Laodiceans, Mammon, Moses left riches of Egypt, oligarchy, the Pope, Pluto(cracy), Rothschilds, Sassoons, slavers, Shylock, shareholders, Scrooge, Solomon (666), D Trump, tax collector, Zaccheus.
What political group is doing the most evil wrongs in modern world?
Not Nationalists/Nazis/Fascists/right because they lost the war.
Not Communists/collectivists/left because since end of cold war there is only the West/Nato/USA ruling the world. Though Yalta was US, UK & SU (and this is still here now as "Trump, Brexit & Putin"), and though this regime does have some communist aspects.
The evils of modern world are being done by:
Globalists. (UNO is Latin for One. Catholic means "universal". "Westpac One". "onecard". "Global warming". NWO. WWW. Comintern. Arden an "international socialist". "we are all one human race".)
Corporatists. "Corporate paradise".
International socialists/Communist international. Arden is an international socialist. Fluoridation is communist leveling. Peoples Assembiles is commuistic, elite have private/catholic education while rest of common people only have public education.
Atlantis Rising, which seems to be a secret elite political movement.
"Kingdom of God (on earth)".
Smurfs/Schtrompfs. "Smurfs are all one family with one father Papa Smurf". Trump's name is from German name related to Schtrompfs.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
ways how to be warm in cold place
I'm still here/"alive" so far but i may not be much longer if everyone still keeps refusing to stop this ringing sound that goes all day and night every day and night. (I would have been dead last week as i was so trapped i started fasting food and water but i quit after 2 days because of false hopes (4 days without water and ill die.) As it is this problem has tolled on my health/ability/strength/fitness alot and been destroying me. While i am still here here is a post on keeping warm sparked by the ringingsound problem. I will be fasting next week if they refuse to stop the ringing sound (and it is a very small if because all evidences are they are purposely all refusing to stop it.)
I have had a major problem with a ringing sound coming through my plumbing pipes which goes all day and night every day and night and is impossible to block out because it penetrates. It turns out now that it might be the neighbours heat pump, though i am not certain yet. In any case there is a problem with a few neighbours heat pumps here often making "quiet" loud noise. So the purpose of this post is to demonstrate how once again everyone refuses to address root causes or to find the best solution but instead just picks the easiest one for themselves without any concideration of effects on others around. (This is similar to many other examples like water fluoridation.) So here is a list of many possible ways one can keep/be/get not so cold in a cold home/house/flat.
Ways to keep warm when cold house/flat:
- Longjohns.
- (Clean) (woolen) clothes/bedlcothes layers, scarf, hat, gloves.
- Exercise/work/rubbing (circulation, etc). (Though sometimes slow movement can make cold and we are warmer keeping still.)
- Foods with high calories/joules energy.
- Hot drink/meal/bath.
- Insulation.
- Carpet.
- Iodide.
- Double glazing.
- Central heating. Hot water tank.
- Sunshine. Room on sunny side.
- (Water/gas/solar) heater or fan or oven or dry cleaner. Hot water tank.
- Candles.
- (Kent) fire/woodburner/stove.
- Hot water bottle.
- Fluoride seems to make us more (sensitive to) cold?
- Keep busy.
- Love, not being alone.
- Toughening / getting used to the cold, not getting too "soft" / used to the warmth.
- Not sleeping on ground. (Sleep upstairs?)
- Race/ethnicity and (older) age and fitness also play a part. (Some races have tumo/homeostasis.)
- Don't cut all head hair off.
- Close windows, stop drafts under doors etc. Stay in one room. Shelter from wind and rain if/when outdoors.
- Dvs or heat pump.
- Don't live in a valley that doesn't get normal amount of sunlight in winter. Living in a flat between other flats can be cold if no heat transferring between them (eg firewall).
- Not too big room or high roof.
- Be up during day not night.
(- Bright foods?)
- Having a cold bath can make you feel abit warmer after wards, but it is not easy getting into a cold bath.
- Shifting to another different climate country after living most of you life in warmer/colder is also harder thand for natives.
- "2 are better than 1", 2 can keep each other warm while one alone can't (from bible).
- Make an igloo.
* Longjohns: problem is here in NZ we can't anymore get white normal-woolen longjohns (except rare old ones in second hand shops), but only stupid & expensive dyed merino/Icebreaker or synthetic/poly or opossum fur. My mother told me you can get normal old longnjohns in UK. Personally i think it is a conspiracy done on purpose, though they claim it is because "people don't like itchy" normal wool against skin.
* Unfortunately it is alot harder to get woolen clothes in NZ since Rogernomics and free trade changes. There is so much artificial/synthetic/blend clothes being pushed.
* The neighbour here who has this heat pump going so much has a flat with Dutch-style polished/varnishe bare wooden floors only covered with a few mats.
* Lack of iodide is said to contribute to feeling the cold alot worse.
* They have double glazing and central heating in the UK but not here in NZ, despite that NZs climate/weather does jump alot between hot and cold during the year and even during weeks and during days.
* Unfortunately some local goverments here have been trying to ban open fires in urban areas because of smoke pollution.
* Heat pumps are very inconsiderate of attached or nearby neighbours. They may have a "quiet" humming but the noise is still pretty loud especially at nights.
This regime is often misusing "science" and/or technology as an easy answer to problems instead of addressing the root causes. They don't care about the effects on other people. (Sometimes they actually mix a good cover reason with a hidden/secret bad elite-self-interests reason.) People can't just do as they like without considering other people nearby/around. We all have responsibility. We are effected by others actions. The reason there are supposed to be laws/rules is because people can't all just do what they like because our actions effect others. I have rights not to suffer Hell all day every day, not just other people have rights/excuses to do any and all the things they like without regard of us.
My point here is this: The neighbours have numerous options for staying warm other than just using a heat pump all the time. Whereas I have no way to block the ringing sound out (it is impossible to block out except by making noise). They can't just have the heat pump on all the time causing me hell all day and night every day and night (just because they like having bare wooden floors with no carept except mats, etc). (Note their heat pup was on when i went outside at 5 am (they were not up) and seems like it was on all night.)
Btw, in this globalist free trade modern world business often relocate to warmer latitudes. Historically there are also "lucky latitudes": most of the ancient high cultures/civilisations arose in the tropic of cancer latitude band (also called the 10 40 belt). Though it is also claimed that races from northern latitudes are "superior". Studies of wetas showed that wetas in higher heights grew larger and lived longer, while wetas in lower heights grew smaller and lived shorter lives. (See similar in bible where Egyptian pharaoh asked how old Jacob was. Sodom was low down.) Longevity studies found the main spots of longevity are in high altitude areas like Andes, Caucasus, Pamirs? Climate before the flood is supposed to have been temperate (compare "Saturnian" "golden age/land", sunny Meropis, compare Atlantis 2 crops a year, Hyperborea beyond the north wind). Athletic/mesomorphic body type is considered better than linear/asthenic/slender/ectomorphic (eg Nilotic) or "fat"/portly/endomorphic (eg Alpine).
Incidentally, it is said that people are more/less depressed on overcast/sunny days and in winter/summer.
Additional futher note on heat pumps noise problems sent by a friend:
Hi Sean,
A heat pump has several main components; with regards to external environmental noise the key noise sources associated with the external unit of an open air heat pump are the fans.
Secondary components include the compressor, evaporator, condenser, coils and reversing valve. On the end of the external unit a liquid refrigerant is pumped through coils. The fan pulls the outside air over these coils; the liquid in the coils absorbs the heat energy from the air and starts to expand the vapour. The expanding vapour is run through the compressor which increases in pressure and hence increases the temperature of the gas – the vapour then flows to the indoor coils, the refrigerant condenses back into a liquid as it cools and flows outside to perform the cycle again to ‘pick up’ more heat, meanwhile the heat is released into the dwelling via the internal unit.
Fan [blade] noise is generally the dominant [and audible] noise source. Noise from the internal
unit is seldom an issue outside the dwelling; however air distribution by the fan inside can produce audible noise, especially at higher air flow settings when increased air flow is being forced through the grille. Outdoors, noise annoyance often occurs because the unit produces noise which is received at levels over and above the background sound levels. This means
that audibility of the heat pump sound is often more important than the absolute level of noise present.
Heat pumps are generally used for heating in cooler months and in some parts of the country cooling in the summer months. Space heating occurs mostly at night when occupants are
home in the evening, which coincides with times when background sound levels decrease due to a general reduction in outdoor activities."
There are also common sense allowances for excessive noise - like if you live next to a soccer field, you expect to hear cheering on a Saturday morning. But if a new brass band forms and starts practicing right over your back fence every day, you have the ability to file a complaint.
Christchurch is an interesting one - they have raised the allowable noise levels in the city center to allow for night clubs and bars to operate, but outside the CBD in suburbia, the limit is
Section 326 of the resource management act defines excessive noise as 'any noise that is under human control and interferes with the peace, comfort and convenience of any person'. Without any set times, but a reasonable expectation of activity is allowed - such as short loud bursts of noise for construction etc.
Auckland doesn't appear to specify a decibel rating - though I saw a noise control officer was outside the whitehouse measuring the decibel level last time I visited.
Anyhow this is a summary of Christchurch's city plan for residential areas from
Nighttime 10pm - 7am
"Steady sound level with stepped variations of level" uses the L eq (1 hour) rating
Daytime 50dBA
Night time 41dBA
Also you might want to read this
It has a good point about the benefits of inverter type heat pumps- they are less noisy.
So to summarize
1) Approach them and get it looked at under warranty
2) File a noise complaint
You may be able to rely on the resource management act if your council bylaws dont help. remembering the RMA is more a common sense/disturbing the peace based limit rather than a decibel rating."