Sunday, April 14, 2019
How to Show You Care About Someone Suffering
How you can show you care/love someone in need/suffering:
- be a friend
- sympathise/empathise.
- don't judge/blame/assume.
- believe them don't always not believe or doubt or excuse.
- agree the bad things done to them by others are wrong/evil/criminal.
- ring/phone
- write
- reply to emails
- like FB posts
- say thanks
- say sorry
- pray (not just once) (not "tongues")
- help
- don't call them sick/mental or bad/criminal
- comment/reply
- visit
- dont cut them off for being "negative/angry". Dont say "take me off your mailing list. If you do then give them fair warning, tell them why.
- listen
- be interested in something they are interested in.
- inform. invite.
- if you don't like the subject then talk about something else, don't just expect them to be able to start taling about something else.
- tell them news of things happening with you, they might like or be interested.
- humour/jokes. Or share beautiful things.
- respect their wishes if they don't like something like celebrating birthday.
- If you yourself need help say so, they might be able to give/offer something helpful. Thats how it works sometimes, sometimes it is easier for someone else to help than do all by yourself, and we all have different abilities/gifts/talents/interests/experiences/knowledge.
- don't expect people to be a mind reader. No one knows what you think/feel unless you say or show/prove it.
- Bring/leave food or water (not fluoridated or full of sugar etc). Even a lemon might be appreciated by someone in need.
- Dont expect them to be able to be happy and not unhappy amdist bad situation. It takes time and positives.
- Dont expect them to make mean unreasonable sacrifice(s).
- Don't just expect them to "take it or leave it". Understand that somethings have to be suitable especially in bad situations. Help with things they need/want and ask, don't just offer help they don't want.
- Dont say "go to a Dr" unles it is really serious. It is offensive to imply someone is mental and to pass parcel to Drs. Do not call mental health or police or inspectors on someone unless extremely serious because it is very mean and will make them hate you, plus the elite are not all good as they make themselve out to be. (Also if they don't know who did it (since police never say who called them) it will cause problems of trust with others too.) Don't just always pass parcel to tradespeople. Tradespeople are selfish strangers and are known for being troublesome.
- Believe in them.
- Dont give up on them just because seems no change for ages. Be patient and understanding.
- Don't say/imply they are a lazy bum unless there is very strong evidence/proof.
- Give advice/opinion, be honest, say the truth, but speak the truth in love.
- Encouragement.
- Go and see with your own eyes their situation.
- Don't jump to say what you think. Ask God first. Better to say what God/Bible says then just what you/man/they say. How many times christians have not said to me anything like what the bible says.
- Everything is summed up in "do unto others as you would have done to you", "love your neighbour as yourself" ("but don't pull down the fence"), "we all need community", "man is a social animal/creature", "as you did to the least of these so you did to me", "he/she who saves a soul saves a whole world".
- Be aware that there are spiritual/demonic forces/powers behind the scenes.
- Give the best/good not unwanted rubbish (food etc), what you would yourself.
- You/we can not be one directly, only by being one with "God"/Jesus are you then also oee with others. God is everywhere, everyone (and thing) has like a piece of God in them (sort-of like pantheism but not quite exactly). The church is supposed to be a body/community. Where would politicians etc be without tailors, cooks/chefs, drivers, builders, etc?
Don't say you "are busy" and "don't have time". Some of these don't even take 2 minutes. If you are not able/willing to help then say so don't just not reply/respond (eg "sorry i am not able to help aymuch but i do agree that things being done to you and/or that you are suffering are really awful)"..
If something costs money allow them to pay if able/willing, don't assume they are not willing/able to pay or that they are trying to get free. They may not be in trouble because of money but because of other troubles. They may be willing/happy to pay for needed help.
I can't do this myself in my hell situation. But i do do or try to do these myself.
How to show you don't care. Don't do any of these or do the opposite.
An old lady died in UK and they found her diary and found it was full of pages with "no one came today".
2 years ago when i overdosed i saw Jesus and Matthew's faces (Matthew the only friend who had cared/helped a little bit) and i felt bad and tried to reverse it getting up all dizy. Matthew is gone now. Will i see your face if i do it again (during or before)?
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