Friday, August 24, 2018

King David and the Amarna Period

This post is about the times of King David in the bible matching in time with the Amarna letters period.

The Amarna letters period have been variously proposed to be connected in biblical history with either: between Joseph and Moses (conventional chronology), or Joshua's invasion, or time of Saul/David/Solomon (Rohl, us), or time of Mesha/Elijah (Velikovsky).

Recently in allempires history forum the elite enemy tried to falsely debunk our correspondence of the time around Saul/David/Solomon with the Amarna letters period and/or the Heretic kings of the end of 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt. They falsely kept making out that we are just all wrong dumb dogs, and that the conventional "1300s" bc date for the Amarna period is supposedly expert authoritative  scholarly opinion, and that the Amarna period being "1300s" bc can not match David of ca 1000s bc in biblical chronology. We gave evidences that the ascribed dates of the Egyptian dynasties in their chronology are not proven fact, and that their few vertical dating evidences supports have problems/pitfalls (eg adding up hundreds of regnal years of multiple dynasties means that every one has to be right without any co-regencies etc), and that their dates don't match horizontally with sources like the bible (eg they admit they "can find little/no trace of Joseph/Moses in Egypt" in the time that they assert they were there in,  and "nothing much in this strata of Jericho" in the time they assert matches Joshua's invasion, and "Sheshonk's campaign doesn't match Shishak's"), and that we have found stark matches in other periods (eg Joseph matches 3rd-4th dynasty far better than their 15th/16th dynasty). Unfortunately they just cunningly kept making out themselves and their chronological supports to be superior gods and us inferior dogs. One of the comments they had made was that the persons etc in Amarna period supposedly don't match the persons etc of Saul's/David's/Solomon's time. We wish to post some evidences here showing that there are some good posisble matches of some Amarna period names/persons with the time of David. One or more of the candidate matches below surely is pretty intriguing enough possible matches if not proof that Amarna period and time of David do have close similarities and could be abouth the same time.

(The following is only in the form of lists of candidates. First is the name/person from Amarna/Bible then after the ~ are the candidate maybe similar names/persons in Bible/Amarna with question marks.)

1. Amarna letters/period &/or Heretic kings of 18th dynasty names similar to names around King David's time:

Akizzi governor/king of Katna/Qatna/"Hamath" ~ Achish son of Maoch/Maacah king of Gath (Gittite) & Ziglag (Philistines)!

Huriya/Naphuriya/Nibhurrereya/Namhuria sar/king of Miisri/Mizri/Egypt (either Akhenaten or Tutankhamen/Nebkheperure/Horus) ~ Uriah the Hittite? Pharaoh?

sons of Libayu/Labaya "lion" of Sakmu/Shechem ~ Lion of Judah? David (slew lion)? Solomon (lion feet throne)? Canaanite prince of Megiddo (lion feet throne)? Othniel "lion"? Samson (solar, slew a lion)? Lemuel? Eliab? Saul? two sons of Samuel/Eli?

Habiru/Apiru / lu Habbatum /amelut Sa-gaz Mesh "brigands, pillagers, cut-throats, people of the rebel Mesh" ~ Heber/Eber/Hebrews/Moses? Abel (pastoralist/bedouin)? Gaza/Gath? Cabiri (Phoenicians)? Hebron?

"i and Abdu-Heba (king of Jerusalem) alone are left to fight the leader of the Habiru.... But behold they have been fighting against me...." "The Habiru are taking the cities of the king." "After they have taken Rubuda, they seek now to take Urusalim." ~ This is possible to match around about or shortly before the time of David taking Jerusalem/Jebus/Zion? or else the time of Caleb versus Adonibezek in Judges 1?

Amurru son of Aziru/Aziri/Hiziri son(s) of Abdi-Ashirta ("the dog"), prince of Amurru (to Damascus, conquered Sumuri, sought Byblos) ~ servants of Hadadezer/Hadarezer son of Rehob king of Zobah (Damascus)?

Abimilku of Surru/Tyre / Abdimilki of Sashimi ~ Ahimelech the Hittite (priest of David)? Abimelech of Shechem (Judges)? Abibalus (Tyre)? Abimelech (Psalm 34)? Hiram Abiff (Tyre)?

Addadanu/Addudani/Adna/Addu of Dan mayor of Gazru/Gezer (of Dumuia) ~ Adonijah? David (Gath)? Hadad (Edomite)?

Aiab/Ayyab (Amarna 256, 364) ~ Joab (c-in-c of army of David)?

Dudu (Amarna 158) ~ David? Dodo (2 Sam 23)? Hadad (Edomite)? Doeg?

Addaia (in Hazati, Amarna 285, 287, 289) ~ David (at Gath/Gaza)? Jedidiah? Hadad/Adados (Edom/Syria)?

Tubu/Tob (Amarna 5) ~ Toi king of Hamath? Zobah?

Shalmaiati/Mayaati (of Tyre, Amarna 155) ~ Solomon? Shulamite? Jerusalem? Absalom? Hiram? Maoch/Maacah?

Sapalulme/Supilili/Suppiluliuma of Hatti ~ Samson? Saul? Solomon? Samuel?

Sehlal (troops of) ~ Shiloh? Saul?

Shunama (Amarna 250) ~ Shunem/Shulamite?

Abdi-heba/Arthahepa/Aradhepa/Puti-hiba/Ebed-Tov prince/king of Uru-salaam/Salaam/Jerusalem ~ Jebus (Salem)? Bath-sheba? Ziba (servant of son of Saul)? rebel Sheba (2 Sam 20)? Queen of Sheba? Adonibezek? "rebel Sheba"? Abinadab? Hadadezer/Hadarezer? Obed-edom (ark)? Toi king of Hamath? Zobah?

"dog" (Amarna 91) ~ Goliath said "am i a dog..." to David?

Rubuda/Rubute (Amarna 289) ~ Rabbah (Ammon)?

Akhenaten/Ikhnaton/Khunaton / Ankhenmaat (Naphuriya / Hartitifin) ~ Nathan (prophet)? Agur son of Jakkeh (Proverbs 30)? Genubath (Edomite prince brought up in pharaoh's house)? Hadad?

Ay "father (of god)" (married widow of Tut) ~ David "father" (married widow of Uriah)? Hadad (Edomite)? Jakeh? Agur? Ithiel ("God with me")?

Hor-em-hab (adon, Shasu) ~ Jeroboam? Rehoboam? Solomon? Hiram? Genubath? Lemuel? Hadad/Hadar?

Tutankhamen/Tutankhaten / Nebkheperure (Naphuriya/Huriya? Horus? "child/boy king", battle armour) ~ Ucal (Proverbs 30)? Uriah? child of David & Bathsheba? Shishak/Susakim?

Smenkhkare (favoured sucessor of Akhenaton, gender has been disputed) ~ Solomon (favoured by Nathan)? Queen of Sheba (gender may be uncertain)?

Siduna/Zidon ~ Zion?

Amarna Letters ~ A letter was written in the story of David and Uriah.

Josephus said Shishak (900s bc) was 1300 yrs after Menes; Herodotus said Seti (19th dyn) was (1)1340 yrs after Menes; these two sources together give a date of not more than 2300s bc for Menes (1st dyn), and make Seti and Shishak around about the same time.

2. Biblical names around David's time similar to Amarna period & 18th dynasty Heretic kings names:

Samson ~ Shamsiadad? Semqen? golden flys? Sheshonk? Sheshi (Hyksos)? Samsuiluna? Samsuditana? Labayu? Suppiluliuma? Senenmut? Sapasites (Ugaritic)? Shamash-Edom (Amenhotep 2)?

King Saul ~ Salatis (Hyksos)? Shuttarna (Amarna)? Suwardata (Amarna)? Ashuruballit (Amarna)? Suppiluliuma (Amarna)? Silu/Sile (Amarna)? Tusultu (Amarna)? Surata? troops of Sehlal (Amarna)?

Nahash the Ammonite (king) of Rabbah ~ Nuhasse (Amarna)? Baalat-nese? Lachish?

Goliath ~ Kastiliash (Kassite)? Alwt & Wlt?

(King) David (or Hadad) "beloved, father" (at Gath) ~ Addaia (in Hazati/Azzati/Gaza, Amarna 285, 287, 289)? Ay "(holy) father / father (of god)"? Dudu (Amarna)? Dijate (Amarna)? Vidia/Widia/Yidya (Askelon, Amarna)? Tushratta (Amarna)? "Tette / Da-te-wa/Daitewas / Dait-as/Taitas / Eudaita/E(h)u-daitas king of land of Palastina/Walastina"? Dawidum (Mari)? Damiqilishu/Dawigninishu (Isin/Sealands)? "a son of Did" (Merneptah)? Tagi (Amarna)? Mittiwaza? Djehuty (general of Tuthmosis)? Tut? Dadusha of Eshnunna?

Achish king of Gath ~ Akizzi of Katna? Lakisa/Lachish?

Ziklag ~ Zikar (Amarna)? Sigata (Amarna 76)?

Araunah the Jebusite ~ Aruna/Aluna in mid 18th dyn king's records? Aruna/Varuna (Mitanni/Hurrian/Aryan)?

ark of the covenant similar to King Tut's chest/ark? 'Ark of the Aamu'?

Psalm 104 is similar to the 'Hymn to Aten'

Uriah the Hittite ~ Biridiya (Megiddo, Amarna)? Huriya/Naphuriya (Akhenaten or Tut, Amarna)? Burna-buriash (Amarna)? Biryawaza (Damascus, Amarna)? Vidia (Amarna)? Hittite prince Zannanza (murdered near border)? Indaruta? Tutankhamen (battle armour)?

Bath-sheba ("daughter seven/oath", wife/widow of Uriah, married David) ~ Ankhesenpaaten (six sisters/daughters, widow of Tut, married Ay)? Hatshepsut? Abdi-heba (Amarna)? Taduhepa? Hepa (Ugarit, Amarna)? Baalat-nese "mistress of lions / lion woman" (Amarna)? Qatihutisupa?

Nathan the prophet ~ Ikhnaton/Akhenaten/Khu-n-aton? Aten/Aton? Hinnatuna (Amarna)?

3 years famine in days of David (ref 2 Sam 21:1) ~ 3 years drought/famine/plague in Amarna period (ref Amarna letter 86, Velikovsky, BBC, etc)?

Hiram/Huram (Abiff) king of Tyre ~ Ahiram (Ramses 2)? Horemhab? Ramses? Biryawaza (of Damascus)? Hamuniri/Ammunira king of Beirut? Shalmaiati (of Tyre, Amarna 155)? Namhuria?

Solomon (Jedidiah, favoured by Nathan) ~ Smenkhkare (favoured heir/successor of Akhenaten)? Horemhab? Suppiluliuma king of Hatti (Amarna)? Shalmaneser? Shalmaiati (Amarna 155)?

'Queen (of) Sheba' (Makeda/Tamrin/Bilkis/Nicaule, "queen of the south" "from the ends of the earth", gender may be uncertain) ~ Smenkhkare (gender disputed)? Ankh-esenpa-aten? Kiya? Nefertiti? Abdi-heba (Amarna)? Hatshepsut? Thebes? Hepa (Ugarit, Amarna)? Baalat-nese "mistress of lions / lion woman" (Amarna)?

temple of Solomon claimed to be similar to Deir el Bahri (ref Velikovsky)?

'Proverbs' said to have similarities with Amenmope(t)'s works?

Jakeh (Proverbs 30) ~ Aten/Aton? Heqawaset (Amenhotep 3)? Sakere/Smenkhkare? Akherre?

Agur son of Jakeh (Proverbs 30) ~ Akhen-aten/Khu-n-aton/Ikhnaton son of Aten/Aton? Ay?

Princess/queen Tahpenes ~ Tanethap/Tenthape of Ahmose 1? Taduchepa? Tiy(e)/Tyi/Thi? Queen Neferi(t)-thi/Nefertiti? Ankh-esenpa-aten? Hatshepsut?

Genubath (Edomite prince brought up in pharaoh's house in Egypt) ~ Akhen(h)aten/Khunaton / Ankhenmaat? Giluhepa? Genubatye (Tuthmosis 3)? Hor-emhab?

Jeroboam (in Egypt) ~ Horemhab (of Shasu)?

Hadad/Hadar ~ Horemhab (adon)? Ay? Akhenaten / Ankhenmaat? Aten/Aton?

Shishak/Susakim king of Egypt ~ King Tutankhamen (battle armour, gold treasures)? Seti 1 (Taru/Kanna)? Ramses 2 "Sesostris"? Smenkhkare? Shamsiadad?

Ano ~ Bint-Anat (Ramses 2)? Ankh-esenpa-aten?

Table diagram of our Egyptian-Biblical chronological correspondences:
1st (&/or 2nd) dyn -- Abraham
2nd/3rd to 4th/5th dyns -- Joseph/Jacob
11th dyn -- Elim
(6th &/or) 12th (& 13th?) dyn -- Moses/exodus
15th/16th dyn (Hyksos) -- Judges/Amalek/Edomite
400 yrs 15th/16th to 19th dyn -- 480 yrs Moses to Solomon
15th/16th (Sharuhen/Apepi) -- Shechem/Abimelech?
17th dyn -- Sisera?
18th dyn -- Tahtimodshi?
18th (Amarna/Heretic) dyn -- David/psalms/Solomon
18th or 19th dyn -- Shishak/Susakim/Ano?
18th or 19th dyn -- Menelik?
19th or 20th (or 25th) dyn -- Zerah?
(20th &) 21st dyn -- Zoan & Noph?
22nd or 24th or 25th dyn -- Taharka
20th or 21st or 22nd or 25th dyn -- So
22nd/23rd dyn -- Phoenician/Assyrian/Elamite
25th dyn -- Assyrian
26a / 26b dyn -- Necho/Hophra/Nebuchadnezzar?
27th & 31st dyns -- Persians
32nd dyn -- Macedonian
33rd dyn -- Seleucids/Ptolemies/Maccabees/Romans

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