Thursday, July 25, 2019
regnal chronology a lie
Regnal years is the flawed backbone of modern Egyptian and Assyrian chronology.
You can not prove dates just by adding up hundreds of kings reigns lengths because:
- adding up tons of (highest known) reigns lengths depends on all being cosecutive without any *coregencies*. Look the same period in bible for Judah and Israel kings is claimed to have heaps of coregencies but we are to believe that there were none in Egyptian and Assyrian for same period?
- No ancient longer periods confirmations like "xxx yrs from dyn X to dyn y in ancient source such and such".
- Many kings have uncertain reigns lengths because sources give more than one reign length for each king. I can prove Khufu's conventional picked/favoured one is wrong.
- 22nd dyn was Libyan and Sea Peoples and Tanite (delta) so may be overlap with 20th-21st dynasties. Bible confirms princes of Zoan and Noph at same time.
- No confirmation of horizontal matches/synchronisms with biblical except "Sheshonk/Shoshenq = Shishak/Susakim" which is weak and is only "assume/feasible/can" only because of "maths" and similarish name.
- Some kings "not mentioned in Manetho" may mean they were not consecutive kings.
- Apis bulls length was either 24/25/26 or 14/16 yrs.
- You picked the highest/higher reign for every king of the whole dynasty.
You can't match biblical and Egyptian by ascribed dates from adding up numerous regnal years because the vertical dates "matching" is manifestly wrong because they don't yield quality horizontal matches/synchronisms except dubious/weak/wrong ones like "Shishak = Sheshonk". The orthodox have no quality matches for Joseph in Egypt under Hyksos like we do for him in 3rd-4th dyn, no matches for Moses in Egypt in 19th dyn like we do for 12th dyn, no matches for Joshua's Jericho in the Iron age strata/layer/level that they claim in matches, the Shishak/Sheshonk has a umber of criticisms. You have two whole timelines side by side and moving one/other/both up and down only one position yields all the sequential horizontal matches (Biblical-Egyptian events/details not just dates). Theirs is wrong because it doesn't yield the matches, ours does.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Akhenaten in the Bible!
Agur-ben-Jakeh of Proverbs 30 ( might be Akhenaten of the 18th dynasty of Egypt (
- The name 'Aguwr/Awgoor/Agur-ben-Jakeh (30:1) seemingly might match the name Akh-en-aten/Khu-n-aton (Akhu-en-aten).
Hebrew g & Egyptian kh do interchange with some other words like Negev/Negeb & Nekhab/Nekheb. K & t may interchange on some other cases. Some words are various spelt with a/aa/ya in Egyptian (eg Amu/Aamu, Yah/Ah/Iahu).
Agur is also maybe similar to Akhenaten's name Naphuriya/Huriya in the Amarna letters?
(Or other candidates for Agur are Ay? Ankh-kheperu-re Smenkhkare? Agum (Kassite)? Akurgal? Ugar? Agrotes? Rimsin/Eriaku? Agag/Apepi? Agga/Shagin/Shagur (Kish 1)? "a foreign sage from the east"? "name(s) of Solomon"?)
- Agur ben Jakeh means:
Agur "compiler" or "the one who is brave in the pursuit of wisdom".
ben "son of" or "he built the temple".
Jakeh "the one who spat out, despised" or "he who is free from sin, pure" or "to obey, obedient" or "the ruler of a vast region".
Akhenaten means "living spirit of the Aten, servant of the Aten, effective for the Aten, he who serves the Aten, he in who Aton is satisfied".
But the meanings being different isn't a problem because the Hebrew name and meaning may only be developed from the Egyptian name.
Agur meaning "the one who is brave in the pursuit of wisdom" may match Akhenaten saying "it is the wise man that knows these things" & "I am versed in the writings", and "This god goes where he pleases and no one else knows his going".
Jakeh "the one who spat out, despised" could match Akhenaten who was a "heretic" and was caricatured.
"the ruler of a vast region" matches the Egyptian empire in Canaan at the time of the Amarna letters.
- Agur as "son of Jakeh/Yaqeh/Yawkeh/Naki" (30:1) could match Akhenaten as a/the "son" of Aten? Or Agur as "son of Jakeh" might be Akhenaten as son of Heqawaset Amenhotep 3?
(Or other candidates for Jakeh are Akhenaten? Sakere/Smenkhkare? Akherre/Acherres (Manetho)? Gandash/Xatal (Kassite)? Akki/Anakki?)
- the Ha Massa('i) "(man) of Massa, Massaite" or Ha Moshel which comes after Agur-ben-Jakeh (30:1) might possibly match Akhenaten's name Ankh-em-maat "living in truth", or Amenhotep/Amenophis, or Ha Massa "of Massa" might be El Amarna (Akhetaten)? Or ha Massa might just be "an/the burden or (weighty/inspired) utterance/message/oracle/prophecy/gift" or "he who bore the yoke of God" or "collector of proverbs" or "testing".
(- Though Agur is not called a king like Lemuel is, while Akhenaten was a pharaoh/king. Though Akhenaten was a "heretic king" and is less imperialist than the other pharaohs/kings in the Amarna letters.)
- Agur being called n'um HaGever "this/the (able-bodied) man" (30:1, NWT) might relate to Akhenaten having a odd feminine shaped body due to a genetic disease/deformity (and who was caricatured by the Egyptians in pictures)?
Or num hagever resembles Akhenaten's name Naphuriya?
- (Le) Ithiel or Ot-el who Agur spoke to (30:1) has a name that means "the words of god" or "he who understood the signs (and deeds of God)" or "he who understood the alphabet of God" or "I am weary oh God" or "I am not God" and/or "God was with him". He might match either: Ay It-netjer "holy father, father of God"? or Queen Neferi(t)-thi/Nefertiti? or Ikhnaton (who differed from the other pharaohs who thought they were god-kings and Horus and the son of sun god)? or Hartitifin ("Akhenaten")? or Kashtiliash/Bizuiru (Kassite)?
- (Wa/We/Ve) Uk(h)al/Ucal who Agur spoke to (30:1) has a name that means "I can (transgress the law against marrying many wives without fear of being misled by them)" or "the master" or "how can I prevail" or "I am exhausted". He might match either: Wetjes-khau Tut(-ankh-amen) (l/n interchange)? Ushigu/Ushshi (Kassite)?
- Agur saying "I do not have human understanding. I have not learned wisdom, nor have I attained to the knowledge of the (most) holy one" in "Proverbs" (30:2-3) is maybe similar to Akhenaten saying "it is the wise man that knows these things" & "I am versed in the writings", and "This god goes where he pleases and no one else knows his going" (Akhenaten's speech).
- "what is the name of his (God's) son?" (30:4) is thought by some to refer to Yeshua/Jesus as the son of God. In Agur's time it might possibly refer to Akhenaten as a "son" of Aten (and/or the Pharaoh god-king as son of the sun god Re/Ra)?
- Agur is apprently about the time of Solomon since both are in Proverbs. Rohl and Palmer and others and myself give evidences that the Amarna period is contemporary with King David.
- It is well known that Psalm 104 is similar to Akhenaten's Hymn to Aten. So Agur of Proverbs could be same time and same person as Akhenaten.
- Akhenaten's "monotheism" is often considered to be similar to Judaism's monotheism so much so that many have supposed Akhenaten to have a connection with the likes of Moses and the origins of Judaism.
- Agur ben Jakeh as "a foreign sage from the east" could match Akhenaten, though Egypt isn't east of Israel/Palestine?
- Note that the prophet Nathan in David's reign is also similar to Akh-en-aten/Khu-n-aton or Aten?
- Lemu'el/Lemoel/Nemuel/Namuel/Jamuel/Jerahmeel/Lael (Melekh Massa/Masa) "King Lemuel / Lemuel the king (of Massa/Assyria)" (31:1) whose name means "(devoted/dedicated/belonging) to God, to him El, (the king) to who God (spoke), Godward" might match either:
Hor-em-heb/Hor-em-hab Meryamun ("jubilation")? Menelik (son of Sheba/Solomon)? Labayu "lion of God" (Amarna letters, b/m interchange, El/Yah interchange)? Smenkhkare? Memnon (18th/19th dyn)? Ramses 1/2? Nimmuriya (Amenhotep 3)? Ilumailu/Anumanu (Sealands)? lamentations? Jeremiel? Pa-aten-em-heb? Hanuman? Ravana? "a name of Solomon/Jedidiah"?
- Lemuel's unnamed 'em/imo "mother" (31:1).
Queen of Sheba? Mutemwiya mother of Amenhotep 3? unknown mother of Horemhab? Mutnedjmet wife of Horemhab?
- Proverbs 31 "mostly about drink"/wine/beer (31:4-7).
wine jar label dockets & wine harvest (Amenhotep 3)?
"very good quality wine of the estate of Horemhab?
- "a virtuous/worthy/noble woman" or "a wife of noble character" (31:10):
Tiye wife of Amenhotep 3? Mutnedjmet wife of Horemhab? Taduhepa? Nefertiti? Queen of Sheba?
- 22 letters/verses Proverbs 31:10-31, 31 verses Proverbs 31:1-31, Proverbs chapter 31.
21 yrs Horemhab (Bey)? 30 yrs Horemhab?
For more matches of Amarna period with time of David and Agur see:
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Moses found part 2
Moses found part 2 Moses as Mes the blue kneeling figure in the pectoral of Sithathoryunet.
The blue kneeling figure in the pectoral of Sit-hathor-yunet ( may be Moses because:
- The figure is surrounded by a prominent Mes glyph. Scholars agree that the name Moses is probably from the Egyptian word ms/mes/mosu "son". "Moses wrote his name Ms" (Keller).
- The figure is blue.
- There are wavy water lines along the bottom.
- The figure is between reeds/rushes/sedges (Sw glyphs).
- The object on the figure's arm may be the ark that Moses was found in?
- The figure is like a youth/child?
- The pectoral belonged to a princess. Moses was found by a daughter of pharaoh.
- Scholars claim that the figure represents the god Heh. Heh was frog-headed matching Moses being drawn from water.
- The pectoral is from the 12th dynasty. There are lots of evidences for Moses being in the 12th dynasty.
Egyptologists claim that the figure is just the god Heh with tadpole symbol for "tens of thousands of years", meaning wishing long life to the pharaoh/king. However, why would that be something she (the princess Sit-hathor-yunet) would want? The figure is similar to other ones, but there are differences. We suggest that they conflated themes.
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
Moses found part 1
Moses found part 1 Moses as Pepi.
We have found a few candidates for Moses in Egyptian history, one of which is Pepi who we compare with Moses below. Each block lists first Moses detail then matching Pepi detail.
We found that Moses has a number of similarities with Pepi 1 and Pepi 2 of the 6th dynasty.
Moses could be both Pepi 2 as child and Pepi 1 as adult because for the statue of Pepi 1 and a smaller child it has been suggested by some that the smaller child is a younger Pepi 1, and this younger Pepi 1 might rather be Pepi 2. Pepi 1 has mostly adult depictions, while Pepi 2 has mostly young child depictions.
(If you don't know who Pepi or Moses is or need pictures etc then see these .)
Meaning/name match:
Moses: His name is Moshe/Moseh/Moses / Moyses/Messene/Musaeus / Musa which has been variously suggested to be from either Hebrew mashah "to draw out" / meshiti(t)hu "drew him out" (in Bible), or mashe "bore", or Egyptian ms/mes/msy/mosu/moshe "son, born, child of, created him", or m(o)u/mem "water" (in Philo) + eses/uses "saved, drawn from" (in Josephus) or su/siph/se "child" (in Massey), or mw-se "water" or "seed" and "pond, expanse of water" with sense of "child of the Nile" (in Yahuda), or Sumerian/Assyrian mus(h) "serpent", or Mau & Shu (in Massey). His name is stated in the bible to have been due to being drawn forth from the marches of the Nile river where he had been hidden, and he has been compared by some scholars with a king Nilus named after the Nile river god Hapi/Apis. Some scholars have thought that the Jewish Afikoman could mean "Hapi is found".
Pepi: The meaning of Pepi does not seem to be known for sure but suggestions include "the very great", or a nickname of goddess Nebethetepet, or "conceal, hidden, cover". The hieroglyphs that make-up the name Pepi/Papi are 2 reeds. The name Pepi/Pepy may be connected with Nile river god Hapi/Hapy/Apis. (Compare the later Papis and/or Hapu during the New Kingdom? Compare Pepyankh, Hapiankh, Bebiankh?) In heiroglyphic/hieratic script Pepi resembles Khered "younger, child".
Pepi 1 is associated with word ms(t) "birth" in an inscription.
(Pepi is 6th dynasty. Conventional chronology claims Rimush/Mush of the Akkadian dynasty was contemporary with the 6th dynasty.)
Inscription of Pepi 1 found at Tanis, and statue of Mer-meshoi also found at Tanis, which may suggest Pepi and Mer-meshoi are connected?
(Moses is also claimed to have been called by these other names, but none are scriptually attested except for Moses:
Moses (by princess/mother).
Monios/Monius/Mneves "he was drawn from the water (by princess/mother).
(Yasara Marina) Yered/Jered/yarad "descent/down (yarad)" (by sister).
Avigdor/Abigdor "master of the fence" (by grandfather).
Abi Zanuch / Avi Zanuach (by brother),
Chabar/Chaver/Chever "companion/connector (by father).
Avi Socho/Abi Socho/sochim "master/father of seers (and prophets)" (by nurse/grandfather).
Yekutiel/Jekuthiel (by mother).
Shemaya/Shemaiah (by Israel).
Osarsiph/Arisu in Manetho/Josephus/Massey/Sayce.
Tisithen in Egyptian in Classical source.
Thoth in Egyptian in Classical/medieval/modern source.)
Moses' mother was Jochebed
Pepi 2's mother was Ankh-esen-pepi.
Pepi has been supposed to be connected with a nickname of the goddess Nebethetepet which might also link with Jochabed?
Jochabed was aunt or cousin of Amram.
Ankhesenpepi was aunt of Merenre (her nephew).
Jochabed was wife of Amran/Amram, and also of Elitzaphon Ben Parnach.
Ankhesenpepi was wife of Mennefer Meryre Pepi 1 & of Merenre Nemtyemsaf.
(Jochebed was maybe daughter of Levi or Merari or Gershom or unnamed brother of Levi.
Ankhesenpepi 4 was daughter of Merenre.)
Moses son of Jochabed was said to be a very good looking baby (in Acts).
Ankhesenpepi in statue is very good looking. Pepi 1 also seems to have a fairly good body/build in his statue?
Statue of Ankhesenpepi with child Pepi siting on her lap is similar to ones of Mary and baby Jesus.
Moses: He was adopted by pharaoh's daughter and brought up in pharaoh's household/palace.
Pepi: He was a "pharaoh/king" of the 6th dynasty, and he "came to throne at 6 yrs old".
Moses: Was Hebrew/Israelite/Semitic not Egyptian/Hamitic.
Pepi: Pepi might be connected with Apepi/Apophis. The El-Arish inscription's story of Egyptian king versus followers of Apophis is similar to the exodus story (see much fuller details in Velikovsky's book 'Ages in/of Chaos').
Moses is connected with periods of 40 & 80 & 120 years.
(Note that Levi is also connected with an age of 64 yrs old, and Melol/Adikam with 94 yrs in the book of Jashar.)
Pepi 2 reigned from childhood for either (24 or 31 or) 62/64 (or 47) or 90/94 yrs, and was a centenarian (living for 6 y.o. + 94 yrs = 100 yrs?)
Pepi 1 reigned either 15 yrs ("should have been", Sinai? SSS), 18/19 yrs (Hammamat, Sinai graffito, SSS), 25th yr (highest year/count, Hatnub, SSS), 30/31yrs (Hammamat, Hatnub, SSS?), 35(Erato)? 36 yrs (taken biennial, Sinai graffito), 44 yrs (TKL), 48-49/50 yrs (SSS).
Moses had a mateh "staff, rod" (or "boat, ship") in the bible.
Pepi 1 has a prominent staff in his statue.
Moses: Chenephres name of pharaoh of exodus in one early source?
Pepi 2's name Nefer-ka-re might
Moses: performed miracles in the field of Zoan/"Tanis" before pharaoh.
Pepi: name on stone in Tanis ("Zoan"?)
Pepi: at Memphis / Taui-ankh (Tso'an/Zo'an?)
Moses lead exodus out of Egypt after 10 plagues devastated Egypt.
"After the death of Neferkare [Pepy 2] Egyptian history is involved in darkness and confusion...."
The Ipuwer Papyrus of the "FIP or SIP" tells a story about events that some have said seemingly may match the Exodus story of the plagues etc, and this papyrus has been dated by some to the period immediately after the dynasty of Pepi (FIP).
Moses was born and grew up in Egypt, but he was not buried in Egypt.
"Pepi II's mummy has never been found".
"No mummy Pepi 2 ever found. canopic chest - empty."
Moses: Evidences that the exodus was end of (6th and/or) 12th dynasty.
Pepi: The Sakkara kinglist has Pepi (6th dyn) next to last king of 12th dynasty.
Inscription of Pepi 1 found at Tanis, and statue of Mer-meshoi (13th dyn) also found at Tanis, which may suggest Pepi and Mer-meshoi are connected?
The Kanak kinglist has 6th dyn between 11th & 12th.
Ethiopian king list has Pepi/Piori next to or only 1/2/3 kings away from Amenemhet.
13th dyn is also associated with the name Neferkare (which was the other main name of Pepi 2).
Pepi may also be connected with Apepi/Apophis. An Apepi is attested as king's son in 14th dynasty, and an Apepi reinged 40 yrs in 15th dyn.
The Ipuwer Papyrus of the "FIP or SIP"
Moses: "Was not a pharaoh", but was a leader of Hebrews in Egypt, and an adopted Egyptian royal prince.
Pepi: "Was a pharaoh/king", but I don't believe Pepi was necessarily a real full pharaoh as such. Egyptian king lists may not all be strictly literal/honest/truthful/reliable on who was or was not a king, the lists may have included corulers, crown princes or heirs, lords, viziers/ministers.
There may have been intermarriage of Joseph and Levi lines with Egyptian pharaonic and/or priestly line?
Monday, July 8, 2019
Biblical Zoan found?
The bible says Hebron was built 7 years before Zoan.
Zoan has long supposed to be Tanis, but the problem with this is that it is said that Tanis is not known before the 19th dynasty. This would agree with the conventional chronology which places Joshua in the 19th dynasty (re Hebron was city of Arba in 'Joshua'), but the problem is there are evidences that the orthodox chronology places all biblical events before Solomon too late in Egyptian history (i.e. their Egyptian dates for the dynasties are too old/long). Though Hoeh says a statue of a 13th dynasty king Mermeshoi was found at Tanis. A statue of the 6th dynasty king Merira Pepi was also found at Tanis (ref Brugsch-Bey), These might agree with our Moses in the 6th & 12th/13th dynasty, but the statues might have been moved there later, plus Mamre/Macpelah/Kirjath-Arba/Hebron/Khalil was founded in the bible somewhere between/before Abraham or Isaac/Jacob or Kohath or Moses or Joshua or Caleb or Samson or David and Absalom. Archaeologically it is attested by the EBA, though almost devoid in the LBA. So Hebron was seemingly fairly earlier/older than Tanis was.)
So anyway what this means is that either Tanis was known before the 19th dynasty or else Zoan was not Tanis but was some other place in Egypt. Another support for it being another place is that Moses performing miracles in the field of Zoan can't be so close to the Egyptian border as Tanis was/is. Tsoan is said to mean "place of departure" which supposedly supports a site in the north-east delta, but Josephus said the exodus started from Latopolis/Sokhem near Saqqara/Memphis. Zoan/Tso'an is also not necessarily as/so linguistically close to Zean/Djan/Djanet/Sant/Tanis/Djan/Tsan/San as has been assumed. Djanet/Tanis means "stronghold" or "the great city", different meaning to the Hebrew one.
The two most likely sites for Zoan are Memphis/Noph and Thebes/No/Noamun because Zoan is mentioned in association with in Noph the bible (Isaiah 19:13). (Tanis & Memphis also appear in Judith 1:10.) This might seem to imply that the sites Zoan & Memphis can't be the same because it seems Noph was Memphis (and the Judith verse mentions both Tanis and Memphis), but to me it alternatively can be that Zoan is Memphis and "Noph" is Thebes, or that the 2 biblical sitenames are two parts of same city (since Memphis does have a few different parts and names), or the bible also used Zoan for the later Tanis (as it later did in the Septuagint).
On checking it looks like Zoan is Memphis. Our reasons are:
- The name Zo'an/Tso'an could match either Ankh-tawy or
Inebu-hedj/Anbu-hat or Dahshur which were ancient names for parts of greater Memphis, with a consideration that there are evidences that Egyptian hieroglyphs may not always be read the right way around by modern scholars. Reversing Ankh-tawy/Anch-ta we have Tawy-ankh/Ta-anch. Tawy/Ta is also read taui and means "two (lands)". (Compare the similar word kaui/ka which means "bull/kine".) In any case Taui-ankh is close to Zo'an/Tso'an.
- The biblical "field of Zoan" for Zoan and/or for Egypt could match Memphis' "field of the sun" and/or "Pyramid fields", and/or match Memphis as city joining Upper and Lower Egypt. (Note the name Egypt comes from temple Hut-ka-Ptah at Memphis. Mit-rahina at modern Memphis also recalls the biblical Mizraim/Mizrahi "Egypt"? and/or Rumeida at Hebron?)
(Compare the later Tanis dynasties "saw selves as the legitimate rulers of UE & LE. Incidentally Tanis also has/had a "field" or "fields" too apparently.)
- Goshen was Giza which is an outer district of Memphis (Zoan). So Moses being there makes sense.
- Zoan means "place of departure". Josephus said that the exodus started from Latopolis which is near Memphis.
- If Moses was Pepi 2/1 of the 6th dynasty then we note that Pepi's other main/pyramid name was Men-nefer which was whence the name of Memphis. Traditional story that Moses was found in the marshes of Nile at Zoan/"Tanis" (for which there is no archaeological evidence at the later Tanis).
- Hebron built before Memphis would make sense since Memphis is like the earliest city built by the 1st pharaoh/king Menes, and it was the 2nd dynastic capital of Egypt (3rd-8th dynasties, after the Thinite 1st-2nd dynasties).
- Hebron was built 7 yrs before Zoan. This may also imply there were/are also some other similarities between the two sites. Hebron had graves/caves of patriarchs/matriarchs. Memphis had necropolis and pyramids. (Thebes in the south also had valley of kings/queens burials,, but Zoan seems to match Memphis much better than Thebes.) Jacob was buried at Hebron, like Khufu's (Jacob's) Great Pyramid is at Giza in outer Memphis. The later Tanis also had a necropolis which replaced he one at Thebes.
Helwan beside Memphis has a name similar to Hebron?
- Tanis had 17 pyramids? Memphis had Pyramid fields at Giza and Saqqara.