Another attempt to better show to match of the popes list with the Roman emperors list. The first 16 popes definitely match the emperors list, though a couple/few are uncertain as to the exact correct match. (Note a few popes/emperors seem to be split into two or combined into one emperors/popes. Obviously they made a few minor alterations in names, precise dates, and split/combined corresponding persons so as to not be an obvious fake, but the 2 lists match is not doubted to be true. We have highlighted the definite matches.) The matches get abit more difficult after number 16 as to the correct matches, but there are enough here and there to definitely confirm the thesis. So far below we have got 1-16, we have yet to finish the succeeding ones until end of Western Roman empire (and after). Fuller details matches evidences are in the ebook, it is not possible to fit everything in tables or lists. So there is no way that the popes have the keys/"authority" of Peter (Matt 16) because the alleged succession of popes/bishops between Peter and number 16 is proven a fraud.
Popes = Roman emperors (the emperors from Augustus to Theodosius were pontiffex maximus).
Popes = Emperors:
(John Baptist = 1 Dioneus/Julius Caesar (Rubicon)?)
(JC = 1-5 JC? Augustus? Tiberius? Caligula/Caius? Claudius?)
1 Peter/Cephas (Nero) = 6 Nero Caesar (Peter)
(N.a. = 7-9 three "usurpers" Otho, Galba, Vitellius.)
2 Linus (flaxen hair) = 10 Vespasian (yellow hair)
3 Cletus = 11 Titus
4 Clement 1 = 12 Domitian (cousin Clemens)
5 Evaristus = 13 Nerva
6 Alexander 1 = 14 Trajan (Alexander)
7 Sixtus 1 = 14-15 Trajan? or Hadrian?
8 Telesphorus = 15 Hadrian?
9 Hyginus (Graecvs) = 15 Hadrianus (Graeculus)
10 Pius 1 = 16 Antoninus Pius
11 Anicetus = Marcus Aurelius (Annius) or Antoninus Pius?
12 Soter = 17/18 Marcus Aurelius?
13 Eleutherius = 18/17 L(ucius) (Aurelius) Verus?
(N.a. = 19 Commodius, 20 Pertinax, 21-23/22-24 DJ, PN, CA?)
14 Victor (Berber) = 21/24 unconquerable Severus (Libyan)?
15 Zephyrinus/Zepheniah = 21/24 Septimus Severus
(15-16 antipope Natalius = 21-23/22-24 Pescennius Niger?)
16 Callixtus = 25/26 Caracalla/Antonius/Bassianus
(N.a. = 26/25 Geta, 27-28 Macrinus, Diadumenianus?)
(16-17/17-18 antipope Hippolytus = 29 Heliogabalus)
28 Caius = Diocletian (Gaius)
33 Silvester = Constantine (Silvan?)
45 pope Leo 1 the Great = emperor Leo 1 the Great or Majorian?
Numbers & orders of popes from modern official lists. Numbers & orders of emperors from modern lists.
Note that if you omit Julius Caesar and the 1st 4 emperors before Nero, and omit the 3 "usurpers" between Nero and Vespasian then the numbers of the first 29 post-Nero emperors minus 8 roughly match the numbers of the first 18 popes.
See each separate pope & emperor chapter for matches details.
See the free online ebook in ebooks section for more details on matches between each pope and emperor which prove they match.
Numbers order of popes:
Modern list: (00 John, 0 Jesus,) 1 Peter, 2 Linus, 3 Cletus, 4 Clement, 5 Evaristus, etc.
List: 0 Peter, 1 Linus, ..., 6 Sixtus, etc.
List: 1 Peter, (n.a. Linus, n.a. Cletus,) 2 Clement, etc.
List: 1 Peter, 2 Linus, 3 & 4 Cletus & Anacletus, 5 Clement, etc.
List: 1 Peter, 2 Linus, 3 Cletus, 4 Clement, 5 Anancletus, etc.
Numbers order of emperors:
Roman Emperors list: (0 Caesar,) 1 Augustus, 2 Tiberius, etc.
Excluding 3 "usurpers": 1-5 Augustus-Nero, 6 Vespasian, etc.
British/Jewish list of emperors: 1 Caesar, 2 Augustus, etc.
Emperors visited Britain: 1 Caesar, 2 Claudius, 3 Severus, etc
Persecutions: 1 Nero, 2 Domitian, ..., 10 Diocletian.
Reincarnations: 1 Nero, 2 Domitian (= 1 reincarnated).
It is my tentative opinion that the British Arthurian high kings list might similarly match the 8 Anglo-Saxon Octarchs of the heptarchy.
Constantine = Hengist? (Both invited over to fight Picts/Irish/Scots.)
Constans = Horsa?
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