Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Are the claims about Taliban true or not?

 One of the ways that this western world regime and "elite" manages to trick people into siding with it against other regimes is that this regime cleverly makes out that it is "good" and is for "freedom", "democracy", etc while other regimes like Islam/Taliban, nationalists/fascists, communists are made out to be "evil" and "anti-freedom", "dictatorship", etc. In this article we would like to show how the claims that this regime is "freedom" etc and that other regimes are "anti-freedom" etc are not necessarily so true as people are made to believe. We will just pick one current example of Islam and the Taliban.

This western regime's propaganda claims that the Taliban and/or Islam are evil because they allegedly practice the following sorts of things:
- "terrorism", Jihad "holy war", massacre campaigns.
- Sharia law "oppression of women" (burqas/hijabs/shawls).
- Violence against civilians.
- Human trafficking.
- Cultural genocide (ie destroying historical and cultural artifacts, art, literature).
- Ban on entertainment and recreational activities.
- Discrimination against Hindus & Sikhs.
- Violence against aid workers & christians.
- Restricting modern education.

Certainly if these things are true then we agree that they are not too good. But I do wonder how much of the claims about the Taliban are actually true, since it has been proven that since at least world war one the west has plenty of times made false claims about other regimes/movements (eg Nazis, Miloshevic, Hussein/Baath, Bin Laden/Al Qaeda/Taliban, NZ Nationalists after the Christchurch shooting, Trump). (Were WMD ever found in Iraq?) Such false propaganda is a well known fact with the Allies in both wars. Often too there are clever half truths / half lies or mixing of truth/good & lie/evil. What real proofs do we have other than just this regime's claims/words or pictures (which can easily be doctored/faked)?
So we must not just blindly believe all Western claims about Islam and the Taliban. (Though nore should be be arch skeptical about everything either.)

The second thing is that even if the claims are true, some of the things may not be so bad as they are made out to be.
Is a Taliban tax on opium so bad?
Is the Taliban executing a woman who killed her husband with an axe while he slept so bad? (The USA executes lots of offenders.)
Some of the Taliban's alleged ban on TV and movies and music etc would not be so bad in the western world considering the amount of bad stuff there is around. Western TV etc has alot of violence, promiscuity, rebeliousness, advertising, etc.

Thirdly, even if we granted that all these things are as true and as bad as they are alleged to be, the fact is that this western world regime is itself practicing/pushing equally or more bad things itself. Let us look at some examples.

Islam is often criticised for "oppression of women" because in some Muslim coutries women are "forced" to wear burqas/hijabs/shawls/coverings, and some other alleged reasons. The "western world" is made out to stand for "freedom" of women. But when we really look at the western world we see on the contrary that it promotes many things like promiscuity/erotmania, scanty women's clothing designer fashions, Flava teen culture, cameras in all places of travel/transit & trade/transaction, abortion, etc, and we find that there are high rates of rape, incest, divorce, "recycled singles", a somewhat high rate of older singles in NZ, etc. So in actual fact the west is really oppressing women in the other extreme: women are suffering being treated like sex objects and suffering the results. A month or so ago I remember hearing about Australian cheer women who did an act in scanty clothing on TV and afterwards they complained that they were now afraid for their safety. Even during covid lockdowns I saw pictures of women being splayed in the front pages of British Newspapers. So how is the west any much different to some of the Taliban allegedly selling women into sex slavery? Western women are also fluoridated too. So, maybe sectarian Sharia law is abit too oppressive of women, but the west is also oppressing women, and so the balance lies in between the two.

While people are tricked into being so anti-Islam they seem to be oblivious to the evils of this western world regime. For example just to list a few we have:
- Mass unemployment (caused by globalist free trade policies, and immigration policies, and some other things). The victims are blamed and bashed as "lazy/bums/bludgers", while investment shareholders brag they "don't work but their money works for them".
- Housing crisis and homeless people in NZ, Australia, USA, etc (caused by immigration policies and some other things).
- Forced fluoridation.
- Sugar heaped foods/drinks, salt heaped foods, fluoridated foods/drinks, sprayed/powdered veges/fruits, etc.
- Immodesty/Promiscuity/Erotomania, scanty womens clothing designer fashions, photos of women in underwear in weekly junk mail, "adult" scenes in TV & Movie scenes, bikinis, barbie dolls, Flava teen culture, abortion, rape, incest, divorce, "recycled singles".
Surveillance cameras everywhere in all places of travel/transit & trade/transaction.
- Surveillance everywhere (cameras everywhere, smartmeters, mobile phones, "freeview" DTV, excessive identification requirements, fibreoptics, "windows 10 has spyware"? smoke alarms? etc).
- Taking away of telephone landlines.
- Some minority races/ages/genders/orientations/religions have special human/civil rights/freedoms while our own races/ages/genders/orientations/religions have little or none.
- I have been meanly and cruelly forced to suffer a constant ringing sound from my neighbours heat pumps going all day and night every day and night for 3-4 years which everyone purposely refuses to stop/fix.
How the heck can westerners be so stuck up and arrogantly anti-Islam etc when these things of the West are equally or more bad than any alleged things in Islam or other regimes?

The Taliban is criticised for allegedly forcing non-Muslims to display a yellow cloth on their houses or wear a yellow dress. Well in the West we have subtly similar things like vaccination passports/cards, excessive identification measures & cameras everywhere. The bible even prophesies there will be 666 mark for buying and selling in future.

Also, how come we don't hear the good things about Islam or other regimes?
Islam is against usury (like the Mosaic law also was).
"The Prophet (pbuh) said 'Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person.'" - Sunan Aby Dawud (Taliban).
"No one of you is a believer until you desire for another that which you desire for yourself" - the Hadith.
"The one who looks after a widow or a poor person is like a fighter (same rootword as jihad?) who fights for Allah's cause" - Koran footnote.
"The Taliban have said they aim to restore peace and security to Afghanistan...."

Some Muslims are criticised for hating Jews and Christians. Yet what about Jews hating christians & goyim/gentiles? What about christians hating muslims? (I was shocked at what people at a christian group event said about Muslims in a dicussion about Jerusalem. I was shocked at the hate against christians of people in the Judaism is not Christianity Minus Jesus facebook page/group.)
The fact is there are good/real and bad/fake people in all relgions and political movements. (I don't mean that all religions are equally true ways to God/salvation, just that the persons may be good/genuine or bad/fake, and that there are some truths in all religions/books.) Some Muslims might be bad, but not all Muslims are. Plenty of "christians" are bad. Some "nationalists/nazis" might be bad/fake but not all nationalists are.
Another thing that seems bad to me is how westerners openly talk of murdering people like Hitler, Bin Laden, etc, and yet they make out other regimes/movements like Muslims are bad for allegedly doing similar things, and moreover they do not even seem to give the persons any fair hearing or consider that maybe some people like Hitler might not be so bad and that they would be committing murder.
And another thing is how christians post about bible supposedly saying we have to respect our western "leaders" and authorities as being appointed by God, and yet they don't respect Nazi leaders or Taliban leaders etc. If western "leaders" are appointed by God then maybe since the Taliban won Afghanistan, they must be appointed by God too!

And to top it all off this western regime is variously anti-Islam and pro-Islam on different hands. On one hand we are all told that Islam is bad for alleged terrorism, oppression of women, etc. On the other hand the west encourages Muslim immigration and Muslim rights/freedoms and mourns for victims of Mosque killings while not caring a stuff about our own national brothers and sisters. The USA is pro-Israel on one hand, and the UN etc are pro-Palestinians on the other hand.

Perhaps the real reason the west is so against the Taliban is because they are "religious nationalism". The western globalists have always been against all nationalists.

"Freedom as opposed to slavery is a good thing, but it is impossible to have 100 percent freedom because humans are not all good (as Liberalism believes), and because everyones actions & behaviour effects others, and because humans are a social animal and we need some community, and because humans have to respect natural/created laws/principles/boundaries/environment, and because social organisms (families, nations) and cooperation are necessarily for higher cultural development/progress. In our western world it is often only some groups who have the freedoms. Some "freedom" is also more like "freedom to starve". We must find a best natural/created balance of freedoms/rights and responsibilities/duties."

2001 "Bin Laden (Taleban) died years ago" & "al Qaeda is fake".
2008 Benedict & Muslims solemn declaration/agreement.
ISIS = Isis = Stella Maris = Mary = Papacy/Vatican/Rome. (Alot of the EU terror attacks in the 2000s were in places with Roman names etc like Nice.)

A Jewish leader claimed that the Israel vs Palestine/Islam issue is not a religious issue but a political issue.

The Tarrant Christchurch Mosque shootings were used by the globalists who subsequently pushed the "we are all One human race", just like Covid was used similarly re "United against covid". Actually Islam is also about "Oneness", One god Allah, and about multiculturalism like "a relgious Mecca".

Btw, why does the USA & UNO have the right to say that other movements have no right to have any state or nation or country anywhere in the world. (And how come they tolerate North Korea and PRC/China but not regimes like Taliban?)

The Twin Towers attack if it was not really a Western conspiracy was an attack on globalism (World Trade Center and UN).

Regardless, *if* the bible is true then there is no hope in any regime/system/ideology/movement in this world. "When they say peace and safety then will sudden destruction fall upon them". This means when they will then have suppressed all "enemies" and wars and criminals etc.
However, some regimes/movements are more or less evil/bad than others. Some are more in lin with natural/created laws/principles. "Under a good king the peasants rejoice".

Copy of post on facebook:

Copy of a comment on this on facebook:
How do we know the news claims are true?
Even if true they might not be true Muslims, just like not all who claim to be christians or nationalists are necessarily true ones.
Even if they are true many people like "freedom" to do things like wearing scanty clothing. I just saw a picture on "life in Afghanistan" with 3 women wearing mini-skirts.
Even if it is true what about the West doing far worse things? If the West is about "freedom" and against "oppression" how come they cause housing crisis in NZ & Australia & US etc, cause mass unemployment, force fluoridation on many, encourage immodesty/promiscuity & abortion, etc?

Further thoughts from the "crisis": 

Where did the Taliban get their guns etc from?
How come there doesn't seem to be covid masks in Afghanistan?

Debating & Diplomacy is not going to solve things, but rather swift strong sustained strategic action. The President and the Defense Secretary was too giving in to defeat and not willful and believing in being able to win enough. But at the same time I don't like the corrupt US & West always forcing out other regimes and making countries all like the corrupt western world. (Yes it is easy for me to say in hindsight. Who knows but maybe I might have made similar mistake. Though I certainly don't have a conventional view on Taliban. Biden made wrong decision, though the head of government/state always/sometimes gets the blame even if it wasn't their fault. )

I just saw a post a day ago captioned "life in Afghanistan" with 3 women in short mini-skirts, which makes one wonder.

My current opinion on covid vaccination

These are only my personal opinions on covid and vaccination. Please don't think I am telling anyone else what to do re whether to be vaccinated or not. Do your own research of all sides of the debate/issue and decide for yourselves. But it might be that some of my info or ideas is helpful to me and others for being able to think/see outside the box and for defending ourselves.

The questions about covid are:
Whether covid virus/pandemic is true or hoax.
Whether it is purposely human orchestrated/originated or of natural/created/spiritual origin.
If it is created/spiritual then is it from God or devil?
Whether they are using it as a cover to pass other bad/wrong stuff (whether they cleverly mix good with bad/evil). (Whether the are ingenuinely pushing vaccination and passports and lockdowns and isolation as the only best solution for their own secret interests/purposes.)
Whether they are mis-using science as way to avoid consequences of being anti-Godly/anti-natural.

- Why don't NZers have a choice of which type of vaccine type to take (RNA, Adenovirus vector, Inactivated virus, Subunit, etc) and we instead are only offered the RNA one? How come a/the map of vaccine types use matches racial regions? According to one source of mine the inactivated virus one is the best one.
I never accept any vaccination or fluoridation or aything unless the ingredients and effects (all possible effects on all brain and body parts ability and health in shortterm and longterm) are not majorly disagreeable to me. The list of ingredients of the RNA vaccine look very disagreeable to me.

- How come there is no consideration of natural immunity? According to a source in the US some people are naturally immune. One science paper said blood group O are less vulnerable, while groups A and AB are more vulerable. Where are the individual Drs diagnoses, giving of all options, prescriptions, monitoring, etc?

- Covid is not our faults, why are we treated like criminals/slaves? They are always cleverly blaming the victims.
Why hasn't anyone considered the root cause(s) of covid? It seems to me that China and globalism (international travelling/immigration/refugees, tourism, "no borders") and selfishness and "sin" are the root causes. (It also seems strange no one has asked where was this virus for the last 4000 or more years until now?) Instead they keep misusing "science" as a way to be able to keep doing what they like and avoid the consequences.
This country and regime are always/often pushing draconian mandatory things especially "health" ones like fluoridation and vaccination. (They also often force things by targetting essential services like water/fluoridation, electricity/smartmeters, etc.) They are always evading the root causes of everything (housing crisis, mass unemployment, tooth decay, abortion, terrorism, etc). (Often they are actually doing the causes.) Compare this article https://olddudethinking.wordpress.com/2021/01/12/how-to-stop-covid-19/ . Even the slogan "unite against covid" is globalist (unite = One).

- Some animals can catch/transmit the virus. How come until recently I never saw animals wearing masks or being vaccinated etc. Also how come I saw adults on train wearing masks but the children/babies had none?

- If vaccination works then only those who choose not to be vaccinated are at risk
According to a source vaccination is no use unless it protects against the whole virus and not just part (the spike), and/or unless it is done universally in as quick a time as possible, because otherwise we just keep getting these variants/strains which the vaccinated people will still be vulnerable to. Why didn't Ardern push immediate vaccination of all willing people as quick as possible rather than all this stuffing around sitting and waiting and merely defensive masks and lockdowns?

- You might not be a believer in the bible but those who are should also consider praying and seeing what the bible has to say about something like covid. God hasn't told me to be vaccinated, and he said to be as wise as serpents. I don't see people repenting or seeking God or Nature for help. Instead they keep doing evils like splaying women on front pages of British Newspapers, forcing fluoridation, causing homelessness, etc.
If I'm meant to die/live (if God wills) I will (though I don't purposely risk or test God).

- What proofs do we have that all the "elite" have taken the same vaccine as they are pushing us to take? (Including Ardern (Labour), Seymour (Act), Hipkins, the Queen, Prince Harry, Bob Jones, Bill Gates, Gomberg, Pope Francis, Putin, Teresa May, Angela Merkel, David Rohl, the Mayor, the Police, Drs/GPS, etc. A video, photograph, document or anouncement is not proof since they can be faked.)

- According to some sources vaccinated people can still catch and still transmit the virus. (If vaccination works how come the people giving the vaccination shots and the people vaccinated are still wearing masks?)
My source seemed to say that even naturally immune people can catch the virus but that they are immune and only suffer minor symptoms not major ones.

- What happened to that "cure" for covid effects that that Israeli scientist found months/year ago.
Some products like xlear nasal spray, xylitol are supposed to have protect from catching covid. It is reportd that vit c, vit d, zinc, ivermectin, asprin, antibiotics are effective/successful in treating covid. How come we haven't heard/seen anything much about these?

- Quality of life is more important than "life". Many of us are just selfless robot slaves in this modern western world regime. I have nothing to live for since this socio-economic regime has taken the other few heart desires away and blocking them.

- Its always caring about "others" other than ourselves (ie "we have the right to forced you to be vaccinated so others don't catch it and don't have to stay in lockdown", "have to be fluoridated to stop others tooth decay"), but the others "others" never seems to include us. (Selfless Altruism?) The laws are never there for us when we are suffering wrongs, they are only always against us. Where is their concern for "others" with things they've done or caused like the housing crisis, mass unemployment, sugar/salt heaped foods and fluoridation, promiscuity and abortion, covid, etc? In a community we do have to sacrifice some freedoms because we can't all just do what we like without considering the effects on others. But if the community is hijacked by selfish sectional interests then some are made to make unfair sacrifices and it is like communism. Where was their concern for others before and at the start of covid? I mean they selfishly caused covid by their sins and then have the cheek to tell us not to be selfish and to make "minor" sacrifice for community.

- Possible subtle hints that Covid lockdowns, vaccination, passports are a conspiracy include: Covid sounds too much like covert & id(entification) to me. Corona and virus are Roman (Vatican) words (in line with many evidences that Romans/Vatican are behind many things in this western world regime, eg Gates is Catholic, Teresa May has Catholic links, Merkel has Catholic links, Windors are Welfs, etc). 19 is 3 x 6 plus 1 (666). Atlantis concentric circles in UN post on covid vaccines (in line with may evidences that the western world regime has a secret Atlantis Rising agenda). Comirnaty sounds like Communist. "Roll out" is the same words they used for smartmeters and other similar suspect things. Pharmacia means "witchcraft" in the bible.
I certainly don't trust the "elite" after all the evils they have done/caused (including sugar heaped foods, fluoridation, housing crisis, mass unemployment, etc).
It would be interesting to have more info on the companies Astra Zeneca, Moderna, and others, their names and groups they belong to.

* Judgements/consequences have come many times in world history (Flood, Babel, Sodom & Gomorrah, Atlantis sinking, Exile/Captivity/Diaspora of Jews, Destruction of Jerusalem, Titanic, Covid), but humans never learn, they just keep on ignoring and thinking they are gods and can get away with wrongs.


Covid and the Bible:

Is covid prophesied anywhere in the bible? Does the bible say what our response to the various claims about the virus/pandemic & masks & scanning/signing-in & long lines & panic hoarding & lockdowns & testing & vaccination & vaccination cards is? How do we know from God/Jesus/Bible what the truth is and how to respond? How would Jesus respond? Looking through the bible I can only find these possible candidate matches for covid in bible propechy:

Corona/Covid similar to Corinthians?
Plague that strikes 4th church Thyatira?
Crown of the White Horseman?
Plague of Pale Horseman?
Every kind of plague of 2 witnesses?
Lion head/mouth & bear paws/feet of beast?
The waters the harlot Babylon/Rome sits amidst, &/or her cup/wine?
3 evil spirits out of mouth of beast?

(Not sure if the skip code might have matches, but I don't have the resources to check that.)

* corona = "crown".

* Full & short names: Coronavirus, Wuhan corona virus, Corona Virus Disease (Covid), Severe acute respiratory syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-Cov-2), Human coronavirus 2019 (HCov-19), the covid-19 virus, the corona virus, corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19), Covid-19 pandemic, Covid-19 vaccine, Covid-19 vaccine card.
CoVID 606 + "19" 10 = 616 (Roman numerals). (19 = 3 x 6 + 1, same as Fluorine atomic mass).
Corona 100 + VIrUs 6 or 11 = 106 or 111 (Roman numerals) (3 ones is like 3 sixes).
"Hex" two times in the vaccine's ingredients is 6 (666).
Covid sounds like covert & id(entification)?
"19" = 2019 = 2020 the year of Bill Gates plans when he is 66. Bill Gates involed in vaccine.
Covid masks & hands, 666 forehead & right hand.
Delta lineage B.1.617 similar to 616 (alternative of 666).

* Roman numerals: (M 1000,) D 500, C 100, L 50, X 10, V/U/W 5, I/J/Y 1.
Medieval extra Roman numerals: A 5, S/Z 7, O 11, F 40, s 70, R 80, N 90, Y 150, K 151, T 160, H 200, E 250, B 300, P/G 400, Q 500, Z 2000.
Hebrew numerals: A 1, B 2, G 3, D 4, H/E 5, V/W 6, Z 7, 8 H, T 9, Y 10, K 20, L 30, M 40, N 50, S 60, '/a 70, P 80, Ts 90, Q 100, R 200, Sh 300, T 400, -k/ch 500, -m 600, -n 700, -p/ph 800, -ts 900.
Greek numerals: A 1/1000, B 2/2000, G 3/3000, D 4/4000, E 5/5000, S/St 6/6000, Z 7/7000, H 8/8000, Th 9/9000, P/R 100, S 200, T 300, Y/U 400, Ph/F 500, X/Ch 600, Ps 700, O 800, T 900.
Roman/English: A 1, B 2, C 3, D 4, E 5, F 6, G 7, H 8, ....

* virus = "slime, sap, liquid, poison" (& similar to vir "man").
Corona and virus and vaccine are Roman/Latin words.
'Vatican COVID-19 Commission'.
Atlantis concentric circles in UN post on covid vaccines.

* Comirnaty sounds like Communist (Internationalist).
"Roll out" is the same words they used for smartmeters. Rolling like globe/world?
"Unite against covid" = One/globe/world.
Corona 100 + VIrUs 6 or 11 = 106 or 111 (Roman numerals) (3 Ones = One emphasised = One/Global/World).
The corona virus has a spherical/globular shape.


(PS: While things like pandemics are a consequence of the fall and evil/sin/wickedness/lawlessness, it doesn't mean everyone who suffers them are suffering punishment because they done/doing wrong (or not doing right). Job didn't do anything wrong, but he was a fallen human and was tested. Jesus said of one of the people he healed that it was neither because he or his parents had sinned but that God may be glorified by his healing/deliverance. Our faith may be tested. Jesus also said we would have some trials and tribulation in the world. Also maybe some believers might die because it is their appointed time/way to die? God didn't save the christians when the Romans threw them to the lions. But at the same time the ultimate cause is the fall and sin. The argument that it is indiscriminate is not necessarily true, because it could be both punishment/judgment/consequence for those doing evil and a test for believers at the same time.)

Some references/sources / acknowledgements:
https://www.hematology.org/newsroom/press-releases/2020/possible-link-between-blood-type-and-covid-19 https://www.christianityboard.com/threads/breaking-medical-news-covid-cure-israel.38141/#post-945731
Tani Jantsang, Satanic Reds
NZ Social Credit Party policy.
JW.org site article.
NZ Ministry of Health info on Covid.
https://2rbetterthan1.wordpress.com/2021/02/27/unlearned-lessons-of-covid-epidemic/ .

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Why does God make it so hard to have faith?

The reason why I can not have faith in "God" or Jesus and why I hate this western world regime is because I am (and have for years/decades/"life" been) suffering long ongoing constant daily mean cruel hell wrongs and all negatives and no positives, and no one cares, and no matter how hard I try to have faith for whatever indefinite long amount of time before God answers I just aren't able to because I can't help my feelings and thoughts and reactions caused by the constant mean cruel hell wrongs, and because God takes so long that it seems he will never answer.

The mean cruel hell wrongs include:
- Constant ringing sound in my flat from neighbours heat pump(s) which keeps going every second all day and night every day and night for 3-4 years now and which can't be blocked out wit plugs/fingers. (And because of this problem I have had to spend all day every day on the computer for months.)
- Forcibly fluoridated every mouthful every meal every day, and suffering the brain/body hindrances effects all day every day.
- Being made by this regime to be always been single at 48.
- Constantly stopped from doing my paper studies for over 4 years because of ringing sound and fluoridation and other wrongs.
- Can't find out who my real grandfather was.
Sister committed suicide.
Can't find how to contact my other half sister.
- Lost 15 years studies papers some years ago which I can not recover.
- All alone 24/7 most days for the last 20 years, but only alone from positive(s) not from negative(s) which have been constantly around. No friends, hardly any real family, no one cares.
- Never any credit or positives for all my years hard work studies and discoveries.
- Bent nose troubles constantly all day every day for 20 plus years.
- Numerous accommodation troubles including can't shift because of housing crisis and excessively expensive prices/rents; freezing cold flat much of the year; constant troubles with noise from dozens of lawn mowers for days on end every couple of weeks; wiring worries; etc.
- Have had alot of trouble with OCD for 1-2 decades.
- Constant troubles with excessive identification/security measures.
- Unfairly banned from a few groups and forums.

And many more present and past things too.

These things might not seem bad to you. You might think my life doesn't seem so bad. But my "life" is far worse all negatives and no positives, and constant daily mean cruel hell than you know. I have nothing except a flat. No wife, no children, virtually no close family, no friends, no car or drivers  license, no detached house, no decent location, no clean unfluoridated water, no quiet (constant ringing sound all day etc), no mental health (OCD/autism), no job, no faith, no peace and quiet to do my studies, no one cares, no credit for any of my hard work studies & discoveries, almost no one ever agrees with me about anything, etc.

God punishes me refusing to answer because I can't have faith. But how can I have faith when suffering such constant mean cruel hell wrongs like being forced to always be hearing a constant ringing sound in my flat from neighbours going all day and night every day and night which can't be blocked out with plugs/fingers?

If anyone cares please pray or love/care/help/support/encourage or be a friend or have empathy/sympathy/compassion or agree that these things are bad/wrong/evil.