Monday, March 15, 2021

Suicide is this regime's fault not the persons

Suicide is not because of "mental illness". Suicide is because of illness of this mean cruel inhuman slaving western world globalist regime/system. For example I only want to die because of mean cruel hell wrongs being done to me such as this ringing sound in my flat going all day and night every day and night for 3-4 years now, and because of forced fluoridation every meal every day, and being always been single in 40s, and because I'm trapped not able to shift because of the housing crisis and excessively expensive prices/rents, etc.
I am not mental except some OCD (caused by wrongs done to me in early life and since). It is this western regime that is mental and inhuman.
The only reason they want to stop people suiciding is because they are moralistic control freaks and slavers who want to keep us suffering their mean cruel slavery.

Things are still hell here and been worse too (eg I have had someone hammering and sawing etc renovating the flat opposite all day for days).

Things are unbelievable total hell and I'm trapped and hopeless. I am seriously wondering if maybe there is no God after all because I just can't ever get any answers to prayers and I can't believe he would be so mean and cruel to some of us. Its impossible for me to have faith and be positive because the long ongoing constant daily mean cruel hell wrongs and no positives just  make me feel too miserable.

I've lost all hope in this life/world and God. It is clear that some people like me are damned to suffer mean cruel hell wrongs and slavery all our "life". The people doing/causing the hell wrongs are obviously never going to stop, and I can't find anyway out as they block every option I try.

- Fluoridation forced in us every meal every day.
- Ringing sound in my flat from neighbours going all day every day for 3-4 years and impossible to block out and everyone purposely refuses to stop it.
- Housing crisis and excessively expensive prices/rents (caused by globalist immigration policies of last few decades) and homeless people in NZ, Australia, US, UK etc.
- Them taking away telephone land lines. Forcing mobile and wireless/broadband.
- Mass unemployment (caused by globalist free trade and immigration policies).
- Many people messing me and my father around and always delaying/stalling us so we can't get anything done for years/decades.
And many other things too.

Because of all the harms & hindrances etc being done to me things are not going to get better they are only going to stay the same and get worse. It looks like the future only holds either dying or mental ward or prison or similar or suffering all this hell for rest of "life".

This ringing sound in my flat going all day and night drives  me mad, and yet everyone seems to think it is not major. (The sound is definitely not in my ears/head, its definitely a real external sound but its just low enough that it is difficult to prove it to doubters  especially when everyone refuses to cooperate, and even if I could prove it the authorities just assert it is not loud enough to be acted upon.)