Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Zerah the Ethiopian

(Updated July 2021.)

This is an updated improved version of our proposal that "Zerah the Ethiopian" of 2 Chronicles in the Bible may match Merneptah of the 19th dynasty of ancient Egypt.
Not long after the death of King Solomon a king Shishak/Susakim of Egypt raided Jerusalem in the reign of Rehoboam. A few decades later we are told in 2 Chronicles 14:9 that a king "Zerah the Cushite/Ethiopian" came against Asa the king of Judah with "a million troops and 300 chariots". Asa called on Yhwh who "struck the Ethiopians before Asa". Conventional scholars equate Shishak with Sheshonk/Soshenk of the 22nd dynasty (and maybe Zerah with Osorkhon of the 22nd or 23rd dynasty), but Rohl equates Shishak with Ramses 2 of the 19th dynasty, and we show in a separate article that the conventional match is surely wrong and Rohl's is surely right. So Shishak is found but Zerah still remains to be found. Rohl has proposed a couple of options for Zerah but they are not overly strong. We searched all through Egyptian history and the histories of some other neighbouring nations around Israel/Palestine, focusing especially but not exclusively on the 19th dynasty period, and of the various candidates we found it seems that only one is very likely: Merneptah of the 19th dynasty. There are a number of seeming possible details matches between Zerah and Merneptah which each and all together make a good case for them being one and the same historical person. Now let us consider these matches one by one.

Previous & succeeding matches, Shishak match:
A major evidence for Zerah being the likes of Merneptah is that it fits with previous and succeeding Egyptian-Biblical matches or synchronisms. David Rohl and others (including myself) have given good evidences for that King David has matches with the Amarna letters period, and that Shishak of Kings & Chronicles matches Ramses II (see separate articles). Zerah was only a couple or few decades after Shishak (Ramses II) raided Jerusalem, and Merneptah is just after Ramses II (Shishak). Other theories that Shishak & Zerah could match the likes of Ramses III & Userhau or Ramses 4 are unlikely because the candidates are too long after David & the Amarna period. Shishak as Ramses II also has better matches for the 480 yrs from the exodus to Solomon.
Perhaps interestingly we also might note that some have connected the Ethiopian Menelik with Shishak's raid, and Menelik's name is similar to the name of our Zerah candidate Merneptah who was son and successor of our Shishak candidate Ramses II, which might confirm our Shishak/Ramses and Zerah/Merneptah matches.

12th &/or 13th dyn - Moses/exodus
18th dyn Amarna period - David/Agur
15/16th to 19th dyn 400 yrs - 480 yrs exodus to Solomon
19th dyn Ramses 2 - Shishak/Solomon/Ano/Rehoboam
19th dyn Merneptah - Zerah/Asa? Menelik?
20th dyn Sea Peoples - Asa? or Jehoram? or Ahaz?

Name or meaning match:
The bible calls the leader of the invasion in Asa's reign Zerach ha Kushiy or Zare 0' Aithiopsi "Zerah/Zare the Kushite/Ethiopian" (Sera in Ethiopian, Terah in Ugaritic). The name Zerah/Terah might mean either "(the sun) shineth" or "dawn/eastern/sunrise/rising" or "station/laggard/delay" or "mountain goat" or "moon".
Although we don't know for sure that Merneptah had any Zerah-like name, or that Merneptah has a match with one of the meanings of the name Zerah, Merneptah does have a number of possible candidate names for the origin of the name Zerah including:
- Zerah could be a short nickname derived from Merneptah's throne name/prenomen Mery-netjeru, or his Horus name and/or birth name/nomen epithet Hetephermaat/Hotephima (eg the -tjeru or -tep-her-, similar to Sese/Shishak being a short nickname derived from Ramses).
- Merneptah's throne name Baenra "soul of Ra" is similar (excluding the -n-, except for B- instead of Z-).
- Merneptah's epithet "he who binds Gezer" is partly similar (ie the -zer).
- Zerah might be linked with the "seed" &/or "Isiriar/Ysrir/Isra-el" in the Merneptah Stele (since "seed" is zer in Semitic or Sumerian).
- Merneptah's title Perao is similar (except for P- instead of Z-).
- Merneptah may match the Terah of the Ugaritic texts who Velikovsky showed may match the biblical Zerah (see more details later/below).
- Merneptah might be linked with the "Tirhakah/Taharqa/Tearko the Ethiopian" who Hoeh said Mariette found had made the same sovereignty claim(s) as Ramses II had made.
- Zerah/Zare/Sera might be from Merneptah's birth name/nomen Se-ra/Sa-re "son of Ra/Re"?
- from his link with Osiris as seen in his Osiride sarcophagus.
- Bey confused Merneptah with Si-ptah whose name is also similar to Zerah (except -pt- instead or -r-).
- from Sethos-Ramesses who Merneptah as "Amenophis" is associated with in the story of Osarsiph? (I.e. the first two letters of his two names Seti-Ramses are similar to Ze-rah. Ramses means "son/born of Ra/sun", and Zerah/Sera could mean "son of Ra" in Egyptian.)
- from Merneptah's Horus name Ka-nakht-sa-ra?
- Terah/Zerah was a moon god, and there was an eclipse before Merneptah's Canaanite campaign.
- Merneptah was quite old when he succeeded due to Ramses having reigned so long, and he "would have preparedtobepharaoh" wich could match the "station/laggard/delay" meaning of Zerah?
It is also maybe possible that the name Mareshah/Moresheth and/or the Zephathah in the Zerah story might be a pun or a hint at the name Me(r)neptah/Menephta/Mer(i)enptah and/or Hetephermaat and/or Siptah similar to the Bible Skip Code?

Campaign match:
Chronicles says Zerah came against Judah, and the places mentioned in the campaign are Mareshah (or Moresheth-Gath?), Zephathah, and Gerar. Places mentioned in the campaign of Terah in the Ugaritic texts are Sapasites, Edom Rabbim/Rabbot, and Edom Serirot (or Sarira?)
Zerah's campaign in Chronicles could match either or both of Merneptah crushing a flash revolt in southern Syria, and/or the campaign in the Israel Stele or Merneptah Stele.
Places mentioned in the Merneptah Stele are Hatti, Canaan, Ashkelon, Gezer, Yanoam, Israel or Jezreel, and Hurru/Syria/Palestine.
Merneptah was made an/the overseer of the army in Ramses 2's 40th year.
The Stele saying "Canaan has been plundered in every evil way, .... (the people of) Israel is devastated, her seed is no more, Hurru has become a widow for Egypt.... .... Everyone who roamed he has subdued him" is maybe similar to Asa and the Judahites carried of a large amount of plunder and destroyed all the villages around Gerar and looted/plundered all these villages in 2 Chronicles 14:13-15 & 15:11.
Gezer in the Merneptah stele is not far from Gerar in the Chronicles Zerah story (and the names are similar).
The Stele saying "All lands, they are united in peace. Everyone who roamed he has subdued him" is also similar to there was peace and no war for years in Asa's reign (2 Chron 14:1, 6, 15:19).
I'm not sure if the fact that Merneptah's mummy was originally not found but was later found stashed in another place could possibly be connected with his defeat by Asa?
Merneptah is called Amenophis in Manetho's king list, and in Manetho's Osarsiph story king Amenophis and/or prince Seti-Ramses came from Ethiopia and chased the rebels from Avaris to the bounds of Syria. (Jerusalem is also mentioned earlier in the story.)

Cushite/Ethiopian match:
Zerah is called a Cushite/Ethiopian in the biblical text. Though according to Robert Palmer the original Hebrew or Greek words don't say/mean "Zerah the Ethiopian" but rather that Zerah came with the Ethiopians who are the main subject/emphasis in the verse. In 2 Chronicles chapter 16 it says Zerah came with Ethiopians.
Merneptah crushed a revolt and rebels in the south or Nubia.
[I had a note in my filed that "Merenptah employed large numbers of Ethiopian troops during his military campaigns into Palestine" but I am not sure if/what source this was from and I can't find it in web/net searching?]
Merneptah is also apparently the "Amenophis" in Manetho's king list and in Manetho's story of Osarsiph, and this latter Amenophis also went to Ethiopia and came back from there.
Merneptah's sarcophagus is carved in Osiride form, and Osiris or "Dionysus" also came from Ethiopia in some accounts. His several sarcophagi were carved in various stones including rose & black granite, and the black colour might mean Merneptah was partly of black race.
Merneptah's mummy had some black hairs.
Merneptah was at Thebes which is in Upper or South Egypt.
Or I'm not sure if it is possible if maybe Merneptah as crown prince (repa) might have been King's son of Kush (Viceroy of Nubia)??

Merneptah's father Ramses also has possible links with Kush/Ethiopia (and/or Zerah's/Merneptah's invasion might have been during Ramses reign).
Seti and Ramses are both connected with Cush/Nubia (refs Bey, Clayton).
Ramses 2 could be "Ethiopian" via his associations with: Memnon, black granite statue/head, temple in Abu Simbel in Nubia in the South, other mortuary temples in Nubia as far south as Napata, stele at Elephantine, raided Nubia later in his reign.

Although the bible says Zerah and/or the army were Kushites/Ethiopians it doesn't mean Zerah can't be Egyptian. Some say Cush can be Arabia, but there is no evidence of Zerah's large army coming from there. Cush is probably Ethiopia. For such a large army of Ethiopians to reach Judah they would surely come through Egypt, unless they crossed over the Suez or sailed up the Suez both of which are unlikely.

Lubim match:
2 Chronicles 16:8 says Zerah also came with Lubim. These Lubim are either Libyans, Lydians, Arabs (l/r interchange), or Nubians (l/n interchange)?
Seti 1 & Ramses 2 had campaigns/raids in Libya (refs Bey, Clayton), and they are both connected with the Thuhi/Thuhen/Tuheni "the light or fair people" of Libya.
Merneptah put down a Libyan revolt, and/or he won victories over the Libyans and Sea Peoples. The word Libya is first mentioned in Merneptah's reign.
Merneptah crushed a revolt and rebels in the south or Nubia.
It would not be surprising for Merneptah to have Libyans or Nubians in his force. Maybe compare Ramses III mentions "numerous foreign mercenaries" in his inscription.

Chariots & horsemen match, & Army numbers match
Shishak came with 1200 chariots and 60000 horsemen, and no number to the people that came with him, and abit later Zerah came with a "thousand thousand" or a million men and 300 chariots (or "very many chariots and horsemen" in 2 Chronicles 16), while Asa had 300,000 men. (The Zerah story is one of only a few appearances of the word "million" in the whole bible.) In the Ugaritic texts Terah came with "300 x 10000" or 3 million men.
Horses and/or chariots figure in events of the 15th and 18th and 19th dynasties in Egypt and Canaan/Israel/Palestine (Clayton, Wyatt).
The Apiru of the 19th dynasty were senen "knights".
Ramses 2 "gathered together one of the greatest forces of Egyptian troops ever seen, 20000 men in four divisions of 5000 each.... .... The Hittite king assembled an army even greater .... In two sections of about 18000 and 19000 men, plus 2500 chariots...." (Ref Clayton.) Ramses built factories which produced "some 1000 weapons... about 250 chariots in 2 weeks...." (ref Wiki).
Rohl suggested the Merneptah stele's connection with horses/chariots may indicate a date not before Solomon in the bible?
In Manetho's story of Osarsiph Amenophis & Seti-Ramses came with a "great army". The story mentions 80,000 rebels, 200,000 Hyksos, and 300,000 who were with Amenophis & Seti-Ramses. Amenophis in Manetho's king list matches Merneptah or Amenmesses.

Ugarit match?
Velikovsky showed in his book Ages in Chaos that Terah of the Ugarit texts may match Zerah of the bible. (A Swsk also occurs in Ugaritic texts and he might match Shishak.)
Two pharaohs have a close connection with fires or destructions at Ugarit: Akhenaten/Amenhotep IV (who is connected with Ugarit in the Amarna letters and Rohl) and Merneptah/"Amenophis" (whose name was found in Ugarit).
Hurru "Syria" is also mentioned in the Merneptah stele.

Year(s) match?
Zerah was only a couple/few decades after Shishak's/Ramses' raid, but Ramses is supposed to have reigned a long time (66 yrs) and Ramses' Jerusalem campaign was in his first decade (Shalama or Kadesh), so Zerah's campaign must have fallen within the 21st to 39th years of Ramses II's reign. The bible might imply that Zerah was not a king, though it might imply he was one (see King match below). So we need to see if Zerah can or can't match Merneptah as a commander or as a co/sub king a couple/few decades later in Ramses' reign after his Jerusalem raid, or as a king after Ramses' reign.

Asa: 10 yrs, Zerah "11th" or "14th" yr, 15th yr, no war 15th-35th, 35th yr, 39th yr, 41st yr.

Solomon 0/1/2/3/4 + Rehoboam 5 yrs = 5th/7th/8th/9th yr of Ramses/Shishak.

Rehoboam 12 + Abijah 3 + Asa 15/14/10/5/1? = Zerah "34"30/29/25/20/16 yrs after Shishak's campaign.

Ramses 5th/7th/8th/9th yr + "34"/30/29/25/20/16 = Zerah in "42"/39/38/37/36/35/34/33/32/30/29/28/27/25/24/23/21 yr of R2/Shishak.

Ramses reigned ca 4/6 yrs co & 66/67 yrs sole or ca 70/71/72/73 yrs total (or 1 + 12/13 jubilees which is 30 + 24/26/36/39 = 54/56/66/69, at 90/92 yo, OC), or reigned ca 9 yrs co/heir/prince & 55 yrs sole & 11 yrs co or 66/75 yrs total (NC).

Ramses 2nd yr defeated Sherden / Beirut stele / Aswan stele, 3rd yr starts building, 4th yr first Syria/Amurru campaign, 4th yr Beirut stelae? 5th yr second Syria campaign / battle of Kadesh, ca 5th yr raid against Libya, 7th yr third Syria/Jerusalem/Judah/Edom/Moab campaign, 8th yr Shalama campaign, 8th yr fourth? campaign Syria/Qadesh, 9th yr fourth/fifth? Syria/Qadesh campaign, 9th yr Beth Shean stele, 10th yr fifth? Syria campaign, 10th yr Beirut stele, 10th yr to Dapur, 16th/17th yr "exodus", ca 17th yr crisis with Hittites, 18th yr Edom/Moab, ca 19th yr revolt crushed,* 20th/21st yr treaty with Hittites,* 30th yr quake at Abu Simbel,* 40th yr Merneptah overseer of army,* 43rd yr raid into Nubia,* 52nd yr lunar observation, 55th yr Merneptah heir, 67th yr Ramses died and Merneptah succeeded.

Merneptah was overseer of the army during the last 27 yrs of Ramses II's reign, and was heir during the last 12/13 yrs of Ramses' reign, & reigned 10 yrs as pharaoh/king or 23 yrs heir and pharaoh (OC), or reigned 8/11 yrs co & 2 yrs co or 9/10/13 yrs ("not 19 yrs") total (NC).

Merneptah 4th yr Shalem (Rohl)? 5th yr Libyans attempt invasion, 5th yr Merneptah stele.

We see that there might possibly be a match of the amount of years Zerah was after Shishak's reign started ("42"/39/38/37/36/35/34/33/32/30/29/28/27/25/24/23/21 yrs) with the years of Ramses 2 (ca 19th yr revolt crushed, 20th/21st yr treaty with Hittites, 30th yr quake at Abu Simbel, 40th yr Merneptah overseer of army, 43rd yr raid into Nubia)?

Merneptah was overseer of the army during the latter two years (40th yr, 43rd yr).
Merneptah wasn't heir or co-ruler or sole ruler until some years after the 21st-42nd years, though it might perhaps be possible that Ramses did not really reign so long as 66 yrs as modern conventional Egyptologists/scholars state, and if so then Merneptah could have been heir or co-ruler or succesor pharaoh/king earlier than is thought (compare both Ramses 2's years featuring Merneptah and Merneptah's years featuring Ramses 2).

Strangely Oxford has Zerah's campaign in Asa's 14th year, while Merneptah was heir for 13 yrs and/or reigned a total of 13 yrs in NC, and Merneptah as "Amenophis" in Manetho's Osarsiph story is also linked with a period of 13 fatal years. (Merneptah was also Ramses II's 13th son.)

Drought/famine match?
There was a drought/famine in the times of Ramses 2 and/or Merneptah according to some sources. This might be related to the drought/famine of Elijah who was a (close/near) contemporary of Asa (in whose reign Zerah invaded)?

Was/not a king match:
Although the Bible doesn't specifically state that Zerah was a pharaoh/king it doesn't mean he was not one. The bible does have him heading/leading the massive force similar to a king. Josephus does call him a king. Some modern sources say Zerah wasn't a king but was a commander or other officer/official, though some other modern sources say Zerah was a king.
It looks like Zerah's invasion was during Merneptah's reign, though it might be possible that it was lead by Merneptah during Ramses' reign. Zerah was only a couple/few decades after Shishak's/Ramses' raid on Jerusalem, and Ramses had a long reign and Zerah's campaign would fall in his reign.
Merneptah was made overseer of the army in Ramses 2's 40th year, and was heir for the last 13 years of Ramses' long reign, and Rohl has Merneptah as co-reigning with Ramses 2 in the latter's later years.

Harpes match?
In the Ugaritic texts' Terah/Zerah's invasion force is armed with harpes (scimitars) of copper and daggers of bronze.
"Examples of harpes have been found in Gezer in southern Palestine." Gezer occurs in the Merneptah Stele.

Date(s)/chronology match:
Critics and skptics who adhere to the "expert" "scientific" conventional chronology will object that Zerah of ca 900s/800s bc can match Merneptah of "1200s" bc. We can not adequitely address the dates issue in this short piece. So we can only list a few evidences for the conventional dates of the dynasties being too high/old/long and/or for the true dates of the dynasties being lower/shorter/later as in Rohl's chronology (from the 13th dynasty down).
Conventional sources admit that they find no trace of Joseph in the 15th/16th dynasty, no trace of Moses or the exodus in the 19th dynasty, that their exodus is too close to the Merneptah stele, no trace of Joshua's Jericho in the iron age strata, that they have less than 480 yrs between "the exodus in the 19th dynasty" and "Shishak/Sheshonk", and that Sheshonk's campaign list doesn't match Shishak's.
The conventional overall Egyptian chronology is manifestly too long when compared with other sources like the Bible and Herodotus.
The conventional match of the era of Menophres with Ramses I Menpehtyre is unreliable because Menophres may not match Menpehtyre and might match other candidates like Menes or Amenophis/Phamenoph, and the era date has at least two different conflicting dates.
Rohl said that the only time that the Ugarit solar eclipse during the Amarna period could have occured is in 1012 bc.
Rohl said the lunar observation of Ramses 2's reign (Papyrus Leiden) could equally apply to a date 300 yrs later than the conventional chronology's "1200s" date.
(Though actually astronomical dating is unreliable because ancient sources testify to changes in the Earth's and/or heavenly bodies paths, eg Joshua's long day, Hezekiah's sun goes back 10 steps.)
Some conventional sources now admit that Siriadic/Sothaic dating is unreliable. Rohl questioned the Sothaic date of Amenhotep 1 in the Ebers Papyrus suggesting it relates to calendar reform.
Rohl and others have shown evidences for Shishak matching Ramses 2.
Rohl and others including myself have shown evidences for the Amarna letters period and Heretic kings period matching the United Monarchy period.
Joseph has strong matches with the 3rd-4th dynasties period.
Herodotus said Menes was (1)1340 yrs (or 1134(0) yrs?) before Seti, and Josephus said Menes was 1300 or "1399" yrs before Solomon/Shishak, which makes Menes not before ca 2300s bc and makes Seti & Solomon/Shishak roughly contemporaries. (Compare that Josephus said they were called Pharaohs down until time of Sol/Shishak/Seti, and Newton said they were gods down until time of Menes/Merneptah.)
Herodotus said Moeris (12th dyn) was only 900 yrs before Amasis 2 or Amyrtaeus or Herodotus.
There are possible mentions of Hebrews/Israelites in Canaan before the Israel Stele including the ***** of the Soleb inscription, the Sagaz Mesh "people of the rebel Mesh" or Habiru of the Amarna letters.
The three Intermediate Periods are more uncertain periods of chronology.
Rohl gives evidences for the 21st & 22nd dynasties being contemporary (Osorkhon II before Psusennes I).
The Apis Bulls sequence is unreliable because they only cover the 18th to 33rd dynasties, and there is a gap between the 20th/21st & 22nd dynasties, and I have seen two different lengths/ages for the Apis bulls.
Regnal years are unreliable because they don't always know of co-regencies, and there may be overlapping or contemporary dynasties.
Shiphrah of Exodus 1 of ca ca 1491 bc may match Spra of the 12th dynasty of "1833-1743/1745" bc.
Jabin of Hazor of Judges 4 of ca 1300s bc may match Ibni/Yabni of Hazor of "18th" cent / "1796-1780" / "1760s" or "18th-17th" cents bc.
Rohl submitted 3 non-royal genealogies which with a generation of 20-23 yrs support Ramses II being 10th century bc.
Most of the Egyptian king lists only cover from the 1st to the 19th dynasties, and the later dynasties are only really covered by Manetho who is not necessarily very reliable. Egyptology seems to have the most regard for the Turin king list but this is the most exagerated and fragmentary list of the lot.
Rohl said that the horses/chariots in the Merneptah stele indicate a date of not before Solomon?
Zoan/"Tanis" of Isaiah might match the Tanite 21st or 22nd or 23rd dynasties.
The names of the 22nd dynasty kings resemble Assyrian & Elamite names (Osorkhon & Sargon, Takeloth & Tiglath/Tukulti, Nimlot & Nimrod, Shoshenk & Susinak).
There are synchronisms between the 22nd dynasty and Phoenician kings which might indicate a time around about that of Jezebel etc (rather than of Hiram).
The name Yehoram in Sheshonk's campaign list might also imply that Shoshenk was after the king Jehoram/Joram.
Bey has anti-kings of the 19th & 20th dynasties.
Zerah invaded Judah in the reign of Asa. Omri father of Ahab became king in Asa's 31st year. Ahab married Jezebel daughter of Ethbaal of Sidon. There is a Atbaal-ramagu of Tyre in Merneptah's 3rd year.

No other candidates:
We could find no other equal or better quality candidates (for Shishak and) for Zerah.
Past proposed candidates for Shishak/Susakim have been:
Sesostris (Newton, Velikovsky);
Tuthmosis 1 (Velikovsky);
Tuthmosis 3 (Velikovsky, Courville, Drnhawkins/Prometheo, Hoeh, Down, Warthen);
Ay/Armais (Booysen);
Tutankh-amen (me);
Zeserkheperu Horemhab (Palmer, Rohl?)
Ramses 2 (Rohl, me);
Ramses 3 (James);
Ramses 4;
Ramses 9 (Furlong);
21st dyn (Jerome)?
Sesonchosis/Sheshonk 1 (conventional, Rice);
Shoshenq 2a (Englebrite/Clarity, Manning).
Past proposed candidates for Zerah have included:
Amenhotep II (Velikovsky, Hoeh, Down);
Terah (Velikovsky);
Usersatet/Usertatet (Mithrandir);
"Usersha(re-setepenre) Ramses II" / Ramses II Sestura (Palmer, me);
King's son of Kush / Viceroy of Kush or king of Napata (Rohl);
Merneptah (me);
Set-nakht User-khau-Re Setpe-nere (me, Andrew P)
Ramses IV User-ra-sotep-en-amen (James & van der Veen);
Userhau (James);
21st dyn (Jerome)?
Osorkhon (old conventional).

Asa or Azariah or Arza match??
Zerah came against Judah in the reign of Asa who was a contemporary of the prophet Azariah, and of Arza (1 Kings 16:9).
Merneptah matches Amenophis in Manetho's king list, and he matches Amenophis in Manetho's story of Osarsiph. Osarsiph in the story of Manetho matches Arisu/Irsu in the inscription of Ramses 3, and the latter is possibly similar to Asa or Azariah son of Oded or Arza.
The prophet Azariah son of Oded is maybe similar to the priest Osarsiph/Arisu and/or the prophet Amenophis son of Hapu in the story of Manetho.

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