Monday, April 29, 2019
Whose fault/responsibility?
I am sick of everyone seemingly blaming me as if this hell situation is all just my fault for things done/doing or ot done/doing, or all just my mental. Sick of everyone ignoring or cutting me off or persecuting/punishing/forcing me, or saying go to a Dr and take medication. So let us have this all out once for all. I can show strong evidences that this is others faults for wrongs being done to me and for not caring/helping. I can show strong evidences that the fluoridation is not harmless.
Fluoridation can only be for either bad, (or neutral,) or good (theirs or our) or mixed reason.
Fluoridation is not for a good (for us) reason:
- the only claimed good reason is for tooth decay and we have totally smashed this proving it is not the only best answer and doesn't address the root cause(s) (which they are doing on purpose).
- they can't be doing it for any neutral reason, only bad and/or good.
- they can and are mixing good and evil.
- why are they forcing it on us? Why won't they let us do a Daniel's food test and prove we are better off it?
- why did they make it worse in the election month 1-2 years ago?
- why do science boooks, reference books & fluoride packaging labeling all say fluoride in toxic, hazchem, poison, danger, etc?
- why is it the same as they put in prosac?
- why have i been suffering many effects/symptoms which are definitely only synchronised with eating the water/food and not anything else, and are always more/less worse the more/less water/food i eat?
- where is their proof that it doesn't harm/hinder any body/brain parts beast whole ability/health (not just "experts" claims of unseen "studies")?
- why did Israel and Europe and UK except for "10 percent of UK" stop fluoridation?
- why don't unfluoridated places like Petone/Korokoro have a plague of tooth decay (orif they do why don't they first stop the sugar etc)?
- the goverments hardly ever do things for our good for free unless serves their own interests
- they are doing it for their good not ours.
- why does the bible talk about wormwood/blood water?
- where is proof the elite themselves practice intaking it every meal evrey day themselves?
- elite can be wrong or lying, they are not all good or gods just because they claim to be experts etc.
- Fluoride is known/accepted to be proven to harm thyroid, cause fluorosis, and effect sensitive people.
- why does NZ nutrition say too much fluoride causes "poisoning of body organs"? Why do people die if swallow toothpaste?
- why do some of them call it "kool-aid"?
- why would i be so dumb and/or be making such a fuss all about nothing? If it wasn't effecting me i would just be happy to eat my heart out and do things i need/want.
- why are there so many bald men (and thin haired women) around? why so much prostate cancer?
- why do they call it "community fluoridation" like cameras for "community sfaety"?
- why are only some places/people fluoridated and not others? (Though not sure this hasn't changed since recent mandatory fluoridation bill/act. But surely they can't force it on farmers, and people who are able to get rain/spring water.)
- If filters are so genuine and great/good then why are they fluoridating?
- It is not fair to only force on some and not everyone. And even if it were peoples situations and diets and body sizes etc are all different and some are hurt more than others. It is also not fair to force only many others "everyone"/"community" just for some "at high risk people" who love sugar.
- Why is there no control of the water/fluoirde intake/dosage and effects/symptoms? No Drs prescription. No offering of other options. No informing it is being done and imformiong of sideffects. No labeling (illegal to give medication bottles without labelling)?
- Why do foods and health prodcuts and medications also seem to be fluoridated too (from my experience of similar effects/symptoms)?
- why do they target an unavoidable essential necessity of daily life like home/worktap water? (Same with smartmeters targeting an essential necessity not easy to live without.)
- why don't they hold a referendum?
- why is it that same fluoride they put in 1080 drops?
(- why same as in "halogen" lightbulbs?)
Fluoridation is not for any neutral reason:
- it can only be for either bad and/or good (theirs or ours), never for neutral unless just as a lie for fear/confusion/money/joke.
- all the reasons above for not being for (our) good also apply here.
- you can't expect me to beieve that with all the amazing knowledge and advances like mobile phones etc that they don't know
- disadvantaged people have no way or means to be able to show scientific proof.
- why do they heap sugar in foods and drinks?
- If the elite are gods then they would not be afraid of everyone being their best (except for criminals like them).
"Mandatory" "kool-aid" "Community Fluoridation" "leveling dental inequalities"
compulsory mass medication
communist leveling
mental inequalities
globalist slavery
violation like rape
makes people morbid
makes you look like the picture of the kool-aid man.
It is Terrorism being forced to eat/drink something everymeal every day for years/decade/"life" that hinders/harms brain/body best whole ability/health. There is no crime more mean and cruel than being forced to eat it every meal and suffer the hindering effects, or else have to starve and die. To see, hear feel it every mouthful and suffer the effects/symptoms for hours/day/days. To fear/dread eating each/every meal. To have to ration/fast/starve. To feel guilty for not being able to starve, guilty for eating. To not be able to enjoy meals. To suffer the effects every day.
whose fault is it that they force me to eat/drink fluoridated water/food every meal every day and suffe the effects/symptoms or else starve or else have to be able to get an alternative (which they force and control or hinder/block and don't help) all by myself?
whose fault is it that attached neighbour been stomping heavily/loudly on bare wooden floor and banging around all day every day for the last 10 years?
whose fault is it that i was put through multiple foster placements, shifts and schools from age 7 to 16?
whose fault is it that i was physically/psychologically/sexually abused in face/head and private parts etc from baby to 7 by step father?
whose fault is it that lowlife coward sc*m tooting/honkiing their car horn every day on purpose for last 3 or so months?
whose fault is it that tradespeople and realestate agents etc stuffed me around and ripped me off the last 10 years so i can't get jobs done or done properly?
whose fault is the smartmeters troubles and meterreaders being troublesome the last few years?
whose fault is it that they force changing from old windows to windows 7/8/10, and from dialup to broadband fibre optics?
whose fault is it that they are tkaing away the telephone copper landlines?
whose fault is it that the meter reader picked my door lock?
whose fault is it that the lockmiths refused to fix locks?
whose fault is it that the locksmith won't alow to buy circular locks without "having to have identification and setting up an account"?
whose fault is it that everyone refused to care or help?
what is the root cause of "increased incidence of" "at high risk people's" tooth decay?
what is the root cause of mass unemplyment? whose fault is it, mine? (Hint globalist free trade policies, hint immigration, hint made sick by fluoridation etc.)
what is the root cause of "you have to get a water filter or bottled water or rain water setup or water from fountain in next town"?
what is the root cause of everyone cutting me off the last 4 years because they think i am too negative/bad/"bum" after me sending emails begging someone to help because of many mean cruel hell wrongs being done to me?
what is the root cause of me not being able to keep my mouth shit and have fiath these last 4-10 years of suffering mean cruel hell wrongs being constantly done to me?
what is the root cause of people saying "the answer is you are just mental and have to go to a Dr and take medication" after me begging and pleading someone to eother help or to stop the hell wrongs being done to me?
what is the root cause of my shouting alot the last 4 years? (Hint fluoridated water/food/meals & effects, hint many hell wrongs being done to me by elite and tradespeople and neighbours/neighbourhood, hint single in 40s, etc.)
whose fault is it that i have to stay up at nights because of noisy mongrels in days?
whose fault is it that they refuse to acknowledge/credit any of my hard work and discoveries theses/articles no matter how stark the evidences?
whose fault is it that we can't get white normal-wool longjohns in NZ?
whose fault is it that governments are always (1) making more draconian laws against most people (never for us never there for us when we need, just always against us), (2) making or taking away laws to allow bad elite and other people to do what they like without regard for others they cause hell effects to? Whose fault is it that there has been more and more 666-like things being instituted in last decade(s), things all forced on unavoidable essential necessities that we can't easily live without (water, power, banks, phone, work/benefits, net/web, laws, etc)?
whose fault is it that we are cramned into subdivided suburban slums?
Whose fault is it that they spray/powder/bt/fluoridate veges and fruits?
Whose fault is it that the heap sugar or salt or soy or oil in many foods?
Whose fault is it that everyone is always so "busy" working just to pay bills/banks and "has no time"?
Whose fault is it that Dean punched me in the face 20 years ago when i was sitting down and not even lookng at him, causing 20 years of hell bent nose troubles every day?
Whose fault is it that the plumber purposely wrecked my hot water washer/seat by turning off extremely hard? (He wasn't even supposed to touch that tap. It was turned off extremely hard, not my imagination/exageration, the different plumber that came later to fix it even said "someone has done something to this tap".)
Many other hell wrongs been being done to us that i could also ask whose fault and/or what is the root cause of?
All my ex"friends" and everyone else seem to blame Me as if everything is my fault or normal "tough life" and that i am just some mental dog dog bum. The elite are so cunning to twist things to make look like the victims fault: fluoridation they make our fault by "get a filter"; unemployment they blame to victims as if "bludgers".
No one denies i have had some past/present few faults and flaws and mistakes (things done or not done), but mine are nothing campare to the many mean cruel hell wrongs been/being done to me esp this last 4 years. Most of mine are even only caused by the mean cruel hell wrongs.
"Friends" cut me off.I can't cut off the hell wrongs being done to meIf God is true then what are you all going to do on judgement day when you see it was true what you all refused to believe or care about? "Oh sorry Sean...". Too late then. Forever missed out on things.
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