Continuing our Old Testament ante-types of Jesus we now show how Joseph was a type of Jesus:
Joseph: (dreams of) Joseph; "I will save the house of Joseph"; "the house of Joseph a flame"; "the God of Armies, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph"; "Joseph [shall have two] portions"; "the sons of Jacob and Joseph"
Jesus: Jesus son of Joseph; Joseph step-father of Jesus had dreams too; Messiah ben Joseph; Joses half-brother of Jesus.
Joseph: 12 brothers.
Jesus: 12 disciples/apostles.
Joseph: favourite son of his father Jacob/Israel
Jesus: only begotten son; this is my son in who I am well pleased.
Joseph: had a coat of many colours.
Jesus: had a seamless cloak/robe with tassels; "they parted my raiment".
Joseph: "Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock"; Joseph "was feeding the flock with his brothers"; "from there is the shepherd" (Gen 49)
Jesus: the Good Shepherd; "feed my sheep"; Lamb of God; Abel's sacrifice.
Joseph: dream that 11 brothers bowed; 11 brothers bowed to Joseph in Egypt.
Jesus: "every knee shall bow"
Joseph: sold for silver peices.
Jesus: sold for 30 silver pieces.
Joseph: "The patriarchs, moved with jealousy against Joseph"
Jesus: Jewish leaders were jealous of Jesus
Joseph was thought by Jacob/Israel to have been dead
Jesus was supposed to not to have risen after the crucifixion.
Joseph: Joseph in Egypt
Jesus: "out of Egypt i have called my son"
Joseph: "him who was separate from his brothers"
Jesus: Nazirite "consecrated/separated"? was in desert(ed) places. His half-brothers didn't believe in him until after resurrection.
Joseph: "Joseph was sold for a slave".
Jesus: Jesus was a "suffering servant", he did the Father's will not his own; Judas/Jews betrayed Jesus to the Romans for crucifiction.
Joseph: "God was with him".
Jesus: God/Father was with him; Emmanuel "God with us".
Joseph: resisted temptations.
Jesus: resisted temptations.
Joseph falsely accused; "was silent before his accuser" (Potiphar's wife)?
Jesus falsely accused of blasphemy, and stiring up trouble, and rivaling Caesar.
Joseph: baker & cupbearer.
Jesus: two thieves one on either side of Jesus on Cross.
Joseph: was about 30 years old.
Jesus: was about 30 years old.
Joseph: called Zaphenath-paneah which might mean "..."; saved Egypt and world from the famine.
Jesus: ....
Joseph was a adon "lord" over the land, to who they called abrech "bow the knee"
Jesus was Adonai/Kyrios/Marya "lord", rabboni "chief/master/teacher"
Joseph: famine called "great tribulation" in Acts.
Jesus: great tribulation in Revelation.
Joseph: son Ephraim ("..."); Joseph is "an offshoot of a fruitful/fruit-bearing tree/vine".
Jesus: Bethlehem-Ephratha; called sprout/shoot/branch; Vine; "by their fruits you will know them".
Joseph: gave bread to hungry (famine victims)
Jesus: gave loaves and fishes; was the true manna/bread from heaven.
Joseph is considered to have some sort of close connection with Imhotep who was an architect, and was connected with healing.
Jesus was a carpenter and a healer.
Joseph: not recognised by brothers until
"on the 2nd time Joseph made himself known to his (12) brothers/brethren".
Jesus: (Judas) Thomas missed 1st appearance and doubted, he saw Jesus at 2nd appearance and then believed; Jesus is not accepted/seen/found by brethren Jews until last days/end times.
Joseph: 70/72/75 souls came with Jacob
Jesus: 70/72 disciples.
Joseph: Joseph/Zaphenath might be Sekhemhet/Djosertyankh who had a large fennel branch on his (empty) sarcophaus
Jesus: called sprout/shoot/branch (golden bough) (&/or seed).
Joseph: "the birthright was Joseph's"; "his (Reuben's) birthright was given to the sons of Joseph (Eprhraim)"
Jesus: only begotten son of God; first of the resurrected.
Joseph: "He appointed it in Joseph for a testimony".
Jesus: "this is my blood of the new covenant/testimony"; true and faithful witness.
Joseph: Great Sphinx of Giza facing East might be the head of Joseph/Zaphenath and/or Lion of Judah of Genesis 49.
Jesus: Lion of Judah, "Aslan"; called the Day Star.
Joseph: the pyramids might be the eternal mountains/hills of Genesis 49, and they may have been built by Joseph.
Jesus: was a "carpenter/architect/builder/mason".
Joseph: "Let [the blessing] come on the head of Joseph, On the crown of the head of him"
Jesus: annointed one; head of the church; crown of thorns; Golgotha/Calvary "Skull Hill".
Joseph: "from there is the shepherd, the stone of Israel" (Gen 49); Messiah ben Joseph.
Jesus: Good Shepherd; cornerstone; Messiah; son of Joseph; from Bethlehem-Ephratha.
Joseph: "God will surely visit you".
Jesus: the long promised visitation of lamb/son of God; Jesus cried over Jerusalem/Jews because they "knew not the time of visitation"; Emmanuel "God with us".
Joseph: Different king who knew not Joseph.
Jesus: Herod; Pilate/Emperor; Pope; Hitler; Antichrist.
Joseph: "as the firstborn of a bull"
Jesus: in the beginning was the Word; only begotten son of God; 1st of the resurrection.
Joseph: he will push peoples all together to the ends of the earth.
Jesus: gospel to all nations; rule the earth with rod of iron in millenium; every knee shall bow and every tongu confess that Jesus is lord.
Joseph: "The archers have sorely grieved him, shot at him, and persecute him"; "they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph".
Jesus: born in a manger/cave, death of step father, temptation, living sinless life, not marrying, beheading of friend John Baptist, being called illegitimate, being rejected, betrayed by friend, deserted by disciples, sweating blood, spat at, beard thorn out, beating with a reed, crown of thorns, suffered scourging/whipping, crucifiction, bearing our sins and sicknesses on cross, given vinegar to drink, forsaken by God when took our sins; persecution by Saul of Tarsus; stoning of Stephen.
Joseph: "the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim".
Jesus: son of woman rules with a rod of Iron; Ark containing Aaron's rod symbol of Jesus.
Famous Joseph/Joses/Asaph namesakes: Joseph son of Jacob, "St" Joseph father of Jesus, Joseph of Aramathea, Josephus/Josephes son of Joseph of Aramathea, high priest Joseph (ben) Caiaphas, Flavius Josephus, Joseph Cartaphilus, Joseph Stalin, Joseph Goebbels, Asaph in Psalms; Franz Josef (Austria); Josephine Beauharnais/Bonaparte; Joseph Smith (Mormons); Joseph Chamerblain; Jose ha/the Galilean; judge Joseph Force Carter; Michael Yussef (pastor on TV); Joseph Campbell; Joseph Barsabas (Acts); Joseph Bonaparte; Giuseppe Mazzini; Giuseppe Garibaldi.
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