Below is the first rough draft of our immigration policy.
The Zealandia Party is a new independent national cultural NZ political party which is necessary because there seems to be no real alternative to the current "cutlure". We stand for the best for each and everyone except evil ones, as opposed to some elite forcing some to be less than the best or slaves. We are for God, Nature, culture, nation, tribe/community, family and the indidivual, and we are against them who are undermining these precious things.
We first launched a group page in facebook where we have so far posted draft policies on Water and Taxation/Revenue. Our housing policy is basically the same as seen in our article on the NZ "housing crisis" which was posted in this blog some months or year ago. With some of our policies like our immigration one we seemingly are restricted/limited/blocked in our publishing options because the globalist elite control all the major media (net/web, tv, radio, papers, community poster boards, etc). We had seeming problems uploading our Immy poliy in our FB post so we are posting it here instead if they allow us. Our intentions are only for good best of people as against evils/wrongs some of us are suffering being inflicted on us by the powers that be, we do not mean any negative against any one who is not doing evil.
Immigration Policy.
The common saying that "we are all immigrants" is a globalist lie. Some of us have not immigrated or emigrated anywhere in our lifetimes (though some of us are "children of immigrants/emigrants"). An immigrant is one who comes *into* a *country*, which only matches certain cultural situations (it doesn't match pre-urban or pre-civilisation tribal cultures/societies). Immigration uncontroled is an invasion. They have been having problems in the UK where refugees and immigrants are still being pushed on them while the British are saying "we are full".
NZers must come first before immigrants/foreigners, not NZers come after or equal to immigrants.
No great immigration if/when we are not able to cater/care for the population we already have (employment/welfare, housing, water, infrastructure). It is wrong that NZers suffer jobs and houses etc being taken from them by immigrants. The claim that immigrants create jobs is not very true.
Immigrants must be not only "desirable" but also culturally assimilable/compatible with a view to national cohesion. This is not "racist" (in the commonly implied sense), it is realist. We do not hate any races, but rather we recognise that we must respect natural/divine created facts/truths/realities. Natural boundaries/borders can not be disrespected without dire consequences, man can not "conquer nature", but rather human development must develop in harmony with natural laws. Human ethnicities do ont only differ in skin colour but also in other external/physical and internal/mental/cultural/spiritual ways too (including for example smell). Man is a social creature, and humans form higher social-organisms like families and tribes and nations, and these organisms are necessarily important for higher "evolutionary" civilised progress/advancement. All existing historical nations and races are unique and special and have the right to be protected ('bio-diversity', and self-determination), just like we value any other endangered or extinct animal/plant/etc. We humans all have a need to belong to a tribal group and to have cultural identity. Scots and Jews and Maoris etc are lucky to have such identity and belonging, while many christian Western British colonial people have lost and sorely lack this. People who want to forcibly mix/divide/destroy any/all nations/races are the real racists (or haters or genocide or ethnic cleansing or "divide and conquer"). People have a right to belong to a family/tribal/national/cultural group and not to have some people depriving them of this. "Diversity within unity", both are reconciled within God. The globalists can not acheive their claimed dream of one race or harmony of races if they continue to harm the unity and/or diversity of some. Natural ethnic differences seem to be deeply ingrained and do not seem to be able to be changed by artificial globalist enginering in less than a number of generations at the very least. Many anti-"racists" do not practice what they preach, they don't marry someone of a different race. No one would like to be forced to only be allowed to marry someone of a different race. Mixing races also is known to cause some physical and psychological and social/cultural problems in the mixed offspring (eg less able to handle the heat/cold, identity/belonging confusion issues, cross-fertility/viability). Mixing should be more positively selective for the best quality and quantity, rather than just chaotic or negative.
A finite number of foreign guests (and exchange students, and tourists) of any nationality/ethnicity are welcome providing that we are able to accomodate them, and providing that they don't do/cause any wrong/bad. We encourage the experiencing of other cultures.
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