This is a list of the main rulers in the Amarna letters (late 18th dynasty of ancient Egypt), though we haven't read all the letters and there may be more in the texts of the letters.
Conventional chronology places Amarna between Joseph and Moses in the bible, but this is too early because the conventional Egyptian chronology is too long/old (and bible too short)..
It is agreed that the letters don't match the time of Joshua because the names of rulers are different.
Rohl's placement in the time of David is probably right, and this period does have the most names similarities, but there are still hardly any exact matches and there are maybe some possible different rulers names (eg see Hiram of Tyre).
Velikovsky's placement in the times of Jehoshaphat & Ahab seems very doubtful.
One scholar bizarrely has Amarna in the times of Abraham which is way too early and has no rulers names matches.
(Place, ruler)
Ahtiasna/A(h)tirumna, king Zurasar/Surasar
Akka/Acco/Acre, king Satatna/Zatatna/Zitatna
Acco, Shutatna (son of Sharatum) of.
Akka/Acco/Acre, king Surata/Zurata/Saratum of.
Akshapa/Aksapa/Achshaph, Endaruta/Intaruda of
Alashiya/"Cyprus", king/minister of
Ammia/Ammiya/Amioun, king/prince of
Amurra/Amurru, prince/king Aziru/Aziri/Azaru
Amurru, king Abdiashirta
Aramean, army commander Lupakku.
Arasni, ruler Miya/Maia
Ardata/(E)ldata, king of
Arzawa, king Tarhundaraba
Asqaluna/Asqalon/Ashkelon, king Yidya/Yidia/Widia/Vidia
Assyria, king Ashur-uballit I
Astartu/Tell-Ashtara, mayor Ayyab/Aiab
Astartu, Biridaswa
Barga, king of
Basan/Bashan, Amawase/Amajase
Betsani, a garrison in.
Biruta/Beruta/Beirut (Lebanon), king Ammunira/Hamuniri
Biruta, Yapah/Yapahadda/Iapahaddi
Bit-tenni, Balu-mir
Busruna, king of
Carchemish, king Aplabanda
Damascus, mayor Biryawaza/Namiawaza
Danuna ("Cilicia?") king of
"Dan, Addu of"?
Dumuia, Addudani/Addadanu
Enisasi, 'Abdirisa
Enisasi/..., Satiya/Satija of
Gaza, king Iahtiri/Yahtiru
Gazri, territory/soldiers/people of.
Gazru/Gezer, mayor Addadanu/Addudani/Addu of Dan.
Gezer, mayor Milkilu/Milkili
Gazru, Ilimilku
Gazru, mayor Yapahu/Iapah(i)
Gazru, dIshkurdikud.
Gezer, leader Tagi
Ginti(kirmil), mayor Tagi
Ginti(-kirmil), the land/people/soldiers of.
Gubbu, prince
Gubla/Byblos (Lebanon), lady of
Gubal/Byblus, king Ribaddi/Rib-haddi/Ribhadda/(Rib-)Adda of.
Gubla, man
Gubla, Ummahnu & Ishkuru her husband the servant of Baalat of.
Guddasuna, king Jamiuta/Yamiuta
Heaven, Ishtar the Lady of.
Halunnu, king of
Hasi/Hazi, king Majarzana/Mayarzana of.
Hasi/Hazi, Ildaja/Ildayyi of.
Hasura/Hasuru/Hazor, king 'Abdiirsi/'Abditirsi
Hasabu, Bieri of.
Hatti/Hittites, king Sapalulme/Supilili/Suppiluliumas/Saprer/Sapalili I.
Hatti, prince Zi(k)ar.
Hazati/Azzati, deputy Addaia in.
Irqata, peoples
Irqata/Arqa, mayor Aduna
Inamta, Two men of.
Kardunias/Babylon, king Burnaburiash II
Kardunias/Babylon, king (Kad)ashmanenlil I
Kassu/Kassites, king of.
Kilti, city/people/soldiers of.
Kumidu/Kumidi/Kamedallawz, magnate Arassa/Ara(ha)ttu
Lakisa/Lachish town, mayor Siptiba'lu.
Lakisa/La(chish), mayor/king/gov Zimredda/Zimridi/(Z)imrid(a) of.
Lakis, mayor Iabniilu
Lapana, Teuwatti of
Magidda/Makida/Megiddo, king Biridiya/Biridija
Megiddo, king Ja(sd)ata
Mitanni/Hanigalbat/Naharin/Nah(ri)ma/Narima, king Tushratta
Mitanni, king Shuttarna
Mizri/Egypt, pharaoh/sar/king Naphuriya/Huriya/A4/Akhenaten of
Mizri/Miisri/Egypt, Nimmuriya/Amenhotep III
Mizri, minister
Mizri, official
Mizri, queen
Mizri, dignitary Hai/Haia/Haya the son of Miare.
Muhrastu, Yaptihhadda
Musihuna, Suttarna
Naziba, ruler/prince of
Nii, Akitessup
Nuhassa/Nuhasse, king Addunirari
Nineveh, Ishtar of.
"Northern Palestine", 'Abdina/Abdi-na-...
Pakku, man Lupakku "man of Pakku"?
"Palestine", kings
"Palestine", Ba'lumehir/Balumihir
"Palestine", Ba'luursag
"Palestine", Dasru
"Palestine", Hiziru/Hiziri (, king of?)
"Palestine", Sub-andu.
Pihilu/Pella, pr/k Mutbahli/Mutbahlu(m)/Mutbalu/Mutbaal "man of Baal".
Qanu/Qanawat, ruler/prince of.
Qatna/Katna/"Hamath", king/governor Akizzi
Qidsu/Qadesh/Kadesh, mayor Etakkama/Aitagama
Qiltu, 'Abdiastarti
Qiltu? or Gath? king Suwardata
Rehob, Ba'luursag
Ruhiza/Ruhizzi/Ruhisu, king Arsawuya/Arzawaija
Siduna/Sidon/Zidon (Lebanon), mayor/king Zimriddi/Zimredda
Sakmu/Shechem/Samaria, commander Labaya/Labayu/Labaja "great lion (of God)" of.
Samhuna, Samuadda/Sumadda/Sumadd/Sumuhadi/Sum... of.
Saruna, Rusmanya/Rusimania
Sashimi, 'Abdimilki of
Silu/Sile/Tjaru, Turbazu
Siribasani/Ziribasani, Artamanya/Artemanja
Sumur, Pahamnata the officer of the king in.
Surru/Tyre, king Abimilku/Abimilki
Surru/Tyre, Shalmaiati/Mayaati of.
"Syria", Bayadi/Bajadi
"Syria", Bayawa/Baiawa
"Syria", Dagantakala
"Syria", Kurtuya
"Syria", Paduzana/Baduzana
"Syria", Tehutessup
Seeri, lands of
Sehlal, troops of.
Taanach, king Rewassa
Tubu/Tob, ruler of
Tunanab, king of
Tunip, peoples
Tusultu town, Amanhatpe
Ugarit, king Asukwari
Ugarit, Ammistamru/Ammittamru I
Ugarit, king Niqmadda/Niqmaddu II
Ugarit, king (M)istu
Ugarit, queen ...hepa
Urusalem/Uruurusalaamki/Jerusalem, k/pr Abdiheba/Arthahepa/Aradhepa/Putihiba/Ebedtov.
Yursa/Jursa, king Puba'lu
Zinzar/Shaizar, king of.
Zuhra/(Z)uhr(u), ...dih of.
(?) (Z)unu, Nukurtuwa of.
city Bet-Ninib,
governor Pamahu.
gate of Zilft/Zilu .
mistress B(i)...
people of Kash
sons of Labaya
the southern castle Pr H'wt.
the territory of Sheri.
widow Tiye
Ahutabu (person)
Azzu (a "him").
asiru (a gift/amount sent).
Benemina (person)
Bet-arha/Bit-arkha (place)
Dadua/Tadua (person)
Habiru/'Apiru (people/persons)
(Ianha)m(u)/Yanhamu (a "him").
Ijazati (persons/people).
Kapasi (place)
Kashi (people).
Milkilu/Milki-lim/Ilimilku (person).
Nahrima (place)
Pabi/Pabu (a "he").
Rapi-el (a "he").
Shuardatu (person)
Sumura/Sumurri (place)
Sealants (place)
Shipti-Ba'al (person)
Turbazu (person).
Tell el-Hesi (place).
Uzu (place)
Yarimutta (place).
Yishuya/Yishaya (person)
Yapa-Adda/Iaptih-Adda (person).
Yarami (person?)
Arzaia/Arzaya's sons.
Amelut Sagaz Mesh (people of rebel Mesh)
Amurru son of Aziri
Ajalon, the fields of.
Baalatnese "mistress of lions, lion woman"
Hinnatuna/Hannathon/Hinnatuni of/in Kinahhi, the city of.
Iarimuta, land of
Pauru/Puuru the king's officer.
Rubute/Rubuda, the city/territory of.
Shumadda, son of Balumme.
Shuta, the officer of the king.
(Sa) Gaz - warriors/people.
Tagi's sons.
Tatuhepa (daughter/princess, wife/queen).
Below is a list of possibly similar Amarna letters & Biblical names which we will be going into more details in part 2. The second large section are all in the time of the United Monarchy of Saul, David & Solomon, the first small section is the only few similarities in other earlier biblical times.
(Biblical name: 18th dynasty Amarna letters/period or Heretic kings period name)
Jebus: Abdiheba?
Moses: rebel Mesh?
Jarmuth: Iarimuta?
Shiloh (Joshua to Samuel): Sehlal?
Bethel: Battiilu?
Caleb: dog?
Othniel "lion": Labaya?
Abimelech: Abdimilki of Sashimi? Abimilku?
Samson: Labaya?
Abibalus: Abimilki?
Saul: Sehlal? Surata? Suwardata? Ashuruballit? Shuttarna? Suppiluliuma? Balu-ur-sag? Tusultu? Silu? Tushratta? Saruna? Labaya?
Ishbosheth/Ishbaal "man of Baal": Mutbaal "man of Baal"?
Jonathan: Hinnatuna?
Nahash: Nuhasse?
Jesse/Ishai: Yishuya/Yishaya?
Dodo: Dudu?
David: Addaia? Dudu? Dijate? Widia? Tagi? Teuwatti? Tut? Tushratta? Adduursag? Dadua/Tadua? Ay? dIshkurdikud? Labaya (via Lion of Judah)?
Achish/Abimelech: Akizzi of Qatna? Akitessup? Abdimilki of Sashimi? Abimilku? Shuwardata "the sun god has given" (via Akishimige "the sun god has given")?
Ziklag: Zikar? Sigata?
Rehob: Rehob?
Hadadezer: Aziru? Abdiashirta? Hiziri?
Shobach "he of Pakku": Lupakku "man of Pakku"?
Tou/Toi/Tob: Tubu/Tob? Ebdetov?
Zobah: Tubu/Tob?
Jehoiada: Iahazibada/A(h)...?
Joab/Yoav: Ayyab/Aiab?
Hebron: Habiru?
Uriah: Huriya? Biridiya? Burnaburiash? Biryawaza? Vidia?
Bathsheba: Abdiheba? queen ...hepa? Balatnese?
Hiram/Huram: Ammunira? Huriya? Horemhab? Piramses?
Cherethites/Kreti: Ugarit?
Nathan: Akhenaten? Hinnatuna? Aten? Nakhtpaaten?
Adonijah: Aduna? Addudani?
Solomon: Suppiluliuma? Labaya (via lion throne)? Shalmaiati? Shulmani?
Jedidiah: Addaia?
Sheba: Abdiheba? queen ...hepa?
Shulammite: Shunem?
Rose of Sharon: Saruna?
Agur-ben-Jakeh: Akhu-en-aten?
Rehoboam: Rehob?
David "beloved, dear" has been related to Jedidiah "beloved of Jah" and Dido and Dodo "beloved, loving" and to (Ben-)Hadad/Adad/Addu/Dadda/Dadi/Dada "thunderer, brave" (or Hadar/Adar "enclosure") and Bedad and dadu "dear little child" and dad/daddy "father"?
Addaia in the Amarna letters is a similar name to Hadad/Adad/Addu/Dadda/Dadi/Dada which has been linked with David (ref Sayce).
David was at Gath. Addaia was at Hazati/Azzati/Gaza (letter 289).
Dudu of the Amarna letters is a similar name to Dodo and to David (both having d u/v d in common).
David beat Hadadezer/Hadarezer. Dudu was lord/father and Aziri was son/servant in Amarna letter 158.
Dadua of the Amarna letters has a similar name to David and Hadad/Dadda.
Dadua & Yishuya & Ayyab in Amarna letter 256 may match David and Jesse/Ishai and Joab/Yoav.
Rohl associates the sons of Labaya in Amarna letter 250 with Mutbaal/Ishbaal/Ishbosheth (son of Saul) & Dadua/David (son in law of Saul), though I haven't yet read the letter and am not sure the letter actually says Mutbaal and Dadua are the sons of Labaya?
Vidia/Widia/Yidya in the Amarna letters is a similar name to the sceond half of David or David without the D-.
Vidia wrote from Ashkelon (EA 320, 326). David was at Gath.
David may be indirectly connected with dad/daddy "father" via Hadad/Adad/Dadda?
Ay's name is similar to the name David without the 2 Ds, and his name Itjnetjer means "(holy) father, father (of god)"?
David married widow Bathsheba after the murder of Uriah the Hittite. Ay is thought to have married widow Ankh-esenpa-aten/Ankh-esen-amen after the death of Tut (Huriya?) and murder of the Hittite Zannanza.
Labaya "great lion (of God)" of the Amarna letters might be connected with David of Judah via the lion of Judah?
Achish/Akish/Abimelech son of Maoch/Maacah king of Gath (Gittite) & Ziglag (Philistines) of the bible might match Akizzi governor/king of Katna/Qatna/"Hamath" of the Amarna letters?
Akish/Achish and Akizzi are similar names.
Katna/Qatna/"Hamath" is similar to Gath/Gittite and/or Gaza.
Maacah and Hamath are both in Aram/Syria.
Agur-ben-Jakeh of Proverbs 30 in David's/Solomon's time might match Akh-en-aten/Khu-n-aton of Amarna of the 18th dynasty of Egypt.
Hebrew g can match Egyptian kh as seen in Negev/Negeb and Nekhab, (and possibly gopher and khepri? and possibly Agag and Akhekh/Apepi? etc.)
The 'Ha Massa' that comes after Agur-ben-Jakeh might relate to Akhenaten's name Ankhemmaat or to Amarna??
Some other examples of maybe similar names: (Fuller lists to come in part two.)
Abdi-ashirta (EA 62-65, 71, 73-76, 79, 81, 83, 85, 88, 90-92, 95, 101, 109, 117, 125, 127, 132, 138) : Hadadezer?
As(h)tartu (EA 196-197, 256, 364) : Tell-Ashtara? Ashtaroth? Asahel? Ishbosheth/Ishbaal? Ashkelon? Israel? Hadadezer?
Abi-milku (EA 146-155, 184) : Abimelech/Achish? Abibalus?
Abdi-milki of Sashimi (EA 203) : Abimelech/Akish?
Abdi-kheba (EA 285, 290) : Jebus? Bathsheba? Sheba? Adonibezek?
Akizzi (EA 52-57) : Achish/Akish?
Aki-tessup (EA 59) : Achish/Abimelech?
Aziru of/from Amurru (EA 114, 117, 124-125, 158, 161, 164, 167, 169, 171) : Hadadezer?
Aiab/Ayyab/Ayaab "who is the father" (EA 256, 364) : Joab/Yoav (compare Job/Ayyub)? Job/Ayyub?
Addaia (EA 285, 287, 289) : David? Hadad? Jedidiah?
Addandanu/Addudani (EA 292-295) : Adonijah? Hadad? David?
Aduna (EA 75, 140) : Adonijah? Abdon?
Addu-ur-sag (EA 250) : David? Adonijah? Hadad?
A(h)... (EA 217, 2110?) : Jehoiada?
Azzati (EA 285, 287, 289) : Gaza? Gath? the Hittite?
Asqaluna "Ashkelon"
Araru (EA 256) : Aroer?
Aduru (EA 256) : Adullam? Hazzurim? Endor?
Amurru "Amorites" (Syria-Palestine)
Ambi (EA 76) : Moab?
Ammia (EA 73) : Ammon/Ammi? people (Israel)? yam "sea"?
(Amel(ut)) (sa)gaz (Mesh) (EA 68, 73, 74, 76, 79, 83, 88, 91? 274) : Hebrews (people of Moses)?
'Apiru (EA 184, 288)
Aksapa "Achshaph"
Ba-aluia (EA 170) : Ba'anah?
Ben-elima/Ben-enima (EA 256) : Benaiah? Ba'anah (son of Anu?) grandson of Eli? Benjaminite?
Battiilu (EA 170) : Beth-el?
Balat-nese "mistress of lions, lion woman" (EA 274, 3210) : Bathsheba? wife of Saul?
Balu-ur-sag (EA 249-250) : Saul? Ishbaal?
Dadua (EA 256) : David? Dodo? Hadad?
Dudu (EA 158, 164) : David? Dodo? Hadad?
Dumuia: Edom?
Damacus (EA 88) : Damascus/Aram/Syria
Dijate (EA 193) : David? Ziklag? Doeg?
Dog (EA 71, 109) : Goliath? Caleb "dog"?
d-Ishkur-dikud: David? Ishbosheth?
Drought (EA 85)
Ebed-tov/Abdi-heba (EA 285 290) : Toi/Tob? Obed-edom?
Famine (EA 74, 79, 83, 85-86, 90-91)
Garu (EA 256) : Ugarit? Golan Gazru/Gezer Kharu/Akharru/Agaru (Horite, Syria-Palestine)? Galilee? Geshur/Gashuru? Gilead? Gerrhon? Gerar? Jair?
Gazru (EA 266, 271, 286, 292-295, 297-300, 378) : Gezer? Gaza? Gath?
Gubla "Byblos" (EA 85, 88, 101, 124, 138) : Byblos? Gibeon?
Habiru (EA 288) : Hebrews? Hebron? Ephraim?
Hazati (EA 285, 287, 289) : Gaza? Gath?
Huriya (EA 41) : Uriah? Pharaoh? Huram/Hiram?
Hiziri (EA 336-337) : Hadadezer?
Hinnatuna: Jonathan? Nathan? Tel Hanaton?
Hayyanu (EA 256) : Ajalon? Ai? Zion?
Hazuru/Hasuru/Khasru/Hasura/Hatsura (EA 184, 364) : Hazor? Hazzurim?
Haaya/Haya (EA 255, Ayyab?) : Joab? Ay?
Iarimuta (EA 74-75, 85-86, 105, 114) : Jarmuth? Ramoth? Aram? Jordan/Yarden?
Iahazibada (EA 275-276, 2110?) : Jehoiada?
(La)b'ayu "great lion (of God)" of Sakmu/Shechem (commander of the Samaria region, attacking Megiddo in Jazreel valley, slain/killed at Gilboa, "father" of Mutbaal, sons of Labaya, EA 252-255, 1001, 2110?) : Saul ("great lion of Yhwh", fought in Jazreel valley, his men / personal guard as lebaim' "lions", killed at Gilboa, 1st king, ...)? David (slew lion, lion of Judah)? Lemuel? Samson (slew lion, sun)? Solomon (lion throne)? Othniel ("lion")?
Lu-pakku "man of Pakku": Shobach "he of Pakku".
Lakisa "Lachish"
Mut-baal "man of Baal" (EA 255, 256, 3200) : Mephibosheth/Meribbosheth? Ishbosheth "man of Baal"?
Mankhatu: Manahath
Magdalu (EA 256): Migdol/Magdalen/Magdala? Megiddo? Midian?
Makida/Magidda (EA 243-244, 246-248) : Megiddo
Makkedah: Migdol/Magdalen/Magdala? Megiddo? Maacah?
Misri (EA 14,137): Mizraim (Egypt).
Naphuriya: Uriah? Napkhres? Pharaoh?
Nuhasse (EA 51) : Nahash?
Qatna (EA 52-57) : Gath? Gaza? Hamath?
Queen ...hepa (EA 48) : Bathsheba? Queen of Sheba?
Qades(h) (EA 189, 190) : Quds (Jerusalem)?
Pihilu (EA 255-256, 3200): Pella? Philistia?
Plague (EA 96)
Rubuda/Rubute (EA 289) : Rabbah? Rehob?
Rehob: Rehob? Rabbah? Rehoboam? Beth-Rehob?
(Sa)gaz (mesh) (EA 68? 79, 83, 88, 91, 274) : Moses? Gaza/Gath?
S(h)uwardata "sun god has given" (EA 284, 290) : Saul (Israel)? Shaul (Edom)? Akish (via Aki-simegi "sun god has given")?
Sulum-marduk "well-being of Marduk/Bel" (EA 256) : Saul? Shaul? king of Jerusalem/Salem?
Surru (EA 146-155) : Tyre?
Siduna (EA 144-145, 155) : Sidon/Zidon?
Shunama: Shunem? Shulamite? Salem/Jerusalem? Solomon?
Sehlal (troops of, EA 62) : Shiloh? Saul?
Shalmaiati (EA 147, 149, 155) : Solomon? Jerusalem? Hiram?
Shulmani: Solomon? Shulamite? Salem?
Sakmu (EA 252-254, 2500) : Shechem?
Saruna (EA 241) : Rose of Sharon? Saul?
Sigata (EA 76) : Ziklag? Succoth?
Silu (EA 288) : Shiloh? Saul?
Sarqu (EA 256, Sarku light race?) : Saruhen?? Saracen "east"? Shiloh? Seir? Sharon Shiloh?
Seeri (EA 288) : Seir? Syria? Israel?
Sons of Labaya: sons of Saul? sons of David?
Tagi (EA 264-266, 1001) : Toi/Tob? Doeg? David?
Tehuteshub (Du-Teshub? EA 58) : Toi?
Tianna: Zion?
Tubu/Tob (EA 205) : Zobah? Tob/Toi?
Tadua (EA 256) : David?
Teuwatti (EA 193) : Toi/Tob? David?
Uru-salim (EA 285, 287, 289, 290) : Jerusalem?
Ugarit (EA 45, 47, 48, 49, 98, 4000): Kreti/Cherethites? Goliath/Jalut?
Udumu (EA 256) : Edom or Aram? or Sodom?
Vidia/Widia/Yidya (EA 326) : David? Uriah?
Yis(h)uya/Yishaya "man of Yah" (EA 256) : Ishvi/Ishbosheth "man of Baal"? Jesse/Yishai/Ishai? Abishai?
Yabiluma (EA 256) : Hebron?
Zikar (EA 44) : Ziklag?
Addaya/Addaia: David? Hadad?
Ahutabu: Ahithophel? Ahitub?
Aduna: Adonijah? Abdon?
Adda-danu: Adonijah? David?
Abi-milku: Abimelech/Akish? Abibaal? Ahimelech?
Abdi-milki: Abimelech?
Abdi-ashirta: Hadadezer?
Ammunira: Hiram? Amnon?
Akizzi: Akish/Achish?
Aki-tessup: Toi? Akish?
Akhenaten: Agur ben Jakeh? Genubath?
Aziru: Hadadezer? Hazael?
Ayyab: Joab? Job?
Ay/Aya: David?
Assur-uballit: Saul?
Asalu: Saul? Asahel?
Artatama: Cushan-rishathaim?
Artasumara/Artasuwara: Cushan-rishathaim?
Abdiheba: Adonibezek? Jebus? Bathsheba? Sheba?
Burnaburias/Burariyas: Uriah?
Biryawaza: Uriah? Hiram?
Ben-elima: Benaiah?
Balu-ur-sag: Saul? Ishbaal? Jerusalem? Benhadad? Hadadezer?
Duppi-tessup: Zobah? Toi?
Huriya: Uriah?
(...h)epa: Bathsheba? Sheba?
Hiziru: Hadadezer?
Haya: Joab?
Ilumilku: Elimelech?
Keluheba/Giluhepa: Sheba? Bathsheba?
Lupakku (general) : Shopach?
Labayu: Saul? David? Solomon? Samson? Othniel? Lemuel?
Mutbaal: Mephibosheth?
Milkilu: Abimelech?
(mYabni)idim/mIaab(ni...) mayor of Sidon: Joab? Jabin?
Naphuriya: Pharaoh?
Neri: Ner? Abner?
Suwardata: Saul? Shaul? Akish?
Suttarna: Chushan-rishathaim?
Suppiluliumas: Solomon? Saul?
Sulum-marduk: Saul? Shaul?
Sipti-bala: Jehoshaphat?
Tagi: Toi? David?
Tadua: David? Hadad?
Taduhepa: Bathsheba? Sheba?
Yabni-ilu: Jabin? Joab?
Yahzib-adda: Jehoiada?
Yidya/Idiya: David?
Yattin-hadda: Hadaezer?
Yasuya: Joshua? Jesse? Abishai? Ishbaal/Ishvi?
Zimr-edda: Zimri?
Aksapa: Achshaph?
Akka: Acco?
Amurru: Amorite?
Azzatu: Gaza?
Ayyaluna: Ajalon?
Astartu: Ashtaroth?
Assur: Assyria/Asshur?
Asqaluna: Ashkelon?
Arwada: Arvad? Arad? Arpad?
Araru: Aroer?
Burusilim: Jerusalem?
Dimasqu/Dumasqu: Damascus?
Gazru: Gezer? Gaza? Gath?
Gubla: Byblos? Gibeon?
Hinnatuna: Hannathon? Jonathan? Nathan?
Hurri: Uriah? Horim/Horite? Ur? Horeb?
Hazzatu: Gaza?
Hasura: Hazor? Hazzurim?
Hatta: Hittites/Heth?
Kinahhi: Canaan?
Lapana: Laban?
Lakisa: Lachish?
Mitanni: Midian?
Magidda: Megiddo?
Magdalu: Migdol? Magdalene?
Nuhasse: Nahash?
Ni: Nob?
Pihilu: Pella? Philistia?
Qissa: Kish?
Qatna: Gath? Gaza?
Qades/Qidsu: Quds/Jerusalem?
Sunama: Shunem? Salem/Jerusalem?
Seru: Seir? Sharon?
Sehlal: Shiloh?
Sashimi: Shechem?
Saruna: Sharon?
Sanhar: Shinar?
Sakmu: Shechem?
Silu: Shiloh?
Tubu: Zobah? Tob/Toi?
Tusultu: Tyre?
Tianna: Zion?
Thebes: Thebez? Sheba? Tob?
Tahnaka: Taanach?
Udumu: Edom? Aram?
Ugarit(u): Goliath? Cherethites/Kreti?
Usu: Uz?
Urusalim: Jerusalem?
Upu/Apu: Joppa?
Yapu: Joppa?
Yabiluma: Hebron?
Ahlamu: Aram?
Habiru/Apiru: Hebrew? Hebron?
Sirdanu: Sidon?
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