List of religious, political etc groups/sects of (the) Jews/Hebrews/Israelites during their history and/or that have stemmed from the Jews. (Including proto-Jewish ancestors before Abraham/Jacob/Moses.) Not meant in any anti-way, but for historical and other reasons/interests. There are good Jews and bad Jews, just like there are good Christians and bad "Christians", good Muslims/Arabs/Palestinians and bad Muslims, etc.
Rule of the "patriarchs" between time of Adam and the sons of Jacob.
Jews with only a Jewish father are not considered to be Jewish by a.d. matrilineal Jews.
Melchizedek priesthood:
Melchizedek priest of the most high God who met Abraham in Genesis is considered by some to have been Shem. Psalms and Hebrews speak of priest after the order of Melchizedek and apply it to Jesus. Melchizedek and Melkiresha are opposites in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Mormons have a priesthood of Melchizedek.
The Hyksos "shepherd kings" or Amu of the 15th & 16th dynasty of ancient Egypt (and Canaan) were Semites, and some scholars believe them to be Omaya or Amalekites and/or Edomites which would make them descendats from Shem, Abraham, Isaac and Esau/Edom. Among the names of Hyksos rulers there was a Yakub-her (compare Jacob-el) and Yakobaam. Ancient classical scholar like Manetho and Apion confounded the Hyksos with the Jews (ref Josephus, Velikovsky).
Jewish priestly tribe set apart by Moses.
Cohen "priests":
Priests of the tribe of Levi.
Followers of the Mosaic law as opposed to later clashing isms/ists.
The council of the 70/72 tribal elders.
Separated or consecrated ones under a vow.
Moses condemned obs "witches".
Lawless (Belial)
Followers of Jephthah in 'Judges' (Gileadites?)
3 Juwes in time of Solomon in Masonic tradition. Juwes in early Jack the Ripper message.
Jew belonging to the tribe of Benjamin (symbol a wolf). Benjamin was one of the only 2 sons of Jacob's/Israel's favourite wife Rachel (excluding the 2 sons of her maid who she sort-off adopted), and Jacob's favorite after Joseph. Joseph gave Benjamin 5 times as much as he gave his other brothers at their meal together. Conflict of Benjamin with other tribes in Judges. Also supporters of the royal dynasty of King Saul (who was a Benjamite). Benjamin was one of the 2 main tribes of the southern kingdom of Judah.
People who were Benjamites include Benjamin/Benoni, Saul, Jonathan, Ishbosheth/Ishbaal, Mephibosheth, Modechai, Esther, Saul of Tarsus / Paul the Apostle.
Danites / Lost Tribe of Dan (Judges, Revelation/Apocalypse).
Amelut Sagaz Mesh "people of the rebel Mesh" / Habiru "bandits":
A group in the Amarna letters invading Canannite/Hurrian cities. They seem to match with Hebrews of the time of David just before he took Jerusalem
There were associations of prophets in the times of Kings/Chronicles.
The northern kingdom of Israel during the divided monarchy, which became idolatrous Baal worshippers.
Bit-Khumri "House of Omri"
1. Members of the tribe of Judah (and supporters of dynasty of David). 2. The southern kingdom of Judah. 3. All post-exilic returned Jews. 4. Matrilineal a.d. Jews. 5. Adherents of Judaism.
Lost Tribes:
Samaritans are people who the Assyrians placed in Israel after the deportation of the northern tribes of Israel, and who mixed religiously and racially with remnant Israelites.
There is also a modern orgaisation called the Samaritans who are supposed to be like good Samaritans and like lifeline.
These are Ethiopian Jews. Claimed to be descended from Menelik son of Solomon and Sheba. It is now thought that they are descended from the Jews at ancient Elephantine.
Pious sect in Maccabean times, similar to Pharisees and/or Essenes and modern Hasdic Jews.
Levite family who fought for Jewish independence from the Seleucids.
The Seventy(-Two):
The 70/72 Jewish scholars who wrote the Septuagint version of the Old Testament in Ptolemaic times. (Same number 70/72 as the Sanhedrin.)
Jews who adopted or supported Hellenism or Greek culture/speech/habits. Paul has been accused of being a "Greek" though he was a Benjamite Jewish Roman citizen of Tarsus.
Meeting of Jews on sabbath for reading/hearing the law etc.
Family communal house/compound in times of Roman empire.
Yahad / Qumran Sect / Community / Damascus
The sect associated with the Dead Sea Scrolls and considered to be related to the Essenes.
Nozrei ha-Brit (Nazoreans?) :
"Keepers of the Covenant", claimed to have been a Jewish movement/sect in the times of Jesus and/or the Dead Sea Scrolls. Jesus is supposed to have been called ha-Notzri "the shoot/branch/spout/Nazarene".
Libertines or Libyatines:
Enfranchised Jewish slaves from Rome (taken to Rome by Pompey in 63 bc), or Cyrenian/Alexandrian Jews.
Sicari "assassins"
Jews who supported the Herodian rulers for certain reasons. Herod called himself king of the Jews though he was an Idumean/Edomite (a descendant of Isaac's son Esau/Edom, while Jews are descendants of Isaac's son Jacob/Israel).
Jewish high priestly family in time of Jesus, including Annas and Caiaphas.
John the Baptist:
Followers of John the Baptist mentioned in the Gospels. Mandeans claim origins from them.
Christianity/Galileans/Nazarenes/Nazoreans/Theophilus / The Way, Apostles, Discples:
Jesus the founder of Christinity was a Jew. John the Baptist was a Jew. Peter was a Jew. Saul/Paul the Apostle was a Benjaminite Jew and Pharisee. The 1st church of "Ephesus" in Revelation/Apocalypse 2 matches the early church centred in Jerusalem. (Ephesus has parallel matches with Jerusalem eg temple of Artemis/Diana.)
Those who insisted that christians should be circumcised and follow the laws of Moses like Jews. "Letter of law" versus "spirit of the law".
Early Jewish Christian sect who held that Jesus was a mere man and that the Mosaic law is binding on gentile christian converts.
Pauline Christianity (vs James)
Some scholars consider Paul an imposter and differentiate "Pauline" Christianity from the earlier christianity of Jesus and James. There is also supposedly a difference between Paul's grace and James' law in the New Testament.
Josephus was originally connected with the Jewish rebels but was later a pro-Roman who promoted Vespasian. His works suggest he had some contact with Essenes at some stage. There is dispute about the geuineness of verses in his works which say good about John the Baptist and Jesus Christ.
Synagogue of Satan:
Those "was say they are Jews but are not Jews" in Revelation/Apocalypse 2 & 3.
Rabbi/rabboni is Hebrew/Aramaic for "chief, master, teacher".
Jewish religious council held in Jamnia in ....
Writers of the Hebrew/Jewish Massoretic version of the Old Testament.
Writers and adherents of the Talmud.
Followers/proponents of 4 layers of interpretation which is called PRDS. Sod is hidden. Pesher is literal?
"Flood" dispersion of Jews throughout Roman empire, and still living in the west until modern times.
Some say Islam originates from Judaism, and/or from Christianity and/or Nestorianism. Islam claims to be from the same father Abraham as the Jews and Christians do. Isaac is replaced by Ishmael (both sons of Abraham). Jerusalem is regarded as a holy site by Moslems (their 3rd most holy site after Mecca and Medina) as well as by Jews and Christians.
Early medieval Jewish christian-like sect similar to the Qumran sect following a literal interpretation of the scriptures rather than the rabbinic tradition. Based chiefly in Crimea which is near the Khazars.
Medieval kingdom/dynasty which coverted to Judaism and which some claim modern Jews are really descended from rather than from biblical Jews.
Matrilineal Jews:
People accepted as being Jews/Jewish because they have a Jewish mother.
Catholic Jewish prince bishops of Bamberg in medieval Austria/Bavaria.
Among the patron fathers of Masonry are King Solomon, Hiram Abiff, the 3 Juwes, John the Baptist, the Templars, the Assassins, and Maitre Jacques.
Cagliostro founded his own Egyptian Masonry order. Also related are the Illuminanti founded by Weishaupt who was a Jew.
Priory of Sion:
Baigent, Lincoln and Leigh claimed this secret society stemmed from the Templars like Masonry did. Sion/Zion is the mountain in Jerusalem in Jewish and Christian. There is a similarity with the Protocols of the Elders of Sion/Zion which some have claimed to be of Jewish origin and association.
"Judaism as epitome of enlightenment rationalism". Freud was of this view.
Egyptian Jews (Mizraim "Egypt").
German/Polish Jews.
Spanish/Mediterranean/Oriental Jews. Some claim Columbus was a Jew?
French Jews.
The most strictly orthodox/right-wing and mystical of modern orthodox Jews (Hasid means "pious").
Orthodox Jews
Reform/Liberal Jews
Conservative Jews:
The middle way between orthodox Jews and reform/liberal Jews.
Sassoons / "Rothschilds of the East":
Rich family of Baghdadi Jewish descent who had a merchant empire spanning Asia
Egyptian Masonry
Cagliostro who named his personal occult movement 'Egyptian Masonry' was a French Jew.
Mormonism believes that the American Indians or "Lamanites" are descended from the lost tribes or rather mainly from the tribe of Manasseh.
The founder of the modern Illuminanti (not the earlier Allumbrados Illuminanti) was a Jew named Weishaupt. Some link them with the Protocols of Zion?
Learned Elders of Zion:
The protocols of the learned elders of Zion/Sion have been claimed to be of Jewish origin and association. (Zion is a mountain in Jerusalem in the Jewish and Christian bibles.) There are similarities with the Priory of Zion, and the Zionism movement.
Golden Dawn
The founder of the Golden Dawn movement was a Jew named Eliphas Levi. From out of the Golden Dawn came Aleister Crowley's Thelema.
Kadoorie banking family are Mizrahi Jews.
Roman patrician clan in Jewish quarter who held title consul of the Romans in early days.
Jewish banking family. People connected with Goldman-Sachs includ presidential candidate Cruz
Stern gang: Jewish French banking family
Godless/Atheist/materialist Jews ("Mammon", "Golden Calf"):
These are Jews like Freud and Marx.
Freud the founder of Freudianism was a Jew. (Offshoots from Freud's following include Reich, Adler, Jung.) Freud also suggested that Akhenaten was Moses which has been followed by Jantsang/Marsh, Velikovsky and Osman.
British Israelism / BIWF / Christian Identity:
These are western Europeans who believe they are the lost tribes of Israel, and that the royal family are descendants of David sitting on Jacob's pillow.
Jewish rich family of bankers. Some have claimed they are descendants of King David.
The founder of Communism was a German Jew Karl Marx. Other Jews also later involved with communism included Trotsky, Bela Kuhn (cohen "priest"). One source said Stalin purged Russian communism of Jews, while another source countred that by saying 1 in every few officials in Stalin's Russia were Jews? Some have compared the Kibbutz movement with communism. The Essenes or Qumran sect have been called communistic/socialistic by some writers.
Some of the head leaders of modern Unionist organisations in the USA were Jews (ref photo in Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedia article on the AFL).
Franco the main leader of the Spanish Falange was a Spanish Jew.
It has been claimed that Hitler was a grandchild of a Jew named Schicklegruber. Some also even called Heydrich a "Jew". There is a book about "Hitler's Jewish spy". Nazism adapted some ideas from communism (which was founded by the Jew Marx). Mein Kampf replaces the chosen people (Jew) with the Aryan master race.
Jewish nationalist movement founded by Herzl for a Jewish state in Israel/Palestine, and partly supported by Churchill. Some claim they intend a global new world order with Jerusalem as their centre/captial/base. It is claimed they are connected with the originators of the Protocols of the learned elders of Zion. The USA has tended to support Israel against their Islamic opponents (like Iraq, Iran).
Kibbutz movement:
Jewish commune-like cooperative farms. It was popular for westerners to stay and work for a term in a Jewish kibbutz.
Glascow chronology:
Followers of adapted/revised version of Velikovsky's chronology.
Alleged Jewish terrorist organ/group.
Jewish anti-defamation league in USA/Canada.
Political Party in modern Israeli elections/parliament.
The name Jedi in Star Wars might be from Jehudi/Judah/Jew or Jesuit? Yoda might be from Yod which is slang for Yhwh or God? Jawa might be from Jawb in northern Arabia to the east of Israel/Palestine? Star Wars has several parallels with Christianity. Hollywood has had a large number of Jews.
Modern Satanism and the Church of Satan was founded by La Vey who was a Jew. P Marsh is another Jew who was involved with Jantsang's Satanism.
"Setian/Aristotlean Jews"
Jantsang uses this for christoid, schizoid, dualistic, klippothic, literal, exoteric, Aristotlean, Cartesian, "Adamite" Jews. She coined the name from a christian gnostic sect.
"Ophite/Pythagorean Jews"
Jantsang uses this for nondualistic, Obic, Satanic, Pythagorean, esoteric, serpentine Jews. She coined the name from a gnostic sect. Her husband P Marsh is a Jew.
Creationists/Creationism &/or YEC:
Creationists are Christians who believe in the Creation of Genesis 1-11. (Though some other religious/philosophical/occult groups may also believe in a form of creationsim.)
Klassen's Church of the White Creator and Creativity movement could also be seen as sort-of related.
YEC believe in a young earth not older than 6000 or 10000 years bp based on the bible.
Wandering stars, etc (Jude)
Zecharia Sitchin who is somewhat famous/renowned for his Nibiru theories (similar to Daniken's) was a Jew. His ideas have had a number of followers including Alan Alford. A tree was planted in Israel in memory of him after he died.
Messianic Judaism:
Christian Jews who believe Jesus/Yeshua is the Messiah, and who follow biblical Judaism rather than Romanised christianity. Also gentiles who favour biblical Jewish & biblical Christian beliefs and practices/laws rather than common christianity.
Jewish sect promoting 7 Noahide laws for Gentiles.
Yada Yahweh:
A Jewish internet forum similar to messianics or noahides but not christian/messianic.
Some claim that the antichrist will be related to the lost tribe of Dan.
The beast in Revelation/Apocalypse has a lion mouth and bear paws, in in Daniel the lion was Babylon and bear was Persia. The Babylonian/Chaldean empire was Semitic (Akkadian/Babylonian and Aramaic/Syriac/Chaldean), and both the Babylonian and Persian empires had some Jews in high offices (Jehoiachin, Daniel, Mordechai, Esther, Nehemiah). The lion, bear and leopard may also match Shem, Japheth and Ham? Plus the lion has been associated with Jesus the lion of Judah as "Aslan".
"Sodom & Egypt":
Jerusalem is called Sodom and Egypt in Revelation/Apocalypse. Sodom was not so much overthrown for just orientation but because they were "arrogant, didn't care for poor" etc.
Abraham, Barabbas, Boethus, Bar Kochba, Ben Hur, Abravanel, Benveniste, Bischoffsheim, Cagliostro, "Columbus"? Camondo, Daniel, King David, Dreyfus, Disraeli, Neil Diamond, Kirk Douglas, Esther, Einstein, Eisenhower, Ephrussi, Fould, Ann Frank, Franco, Freud, Gideon, Goldschmidt, Goldman-Sachs, Goldsmid, Hamilton, Hitler's Jewish Spy, EM House, Judas Iscariot, Joseph, Juwes, F Josephus, Jacob, Judah, Jonah, John the Baptist, Joseph of Arimathea, Judith, Jesus Christ, Kissinger, Bela Kuhn, John Key (NZ PM with some Jewish ancestry), Lewinsky, Lehi, Lehman, LaVey, Eliphas Levi, Maimonides, Moses, Mendelssohn, Maccabees, Menelik, Marx, Mordechai, Mocatta, Netanyahu, Oppenheim, Peter, P Marsh, Paul, Pereire, Pierleoni (in Jewish quarter), Rabin, Ravage, Rothschilds, Shamir, Shicklegruber, Shylock, Samson, Solomon, Shem, Bob Sell (talkback host, NZ), Saul, Speyer, B Sanders (US presidential candidate), Stalone, Sitchin, Trotsky, TWJ, Julius Vogel (NZ PM), Velikovsky, Weizman, Weishaupt, Warburg.
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