Sunday, February 24, 2019

elephant on top

Hundreds of constant daily dirty rotten mean cruel wrongs that I have suffered or am suffering being done to me include:

Blocking from many sites and services because of excessive identification and "security" measures including forcing having to have a mobile phone number, forcing to have drivers license or passport or forcing to have two forms of id or private photo id and proof of address and the rejection of birth certificate as valid id. (Crypt currency, Drs/GPs, banks, etc.)
NZ meanly has no national id card and instead uses passport and drivers license as unofficial id cards which means anyone who doesn't have either of those has to get their own private photo id or suffers being blocked from services.

I suffered a virus attack in Apricity forum from either/both virus on the site and/or virus attack through a PM.

Blocking from sites and services because of forcing of having to have a mobile phone number. (Crypto currency, Overseas bank payments, Yahoo, some email hosts, etc.)

Blocking from sites and services because forced obsolesence of older Windows OS and forced change/upgrading to Windows 7/8/10. (Linkedin, Academia, Facebook groups comments, Wordpress, etc.)
Microsoft have all this "security" to protect their profits and yet they don't care about stealing what we paid for, causing us data loss, etc. We did pay for only a few years use (regardless of stupid "terms and conditions").
It is not just normal technological "progress" change obsolesence, because it is not, it is purposeful forcing of obsolesence and change.
I had no problems with Windows xp and Ibm thinkpad and dialup for over ten years but then after a virus attack and after all the changes in Windows and broadband and laptops I have since then had constant troubles.

Blocking from sites and services because subtle forcing off dialup and forcing of wireless/fibre broadband. (Captachas wouldn't load/work, etc.)
They didn't openly honestly say "Sean we are closing dialup in weeks", not they did dirty rotten subtle psychological games like slowing down the speed, blocking captachas, started not connecting on alternate days, etc.

Blocking from sites and services because constant regular obsoleting of browsers.

1-2 and more years troubles from subtle attempted forcing of smartmeters (including them forcing replacement or recertification of meters older than 10 years old) and meter readers messing me around. Until the first smartmeter roll out I never had any major troubles with power/electricity (except for somethings like bills lying about GST etc, and line charge being excessive etc). Since the roll out I have had constant troubles with meter readers messing me around, I lost 1-2 years time and effort fighting them trying to force me to accept a smartmeter.

Suffered problems with stupid new computer keyboard keys being too wide and flat causing difficulties and problems when typing/writing.

Them threatening to take away telephone landlines sometime in the next number of years.

Wireless modem keeps clicking alot when on and for some time after turned off.

Forced to eat and drink fluoridated water and food every mouthful every meal every day, and to suffer the brain and body hindrances/effects all day every day.
In the month around the election when Ardern first got elected in I suffered them noticeably making the water and food even more worsely fluoridated.

Forced to suffer a constant ringing sound in my flat coming from neighbours all day and night every day and night for 4 years so-far which can't be blocked out with plugs/fingers and which everyone pruposely refuses to stop/fix.

Neigbours nearby have been hammering and using machine tools for months and months and months on end and still doing it.

Dozens of lawn mowers (& weed easter and wind blowers) coming around at unpredicatable times for days on end every two or three weeks for over 13 years. (More than 10 properties around.)

I've suffered heaps of trades people (especially plumbers and roof people) and other services (including lawyers) messing me around stalling/delaying me, refusing to reply, refusing to take/do jobs, ripping me off. Many jobs I couldn't get done or took months and wasted my time and effort.
I've also suffered this country always forcing the stupid quotes pracice system, and appointments system. Also suffered certain trades/services having same stupid half a dozen or more weeks "lead in".

I've suffered covid virus/pandemic and masks and lockdowns and vaccination passports causing me to be even more socially isolated and loosing more precious years/life being single.

I've suffered the "elite" establishment refusing to give credit or recognition or positive or pay for all my years hard work studies and disoveries. They purposely use silence and only ever give nothing or negative. I've suffered unfair/untrue smearing/discrediting. Also lost days and weeks and months mean critics on forums wasting my time and efforts answering ingenuine mean unfair criticisms.

I've suffered subtle secret persecution and psychological threats (which of course are done so covertly that we can't prove it) when I exposed the lies of the Pope (Emperor) and other "elite" hidden real rulers of the western world.

I've suffered an attached neighbour stomping around heavily on bare wooden floor all day every day for over 10 years, though not so bad in the last few years.

I've suffered lots of net/web forums and groups unfairly banning/disqualifying me. (Historum, CFFD, CFF, Skadi, Stirpes, Apricity, Arthurnet, etc).
I've been unfairly banned/disqualified from quite a few social groups (CFFD, CFF, WCS, etc).
I've also been cut off by many "friends", "family", "christians" (half brother, mother, pastor Chris, Matthew, etc).
I've been rejected by some women for petty unfair reasons. (Catriona, Pada/Rani, Andrea, Amanda, Nicole.)

I have suffered mass unemployment (caused by globalist free trade policies and immigration policy).

I have suffered not being able to shift because of Housing Crisis (caused by immigration policy) and excessively expensive prices/rents and the 20 percent deposit rule.

I have suffered noisy neighbours and neigbourhoods most places I stayed at the last few decades. Including small airplanes flying over at minimum height all day every day for 7 yrs in Masterton. Souped up car reving up all afternoon every day for 1 year in Petone. Dog barking all throughout day every day for first few years here. Ringing sound all day everyday for last 4 years here. Neigbour stomping on wooden floor all day every day for over ten years. Lawn mowers here for days on end every couple/few weeks. People hoking their car honr when driving past for days/weeks on end. People letting off fire works weeks before and after Guy Fawkes Day and some other times of the year. Stereo every afternoon in room nest door in Pilmuir House the few weeks I was there for. And dozens more.
I suffered them building houses out back for about 2-3 years due to John Key's housing crisis building houses policy.

I suffered mercury fillings for decades from about 9 to 35.

I lost 15 years studies notes due to heavy metals in tap water (water sitting in tap fittings). Council etc never told us that water sitting for hours in fittings and pipes and tanks and pots picks up heavy metals including lead.

I was cheated out of three inheritances. I got nothing from my assumed maternal grandfather except a pair of shoes because the uncles hoarded everything. I got nothing from my mother because she spent everything going to the UK, and then she turned against me when she died because of the cancer etc warping her, and because my step father and co were against me. And my father had to get rid of his 2000 books etc because of the housing crisis.

I have suffered difficulties with diet because they heap sugar and salt in so many foods and drinks.

I've suffered numerous difficulties getting needed clothing. There is hardly any woolen clothing in NZ, it is all either artificial/synthetic or blend or dyed black/dark or "superfine" or expensive merino.

I lost 1-3 months from them putting in fibre in this street. I lost 3 months from noisy neigbours next door (Oxygen agents took 3 months to evict them). I lost 2 months from Painter and neigbours refusing to consider me when flats repainted. I lost 4 years from constant ringing sound. I lost 1-2 years from smartmeters pressure troubles. I lost 2 months from front flat doing renovations all Dec and Jan without any notice etc.

I've suffered OCD and/or autism/aspergers and/or anxiety and/or PTSD for years because of all the past and present wrongs been/being done to me when young and when adult.

I've suffered not being able to find out who my real maternal grandfather is because of "family" being uncooperative, because my mother turned against me (due to cancer etc) and destroyed the genetic samples, and because of unfair excessive privacy laws.
Also suffered not being able to find how to contact my paternal half sister for similar reasons.

Due to the wrongs been/being done I've suffered no psotive human contact most days for years/decades. Suffered freezing cold flat. Suffered being still always been single in 40s.

I have suffered not being able to contact friends, family, neighbours because of closing of copper landlines and because mobile numbers unlisted and because expiring of sim cards constantly changes mobile phone numbers.

I suffered police constable calling the mental health on me behind my back after I let him in on good faith, and I suffered being unfairly "sectioned" and put in mental ward where they kept me for weeks, and then I suffered being kept under compulsory community treatment (mental health act) and "medication support" coming 3 days a week for over 17 months from mid 2019 to dec 2020 / jan 2021, and still having to keep in contact since then. I've suffered my record and reputation andprivacy being smeared ever since. I suffered a psychiatrist writing a few outright untrue lies in her report to the court which the lawyer dismissed as "they might not be exactly true but they are general truth" and she got away with it and no one had her up for it. (She had signed statement at end of report saying she told truth and knew it was against the law to lie. She said I said things I never said. She said my clothes were torn/tattered when they were not. And couple of other things.)

I've suffered troubles caused by daylight savings clock changes two times every year.

I've suffered shops not stocking or stop stocking foods I need (including some lentils, some rice, some yeast, kelp, and quite a number of other things).
During covid I suffered empty shelves of rice etc because people selfishly hoarded and stripped the shelves.

I've suffered them expiring the mobile phone's sim card and changing its phone number.
I've suffered them meanly wrongly expiring the Bus Snapper cards after a period of disuse. (They reported my own card as "stolen or lost" just because not used for a year or so, I lost the credit on the card and they forced me to have to fork out money to buy a new card.)

I've suffered couriers

I suffered problems with excessive junk mail until I got all 3 legally required signs. The box filled up iin only a few days. The neighbours also stole my signs when they broke off the rain shield and when they replaced the letter boxes. I've also suffered posties putting neigbours mail in my box lots of time because the flats boxes run in opposite direction to the street house numbers. I've suffered problems of NZ Post only delivering every few days in the last few years. I suffered them taking away he mail/post box outside the dairy.
I've suffered couriers lots of times refusing to deliver to the porch/doorwell/door and forcibly only going by size. (They give us no option to pay extra to leave at door, they instead forcibly only deliver to door if not fit in box.)

I've suffered lots of spammers and cammers causing hassles. The newspaper company Fairfax even once printed my email address in an advert against my specific instructions and refused to correct it and I got spam at that email address for months afterwards.

There are heaps and heaps more I can't think of right now. Sure some people may see some of these things are supposedly not so bad. But I have suffered a far worse constant daily mean cruel hell life the last number of years and most of my "life" than many people realise or admit.

Why have I written all this? Am I just "unforgiving", "bitter"? It is because I am still suffering many of these things and suffering even more. Eg this week I have found I am now being blocked from Facebook groups comments. More and more I am being blocked from more sites, groups, services, etc.
This western world regime is a big deception. Everything is being done on purpose. It is all subtle surveillance/control/slavery.


(Updated  19 Oct 2021.)

Saturday, February 9, 2019


Excalibur the sword from stone/anvil and/or sword from the lake of "(King) Arthur".

("Friends" please note that since they keep stopping me from doing my good personal paper studies i have to keep doing these casual rough computer/net/web researches/articles. Please don't disbelieve what i said about me being very angry that they are stopping me from my good studies but doing constant wrongs & hinrances to me. Do not get wrong impression that these computer/net posts are my more/most important personal studies, they are not.)

This is a compilation of candidates for the origin(s) of the sword Excalibur/Caliburn(us) and/or sword from stone an/or sword from lake. I can not necessarily say which one is the correct candidate but the correct one is probably in this list.

The 4 or 5 most likely candidates in the list below are probably:
Calpurnius/Taburniae of St Patrick, or
Cross/Calvary & CroceaMors & Labienus of Caesar's invasion, and/or
Perron stone or Lapis tituli, or
Galgano sword, or
London Stone or Brutus Stone.

Excalibur details:
"Sword in/out-of stone/anvil/block";
Made in Avalon, "sword taken out of lake";
Inscribed with "Keep me" & "Throw me away";
Used in battle of Badon/Bath/Guinnion, and at Camlann;
"Excalibur thrown into Glaslyn" or Dozmary pool.

Variant spellings of name:
C(h)alabrum, Caliburn(us) (Latin), Calibo(u)rne, C(h)alabrun, Caledfwlch (Welsh), Kaledvoulc'h (Breton), Caladbolg (Irish), Caliburc, Callibo(u)rc, Calibourch, Escalibor(c) (French), Calesvol (Cornish), Calibore, Callibor, Excalibur (English).

Excalibur &/or stone candidates :
Escavalon / Cavalon / "made in Avalon" (Loomis)?
rex ...?
lex talonis?
Calpurnius (St Patrick's father)? (Palladius? Compare Palladium?)
Calepius 447?
Mt Cayburn (tradition of battle here in 488)?
Caladbolg (sword in British/Welsh/Irish myth)?
Cross/crucifix & Mt Calvary (Golgotha, Cruc Mawr)? (Galvarium in Modena Archivolt? Cross at Guinnion?)
Caledo(n(ian wood/forest)) "hard"? Chalcedon (council, ASC)?
Calleva (Silchester)? Cadwallon (versus Caesar)?
Canterbury (King Aethelbert)?
Cadbury ("Camelot")?
De Stagno Calido "Hot Lake" (Wonders)?
Cherubims (Hanes Taliesin)?
Caleb "dog"?
Carn Gafalt / Cabal's Cairn? Carnavlawg "cloven-hoofed" (Gododin)? (Culvynawyd Prydain?)
Calchfynydd "chalk mountain" (Hen Ogledd)?
(Halter of) Clydno Eidyn?
Cl(assis) Br(itannica) (Saxon Shore)?
Callidus "clever/cunning/canny"?
Catigern? Catgabail? (Sethirgabail/Rithergabail/Sassenaghabail "slaughter"?)
Taburniae (St Patrick's home town)?
Labienus' grave & Caesar's sword Crocea Mors at Richborough?
Liburnia (Lucius Artorius Castus)?
cross/sword of Constantine?
Witham sword (inscription)?
"Sword found in Lakenheath" (Norfolk/Suffolk)?
Loch Ness Monster head photos (looks like hand thrust up in lake)?
holy war sword of Scythians (King Atilla the Hun)?
Bamburgh sword?
Ida the Flamebearer ("547")?
sword of (San) Galgano 1180?
Oslo sword?
sword of Peter ("rock")?
London Stone?
whetstone & sword of Sutton Hoo?
Sigmund pulling his sword from the Barnstokk?
"there is a stone which when burned becomes iron and then when heated in a furnace with a certain earth distils pseudarguros (mock-silver) which combined with copper makes orichalc"?
Perron stone?
Lapis Tituli (Vortimer's battles, HB)?
Alatuir magic stone (Slav)?
Stone of Scone?
Holy Grail a stone?
Hoary rock in the wood (Dinas Emrys, Scilly, St Michael's Mount)?
Brutus Stone (Totness)?
Arthur's Stone (Hereford)?
footprint in stone at Dunadd (Ardrey)?
stone with caledo inscription at Colchester?
Bass Rock?
Philosopher's stone?
"slain with a dragon stone from the sea"?
Loch Maben stone?
Loch Echach (Wonders)?

Friday, February 8, 2019


Colchis the land of the Golden Fleece.

Haven't solved this one yet, or not sure if not other candidates.

This is just lists of candidates for the main places etc in the story.

Seems like the two best candidates for Colchis are either Georgia/Scythia, or America (Mexico or Peru/Atlantis). Bailey in 'God Kings and the Titans' suggested Colchis was in America? (Atlantis' capital city is certainly Tiahuanaco/Tiwanaku.)

Colchis (river Phasis) : Coroch/Coruh river (Georgia/Turkey)? Kulhu (Georgia, Assyrian records)? Kullab (Gilgamesh)? Calah (Assyria/Asshur, Genesis 10)? Qula/Quleh ("ruins in forest", animal motifs, Chalcolithic, Israel)? Quleh/Qoleh (Arab village, Elam/Iran, Azerbaijan)? Hul (Genesis 10)? Havilah (land of gold, river Pishon, Hamite or Shemite nation, Genesis 2, Genesis 10)? Cush? Casluhim (Genesis 10)? Kolpia "voice" (Phoenician)? Lake Copais? Corsica? colchicum "iron-ore"? Colhuacan (Mexico)? Cholula (Mexico)? Chalco (Mexico)? Cocle (Mexico)? Collas (Peru)? Cori(cancha) "gold/sun" (Peru)? Pampacolca "deposit"? Cocha (Peru)? Qolqas/Colca(s) (Peru)? Cocaine? Cochin? Colne/Colchester?

River Phasis/Phasian/Pheasant: river Pishon (Genesis 10)? Phoenix? Phaistos (Crete)? Phaeacians (Scheria)? Baetis/Baetica (Spain)?

Jason "heal": Jasius (ancient British/French/Italian king lists)? Jago/Iago (Arthurian, Spanish)? Jason/Jesus (high priest, Maccabees)? Jaick? Ea? Ninazu (Sumerian god)?

golden fleece / krios / chrysomallus deras: Gullveig (Eddaic)? Goldilocks (blond hair)? golden apples (Hesperides)? golden ass? aglaa dora (Phaeacia/Scheria)? Aries the Ram? river Chrysorhoas ("golden river", Antioch, Jerash/Gerasa, Jordan)? gold placer-mining with sheep skins which were hung in trees (Caucasia)? "remote villages such as Svaneti, have been observed takeing skins to the river and catching gold flakes in the wools hair" (Caucasia)? shepherd kings (Hyksos)? Lion skin? fleece of Gideon's in Judges? lamb of God? Christ? land of gold Havilah? golden calf? goat skin worn by Jacob? skins of Adam & Eve worn by Nimrod? garments of Gilgamesh? ram in thicket/tree-of-life (Ur 0/1 dyn)? Scythian lamb (from near Caspian sea)? placer gold (Bolivian sites)? vicuna/camelid fine soft wool? alpaca wool / alpaca garments? Eldorado?

Colchians "mastery of casting metals": Cocle tribe "worked metals" (Mexico)? "The Mochica ... had mastered the art of casting gold" (Andes)?

high quality linens of Colchians, weaving/textiles of Colchis: weaving/textiles of Peru/Andes? cotton (America)?

guarding fire breathing bulls: cherubim (Eden)? scorpion-men (Gilgamesh epic)? griffins? bulls of Atlantis?

Jason emerge from dragon mouth; Butes prefered Sirens and jumped into sea : Jonah? bearded man in mouth of beast in carvings on objects from the Chichen Itza well (Mexico)?

Sesostris (pillars) : Senusret (12th dyn)? Hercules? Ramses 2 "Sesostris" (19th dyn)? Shishak/Susakim (Kings/Chronicles)? Xisuthros (Ziusudra/Atrahasis)? Gistubar/Izdubar (Gilgamesh)?

oak: Druids?

Argonauts: "Greeks in Mexico"? Mayan "is pure Greek"? "Greeks & Phoenicians visited island on west side of Atlantic" (Plutarch)? "13 Greeks descended from Hercules" (Ogygia, Plutarch)?

"Bronze Age": Atlantis was also bronze/brazen/brass age?

Phrixos: Phrygian? Frisians?

Son of Helios: son of the sun (Egypt, Peru, Mexico)? Phaethon? Erythia (Strabo, Greek myth)? son of God (Biblical)? son of heaven (China, Japan)?

Circumcision (Colchis) : circumcision Macrones, Hebrews, Egyptians?

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Recent news item brags that "experts" have found a 13th century (1200s ad) text that has the "Camelot legend" in it. Well, we already gave plenty of strong evidences from traditional & historical sources that Camelot was at either Dover or Richborough or Canterbury or London. They always do this, they blast bragging claims making themselves and "experts" out to be gods and they ignore others like us who have shown many stark evidences. What the elite says goes, they control all media etc. How many times i have seen/heard bragging claims blasted around the world (eg Richard the 3rd found), while they totally silence our own far more world shattering discoveries and stark proofs (eg Sisera's wounds match Seqenenre's wounds, eg Atlantis city stark matches with Tiahuanaco, eg Arthur's battle sites match Saxon Shore sites, eg Jospeh/Jacob starkly proven in 3rd-4th dynasty of Egypt, etc etc etc). Also, they have all the advantages and we have barely managed to do ours under massive disadvantages and hindrances (eg fluoridated water/food) and all alone with everyone against us.

Arthur's base/center/capital/castle/court/palace/seat/throne/table is variously located at either:
UrbLegionis/Caerleon/"Chester" (HRB, 24 kings document)
London (HRB, "Malory moved KA to London")
Camelot (Malory, Leland)
Tintagel castle ("Camelot was Tintagel", Cooper/Brewer's, Wiki)
Carduel/"Carlisle" (Romances)
Arthurburg/Etterby (near Carlisle/Stanwix)
Arthur's Hall / Celliwig (Triads, C&O)
(South) Cadbury castle/camp or Chard (local tradition, Leland)
Isneldone/Snowdon/Sinadon (Beroul, ..., Garner)
"Stirling" ("Beroul", ...)
"Winchester" (Malory, Winchester RT)
Fort/Mt/Clydno Eidyn (Gododin, PG, Taliesin)
Arthur'sSeat (Edinburgh local tradition)
Quimper (Lancelot romance)
Carhaix (LpfdrA, zoetropo)
St David's (Menevia) (Triads)
Cardigan (Troyes)
Pen Rhionydd (Triads)
Roxburgh castle (Moffat)
"Bear's Fort";
Bear's Den;
PictishPalace (Wonders, LF/Omer, Shoaf, Ardrey)
Gwensteri "key to Loegria" (Taliesin)?

Camelot/Schamilot details:
Name from con lui plot "as he pleased", or cant "circle, rim, edge" (same root as in Kent/Canterbury) or campus "camp, field" or melyn "yellow"?
Or from (a combination of) "Escavalon/Avalon (+ Caerleon)" (Loomis)?
Church or cathedral of St Stephen (1st christian martyr) there,
great white palace of white marble there (Malory, Hassell/Wilson)
Round Table there,
Was on a river, downstream from Astolat/Shallot,
"Camelot maybe near Camlan"?
Malory placed Camelot at "Winchester" (Guintonhi/Guintruis/Guintguic).
"Some connect Camelot with Portchester" (Cam/Cams/Hamble/Hamo's) (site of Badon).
Galahad stays in a convent near Camelot
"Many towered"?
"city of Camelot".
Camelot was or had a "castle".
Had a Great Hall?
Had tombs of heroes there.
Camelot had "many churches".

Variant spellings of the name: Camylot, Camelot, Kamelot, Kemelet, Camalot, Damolot, Caamalot, Kaamalot, Kaamelot, Camaelot, Kamaelot, Camaalot, Kamaalot, Gamalaot, Chamalot, Kameloth, Cameloth, Camaaloth, Kamaaloth, Kaamelott, Camehelot, Schamilot, Camchilot, Kamahaloth, Camahaloth.

Camelot/Schamilot/Melyn name & nature candidate matches in traditional sources:
Camulodunum (Caractacus, "Colchester" / "Maldon" / London?)
Campus Aelecti/Elleti (Bassalig, "Monmouth") (HB 41, OEC)
Campus Heli (metropolis of St Padarn) (Vita Patern, Sts Lives)
Gai Campi;
Campus Lapideus / campo iuxta lapidem tituli (HB)
Santiago de Compostela (Galician analogous copy)
Camaret (Brittany)
Natanleod/Naw Cant Lliwed "ruler of 900 (warrior) companies" (ASC 508)
Canterbury (Aethelbert's "metropolis", Redwald was "at Aethelbert's court") (= "Cadbury"?)
nobles of Kemenet-heboe;
Cambenet (Bedegraine)?
camas Longart/Longphort ("near Conchra on loch long", analgous);
monastery Cambuslang;
Gomeret ("Guined")?
Gamille the Maiden of the Castle?
Cambus Kenneth / Campsie(s) (Stirling, analogous copy)?
Cam Loth "twisted/crooked + marsh" (Dunadd/Dunardry, river Add)
"Circle (Cam/Cant) of Logres"?
Canu mawl "songs of praise"?
Cantscaul (AC)?
Kaer-caradoc (HRB)?
Cavloc (Sutton Hoo)
Colton (Dover)?
Allectus ("York")
Amatheus or Amalgaid or Armagh (Life of Patrick in the HRB)
Amallet / Alled / Allaid / Alyth.
?Mt Ambrosius?
Burmaltus/Durmalt-le-galois or Mardoc or Carrado (Modena Archivolt)?
Mellitus (London) (ASC)
Garth Maelog
Clas Myrrdin or Car-marthen (1000) or "Merlin's city Caerleon"?
Maelga/Megla/Mela (ASC 501, HRB)
Melros "bare headland/promontory/moor(land)" / "wood" (HB VR)
'vy(.)thneint Elei' "Vultures of Ely" (PaGur)
Fount Guur Helig (Wonders)
Pwll-heli set up by a man called Helig (folklore)
Helig's land / land of Helig ab Glannog / kingdom of Helig (Triads, Wonders, Jones, Evans)
Mt Eli (Cruachan Aichle) (Life of Patrick in the HB)
Beli/Heli/Eli founder of City of the Legion (HRB, 24 kings document)
Eliseg (Pillar of Eliseg)
Sons of Eliffer/Elifert of the great retinue (AC 573, Hen Ogledd).
Elvod (HB)?
sons of Liethali (HB)?
Maelgwn &/or Court of Rhos "yellow" "headland" (AC/WA 547)
castle of Dimilioc (Tintagel) (HRB)?
Samuil Pen...?

The real historical "Camelot" was at either Dover/Dubris (Guinnion of the HB, Eidyn of the PG) or Richborough/Rutupi (Legionis of the HB) or Canterbury or London.

* Dover (Guinnion/Eidyn/Snowdon) evidences:

- Arthur's 12 battles 9 battle sites match the 9 Saxon Shore sites from Norfolk to Hampshire with the middle 5 all being in Kent.

- Camelot may be connected with the root word cant "crooked" which same root Kent & Canterbury are also thought to maybe be from.

- Camelot was or had a "castle". Compare castellum Guinnion and Dover castro?

- Arthur's court/capital is alternatively at either Camelot, Snowdon, "Winchester", Celliwig, Eidyn, Arthur's Seat.
Snowdon "snow hill" matches Guinnion "white fort" and white Dover/Albion and the Downs.
"Winchester" in Arthurian is Guintonhi/Guintruis/Guintguic which is Guinnion. "The earth shall swallow Guintonhi" is connected with Dover's cliffs/drop/heights/downs.
Celliwig is connected with Celli of the PaGur which matches Caledon of the HB. Caledon Wood is certainly the Weald (the Caledonian wood in Caesar's invasion in Florus etc). Irish source says Guinnion was in Caledonian wood. Dover (Guinnion, Celliwig?) is in or surrounded/bracketed by the Weald (Caledon wood, Celli).
Eidyn was Gwallawg's seat in Taliesin. Eidyn of the PG matches Guinnion of the HB and Dover/Dubris of the ND/SS. (Fort Eidyn of the Gododin may also match fort Guinnion/Eidyn/Dover.) There is an Edinburgh Hill place-name at Dover. (Etna & Messina of some Arthurian sources is analogous for Eidyn at Dover.) Although Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh is considered to be from a corruption of Ardnasaid, the name and nature of the place are also analogous to Dover..
There is a place name Colton at Dover which might be cnnected with Camelot? (Compare Camulos/Cole.)

- Camelot is supposedly associated with Tintagel castle. The alleged Tintagel in Cornwall was only lately associated with Arthuriana, but the site does have strong seeming analogies with Dover (castellum Guinnion).

- The Round Table was at either Camelot, city of the legion, Snowdon, "Windsor", "Winchester". These sites match either Richborough (city of the legion) or Dover (Guinnion).
"Windsor" and "Winchester"/Guintonhi/Guintguic matches Guinnion (Dover).
Snowdon "snow hill" matches Guinnion and Dover/Albion and the Downs.
The Round Table is variously either a stationary/moving table-like item, or a stationary round house of polished stones or "some kind of enclosure, which could be a palace but could also be something like a henge with a defined inside and outside space", or an amphitheatre, or a circle/meeting of (12) people, or a tournament event, or a moving court. Possible matches at Dover for the RT include Dover lighthouse, or Harold's Earthwork.
Windsor and Snowdon are both associated with both the RT and with Yseut. Dover/Guinnion seems to be associated with women, eg Mary (Guinnion, Dover), Winlogee/Guinevere (castle in Modena Archivolt), Yseut (RT, Snowdon/Windsor), Martia, Morgana (Castle of Morgane, Etna/Messina/Sicily), Gwenwisa/Genuissa, Gwendolen, Gamille the Maiden (of the Castle), Igraine (Tintagel), Shallot/Elaine/Helena?

- Some have thought that Camelot may be from combination of Avalon + Caerleon. "Caerleon" the city of the legion is Richborough; Avalon might match Dover/Guinnion (or Reculver/Bassas).

* Richborough (city of the legion) evidences:

- Arthur's 12 battles 9 battle sites match the 9 Saxon Shore sites from Norfolk to Hampshire with the middle 5 all being in Kent.

- Two of the best candidates for the original "(King) Arthur" are Vortimer and Ethelbert who were both in the Richborough/Kent area.

- Camelot may be connected with the root word cant "crooked" which same root Kent & Canterbury are also thought to maybe be from.

- Camelot was on a river (compare "Caerleon upon Uske"). Rutupi/Richborough is on the Stour.

- "city of Camelot", compare the city of the legion and Rutupi/Richborough.

- Arthur's court/capital is alternatively at either Camelot, the City of the Legion.
The City of the Legion (urbs, 6th of 9, 9th of 12) certainly matches Richborough/Rutupi (orbs, legion Augusta, 5th of 9, 9th hour). Some consider Camelot to be from a combination of Caerleon and Avalon.
Gwensteri "key to Loegria" (Taliesin) well matches Richborough/Rutupi.
Camelot could be connected with Camulodunum which is connected with the Trinovantes and with Caractacus. Caractacus was in the Richborough &/or Kent area for a time.

- Camelot might be connected with Natanleod /  Naw Cant Lliwed "ruler of 900 (warrior) companies" who seemingly may be connected with the legion of the City of the Legion Richborough/Rutupi. (Compare name of Natanleod with Leodegrance or Lancelot?) The name "Circle of Logres" (circle of legion/legions/legionaries?) might also be related?

- The Round Table was at Camelot or the City of the Legion. I and some other scholars agree that the Round Table might be connected with the Amphitheatre at Richborough (and/or the legion there, and/or the name Rutupi "red top").
"jousts are held in a meadow outside the city" of Camelot well matches the amphitheatre outside Richborough fort.

- 3 courts (Triads), or 3 renowned cities, or 3 vultures of Ely could match the 3 main battle sites in Kent (Reculver/Bassas, Richborough/Legionis, Dover/Guinnion) or the 3 bishoprics (Canterbury, Rochester, London)

- "Galahad stays in a convent near Camelot" may be connected with Guinevere's convent at "Caerleon" (the city of the legion, Richborough) and/or the convent at Amesbury.

- Malory: great white palace of white marble at Camelot (melyn "yellow"?)
Richborough: large (white) cruciform platform building faced with Italian marbles.

- Church of St Stephen at Camelot.
Labienus 1st soldier to die in Caesar's invasion at/near Richborough/Deal/Dover (the large cruciform platform at Richborough may be his grave/cenotaph).
Sts Julius & Aaron 1st christian martyrs at City of the Legion (= Richborough/Rutupi).

- These fields/camps sites seemingly might all be connected with the same site (the city of the legion Richborough/Rutupi) : Maisuriam, Maesbeli ("field of Beli"), Maes Garmon ("field of Germanus"), Bassalig/Maesaleg, Campus Electi, Campus Heli, Gai Campi, Campus Lapideus, field of Leeks?
These similar names might all be related to the same site (the city of the legion Richborough) : land of Helig, Maesbeli, Vultures of Ely, Campus Heli, Campus Electi, Eliseg, sons of Eliffer/Elifert, Elvod, Elmet, sons of Liethali, Guithelin, Cannheleydd.
Descriptions of Helig's land are similar to Richborough (city of the legion), eg "at the end of Helig's land" (or boundary marker?), "usually regarded as being somewhere between the eastern tip of Anglesea (Ynys Seiriol) & Conway", "between Ceredigion and Bardsey".
The city of the legion (Richborough) was founded by Beli/Heli/Eli in the HRB and in the 24 Kings document.
The sons or great retinue of Eliffer might match the Arthurian legion at Richborough.
Mt Eli = Cruachan Aichle of Patrick in the HB. Cruachan Aichle seems to match Cruc Mawr of the Wonders of Britain, which wonder pretty surely matches the massive crucifrom platform at Richborough/Rutupi (the city of the legion).
Campus Lapideus in Vortimer's battles list is agreed to possibly be the city of the legion Richborough by myself, theelf, and Evans.
Gai Campi might be from Gaius Julius Caesar who landed at/near Richborough.
Rutupi/Richborough was thought to be a wood or in the Caledonian wood, which is similar to Elmet/Loidis.

- Camelot was downstream from Astolat/Shallot. This might match Richborough (city of the legion) and Dover (Guinnion)?

- "Camelot maybe near Camlan"? Arthur died at the city of lions/Lyonesse in some sources, which site matches the city of the legion Richborough. Camlan may mean "crooked bank/glen"; there is a big bend in the river in the Woodnesborough/Sandwich area, and/or the name Kent/Canterbury is also thought to maybe be from the same cant "bent" root word, and the meaning could relate to the cliffs between Dover and Reculver.

- Campus Aelecti is near Bassalig. Bassas of the HB matches Reculver of the ND/SS, which site is like sister to Richborough. (This is evidently traditionally possible/feasible even though the name is considred to actually be from Maesaleg "field of ...".)

- Santiago de Compostela can be connected with the city of the legion (Richborough) by that Jago is associated with the city of the legion in the Welsh Annals and the HRB, and by that the name resembles Campus Electi or Campus Heli, and the city of the legion was built by Eli/Heli/Beli. Compostela is paired with Santa Maria de Bretona, which matches the city of the legion / Richborough paired with fort Guinnion / Dover. (Galician's have Celtic blood ties with Britons.)

- Camelot is thought by some to be from melyn "yellow" or melot? The name might be connected with Melros and Maelgwn's court of Rhos, and these names mean "bare headland/promotory/moor(land" which well matches the Reculver (Bassas) & Rutupi/Richborough (city of the legion) area. "Wedale" near "Melros" in Lodonesia in the HB VR may match either Dover (Guinnion) or Reculver (Bassas) near Richborough (city of the legion) in the sphere of London.

- Camelot had "many churches" "like the city of the legion". Compare the city of lions/lyonesse and its 140 churches. The city of lions at lands end in far south-west analogously matches the city of the legion (and) Richborough in the far south-east.

* Canterbury evidences:

- Arthur's 12 battles 9 battle sites match the 9 Saxon Shore sites from Norfolk to Hampshire with the middle 5 all being in Kent. Canterbury is at intersection of roads leading to 5 battle sites (Medway/Celidon, Reculver/Bassas, Richborough/Legionis, Dover/Guinnion, Lemanis/Tribruit).

- Camelot is associated with Cadbury in local traditions. Cadbury's name may recall Canterbury (and/or Mt Cayburn near Pevensey/Anderida).

- Camelot may be connected with the root word cant "crooked" which same root Kent & Canterbury are also thought to maybe be from.

- Aethelbert of Kent might be the origial "(King) Arthur". Canterbury as "Aethelbert's metropolis" could match Arthur's capital Arthurburg &/or Camelot. Redwald was "at Aethelbert's court".

- "Many-towered" Camelot might match Canterbury?
The cathedral at Camelot sounds abit like Canterbury?
Camelot had many tombs of heroes, which from vague memory is like Canterbury?
Camelot had "many churches" which might be abit like Canterbury?

* London evidences:

- Arthur's 12 battles 9 battle sites match the 9 Saxon Shore sites from Norfolk to Hampshire with the middle 5 all being in Kent. London is between Othona/Bradwell/Maldon (Dubglas/Linnuis) and Kit's Coty/Coldrum/Rochester/Chatham/Aylesford/Medway (Caledon).

- Wheeler's & Deniker's Essex gap or salient of Britons in the 'Anglo-Saxon" south-east (Colchester - London - St Alban's).

- "Malory moved Arthur to London".

- Arthur may be from Aethelbert of Kent. In Ethelbert's time Mellitus was the 1st bishop of London, and Camelot is supposed by some to maybe be from melyn (or melot).

- Camulodunum (once thought to be Maldon) could be London?

- Camlet moat in London?

- Logres/Locrin could match either London/Londres or the city of the legion / Logiore.

Table for the city of the legion Richborough & Guinnion/Dover:
Rutupi/Richborough - Dover/Dubris (ND/SS)
city of the legion - Guinnion (HB)
Camelot - Astolat/Shallot
Carlion - Avalon/Camelot (Loomis)
Logres - Avalon
Carlion - Snowdon.