This is my comments on this Historum forum blog post . I'm not posting it there because I'm too scared of being banned since they all seem to be pro the modern western world regime and anti "far right", while my comment is pro-"far right" and anti modern western world regime.
Spenglar and Toynbee and Yockey/Varange and other macro-historians have shown that every high culture/civilisation goes through a similar lifecycle of rise and decline/fall (or spring, summer, autumn/fall, winter). Our western culture is in its winter phase and this decadent western world globalist regime is typical of the winter phase of other high cultures. Its not the "far right" that is decadent, they stand for cultural rebirth or a grand finale. Though both are products of the times.
Left and right are misleading terms because the current regime and communists use them different to how the "far right" use them. The "far right" sees this modern western world regime as "left" even though it is supposedly "right" (capitalist, private, classical monetarist, etc) or "center". To the "far right" left is "new", revolutionary, artificial, internationalist, socio-economic, rationalist, foreign, culture destroyers, while right is "old", natural, national, socio-biological, instinctive/intuitive, culture bearers.
National Socialism combined both of what this regime calls "left" (social) and "right" (national), and the "far right" combines both traditionalist/archaic ("right") and radical/modernist/futurist ("left"). (In this it could be said to be centrist.) Communists lump nazism with the Capitalist/Reactionary right, while the "right" lumped them with the left/sociaists.
This western world regime also claims to combine both left and right, or they cleverly misclaim that they are "centre" between the extremes of "far left" and "far right". This regime does combine elements of both "right" (capitalist, private schools for rich/elite, etc) and "left" (communist, public schools, water fluoridation). The dispute is which is the correct delicate proportions dialectic balance of "left" and "right". To my view this regime has bad elements of both left and right, and has them in wrong proportion & wrong combination. The west claiming to be in centre between nationalist and left/internationalist/communist is a false scenario because one can't be half or compromise between the two, so they are really just half admitting they are with the left.
Both the western regime "right" and communist left have in common certain things in difference to the nationalist "far right", or are two sides of same coin.
The Satanist's use left and right differently or inversedly/reversely, they see the status quo as "right hand path" ie orthodox/thesis/light (and dualistic with only right and not left) and exoteric, while Satanist's are "left hand path" ie heretical/heterodox/antithesis/shadow/dark (and nondualistic/holistic/synthesis of both left and right) and esoteric. In the current western world, nationalism is the heroic heretical/shadow side suppressed by the ruling regime. (The globalists are only "heretical" or rebelious in being anti natural or anti Godly, which is not heroic but bad and stupid.)
Nationalists are not just "reactionary/old/conservative" ("right"), they see that cultures go through life cycles and each generation has to reflect the new phase and not be out of date (contrary to life phase), but they also don't ditch their "old" natural roots. Plus Campbell said "neither archaism nor futurism but rebirth".
The term "New Right" can be said to combine right & new, but in a sense of renewal/revival/renaissance in line with our traditional natural national roots and in line with our present-future cultural life stage. The old right would not work in this new stage.
Nationalists support an aristocracy. But they don't just support retaining all the old/present order "elite". Some elite have become corrupt/decadent/degenerate/mixed and tyrannical/oppressive/selfish, so nazism is also socialist in toppling the bad elite and constantly reviewing and renewing who merits being elite in both blood and in deeds (and both ability and goodness).
Ancient Greeks and Persians said the best systems were monarchy, aristocracy and democracy (in that order), and the worst were tyranny, oligarchy and ochlocracy.
The decadent old has to be destroyed/toppled before the new can be built.
Communist spectrum:
Communists on left, capitalists on right and nationalists on far right.
Western regime spectrum 1:
Communists on left, western regime on right, Nationalists lumped with left or on far right.
Western regime spectrum 2:
communists on far left, Western regime in "centre" (2 main left & "right" parties in parliament & alternately in goverment), nationalists on far right.
Nationalist spectrum:
Communists on left, Western world regime on left (or right), nationalists on right (or 3rd way, or synthesis of both left & right, or neither left or right but off the spectrum).
Satanist spectrum:
Satanists on left (both left & right), status quo on right (right alone).
"ideal scenario for far left globalists who I am assured follows the enlightenment idea for new atlantis.... ... and the reason of course was the enlightenment rush for new atlantis i.e. nwo...." - Pelagon in Historum.
More possible confirmation of my Atlantis Rising conspiracy theory.
The reason I hate this modern western world socio-economic regime & "elite" is because they are mean and cruel and slavers. I hate them for forcing fluoridation on us, and many other evils and wrongs.
I also hate the Lokian cunning they use in every debate. I hate the promotion of doubt and confusion in so many issues. I hate the low quality and not promoting everyone being able to be the best.
The reason I like the "far right" is because they are more decent and natural and instinctive and quality and promoting everyone to be the best. And even when I was a child I always liked the so-called badies and underdogs, even though I don't like real badies like this mean regime. (When I was a child my foster parents told me off for letting
the Germans win when I played with toy soldiers. I also used to like the
Indians rather than the Cowboys.) The "far right" address root causes, while this regime purposely evades them (root cause of mass unemployment, root cause of housing crisis, root cause of tooth decay & fluoridation, root cause of abortion, etc). This regime instead thinks they can force things, and use medication to solve everything.
People have to realise that alot of the western propaganda claims about how bad National Socialism was are not all true. Though sure the "far right" also have had some bad things.
I also prefer the nationalists' military uniforms to this regime's business suits.
I can not understand why many "far right" people so love Trump though. Sure he was not that bad in someways. But I can't see he is really any great nationalist leader. He was just a rich real estate agent. Trump has connections with Israel where he sells his drink. His 2nd Pence was pro-TPPA. Trump had meetings with North Korea and China which seem pro-globalist. (Pompei (note the Roman name) praised Trumps foreign policy acheivments.) Trump never stopped water fluoridation. But I certainly don't like Biden, and if I had to choose between the 2 I'd have chosen Trump, though I would not have chosen either of them or any of the mainstream regime parties if there was any other better alternative.
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