Saturday, October 13, 2018

OT types of Jesus Christ

People in the Old Testament of the Bible who seem to be pre-types of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) include Abel, Noah's Ark, Melchizedek, Isaac, Joseph*, lion of Judah, Moses*, Ark of the Covenant, Joshua, Samson, Boaz, David, Tutankhamen, Absalom? Solomon, Isa(iah), Ishi, Jonah, Josiah? Jeshua/Zerubbabel.

We recently posted on the Ark of the Covenant as symbolizing Jesus here : .

We wish to especially write posts of the correspondences of Joseph and Moses with Jesus. In this post we post on correspondences of Moses and Jesus. Joseph will hopefully be a forthcoming post (Lord willing).

Moses: was a beautiful/handsome baby/child (Acts, Hebrews).
Jesus: is symbolised by the wonderful golden ark of the covenant.

Moses: saved from massacre of babies by Pharaoh.
Jesus: saved from massacre of babies by Herod.

Moses: may be Pepi 1 & 2. Pepi on mothers lap similar to Mary and baby Jesus.
Jesus: Mary and baby in Catholic & Orthodox pictures/statues.

Moses: Miriam sister of Moses
Jesus: Mary mother of Jesus; Mary Magdalene friend/disciple of Jesus

Moses: "was instructed in all the wisdom"
Jesus: "where did this man get all this wisdom/knowledge?" debated with rabbis/scribes when 12 years old.

Moses: take off your sandles for this is holy ground.
Jesus: John said not worthy to unlatch the sandals of Jesus feet.

Moses: "Moses, his chosen", appointed as ruler and judge by God/Lord; had been rejected by Jews; "Moses, his servant, and Aaron, whom he had chosen".
Jesus: chosen/annointed, appointed as king and judge by God/Lord; has been rejected by Jews; Jesus identified with high priest in Hebrews.

Moses: did not realise God was given them salvation.
Jesus: name means "Jah salvation/saves"; the Saviour; "salvation is of the Jews".

Moses: "was powerful in words and deeds"; "They (Moses & Aaron) performed miracles among them, and wonders"
Jesus: was great/powerful in words/teaching and deeds/miracles/healings.

Moses: passover lamb.
Jesus: lamb of god died on/at passover.

Moses: came out of Egypt.
Jesus: "out of Egypt i have called my son".

Moses: lead Israelites/Hebrews through Red/Reed Sea; "all baptised in same cloud and sea".
Jesus: baptised by John; sign of Jonah; died and cross, and we all die and raise with him. (Cloud = holy spirit, or baptism of water/John?)

Moses: divided the waters; arms held up by 2 people on either side;
Jesus: 2 thieves on either side of cross; divided sheep/wheat & goats/tares.

Moses: "the servant/man of God"; "was faithful in all his house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were afterward to be spoken"
Jesus: son/servant of God/Father; "Christ is faithful as a Son over his house".

Moses: Mt Sinai, Mt Hor, Mt Nebo.
Jesus: sermon on mount, mount of transfiguration, (Mt Tabor?) Mt Calvary/Golgotha, Mt of Olives/Olivet, (Mt Zion).

Moses: God gave the law/commandments/Torah through him; "to love Yahweh your God, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and to cleave to him, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul"; "just as we listened to Moses in all things".
Jesus: the word of god; kept the law ("that the law of Moses may not be broken"); "a new commandment i give you"; "he who loves me keeps my commandments"; all law/commandments in love lord and love neighbour; fulfilled the law; the royal law; writes law in our hearts.

Moses: two tablets ("inscribed on both sides". )
Jesus: God writes law in our hearts (two halfs of heart).

Moses: 3 days up Mt Sinai ("early in morning" of 3rd day) (Moses went "down and up").
Jesus: 3 days in tomb (like Jonah) ("day begins at sunrise not sunset, Jesus rose near dawn on Sunday").

Moses: "has given you circumcision".
Jesus: circumcised on 8th day; circumcises hearts via cross/baptism.

Moses: sprinkled everything with blood (with wool & hyssop); "this is the blood of the covenant".
Jesus: lamb of god; blood of christ who died on cross; cleanses/purifies us like hyssop does; new covenant as he said with the wine/blood at Last Supper.

Moses: "speaking to Moses to make it according to the pattern he had seen"; "God has spoken to Moses"; "He made known his ways to Moses"; "whom Yahweh knew face to face".
Jesus: what i hear/see i speak/do; do the Father's will not own.

Moses: "had Moses, ... not stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath"
Jesus: stood in the breach for us on cross, saves us from wrath of God.

Moses: 40 yrs old; 40 years in wilderness.
Jesus: may have died about 40 years old ('his generation")? 40 days in wilderness (day can = year); Jesus was "in the desert(ed) places".

Moses: Nehushtan serpent on cross.
Jesus: died on the cross.

Moses: brought forth water from rock.
Jesus: springs of living water from heart; thirst no more.

Moses: manna from heaven.
Jesus: "I Am the true bread/manna from heaven"; versus Mammon (of unrighteousness).

Moses: "as i was with Moses" (Joshua); "whom Yahweh knew face to face"
Jesus: God/Father was with him; "as I and the Father are One"; "the Word was with God"; Emmanuel "God with us".

Moses: "they feared Moses all the days of his life".
Jesus: scribes & pharisees feared/envied Jesus all his adult life.

Moses: god will raise you up a prophet like me, "It will be, that every soul that will not listen to that prophet will be utterly destroyed from among the people"; suceeded by Joshua; "There has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses".
Jesus: John said he was not that prophet; Jesus was a prophet like Moses; Jesus was raised up; reveleation tells of a 'the false prophet' in last days; everyone who doesnt accept Jesus is lost.
Mohammed: claimed to be the Prophet.

Moses name might be related to Messiah? "saved from water".
Jesus Christ was the messiah. Saviour.

Moses: founder of Judaism.
Jesus: founder of Christianity.

Moses: disappeared when/after died.
Jesus: ascended to heaven after died.

Moses: "we are disciples of Moses"
Jesus: disciples.

Moses: "The scribes and the Pharisees sat on Moses' seat"; ("the right hand of Moses"?)
Jesus: throne of David; seated at right hand of God; mercy seat.

Moses: "death reigned from Adam to Moses.
Jesus: Adam to Jesus/Cross.

(Moses: "beacame an alien resident in Midian" (Acts).
Mohammed: in Arabia.
Jesus: comes from Teman/Bozrah in prophets; was in desert(ed) places.)

Moses: reincarnation of Seth in Jewish legend.
Jesus: reincarnation of Seth in some traditions.

Moses: "The children of Israel wept for Moses"
Jesus: Zechariah 12:10-14.

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