Saturday, February 9, 2019


Excalibur the sword from stone/anvil and/or sword from the lake of "(King) Arthur".

("Friends" please note that since they keep stopping me from doing my good personal paper studies i have to keep doing these casual rough computer/net/web researches/articles. Please don't disbelieve what i said about me being very angry that they are stopping me from my good studies but doing constant wrongs & hinrances to me. Do not get wrong impression that these computer/net posts are my more/most important personal studies, they are not.)

This is a compilation of candidates for the origin(s) of the sword Excalibur/Caliburn(us) and/or sword from stone an/or sword from lake. I can not necessarily say which one is the correct candidate but the correct one is probably in this list.

The 4 or 5 most likely candidates in the list below are probably:
Calpurnius/Taburniae of St Patrick, or
Cross/Calvary & CroceaMors & Labienus of Caesar's invasion, and/or
Perron stone or Lapis tituli, or
Galgano sword, or
London Stone or Brutus Stone.

Excalibur details:
"Sword in/out-of stone/anvil/block";
Made in Avalon, "sword taken out of lake";
Inscribed with "Keep me" & "Throw me away";
Used in battle of Badon/Bath/Guinnion, and at Camlann;
"Excalibur thrown into Glaslyn" or Dozmary pool.

Variant spellings of name:
C(h)alabrum, Caliburn(us) (Latin), Calibo(u)rne, C(h)alabrun, Caledfwlch (Welsh), Kaledvoulc'h (Breton), Caladbolg (Irish), Caliburc, Callibo(u)rc, Calibourch, Escalibor(c) (French), Calesvol (Cornish), Calibore, Callibor, Excalibur (English).

Excalibur &/or stone candidates :
Escavalon / Cavalon / "made in Avalon" (Loomis)?
rex ...?
lex talonis?
Calpurnius (St Patrick's father)? (Palladius? Compare Palladium?)
Calepius 447?
Mt Cayburn (tradition of battle here in 488)?
Caladbolg (sword in British/Welsh/Irish myth)?
Cross/crucifix & Mt Calvary (Golgotha, Cruc Mawr)? (Galvarium in Modena Archivolt? Cross at Guinnion?)
Caledo(n(ian wood/forest)) "hard"? Chalcedon (council, ASC)?
Calleva (Silchester)? Cadwallon (versus Caesar)?
Canterbury (King Aethelbert)?
Cadbury ("Camelot")?
De Stagno Calido "Hot Lake" (Wonders)?
Cherubims (Hanes Taliesin)?
Caleb "dog"?
Carn Gafalt / Cabal's Cairn? Carnavlawg "cloven-hoofed" (Gododin)? (Culvynawyd Prydain?)
Calchfynydd "chalk mountain" (Hen Ogledd)?
(Halter of) Clydno Eidyn?
Cl(assis) Br(itannica) (Saxon Shore)?
Callidus "clever/cunning/canny"?
Catigern? Catgabail? (Sethirgabail/Rithergabail/Sassenaghabail "slaughter"?)
Taburniae (St Patrick's home town)?
Labienus' grave & Caesar's sword Crocea Mors at Richborough?
Liburnia (Lucius Artorius Castus)?
cross/sword of Constantine?
Witham sword (inscription)?
"Sword found in Lakenheath" (Norfolk/Suffolk)?
Loch Ness Monster head photos (looks like hand thrust up in lake)?
holy war sword of Scythians (King Atilla the Hun)?
Bamburgh sword?
Ida the Flamebearer ("547")?
sword of (San) Galgano 1180?
Oslo sword?
sword of Peter ("rock")?
London Stone?
whetstone & sword of Sutton Hoo?
Sigmund pulling his sword from the Barnstokk?
"there is a stone which when burned becomes iron and then when heated in a furnace with a certain earth distils pseudarguros (mock-silver) which combined with copper makes orichalc"?
Perron stone?
Lapis Tituli (Vortimer's battles, HB)?
Alatuir magic stone (Slav)?
Stone of Scone?
Holy Grail a stone?
Hoary rock in the wood (Dinas Emrys, Scilly, St Michael's Mount)?
Brutus Stone (Totness)?
Arthur's Stone (Hereford)?
footprint in stone at Dunadd (Ardrey)?
stone with caledo inscription at Colchester?
Bass Rock?
Philosopher's stone?
"slain with a dragon stone from the sea"?
Loch Maben stone?
Loch Echach (Wonders)?

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