Saturday, October 24, 2020

Table of Nations part 2

 Table of Nations part two, possible set matches.

Matches of meanings of Japhethite names with Eurasian prehistory:
Gomer = homo (erectus/sapiens)? ice age(s)?
(Ashkenaz = had fire? ochre?)
(Riphath = interglacial?)
(Togarmah = classic Neanderthal?)
Magog = Cromagnons of last maximum of ice age?
Madai = mesolithic?
Javan = neolithic?
(Elishah = Western neolithic? Danubian? Joseph's famine?)
(Tarshish = Megalithic?)
(Kittim = Western neolithic? Atlanteans?)
(Dodanim = Danubian? Battle Axe?)
Tubal = Copper/Bronze/Iron Age? Beakers?
Meshech = Wessex traders? Beakers?
Tiras = Battle Axe? Iron? Troy?

Matches of Japhethite names with Irish waves of invasion:
Gomer = Fomorians?
(Ashkenaz = Sera?)
(Riphath = Partholons?)
(Togarmah = Fir Domnan?)
Magog = Fir Gaileon? (Mac Oc? Ogma? Mabon?)
Madai = Nemed?
(Dodanim = Tuatha de Danaans? Fir Domnan? "Dravidians"?)
Tubal = Fir-bolgs?
Meshech = Milesians?
Tiras (7th) = "Dravidians" (7th)? (Tara?)

Matches of Japhethite names with Mesoamerican waves of invasion:
Gomer = Olman/Olmecs?
Magog = Mayans?
Madai = Mayans?
Tubal = Tulan/Toltecs
Meshech = Mexica (Aztecs)?
Tiras = Aztecs?

Matches of Japhethite names with Greek waves of invasion:
(Ashkenaz = Achaeans?
Javan = Ionians?
(Elishah = Pelasgians? Hellas? Elis? Elysium?)
(Tarshish = Thera?)
(Kittim = Xuthus? Attica/Athens? Crete?)
(Dodanim = Dorians? Danoi?)
Tiras = Trojans? Dorians? Thracian? Thera?

Matches of Japhethite names with Indo-European deities:
Gomer = Ymir?
Ashkenaz = Agni?
Riphath/Diphath = Dyauspitar? Dispater? Poseidon?
Togarmah = Donar/Thor?
Magog = Magni? Mabon? Mac Oc?
Javan = Dionysus? Yama? Vanr?
Elishah = Helios? Eros?
Dodanim = Donar/Thor? Woden/Odin/Godan?
Tubal = Vulcan?
Meshech = Mjesjac? Meness? Mercury?
Tiras = Tiwaz/Tyr? Tros? Tishtrya/Tir? Iraj?

Matches of Biblical history with prehistoric periods/cultures:
Cambrian explosion = creation in Genesis 1 (& 2?)
Jurassic no seasons = summer & winter 1st mentioned after Flood
Cretaceous worldwide break = Flood
Cenozoic new era = post-Flood
Oligocene seasons = summer & winter 1st mentioned after Flood
Ice Age(s) = post-Flood
Homo erectus, Cro-Magnon = meat eating post-Flood
Cro-Magnon, Combe-Capelid = Nimrod
Azilian Mesolithic = Beersheba/Abraham
Lake Dwellings/Danubian/Western neolithic = Joseph
Megalithic = Og/Moses
Stonehenge/Wessex = Gilgal/Joshua
Hallstatt = Gezer

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