Saturday, May 8, 2021
Goshen of Genesis & Exodus is not in the Nile Delta
Goshen was not in the Nile Delta, by Sean Bambrough.
This article is a survey of the reasons why Goshen and Pithom and Raamses of Genesis and Exodus (in the Bible) can not be in the north-east Nile Delta of Lower/North Egypt as assumed by conventional scholars and by Rohl.
The first point to consider in this issue is to note all the few places names mentioned in the biblical text. List of Egyptian places mentioned in the stories of Joseph and Moses in the Bible and other early traditional sources:
On/Heliopolis (Genesis, Exodus (Lxx), Manetho, Apion).
Heroopolis (Genesis (Lxx), Josephus).
Goshen/Gesem/Kessan (Genesis, Exodus, MT, Lxx, Artapanus).
Eretz/Land of Rameses (Genesis, Exodus, Judith).
Bahr Iusef "Joseph's Canal".
Pithom (Exodus).
Pyramids (Josephus).
City of Raamses (Exodus, Numbers, Judith).
Nile (Exodus).
T-en-moshe/A-n-mosha "island/river-bank of Moses" (19th dyn).
Mera-vad-Musa "habitation/dwelling of Moses" opposite Memphis.
Memphis (Josephus).
Saba/Meroe (Josephus, Livingstone).
Zoan (Psalms).
Tanis (Judith).
Letopolis/Latopolis/Babylon (Josephus).
Succoth (Exodus, Numbers).
Goshen, Heroopolis, Ramses, Pithom, Zoan, Succoth are supposed by conventional scholars and by Rohl to match sites in the northeast Nile Delta of Lower/North Egypt. Goshen is supposed to match Qesem/Phacussa/Fakus or Persopdu/Phacus/Saft el-Hinna or Gasmu/Gesem (Qedarites). Heroopolis is supposed to be "Pithom"/Hero(o)(n)polis (Maskhuta or Retaba). Raamses is supposed to match Piramses-meriamun/Per-rames(i)su/Qantir or Avaris/Daba. Pithom is supposed to match Pi-tum / Pa-tmu / Patumus / Per-atum /Heroonpolis (Maskhuta or Tell er-Retaba). Zoan is supposed to be Tanis/San. Succoth is supposed to match Tjeku/Tel el Maskhuta.
However, there are several reasons why these northeastern Delta sites can not match the sites in Genesis and Exodus. We will now survey these reasons.
- Dates don't match:
- Too close to Succoth and the Egyptian border.
- Too far from Joseph and the Nile and Pharoah.
- Doesn't match "the best of the land".
- Doesn't fit "the land was filled" with the numerous Hebrews.
- Land not city.
- Bricks versus stones; shepherds versus knights.
- Pharaoh put Joseph's brothers over his cattle/livestock.
- Josephus says the Exodus started at Letopolis (Sokhem).
- Pyramids:
- Heroopolis.
- Jacob doesn't match.
- Names don't really match as well as made to seem.
- Meanings of names.
- Store cities:
- Hebrews/Israelites/Semites in Egypt (section not finished).
- Analogies.
- Sethroite nome doesn't match.
- Didn't cross the Nile river or Tumilat canal?
- Set apart from the Egyptians.
- Joseph went "up".
- Lion of Judah.
- Dates don't match:
Qesem/Phacus/Fakus is only from the 26th dynasty? This is way too late.
Though it is said that Kosen/Kosem/Ksm/Ks first occurs in the 12th dynasty in the Kahun papyri. In conventional chronology this is early enough for Joseph and Moses, but the conventional dates for the dynasties are too long/old. In Rohl's chronology it is early enough for Moses and maybe for Joseph, but Rohl has Joseph too late in overall Egyptian history so it is really too late for Joseph.
Persopdu/Saft el-Hinna dates to the TIP and Neo-Assyrian and Late Period and 30th dyn and Ptolemaic and Roman, which are all way to late.
The Gasmu are only from the 7th century bc or Persian period, again way too late.
Piramses(-meriamun) only dates from the 19th dynasty which is too late for Moses even in conventional chronology. It is true that the site was earlier the Avaris capital of the Hyksos, and that the city already existed when Hyksos first found it and rebuilt it, and that it had been founded at the start of the 12th dynasty, but it was not called Pi-ramses then. Of course Rohl's suggestion of an anachronism is possible but it seems pretty unlikely that Hebrews knew/heard and used a later name for the site 6 dynasties or 480 yrs after the exodus, and unlikely that they didn't also record any other previous name of the site, and there is no proof that they did know the later name. The 12th dynasty and Hyksos only match the dates of Joseph and Moses in conventional chronology or Rohl's chronology. But the conventional Egyptian dates are too long/old. Rohl's placement of Moses in the 13th dynasty is about right (though it is 1 dynasty later than our 12th dynasty placement), but his placement of Joseph in the 12th dynasty is too late, and so although Avaris/Piramses could match Raamses of Exodus in his chronology, it couldn't match Ramses of Joseph.
Pithom &/or Succoth candidate Maskhuta dates to the Hyksos period (MBA, "18-17th" centuries) and late 7th century. This could only match Joseph or Moses in conventional chronology, but the conventional dates are too long/old. In new chronologies which place Moses in the 12th/13th dynasty it is too late to match Joseph and Moses.
Pithom candidate Retaba dates to the 19th dynasty, which is too late for Moses even in conventional chronology. Moreover Retaba was unoccupied during the period of the monunments relating to a town "Pithom".
Tanis is only really prominent from the (15th/16th &) 19th & 21st/22nd/23rd dynasty onwards. The 19th dynasty is too late for Moses even in conventional chronology. The 15th/16th dynasty is only early enough for Joseph and Moses in conventional chronology, but the conventional Egyptian dates are too long/early when comparing with sources like the Bible and Herodotus etc, and the conventional Biblical dates are too low/late. In new chronologies which place Moses in the 12th-13th dynasty the 15th/16th dynasty is too late for Moses.
The bible says Hebron was built 7 years before Zoan. In the bible Hebron was founded somewhere between/before Abraham or Kohath or Moses or Joshua or Caleb or Samson or David and Absalom. Archaeologically Hebron is attested by the EBA, though the site was almost devoid in the LBA. Tanis was not around before the 19th dynasty and can hardly fit Zoan being built 7 yrs after Hebron. Though there were 2 statues of Pepy (6th dyn) and Mermeshoi (13th dyn) found at Tanis, which could fit with our Moses in the (6th? &/or) 12th (&/or 13th) dynasty, but the statues could have been moved there later, and this is pretty scanty evidence for Tanis being around then. Zoan is more likely to match Ankh-tawy (Memphis) or Tjenu/Thinis which were around in the 1st dynasty, and this would make better sense of the saying that Hebron was founded 7 yrs before Zoan.
Thuku/Zeku/"Succoth" is found in a 19th dynasty record. I don't know if it dates from before then.
- Too close to Succoth and the Egyptian border.
The northeast Delta is too close to Succoth and the Egyptian border to match Goshen and Raamses. Why did they need directions to Goshen (Genesis 46:28)? Exodus says they traveled from Raamses to Succoth, this surely couldn't be such short distance as that between Piramses and Maskhuta. (Besides which that route required travelling south-east, and crossing the Tumilat canal.)
- Too far from Joseph and the Nile and Pharoah.
Goshen was near Joseph (Gen 45:10), and only a chariot ride away from Joseph (Gen 46).
The northeast Delta is too far from the capitals of the Egyptian dynasties before the too late dynasties (see list of capitals below). To have Joseph and Moses running back and forward between the capital and the northeast Delta seems unlikely.
Exodus says the baby Moses was put in the Nile and found there by a daughter of Pharaoh. This would seem to imply the main trunk of the Nile rather than one of the 7 mouths in the Delta. It also implies that it wasn't far from the royal palace.
List of dynastic capitals and centers:
Naqada 00 dyn.
Nekhen/Hierakonpolis 0 & 2nd dyn.
Thinis/This 1st-2nd dyns.
Memphis/Noph 1st & 3rd-8th & 15th/16th & 25th dyns.
Abydos 1st & 12th-13th & Abydos (13/15/17-16/18th) & 18th dyns.
Sakkarah 3rd-6th & 8th & 10th? & 13th dyn.
Meidum 3rd-4th dyn.
Dahshur 3rd/4th-5th & 12th-13th dyn.
Zawyet el Aryan 3rd-4th dyn.
Giza 4th dyn.
Abu Roash 4th dyn.
Heliopolis/On [Joseph &] 5th & 12th dyn.
Elephantine 5th &/or 6th & 26th/27th dyn.
Abusir 5th dyn.
Abu Gorab 5th dyn.
Dara 8th/FIP.
Heracleopolis 9th-10th & 23rd dyns.
Siut/Lycopolis 9th/10th & 12th-13th dyns.
Thebes/Diospolis/Noamon 11th-13th & 17th-23rd & 25th dyns.
Lower Nubia 11th-12th dyn.
Beni Hasan 12th & 18th dyn.
Lisht 12th dyn.
Lahun/Kahun 12th dyn.
Hawara 12th dyn.
Moeris/Faiyum 12th dyn.
Itjtawy south of Memphis near Faiyum 12th-13th dyn.
Avaris/Daba 12th & 15th/16th & 19th dyn. *
Mazghuna 12th/13th dyn.
Xois 14th dyn. *
Amarna/Akhetaten 18th dyn.
Tanis [6th? & 13th? & 15th/16th? &] 19th & 21st-23rd dyns. *
Piramses/Qantir 19th dyn. *
Bubastis 22nd dyn. *
Leontopolis 23rd & 33rd dyn. *
Hermopolis 23rd dyn.
Sais ["8000 yrs" & 15th/16th? &] 24th & 26th & 28th dyns. *
Napata 25th dyn.
Meroe ["Moses"? &] 25th dyn.
Naucratis 26th dyn. *
Mendes 29th dyn. *
Sebennytus 30th dyn. *
Alexandria 32nd-33rd dyn. *
Rosetta 33rd dyn. *
Philae/Sehel 33rd dyn.
As you can see from the list of capitals and centers above there is no capital or centre in the Delta (the asterisked ones) until the 14th dynasty (excluding the two 6th & 13th dynasty statues at Tanis, and excepting Heliopolis which is on the boundary between the Delta and the rest of Egypt, and excepting Avaris of the 12th dynasty which was not a capital then). Only in the old conventional chronology is the 14th dynasty early enough for Joseph and Moses, but the conventional chronology is too long/old. Even in Rohl's chronology the 14th dynasty comes after Joseph and Moses.
Joseph's bones were placed in a "coffin", and Moses later took the bones of Joseph. Joseph was more likely buried somewhere between Abu Roash to Giza/Cairo to Abusir to Sakkara/Memphis to Dahshur to Lisht to Meidum.
- Doesn't match "the best of the land".
The northeast delta doesn't seem a great match for the best of the land in my opinion.
- Doesn't fit "the land was filled" with the numerous Hebrews (Exodus 1:6-10).
The Hebrews could hardly have filled the land if they were only in the far northeast Delta. Rather it seems to imply a more central location.
Moreover, could 600000 Hebrew/Israelite & mixed multitude men plus women and children fit in Qesem/Fakus & Avaris/Daba/Qantir/Piramses? Sure the site of Avaris covers 2 square kilometers or 250 hectares, and there was a garrison of 240000 Hyksos troops there, but it still doesn't seem a majorly strong match for the land was filled with the Hebrews.
Of course scholars say 600000 might be 600 heads, but the census numbers in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy do seem to confirm a number like 600000.
- Land not city.
Goshen and Rameses were called lands in Genesis. Qesem/Fakus is a city not a land (though its name was later also used for the Nome, but this is way too late). Piramses/Qantir/Avaris/Daba was only a city not a land, though Avaris' name is supposed to mean "house of the region" (though Bey has it as meaning "house of the leg"), and though Avaris covered 2 square kilometers in Hyksos times.
- Bricks versus stones; shepherds versus knights.
Raamses was built with bricks made by shepherd Hebrew slaves (Exodus)? Piramses was built by stones hauled by Apiru senen "knights".
True, they did find bricks made without straw at Retaba in the northeast delta, but see the sections on Dates don't match (above) and Store cities (below) for reasons why Retaba can't be Pithom.
For a better match for the bricks in Exodus we find that brick buildings are especially prominent in the FIP and Middle Kingdom.
- Pharaoh put Joseph's brothers over his cattle/livestock, which might not match the north-east delta?
There are 6 Egyptian nomes associated with cattle: Cow's thigh (2nd nome of Lower Egypt), Cattle land (3rd nome of Lower Egypt), Mountain bull land (6th, Lower), Black bull land (10th, Lower), Heseb bull land (11th, Lower), Calf and cow land (12th, Lower).
Pharaoh's cattle might even possibly be Egyptians rather than animals, since in Egyptian the cattle of Re/Ra is humankind or Egyptians?
- Josephus says the Exodus started at Letopolis (Sokhem). Of course Josephus might not be reliable, but his information seems to agree with a number of other evidences for Goshen being in Middle Egypt rather than in the northeast Delta.
Of the 17 sites listed at the start of this article, 8 sites are supposed to be in the northeast delta (Heroopolis, Goshen, Rameses, Raamses, Zoan, Tanis, Pithom, Succoth), but they are all disputable. 6 sites are in Middle Egypt (On/Heliopolis, Letopolis, Mera-vad-Musa, Memphis, Pyramids, Joseph's canal). 1 site is between Middle and Upper Egypt (T-en-moshe). 1 site is in Kush/Nubia/Sudan/Ethiopia (Saba/Meroe). 1 site is anywhere in Egypt (Nile), though probably not the Delta.
Though of the 17 sites only 8 are in the Massoretic text of the canonical Bible (On, Goshen, Rameses, Pithom, Raamses, Nile, Zoan, Succoth), the other 9 are in less reliable extra-Biblical sources (Judith (Tanis), Septuagint (Heroopolis, Heliopolis), Josephus (Heroopolis, Pyramids, Memphis, Meroe, Letopolis), Manetho (Heliopolis), Apion (Heliopolis)).
- Pyramids:
Josephus and other sources mention pyramids in connection with the treasure cities of Pharoah in Exodus, and/or Joseph's storehouses in Genesis. Although these extra-bibilcal sources might not be reliable there is some possible support for the Hebrews in Egypt being connected with the pyramids. The eternal mountains of Joseph in Genesis 49 might be pyramids. Herodotus said the pyramids were named after the shepherd Philitis who dwelt at Giza in the 4th dynasty. Khufu/Cheops probably matches Jacob. The Hebrews made bricks in Exodus, and brick buildings are especially prominent in the FIP and Middle Kingdom, including the 12th dynasty pyramids. The pyramid town of Lahun/Kahun was suddenly abandoned and is considered by a number of scholars to be connected with the exodus.
If the Hebrews in Egypt were connected with pyramids, then we note that there are no pyramids in the northeast Delta except for a dubious claim of 17 pyramids found in Tanis. The pyramids were mostly between Abu Roash to Giza/Cairo to Abusir to Sakkara/Memphis to Dahshur to Lisht to Meidum, in Middle Egypt.
- Heroopolis.
Hero(o)(n)polis is known to have been on the east of the Nile Delta, but this place name doesn't occur in the Massoretic Text, it only occurs in the Septuagint and Josephus which sources are not necessarily reliable. The sources don't say that the Hebrews settled at Heroopolis, rather Josephus only says that is where Joseph & Jacob met and that they afterwards "travelled on slowly".
Bey's map has Heliopolis in the nome of Heroopolites.
Palmer thinks that Heroopolis is really "city of Heroes" or "city of the Horuses/hawks" or "city of the dual Horus (and Set)" which he seems to place in the Memphis or Giza or Heliopolis/On area. Though I have had the impression from sources that Heroopolis was named after the god Heron (identified with Set/Seth in one or some sources, though one source says Hero might be Atum).
- Jacob doesn't match.
As far as I know there is no Jacob match for the sites in the northeast Delta.
Meanwhile our Goshen location in Middle Egypt does have a Jacob match. Jacob pretty surely matches Khufu/Cheops who was in the Giza area. Also Jacob seemingly probably also matches the shepherd Philitis "lover of righteousness" who dwelt at Giza in the 4th dynasty according to Herodotus.
Khufu/Cheops and Philitis are much better matches for Jacob than Yaqub-har and Yakobaam of the Hyksos period.
- Names don't really match as well as made to seem.
The biblical name Rameses/Raamses has no Pi-/Per- (and no -meriamun) (while the bible does supposedly have a Pi- in Pithom). Moreover, Piramses(-meriamun) wasn't called that until the 19th dynasty which is too late for Moses unless it is an anachronism which is unlikely (see 'Dates don't match' above).
The biblical name 'Raamses' is also maybe spelt a little different to the ramses of Pi-ramses?
Rameses in Genesis was the name of a land not a city.
Piramses is not the only possible candidate for Rameses of Genesis and Raamses of Exodus. Although the identity of Rameses/Raamses is difficult to find we have the following possible candidates:
Name Ramses found on blocks of 3rd & 4th dyn buildings (3rd-4th or "19th" dyn).
Shemsu Hor / Heruemshemsu / Raemshemsu/Raemshusha/Reemshusha ("the worshippers of Re", Memphis or On, 0/1st-3rd dyn).
Pyramid(s) (Abu Roash to Meidum, 3rd-12th dyn).
Thebes "founded by Ra according to same plan" as Piramses.
The temple of (city of) sun/Ra of Sesostris 1 (Heliopolis/On, 12th dyn).
Ranmaat/Nema(at)re/Labari (Amenemhet 3 & Labyrinth/Lahun, 12th dyn).
Piramses-meriamun (Qantir/Avaris/Daba, 19th dyn).
Per-rameses-meriamun/Chenem-waset/Amara (Nubia).
Ayn Shams/Ain Shems ("eye of the sun", Cairo or Heliopolis).
Letopolis (in Josephus seems to match Rameses in Exodus)?
Ra's/Re's reign began in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th or 5th dynasty (Raneb/Nebra, Rahotep, Reufu/Ufura, Redjedef, Sera/Sare, Rauser, 5th dyn sun kings).
Tsoan/Zoan and Taan/Zean/Djan/Djanet/Sant/Tanis/Djan/Tsan/San are not necessarily as close a possble names match as seems. Besides which Tanis is not prominent until the 19th dynasty which is too late.
Tso'an/Zoan might rather match Ankh-tawy/Anekh-tauy (Memphis) or Tjenu/Thinis/This or An/On (Heliopolis). Or Zoan "place of departure" could be the place where the exodus started (Raamses in Exodus, Letopolis in Josephus). Or Hoeh suggested that 'field of Zoan' was a name for Egypt rather than refering to the city.
Goshen/Gesem/Kessan and Qesem/Phacus/Fakus are not necessarily so close as appears. Fakus/Phacus only has 3 letters the same. The Biblical name has no Ph-/F- prefix. Fakus has no -en, though the -em in Qesem could possibly match the -en of Goshen. Hebrew G might not match Egyptian Q/C/K? Hebrew sh might not match Egyptian s? The Septuagint's 'Gesem' for Goshen may not be reliable and it might have been influenced by Qesem. We have also already said in the Dates don't match section that Qesem seems to be too late for the Goshen. One scholar also says that "Ezekiel & Jeremiah, who actually traveled through the eastern Delta, make no mention of a Goshen."
There are one or two other possible candidates for Goshen. Consider this list of all possible candidates for Goshen/Gosen/Goson/Gsn (Hebrew/Massoretic) / Gesem (Greek/Septuagint) / Kessan (Artapanus) :
Mt Kassios.
Gasmu/Gashmu/Gesem/Gsm/Geshmu/Geshem/Qasim/Jashim (Qedarites).
Mistress of Qes.
An/On (Heliopolis, might match the -en of Goshen).
Ausim/Khem/Sokhem/Sekhem (Letopolis/Latopolis).
Khere-ohe (Fostat / Old Cairo/Kahira).
Giza/Gizah/Jizah/Jizzah/Giseh/Gise/Gizeh/'gi:ze/Guizeh/Er-ges-her (nearby Cairo).
Agouza/Agooza (Giza).
Kahun (Lahun).
Qis (near Akhetaten/Amarna).
Qasa/Kasa (Cynopolis).
Qesi (Apollinopolis).
Al Uqsor/Luxor/Luqsor (Thebes).
Gerf Hussein (Nubia).
Kush (Nubia).
Khent/Shent/Fent (Upper/South Egypt).
The best candidates in the above list are Giza or Agouza or Ro-she-khufu or Sokhem in Middle Egypt, or the conventional Qesem/Fakus or Gasmu/Gesem in the northeast Delta.
Eretz Goshen is similar to Er-ges-her (Giza/Gizeh).
It is not certain that the etymology of Pithom is Pi-/Per- and -Atum.
The date of both Pithom candidates Maskhuta and Retaba are too late for Moses in new chronologies that have Moses in the 12th-13th dynasty.
Maskhuta can't be both (Heroonpolis and) Pithom and Succoth.
There are acually a number of candidates for Pithom including:
Pi-tum / Pa-tmu / Patumus / Per-atum / Heroonpolis (Maskhuta or Tell er-Retaba).
Pr Itmw / Per Atum / *Par-'Atama (the temple of (Ra-)Atum in Heliopolis in the reign of Kheper-ka-ra Senusret 1).
Pium/Piom/Faiyum (Pasebek/Shedet/Crocodilopolis/Arsinoe).
Pium/Pion/Faiyum (Moeris).
Itjtawy/Ithtowy (unlocated 12th dyn co-capital).
Tithoes (Labyrinth).
King Thom (in the El-Arish inscription).
Succoth "tents, booths, huts" could be Tjeku/Maskhuta, though there are a number of candidates including:
Tell el-Maskhuta (Wadi Tumilat).
Thuku/Zeku/"Succoth" (19th dyn, refs Bey, Keller).
Pa-zetku (Bey).
T'ukot/Thukot/"Succoth" (ref Bey).
Sekhet-za (Tharu, ref Velikovsky).
Suez/Suways (north tip of gulf of Suez).
Berket el Hadj "pool of the pilgrims" (ref Hoeh).
Sakkarah (near Memphis).
Sukkiims (ref 2 Chron 12).
(Some of the above place names might be different versions of the same place. Some of the sources were not clear on the locations.)
- Meanings of names.
The Biblical name for the land of Goshen is Eretz Goshen. Eretz means "land" in Hebrew. For the 2nd part of the name, Goshen, the meaning of this name is unknown but suggested meanings of Goshen include "drawing near", or "place of light/plenty/comfort", or gesem/jsm "to labour, cultivated", or gsm "stormy sea", or gasam "storm/downpour", or (pa-)qas "pouring forth, inundated land", or "the action of spewing forth", or "large flood waters", or "the body", or "craftsmans enclosed quarters", or "skilled craftsmen, or stone brick masons + an enclosed city, or large private land of the pharaoh", or Egyptian gsaaz "borderland"? Or possibly Goshen might be related to Indo-European go "cow" or "ray" since Joseph's brothers were placed over Pharaoh's cattle? The bible calls Goshen the best of the land which might be connected with the name's meaning?
Some of these meanings could fit the conventional northeast Delta location placement, but some could fit our Middle Egypt placement.
Of our Goshen candidates in Middle Egypt the suggested meanings of Giza/Gizeh are Egyptian/Arabic Er-ges-her "beside the high", or Egyptian/Arabic "border", or Arabic al-Jizzah "the valley/plateau", or Persian diz "fortress/castle".
The meaning of Agouza is said to be Arabic "an old woman".
Rameses/Raamses means "Ra/sun born, son of thesun/Ra". This better fits the Heliopolis area than the northeast Delta. The only way that it could fit the north-east Delta is that that area is the easternmost (rising sun) district of Egypt.
Pithom is supposed to mean p- "house, city" (or "the") + Atum or Thom, but this etymology is uncertain, and even if the meaning might be correct it doesn't only fit Pitum in the northeast delta but it can also fit Heliopolis in Middle Egypt.
Zoan means "place of departure" which we have already addressed in the previous Names don't match section.
Babylon (in Josephus) means "gateway of god" or "babble, confusion, mixture".
The meaning of Succoth/Sukkot is "tents, huts, booths".
- Store cities:
Because there were some granaries/silos and storeouses at Tanis and Pitum/Retaba (and Maskhuta?) conventional scholars think that it means these sites match the treasure cities in 'Exodus' chapter 1. Moreover the storehouses at Retaba are connected with bricks made without straw like in Exodus. However the storehouses at Tanis and Pitum can't match the biblical ones for a number of reasons. Firstly as we have already said, the dates of the storehouses at Tanis and Pitum/Retaba are too late for Moses even in conventional chronology. The biblical words arei miskenoth might mean either "treasure cities" (AV) or "store cities" (RV) or "strong/fortified cities" (Lxx). Even if the "store cities" meaning is possibly correct there were other store sites in Egyptian history including:
"huge quantities of ... stores ... found in Sesostris' funerary temple" (12th dyn).
"many rooms" or "3000 apartments, half of them underground" of the Labyrinth (12th dyn).
Josephus said the Hebrews built pyramids, which would also fit with our placement of the Hebrews in Egypt from the 2nd/3rd/4th to the 12th/13th dynasties.
Incidentally the models of granaries in Old Kingdom tombs may mean Joseph can't be later than the Old Kingdom (3rd-6th dyns).
- Hebrews/Israelites/Semites in Egypt.
For some strange reason conventional scholars think that Joseph was in the Hyksos period because they think that this is the only time when a Semite/foreigner could have been raised to high office (because the Hyksos were Semites/foreigners). Yet the Bible gives no indication of Pharaoh being a Semite or foreigner.
Conventional scholars also seem to think that the Hebrews were in Egypt during the Hyksos period because it is seemingly/supposedly the only period of major presence of foreigners & Semites in Egypt before the Late Period. But the conventional scholars only have the Hebrews entering during the Hyksos period while they have the exodus in the 19th dynasty. There is no evidence of a presence of 600000 Hebrews in Egypt during the 15th/16th to 19th dynasties. The Apiru/Habiru of the 19th dynasty do not match the Hebrews because the Hebrews were shepherds and slaves who made bricks while the Apiru were senen "knights" who hauled stones.
Rohl seems to equate the Hebrews with the Canaanites/Asiatics of Avaris of the 12th dynasty. However the description of these Canaanite/Asiatic immigrants doesn't seem to match the biblical Hebrews/Israelites very well, and they are also too late for Joseph who was surely some time before the 12th dynasty (which is too late for Joseph). The Asiatics of Avaris also worshipped Set & Hadad & Hathor & Asherah, which seems to conflict with the biblical Hebrews.
Contrary to conventinal scholars' and Rohl's claims Avaris and the Hyksos period are not the only times and places in Egyptian history having a presence of foreign Asiatics. List of candidates for Hebrews in Egypt before the 15th dynasty, and Hebrews in Canaan before the 19th dynasty:
Set race (Predynastic Upper/Lower Egypt & 2nd dynasty).
An alleged tomb picture of an Asiatic family entering Egypt in the reign of Khasekhemwy (2nd dyn, ref Palmer).
Ontiu/Intiu "the People of the Pillar" (1st/2nd-6th dyn)?
The 4th dynasty pyramid builders seem foreign (Manetho, Herodotus).
The shepherd Philitis at Giza (4th dynasty).
Asiatics in the 1st Intermediate Period (Clayton).
Increase in Levantine names in the reign of Amenemhet 2 (Clayton).
Canaanites/Asiatics at Avaris (12th dyn, abandoned after epidemic in 13th dyn).
Possibly-Hebrew slaves in pectoral of Mereret.
The sudden abandonment of Lahun/Kahun may match the exodus.
The companions of Apophis in the El-Arish inscription, &/or The adversaries of Re(-Harakhty) versus Horus (Behdeti / Horus of Edfu)?
A classical source implies that the Hebrews were "the capitive shepherds not the king shepherds".
The Hyksos are now believed to have infiltrated gradually before the 15th dynasty.
The amelut sagaz Mesh or Habiru of the Amarna Letters may match Hebrews of David's time.
The Israelites are already in Canaan in the Merneptah Stele.
- Analogies.
Peratum/Pitum in the northeast delta and Pium in the Faiyum area are both associated with lakes.
Avaris/Hutwaret/Hauar in the northeast Delta and Hawara in the Faiyum area are said to have cognate names.
Avaris was abandoned after epidemic; Kahun/Lahun was suddenly abandoned.
H-ym "the sea" in Exodus is similar to Pium/Faiyum "the sea".
- Sethroite nome doesn't match.
A possible support for Goshen being in the northeast Delta is that the nome there was called the Sethroite nome or the Arabian nome. Set/Seth or "Typhon" was a god assoicated with foreigners. However, in the bible the land of Goshen or land of Rameses is said to be the best of the land, which hardly fits a place associated with Set. Rameses' name is linked with the god Ra/Re not Set. The one place associated with Ra in the list of Egyptian nomes is Heliopolis/On. True Ra/Re is associated with Atum as Atum-Ra or Ra-Atum, and Atum is associated with Pitum in the northeast delta, but that is a weak match.
The 2nd Nome of Lower Egypt around Letopolis/Sokhem was called Travellers land.
It is true that the Hebrews were more likely in the north than the south of Egypt. But Middle Egypt is only just below the Delta and is easily within possibility.
- Didn't cross the Nile.
The bible doesn't say that the Hebrews crossed the Nile in the exodus, so this is possible support for Goshen being on the right/east side of the Nile. However, this could fit anywhere along the whole Nile, not just the northeast Delta. Though it is not definite that they didn't cross the Nile just because it doesn't mention it. As we have already said, the Pharaoh ordering the Israelite babies to be thrown in the Nile, and the baby Moses being placed in the Nile probably better fit the main trunk of the Nile river rather than one of the 7 mouths/heads in the Delta.
- Set apart from the Egyptians.
There is an argument that Goshen was set apart from the Egyptians because shepherds were an abomination to the Egyptians (and also because the land of Goshen was uneffected by a couple of the plagues). This supposedly supports the northeast Delta location theory. However, there are also possible evidences that Goshen was not set apart: Goshen was the best of the land; Goshen was near Joseph; Pharaoh placed Joseph's brothers over his cattle/livestock; Joseph and Moses couldn't have run back and forward between the capital and the northeast Delta; Moses was placed in the Nile not far from the palace; the Hebrews had Egyptian slave masters over them in the fields; the Hebrews borrowed of the Egyptians and stripped them; the exodus route may imply a greater distance between Raamses and Succoth.
- Joseph went "up".
Joseph went up to report to pharaoh in Genesis 46:31. This might mean Goshen was lower or north of the capital. But this doesn't just apply to the northeast Delta, there are also sites in Middle Egypt below the capital.
Hoeh thinks that because Joseph went "up" (Gen 46:29) that Goshen is north of the capital. However the word "up" could mean any of a few different possible meanings. In our Western European tradition up/top is North. In Egyptian up/top was south (because the Nile flows from south to north, and the sun is mainly south of Egypt). In biblical Jerusalem is up. In Hebrew and Semitic east is front, west is behind/back. In Hebrew right is favoured. The Hebrew negev "south" matches the Egyptian Nekheb in Upper/South Egypt. Besides which some translations just say went to not went up to. And the two ups of verses 29 and 31 contradict.
- Lion of Judah.
Jacob mentions the crouching Lion of Judah in Genesis 49. This has no match in the north-east Delta, but it does have a possible match in Middle Egypt. Jacob surely matches Khufu/Cheops, and the lion of Judah might match the Sphinx.
- Judith 1:9 says "and the river of Egypt, and Taphnes, and Ramesse, and all the land of Gesem, until you come beyond Tanis and Memphis, and to all the inhabitants of Egypt, until you come to the borders of Ethiopia." But this doesn't help much because it may be confounding Goshen and Raamses and Zoan with Qesem and Piramses and Tanis, and the exact location is not really easy to determine from these verses (it seemingly could be anywhere up to Memphis).
So in conclusion the north-east Delta is ruled out for all the half a dozen to a dozen reasons we have surveyed above, and we find that the Middle Egypt area is more likely.
Amarna Letters.
Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, 1 Chronicles, Psalms, Judith).
VSW Bambrough.
H Brugsch-Bey.
Stephen of Byzantium.
SC Compton 'Exodus Lost'.
Peter Clayton Chronicle of Pharaohs.
Collins Atlas.
David Down.
Encyclopedia Britannica.
El-Arish inscription.
Fellaheen tradition.
Rabbi Saadia Gaon.
Herman Hoeh 'Compendium of History'.
Herodotus The Histories.
F Josephus Antiquities of the Jews, Against Apion.
Jewish Encyclopedia.
Werner Keller 'Bible as History'.
Kahun papyri (12th dyn).
Manetho (33rd dyn).
Massoretic Text.
Merneptah Stele.
Gerald Massey Book of Beginnings.
Alan Millard Treasures from Bible Times.
RA Stewart Macalister.
W Max Muller.
E Naville.
Oxford Companion to the Bible, & Cyclopedic Bible Concordance.
Robert Palmer NC group posts and correspondence.
Peutinger table.
F Petrie.
Pectoral of Mereret (12th dyn).
Alleged picture & glyphs in a tomb from reign of Khasekhemwy (2nd dyn).
David M Rohl.
D Redford.
Adrian Room Brewer's Dictionary of Names.
J van Seters.
Septuagint (33rd dyn).
Tales of the Magicians (Westcar Papyrus).
I Velikovsky Ages in Chaos.
Ron Wyatt.
Conventional chronology:
11th/12th dyn - patriarchs ca 1900s-1700s
15th/16th dyn - Joseph/Jacob ca 1700s
18th dyn Amarna - Canaan still Canaanite not Hebrew
19th dyn - Moses/Exodus ca 1300/1200s.
20th dyn - Saul/Philistines
21st dyn - David ca 1000s
22nd dyn - Shishak ca 900s.
22nd dyn - Zerah.
25th dyn - So, Tirhakah.
26th dyn - Nechoh, Hophra ca 600.
27th/31st dyn - Persians.
32nd - Greco-Macedonian.
33rd Ptolemies - Seleucids, Maccabees.
Rohl's chronology (excluding Mesopotamian) :
10th dyn - Abraham 1800s
(11th? &/or) 12th dyn - Joseph 1600s
13th dyn - new king, slavery starts 1500s
(12th? &/or) 13th dyn - Moses, exodus 1400s.
15th/16th dyn - Anakim/Joshua 1200s-1100s
18th dyn Amarna - David 1000s.
18th dyn - Gezer/Solomon
19th dyn - Shishak 900s-800s
19th-20th dyn - Arza (1 Kings 16).
21st & 22nd dyns contemp.
Our tentative chronology (excluding some) :
1st dyn - Zoan/Hebron?
1st (or 2nd?) dyn - Abraham ca 2000s/2300s
(2nd? or) 3rd-4th (or 5th?) dyn - Joseph ca 1800s (Wyatt etc)
FIP Asiatics
11th dyn - Elim
(6th? &/or) 12th (&/or 13th) dyn - Moses, Zoan ca 1400s
14th or 17th - Jabin/Sisera?
15th/16th dyn Hyksos - between exodus & David (Velikovsky)
18th dyn - David ca 1000s (Rohl)
19th dyn - Shishak ca 1000s/900s (Rohl).
19th or 21st-23rd dyn - princes of Zoan?
19th-23rd or 25th princes of Noph?
20th dyn - Jehoshaphat?
21st & 22nd dyns contemp (Rohl).
22nd-23rd dyn - Phoenician, Assyrian (Moscati, Rohl, Weigall, Bey)?
(21st? or) 22nd/23rd or 25th dyn - So (Velikovsky, Wiki)
(22nd/23rd? or) 25th dyn - Tirhakah
26th dyn - Nechoh, Hophra.
27th/31st dyn - Persians
32nd dyn - Greco-Macedonian
33rd dyn Ptolemies - Seleucids, Maccabees
Monday, May 3, 2021
hell on earth
Ok everyone so you all just ignored again. I know that you all think you are smart because you know that you all have all the power and control everything and can simply refuse to stop the mean cruel hell wrongs being forcibly done to me (including the constant ringing sound in flat) and I am trapped powerless and can't do anything because you everyone refuses to cooperate and are blocking everything and that if in consqeuence I end up in trouble you just lyingly/falsely make it out to all be my mental or criminal fault.
So ok you all win. It is clear that my only hope/option/choice is faith that God will save me from all you evil criminals or take my life or judge you.
If God doesn't save me I'll end up either dead or in mental ward or in prison or in street or other similar bad because I can't stop these mean cruel evils being done to me and you all purposely block everything and I can't do maintenance etc.
You all think you can just do any evil because you rule the world and control everything. But you will never make me submit to your mean cruel slavery. Even if I give in and licked your feet I know you would not stop your mean cruel evils (ringing sound, fluoridation, housing crisis, etc etc etc).
But know that if I end up in prison or mental ward I'll be the worst inmate this country has ever had and fight and spit and curse constantly since you are destroying my "life".
And I will support Action Zealandia as the only party/movement that is actually taking any stand and doing anything against this evil cowardly globalist regime.
And I ain't cooperating with any mental health or anyone else any more. I am sick of people just stuffing me around forcing me hassles of appointments etc while everyone else refuse to stop the wrongs I am suffering being done to me. If I end up in court under mental/criminal charges be sure I can tear to shreds the clever cunning lies, and I will make sure the media and etc hears the truth (even if they also are aligned with you). Remember too I have hundreds of witnesses from all the emails etc of the last 10 years.
And be assured that even if there is no God, world history proves beyond doubt that you will all fall and be overthrown in centuries to come. You are not gods, you are evil cowards (I can see numerous proofs). God damn NZ. No wonder that the national colour is black (the colour of death etc).
And now I will try one last time to have faith that God will save me, or I go down fighting and defying you evil cowards.
(And yeah yeah go ahead and say oh how bad and sick Sean is for writing/speaking such angry "bad" words. What a joke since everyone never dares admit the far worse evil mean cruel hell wrongs been/being done to me are bad/wrong. This globalist western world regime/system/order and country is more sick than I am. All I ever wanted was to do my studies in peace and quiet and have a wife, and all my "life" everyone blocks me and punishes me. I could have contributed heaps positive but you think you are gods and we are just nothing.)
And BTW it is not just evil wrongs I am suffering, I have spoken out about evil wrongs some others are suffering like the homeless in NZ, Australia, USA, UK etc. No one cares about them either, and people even stupidly meanly blame these victims too.
Jhvh/Yhwh / Jesus/Yeshua you know that I am trapped in a very seriously hell bad situation and that the elite are others are purposely refusing to stop doing mean cruel hell wrongs to me including refusing to stop the constant ringing sound in my flat going all day and night every day and night, refusing to stop forcing the fluoridation inside my body and brain every meal every day, the housing crisis and excessively expensive rents/prices, and plenty of other similarly hell bad things too. Not only all the evil wrongs the elite and others are doing and/or refusing to stop, but also almost everyone doesn't seem to care a stuff (or love or care or help) or they are not able to help. I know now that these evil elite humans and demons/devils/spirit are never going to stop doing mean cruel hell wrongs to me and that I am trapped powerless and have no hope except faith in you that you might save me or take my "life" or send judgement on all these evil doers and uncaring people. So I will try one last time to have faith and keep my mouth shut from speaking any negative that is not in faith. I have no other hope or choice or option, they are blocking everything. If I don't/can't or if you don't answer then I know that there is totally no hope and things are not only going to stay as hell bad but can and will only get worse. I don't mean any showing off posting this, it is only a public response to the "elite" and others again today refusing to respond to my letter asking them to stop purposely refusing to stop this constant ringing sound in my flat from the neighbours pumps or plumbing which has been going constantly all day every day for 3-4 years now. These vicious mean cruel nasty "elite" and others know that they can keep forcing me to suffer this and other wrongs because they have all the power and control everything/everyone, and have clever cunning lying tactics. They hide behind their cowardly mental health act and other corrupt laws/acts/rules, and fluoridation, etc.
(The only reason I am so against these elite and others is because they keep doing mean cruel hell wrongs.)
Copy of the last latest letter about ringing sound in flat which they again have all ignored purposely.
To everyone I have requested to cooperate to help find and fix this constant ringing sound in my flat (which is definitely not in my head/ears and is pretty surely coming from either plumbing or pumps).
(Part 1.)
Important final legal notice/warning, everyone please read and do not ignore, because if you all keep ingoring me this is bound to end up in court with me or you under criminal/civil/mental charges (and many of you will be called as witnesses which will mean hassle for you). I am sorry this is abit long but it is no my fault because I have to answer all the excuses people have given in the last 3-4 years and I have to give all the important evidences to disprove the excuses and give all the details to help find and fix the source. Some of you can skip all of the long part 2 and just read part 1 and part 3.
This long ongoing constant daily ringing sound from the heat pump(s) or plumbing must be found and fixed because it is causing me unbearable constant torture and I can not hold my miserable and angry reactions all day every day forever. Everyone has got to please stop purposely refusing to cooperate to find and fix the source. If this ends up in court no one can blame me and say "there was no excuse", as I have been trying my uttermost darndest hardest to avoid getting in trouble with the law but I can't fix this problem without others cooperation and everyone keeps messing me around refusing to cooperate, and this constant ringing sound is constant unbearable hell and I can't control my reactions forever and everyone refusing to fix it is practically forcing me into trouble. If I end up in court know that I will tear to shreds all the clever lying excuses as I can disprove them all and prove that I am in the right and others in the wrong. Expecting me to forever suffer this constant ringing sound all day every day for the rest of my life is undeniably Injust mean cruel torture, and it could easily have been fixed if others stopped refusing to cooperate, and I can't find and fix it without others cooperation. Expecting me to go to all sorts of ridiculous extreme measures/efforts to block the sound out is not as fair/reasonable or as easy as people all seem to assume/assert (see part 2). (Remember this pump/plumbing ringing sound is an artificial unnatural, unnecessary sound being forced on me by everyone refusing to cooperate to find and fix it.)
1. Legal notice why problem must be stopped or else legal trouble.
2. Answers to all the excuses people give to refuse to fix it:
i. "people won't do anything if you can't prove the sound & source"
ii. "it might be your ears/head/sensitivity, get your ears/hearing tested"
iii. "people won't do anything if they can't hear it"
iv. "its not loud enough decibels to constitute violation of rules"
v. "wear noise canceling ear phones/muffs"
vi. "wear ear plugs"
vii. "play music"
viii. "go out for a break for awhile"
ix. "shift"
x. "get noise insulation"
xi. "you are mental if you can't cope with the sound"
(xii. "keep your voice down")
xiii. "neighbours rights/freedoms"
xiv. "talk to your neighbours"
xv. "go seek lawyers advice"
xvi. "take neighbours to tenancy tribunal"
xvii. "our hands are tied, we can't do anything, it doesn't violate council rules"
xviii. "have faith that God will fix it"
xix. "it is not a serious problem to merit (quick) action"
xx. "you just have to suffer it for the rest of your life"
xxi. "some people have tinnitis all the time"
xxii. "there are other problems"
3. Final summary with important details for help finding problem.
Part 2.
i. It is no use everyone keeping on playing the same old clever cunning lying excuses that you can't/won't do anything unless I first prove the sound is not in my head/ears and prove the source, because (1) I have already said that I have totally no doubts from 4 years evidences that the sound is not in my head or ears or just over-sensitivity, and that I am certain from all the evidences that it can only be either heat pumps or plumbing, and (2) you all know full well that I can not prove it without others cooperation due to the situation of having attached and close flats neighbours and they unfairly have all the access/control/rights and I have none. (Even if this sound is possibly not from neighbours but from my own property, the only thing in my property it can be is plumbing and I can't find and fix it when plumbers and everyone else keep purposely refusing to cooperate. If it is not plumbing in my property then it is certainly either pumps in attached or close neighbours flats/properties or plumbing in attached neighbours flats/properties. The only neighbours it can be is either the 4 attached flats or the two blocks on either side, it can't be from anywhere else because they are too far away.) This problem could easily be found and fixed if everyone wasn't purposely refusing to cooperate. Everyone has messed me around: plumbers, heat pump company, Dr/GP, ear/hearing cleaners/testers, acoustic companies, council, neigbhours, lawyers, mental health.
ii. Even proving to you that it is not my head or ears or over-sensitivity is blocked by Dr/GP and ear/hearing testers and ear cleaners messing me around refusing to make appointments. (The Dr/GP didn't even do a proper look into my ear, and he refused to refer me to Capital & Coast ENT service, and their ear wax lady as away that day too. Bay Audiology two times declined making appointments because first time their person was on leave for weeks and second time they said it would be weeks waiting list. The ear health nurse lady first time said she was on leave for weeks (at same time as Bay Audiology person was (not anywhere near xmas or easter)) and second time weeks later did not even reply to my email asking for appointment. These are typical examples how everyone keeps purposely messing me around, constantly stalling/delaying me, not replying and leaving me uncertain/worrying and in the lurch, refusing to agree to make appointments or refusing to do jobs and blocking me from being able to get things done.)
iii. Its no use saying "we have to have someone who has come and could hear it". You all know that this rigning sound is not a majorly loud sound and is apparently allegedly not easy for some people to hear only listening for a few seconds/minutes in the middle of the day, and that it constantly goes through louder and quieter periods and is quieter in day and in summer and when warm, and louder at night and in winter and when cold and it is difficult to get people here when it is loudest and easier to hear (in louder period, at night, in winter, when cold). You can't just expect to hear it only some people listening for a few seconds in middle of the day. You have to be living/staying here or here for a longer period and at night and alone and studying. You also all know I gave half a dozen witnesses proving that some people can/can't hear sounds that others can't/can hear, so you can't keep using the "we can't hear it" clever lying tactic.
iv. Its no use you saying it is not loud enough decibels because anyone with half a brain knows that being forced to always keep hearing a constant ringing sound going every second all day and night every day and night (and which can't be blocked out because the type/pitch of sound it is it penetrates plugs/fingers regardless) is a mean cruel hell torture and an undeniable injustice.
v. It is no use you saying I have to wear noise cancelling ear phones/muffs because this sound goes all day and night and I can't wear and recharge NCE phones/muffs all day and night every day and night, and I already have too many things depending on electricity, and it is not even right that I have to block out a sound which is coming from neighbours pumps/plumbing.
vi. As for ear plugs they do block out most sounds for me but this ringing sound penetrates regardless.
vii. Likewise I can not "play music" all the time (and I can't study with music playing).
viii. And I can't "go out for a break" all the time, and I'd still have to come back here, and I'd still be constantly blocked from doing my studies and sleeping and concentrating whenever I am here.
ix. It is no use saying "shift". You know full well I can't shift because of the housing crisis and excessively expensive rents/prices (otherwise I would be more than willing to shift because this place also has other bad problems). (Of course if I had a proper paid job/work I might be more able to afford to shift, but unfortunately I can not easily find a job due to combination of the situation, my condition, my studies, lack of qualifications & experience, and the mass unemployment.)
(Even if I shift there is a possibility I might have the same/similar problem at another place if it is pumps or plumbing, because I can only afford similar types of accommodation situations. I have heard a similar sound at my half-uncle Eric's flat.)
x. Its no use saying "get builders to install noise insulation in your flat" because why the hell do I have to go to such major hell trouble disruption/intrusion and get quotes and plans from all the trades people, and get permissions from neighbours and council, and temporarily shift out with my stuff, and give keys to all the trades people, get all the flat walls & roof & floor & windows insulated, and pay all the people, and shift back again, all to block out a sound coming from neigbours pumps or plumbing? (And mark that I have to do all this while the sound is still going causing me distraction and misery.) And even if I do all this there is no guarantee it will block the sound out if it is coming through the pipes or building or air.
xi. It is no use saying if I can not cope with the constant sound that I am mental. Anyone with half a brain would know/admit that being forced to always hear a constant ringing sound going all day and night every day and night is unbearable mean cruel hell torture and is injust and unnatural and unreasonable and unfair. On the contrary the fact that I have survived (bearly) numerous such mean cruel hell constant daily wrongs for so many years proves that I am not so bad or mental as many assume/assert. Many other people have appeared in the news suffering mental issues with far less bad things than I have suffered (eg covid lockdown, eg people complaining just because it rained for a few weeks). (But just because I have superhumanly managed to bearly get through it for so long doesn't mean I am able to suffer it and superhumanly hold my unbearble miserable/angry reactions for ever.)
No use saying "medication can help you to more easily cope with the effects". Medication and mental health have not helped in more than 17 months under the MH Act and compulsory treatment. And why should I have to take medication because of an artificial unnatural injust sound being forced in me all day every day?
If everyone keeps playing all these excuses then it is surely evident to anyone with half a brain that they are purposely ingenuinely cleverly cunningly lying. Anyone one must know a constant ringing sound going all day every day for years is mean torture.
xii. It is ridiculous saying to me "keep your voice down" when I suffer this problem all day every day for 3-4 years and everyone keeps refusing to stop it. It is only natural and human to not be able to control unbearable reactions. Otherwise it means everyone else can do any and every mean cruel hell wrong to us and oh no we have to be superman and be able to control all feelings/emotions and instincts and reactions. Yes we have to exercise a fair amount of control, but it is totally anti-natural to expect us to be totally unemotional robots immune to everything. It is not inferior or sick to not have/exercise such totalitarian self-control. (And it is hypocritical to have me up for violating laws/acts/bills/rules regarding disturbing/harassing neighbours/others while people can do similar wrongs to me.)
xiii. It is no use saying "oh it will cause the neighbours [minor] hassle", because what about everyone causing me major hassle by all purposely refusing to cooperate to find and fix this problem which has gone on all day every day for 4 years now? Sure the neigbours have rights/freedoms to have pumps etc. But I also have rights and they have responsibilities/duties too. People can not just do what they like without regard to the effects on other people. That is supposed to be why we have laws/rules.
xiv. It is no use saying "talk to your neighbours". I have to contact 4 (+ 5 (+ 4)) neighbours who are all mostly out most of the time and I never know when they are here. I have sent them numerous polite letters/notes asking them to please cooperate and contact me but most of them have ignored and refused. (Every time I did I had to either hand write a dozen letters/notes or get the printers to print and either pick up or get delivered.) I've done everything except going and banging on all their doors. All their phone numbers are unlisted. Arranging a meeting of 4 (+ 5 (+ 4)) neighbours is not easy because the day and time has to be one when they are all free, and some don't even bother to turn up. And they don't care since I'm the only one suffering it, and they know that they can just ignore and refuse because they know they can just get away with it and I can't do anything unless I have council or lawyers impressing that they have legal obligation/responsibility. I also am not able in my condition to keep going knocking on doors all the time.
xv. As for saying I have to seek lawyer advice/recourse or tenancy tribunal, this is being blocked by lawyers refusing to cooperate. Lawyers refuse to see me without me first going to free legal advice which is only available for a couple of hours on one day of the week at a set time and may be cancelled if staff not available (as happened when I did go in a month or so ago). Lawyers means high charges (and remember the sound is not even my fault) and hassles of appointments with lawyers and court case hearing(s), and probably they'll claim I supposedly don't have a good enough case (as happened with my fluoridation action enquiry). (And most people even seem to automatically think this ringing sound is "mental" or not serious and can't even see how injust mean hell it is.) If I go to court I can't prove the sound and source (I can only disprove all the deniers/sceptics/critics clever lying excuses, and prove it is an injust mean cruel wrong). Lawyers and judges would have "no evidence" except my own if acoustic testers and ear testers keep messing me around. If they send a letter to neighbours it'd have no real force and the neighbours would just ignore it.
xvi. To take neighbours to tenancy tribunal I have to send in application form and they might not accept the application. Then I have to go through all the trouble to attend the hearing, and probably they would not rule in my favour because I can't prove the sound and its source.
(And I can't be totally certain that the sound is not from my own property plumbing rather than the neighbours plumbing/pumps.)
xvii. It is no use saying "our hands are tied, we can't do anything, it doesn't violate the council rules".
You all can jolly well easily do some things to help find and fix the source. The plumbers or council or acoustic companies can stop refusing to test with sound level meters or spectrum analysers. Some people like Noise Control Officer or Police could come and listen at night when the sound is easier to hear. The neighbours can stop refusing to cooperate (to do a few minutes turn of pump/plumbing test, or to allow plumbers/pump people/acoustic testers to access and test). The ear/hearing testers can stop refusing to make appointments to clean and test ears/hearing (though I already know the sound is not in my head or ears or oversensitivity, it is only needed because others keep claiming doubts/unbelief). The lawyers can easily make a case to courts for amending the council noise rules to not just be decibels loudness.
(xviii. Its no use God and christians saying "you Sean have to have faith in God and not speak/write negative and not seek human solutions", because I have tried and tried but I am just not able to have faith and keep mouth shut when suffering such long ongoing constant daily mean cruel hell torture wrongs and all negatives and no positives.)
xix. It is no use saying this is not a serious urgent priority. This is far more serious bad hell problem than yous all realize/admit, even if it is only me that is suffering it. This sound goes all day and night every day and night and can't be blocked out and has been going for the last 4 years now so far, and can't be found and fixed without others cooperation, and it is naturally humanly impossible to forever control unbearable miserable angry reactions. It has not only caused me unbearable miserable torture being forced to always keep hearing it all day every day, but it has caused other major problems: constantly stopping me from being able to do any paper studies for 4 years now. Sometimes I can not sleep because the sound can't be blocked out. If this problem is not fixed I will end up either dead, or in mental ward, or in prison, or kicked out into the street, or (if I am able to superhumanly hold my reactions for "life") suffering the sound and the major hell problems it causes all day every day for the rest of my so-called "life". (Even if this problem is stopped this very day I have already lost 4 more precious years of my life.)
xx. And you can not say to me that "you just have to suffer it for the rest of your life". (Although no one has actually said this many have pretty much implied it.) There is no way I am able to bear this ringing sound which can't be blocked out and goes constantly every second all day and night every day and night for the rest of my "life", and even if I could superhumanly bear it and manage to hold my reactions my "life" would be miserable hell constantly hearing the sound and constantly suffering the problems it causes including it constantly stopping me being able to do my paper studies (which means you are telling me to accept to be blocked from ever doing my studies for all the rest of my "life").
xxi. And it is no use trying to excuse it by saying that 6 people have told me they have tinnitis all the time. Because this sound is more difficult to cope with than tinnitis (which I sometimes have/get). (I don't know how to put it into words but for some reason in some way this real external physical sound is physically and mentally more unbearable than tinnitis.) (Maybe these people might not even have tinnitis, maybe they are hearing similar sound from pumps/plumbing and mistakenly think it is tinnitis, though it is not likely?)
(xxii. Of course I acknowledge that this ringing sound is not the only problem causing me major hell trouble--there are a number of other problems that must also be resolved including the forced fluoridation every mouthful, every meal, all day every day. But this ringing sound problem is the worst problem of all (and of all my life) because it keeps going constantly all day and night every day and night and can't be blocked out. (And it is saying something that this ringing sound is worst of all, since the other wrongs/problems I've suffered are pretty bad.))
Part 3.
Final summary of problem with important details for help finding and fixing it:
- Constant ringing sound in my flat going every second all day and night every day and night for 3-4 years now. Seems to go through constant slightly louder and quieter periods: generally seems to be louder at night and in winter and when cold, and quieter in day and in summer and when warm. I can hear it in all 4 corners of the flat and doesn't seem any louder or quieter in any corner except perhaps slightly louder in the kitchen/dining or bathroom.
Can't be blocked out because they type of sound it is it penetrates regardless.
Seems to be 2 pitches, one a lower constant ringing sound, the other a high pitch whistling type sound which is harder to hear. Sounds similar to either a plumbing pressure leaking/running sound (broken toby, burst pipe, toilet cistern) or a fan/pump/generator.
- Definitely not in my ears or head or just over-sensitivity. Doesn't occur outside or anywhere else (except have heard a similar sound at 2 or 3 other places). I can induce increased ability to hear it more easily or a similar sound by vigorously wriggling my finger in my ear. Also the more I try to block it out the easier it is to hear because it seems to focus the sound (blocking out other sounds) and it because the type of sound/pitch it is it penetrates regardless. (These two evidences do not prove it is in my ears/head. There are no doubts from 4 years experiences and evidences that it is a real external sound and not in my head/ears. Medication does not stop or lessen the sound or lessen the misery and problems it causes me.)
It would seem that the neighbours can't hear it, but this doesn't prove anything since there are possible reasons/explanations including: it might be in my flat property plumbing, they might not have good hearing or be able to hear the pitch, it might be position or intersection of pumps, they are out most of the time, they might hear it but may think it is tinnitis, they don't study like I do.
- Source is pretty surely either plumbing or one or more heat pumps. Only thing in my property it can possibly be is plumbing. Other wise it must be attached neighbours plumbing, or attached and/or close neighbours heat pump(s). Only neighbours it can be are either the 4 other flats in this block, or the blocks of flats on either side (more likely the ones on the driveway side than the ones on the river side). (Plumbers said it is not unknown for someone to hear leak from down the street, but I am pretty sure it can't be from so/very far away.)
(Flat 5's heat pump is so loud at nights that it sounded like a factory until I found out that it was their pump. The sound often sounds like coming through the pipes. Their pump is right next to a tap.)
(The ringing goes constantly all day and night which might mean itis more likely plumbing than pumps, though some people do have pumps on all the time and pumps might be idling on standby?)
I turned of my power meter and the sound was still going. Electricity was cut off for hours in this block and the sound was still going so it can't be electrical in this block unless something using reserve power.
Me and past few plumbers haven't been able to find any plumbing leak/running in my flat/property and this block, but the tests are not definitely conclusive because they didn't have access to the other 4 flats, they didn't test/listen inside only outside, tobies may not totally cut off all pressure/water, and it was only for minutes/hour.
This sound has only been for last 4 years. Ever since the burst water pipe and the broken toby, and since one or couple/few neigbour(s) got heat pump(s).
- Can't be found and fixed without cooperation of either plumbers, heat pump company, acoustic companies, council, neighbours, lawyers, ear/hearing testers. I've been asking everyone for 3-4 years now. I have sent numerous emails/letters/phone calls to all these people and others for 3-4 years and mostly been ignored or refused or messed around or constantly stalled/delayed.
- Only possible solutions: people cooperate to find and fix the source; help for me to shift somewhere else; help for me to temporarily shift out and get flat walls/roof/floor/windows insulated; dying.
- Problem is more serious and urgent than people realize and it can't be kept being ignored and refused to resolve because it causes me (and others) too major problems. I have had to spend all day very day on computer because can't do my paper studies or anything else because the sound can't be blocked out. Sometimes I can't sleep because can't block the sound out (as it is sometimes louder and quite clear at night). It has stopped me from doing my paper studies for 3-4 years now and my life is unbearable miserable hell when constantly stopped from doing this one most dearest heart desire of my life since I was a teenager. I can't control my unbearable miserable/angry natural reactions all day every day forever. This is not my fault, it is wrong being done to me by everyone refusing to cooperate to find and fix it.
It is time the people in this country wake up and stop all being so mean. You'd all be shocked at how everyone has been constantly refusing to reply and do jobs the last 4 or more years. Various plumbers all messed me around or refused to do jobs. Dr/GP. Acoustic companies. Ear testers/cleaners. Neighbours. Council. Lawyers. Land surveyors. Land Info NZ. Real Estate agents. Meter Readers / Wellington Electricity. Roof fixers. Every time I need and try to get needed jobs/maintenance done I have been stuffed around and blocked. This is disgraceful. And everyone ignores all the wrongs been/being done to me and instead I'm always the one to get the blame and mad to look bad/sick/wrong/dumb. Everyone else always has "reasons" or excuses, and always dismisses my reasons. Rules/laws/permissions/freedoms/rights always against me and for others.
I never would have believed that I would be stuck in such an unbelievable hopeless mean cruel hell situation as I have been the last 4 or so years.
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