Thursday, December 24, 2020

Jack the Ripper again

These are some additional notes subsequent to my previous article on this subject in my other wordpress blog. The people at casebook forum don't seem to be very favourable to me posting on my suspect MJK there so I'm posting this in my blog instead.

In the whole JTR topic just about everything is uncertain and unable to be proven either way, for example:

- It is not able to be proven whether the JTR letters were or were not written by the murderer or murderers.

- It is not able to be certain why the name Jack was chosen or where the murderer or the letter hoaxer got it from. If it was chosen by the murderer then we can't prove whether it was for a personal name connection (ie a connection of the name Jack with his/her name/names) or a non-name connection (ie for some other reason other than a connection with his/her name/names). No Ripperologists' suspect/hoaxer theories or JTR/hoaxer claimants actually state why the name Jack was chosen. (Eg does JTR claimant James Carnac say in his book why he chose the name Jack, or does he say the name was the choice of the letter hoaxer? Does the journalist who claims to have written the letters say why the name Jack was chosen?)

- It is not able to be proven whether the "MJK" victim was or was not MJK.

This post is on the name Jack. The following list(s) gives some possibilities for where the name Jack came from or why the name Jack was chosen by either the murderer or the hoaxer. 

James Maybrick = Ja. = Jack, (a JTR suspect).
John Mccormack = J. ...ack = Jack, (identifies body).
(Mary) Jane Kelly = Ja. K...(y) = Jack(y), (a JTR suspect).
James Kelly = Ja. k...(y) = Jack(y), (a JTR suspect).
James Kenneth Stephen = Ja. K. = Jack, (a JTR suspect).
James Kent = Ja. K. = Jack, (witness).
James Willoughby Carnac = Ja. C./ = Jack, (JTR claimant).
Joseph Merrick = J. = Jack, ("a JTR suspect").
Lord Justice Clerk = J. C...k = Jack.
John Kelly = J. K...(y) = Jack(y), (partner of Eddowes).
Jerome Klapka Jerome = J.K. = Jack, (English writer).
Joseph Chandler = J. C. = Jack, (witness).

Jack/Jacky/Jackson is a common name/nickname/word:
Jack/James Russell of Horton Kirby (suggested to be JTR)
Admiral Jack(y) Fisher
Union Jack
"The word jack is also commonly used in other contexts in English for many occupations, objects and actions, linked to the use of the word as a metaphor for a common man."
"Whatever its origins, both the name and the word "jack" were long used as a term to refer to any man, especially of the common classes."
"The history of the word (jack) is linked to the name being used as a by-name for a man."
Jack knife
Jack of all trades
Springhealed Jack
Jack Ketch 1678/1686
Jackstraw (spillikins, which GKC said RLS writes like)
Jack Tar (a sailor)
Buildy Jack (RLS a JTR suspect)
Tin Jack/Jack Buckland (character of JTR suspect RLS)
Jack London 1903
Elizabeth Jackson 1889 (victim)

Jack/Jacky a nickname/diminutive/pet form of Jacques:
Maitre Jacques of the Masons (who are JTR suspects)

Jack/Jacky a nickname/diminutive/pet form of Jacob/Jacobs:
Jacob Levy (a JTR suspect)
Jacob Isenschmid (a JTR suspect)
"Murrey Jacob Kallegberg"
Isaac Jacob (witness)
(Isaac Lewis) Jacobs (a JTR suspect)
Jacobins (French)

Jack/Jacky a nickname/diminutive/pet form of James/Jim:
Clairvoyant Robert James Lee(s)
Mayor James Whitehead
James Thomas/Tom Sadler (a JTR witness/suspect)
James Maybrick (a JTR suspect)
James Kelly (a JTR suspect)
James K Stephen (a JTR suspect)
James Willoughby Carnac (a JTR claimant)
"Marty Jim Kelly"
Henry James (an implied possible JTR suspect)
St James's Passage
St James Place
James Kent (witness)
Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (father of JK Stephen)
James Byfield (witness)
George James Morris (a JTR suspect)
James Monro (Scotland Yard)

Jack/Jacky a nickname/diminutive/pet form of John:
John Netley (a JTR accomplice suspect)
Montague John Druitt (a JTR suspect)
Dr/Sir John Williams (royal physician, a JTR suspect)
John Pizer (a JTR suspect)
John Sanders (a JTR suspect)
John Pavitt Sawyer (a JTR suspect)
John Kelly (witness, partner of victim Eddowes)
John Mccormack (witness, identifies McKenzie's body)
John Langan (an exonerated JTR suspect)
J/John Best (informant)
John Courtenay (a JTR suspect)
John M(a)cCarthy (a JTR witness/suspect)
Long John Silver (of RLS who is a JTR suspect)
John Bull
Chief Inspector John George Littlechild
John L Sullivan 1882 (American boxer)
John Evans (witness)
Mr John Richardson (witness)
John Gardner (witness)
John Moore (journalist, possible JTR hoaxer)
Thomas Johnson (witness)
Johnnie Hill (a victim)

Jack a pet form of John which Jenkin is a diminutive form of:
Prof Fleming Jenkin (known by RLS & cousin)
Sir Edward Jenkinson (a JTR suspect)

Jack(y) a pen form of John which Jane is a feminine form of:
Mary Jane Kelly (a JTR suspect)

Jack might be from iach/Yakkios:
"There is also a theory that it is Celtic in origin, meaning "healthy, strong, full of vital energy" (compare the Welsh word iach, "health"), from a putative Ancient British Yakkios."

Jack is similar to Jeckyl(l):
Jeckyl(l) & Hyde (of RLS who is a JTR suspect).

Dr Jon William Sanders

Though of course there are also many thousands more unknown persons who had the name Jack or John or James or Jacob or Jacques or Jenkin, or similar initials/anagram/abbreviation. 

Of the many letters at the time only 7 of them are possibly from the murderer (excluding the Juwes graffito and the alleged diary), though they are all uncertain whether they are genuine or a hoax and many favour the pro-hoax evidences. 6 of these mention the name Jack.
A letter 17 sept
1st Dear Boss letter 27 sept
Saucy Jacky post card 1 oct
A letter of 6 oct 88
(From Hell letter to Lusk 16 oct, the only one not mentioning name Jack.)
Openshaw letter 29 oct
2nd Dear Boss letter Jul 89.

That there are 6 letters possibly from the murderer/murders that all mention the name Jack makes it less likely that they are all a hoax than if there was only 1 (i.e. less likely that all 6 a hoax). (Though its possible the murderer adopted the name that a hoaxer first came up with.)

*If* the letter that first mentioned the name Jack was from the murderer, and *if* he/she adopted the name for a personal name connection reason then we can dismiss all the JTR suspects who have no known/given connection with the name Jack. And *if* the letter that said "I'm not a Yid (Jew) nor yet a foreign skipper but I am your own lighthearted friend" was from the muderer then we can dismiss all suspects who are Jews or foreigners (in/to Britain). (Though an Irish speech was detected in some letters, and the graffito mentioned Juwes (Jews).)

We have already listed above the suspects with a possible Jack name connection. 

James Willoughby Carnac
John Courtenay
Montague John Druitt
Jacob Isenschmid (Swiss)
(Isaac Lewis) Jacobs
Henry James
Sir Edward Jenkinson
James Kelly
Mary Jane Kelly (Irish/Welsh)
John Langan
Jacob Levy
James Maybrick
George James Morris
Joseph Merrick
John M(a)cCarthy
John Netley
John Pizer (Polish Jew)
Jack/James Russell of Horton Kirby
James Thomas/Tom Sadler
James K Stephen
John Sanders
John Pavitt Sawyer
Dr/Sir John Williams

List of the common main/major suspects who have No Jack name connection:

Joseph Barnett
Thomas Bernardo
Nikaner Benelius (Swedish)
Albert Bachert
Alfred Napier Blanchard
William Henry Bury
Helena Blavatsky
Edward Buchan
David Cohen (Polish Jew)
Dr Thomas Neill Cream (from Scotland & Canada & US)
Thomas Hayne Cutbush
Willy Clarkson
Lewis Carroll / Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Dr Morgan Davies
Frederick Bailey Deeming
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Priest Eppstein (Turkish)
Carl F Feigenbaum (German seaman, was in America)
Fogelma (Norwegian)
Joseph Fleming
A Frenchman
Sir William Withey Gull
Vincent William van Gough (Dutch)
George Gissing
W E Gladstone
Alfred Gray (brief suspect)
George Hutchinson
Lizzie Halliday (Irish, in America)
H H Holmes (American)
Hyam Hyams
Jong (meaning "young, junior", Dutch killer)
Nathan Kaminsky
Seweryn A Klosowski / George Chapman / Ludwig Schloski (Polish)
Aaron M Kosminski (Polish Jew)
Constance Kent
Michael Kidney
Vassily Konovalov
The Lodger
Wolf Levisohn
Charles Allen Lechmere / Charles Cross
Charles Ludwig (German)
William Magrath/Mcgrath (Irish-American)
Michael Maybrick / Stephen Adams
Robert Mann
Brixton Dr Merchant
Richard Mansfield
Frank Miles
Michael Ostrog (numerous aliases, Russian)
Dr Alexander Pedachenko (Russian)
Mary Pearcy
Oswald Puckridge
Walter R Sickert (German/Danish/British)
Joseph Silver / Joseph Lis (Polish Jew)
Robert Donston Stephenson/Roslyn D'Onston Stephenson
Robert Louis Stevenson
Alois Szemeredy
G Wentworth Bell Smith
Dr Stanley
Alios Szemeredy
Lord Salisbury (as part of a group conspiracy)
Francis Tumblety / Frank Townshend (American)
Francis Thompson
William Thicke
Olga Tchkersoff (Russian)
Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence & Avondale
Nicolai Vasiliev/Vassily
Queen Victoria (as part of a group conspiracy)
L Forbes Winslow
Lizzie Williams

Apart from the name Jack and the not being a Yid or foreigner, we went through all the main/major JTR suspects summaries and we thought/felt that all of them had no real majorly convincing/compelling strong evidence for being JTR, and alot even had reasons for seeming to be unlikely.

JTR was probably some unknown common person who is now almost impossible to find or prove.

Alot of persons have unfairly had their private/personal lives and reputations publically exposed to all the world in being suggested to be JTR suspects. Even if they were criminals or mentally ill its still unfair that private details of their lives have been flaunted.

A rough JTR timeline:

Springhealed Jack 1877/1878/1879
Cream in prison 1881-1891
James Kelly murdered his wife 1883
Possibly related Texas murders 1884-1885
RLS in Bournemouth 1884-1887
Thompson homeless in Docks area south of Whitechapel 85-88
Jeckyll & Hyde 1886
Allegedly a murder at Christmas 1886
Stride brings charges of assault against Michael Kidney Apr 87
Klosowski emigrates to UK between Jun 87 & 88
Mary Ann Cox charged with assault Aug 87
Ostrog sent to asylum Sep 87
Leather Apron extorting money from prostitutes Sep 87-Sep 88
Bury moves to Bow Oct 87 until Jan 89
RLS plan cruise 1887
RLS to Colorado 1887?
William Gull retired 87
Rainham mystery 1887
Alleged Fairy Fay murder 26 Dec 87
Jacob Levy living in Middlesex Street by 88
RLS in Pacific 1888/1889/1890/1892/1894
Springhealed Jack 1888?
Wassili released from asylum 1 Jan 88
James Kelly escapes from asylum Jan 88
Annie Millwood attacked & stabbed 25 Feb 88
Ostrog released from asylum 10 Mar 88
Kaminsky diagnosed as having syphilis 24 Mar 88
Ada Wilson stabbed 28 Mar 88
Stephenson in hospital from shortly before to shortly after the murders
Emma E Smith attacked & assaulted 3 Apr 88
Kaminsky released from infirmary May 88
Kaminsky not traced after mid-1888
Puckerdige released from asylum Aug 88
Martha Tabram stabbed 7 Aug 88
Prince Albert Victor left for Yorkshire 29 Aug 88 to 10 Sep 88
Mary Ann Nichols body found 31 Aug 88 (1st canonical victim)
A letter possibly from JTR 17 Sep
Issenschmid confined to asylum 17 Sep 88
Annie Chapman murdered 8 Sep 88 (2nd canonical JTR victim)
Henry James seen with large knife 8 Sep 88
Suspicious bloodstained man seen in the Prince Albert 8 Sep 88
Charles Ludwig threatens Elizabeth Burns with a knife 18 Sep 88
1st Dear Boss letter mentioning name JTR 25-27 Sep 88
Prince Albert Victor leaves for Scotland 27 Sep 88
Elizabeth Stride body found 30 Sep 88 (3rd canonical victim)
& Catherine Eddowes body found 30 Sep 88 (4th canonical victim)
& Goulston Street graffito 30 Sep 88
Swedish Church Parish Register mentions JTR 30 Sep 88
Blood stained knife found 1 Oct 88
Saucy Jacky postcard 1 Oct 88
Clairvoyant Rob James Lees offers assistance to police 2 Oct 88
Unidentified trunk of a woman found in Whitehall 2/3 Oct 88
Clairvoyant Rob James Lees offers assistance to police 3 Oct 88
Clairvoyant Rob James Lees offers assistance to police 4 Oct 88
Another letter signed JTR 6 Oct 88
From Hell letter 16 Oct 88 (not mention name Jack)
Openshaw letter with name Jack 29 Oct 88
Prince Albert Victor arrives in London from York 1 Nov 88
Prince Albert Victor trips to Sandringham 2-12 Nov 88
Mary Jane Kelly murdered 9 Nov 88 (5th/last canonical victim)
Edward Buchan suicides 19 Nov 88
Annie Farmer allegedly attacked by JTR 20 Nov 88
Tumblety goes to France & then America 24 Nov 88
Druitt suicides ca 1 Dec 88
Possible JTR suspect in New York Dec 88
Cohen put in infirmary then asylum 7 Dec 88 to Oct 89
WCVC disbanded month after Mary Kelly's murder before 19 Dec 88
Rose Mylett found strangled 20 Dec 88
... 29 Dec 88
Police said JTR drowned at end of 88
Maybrick in Bradford around Christmas 88
Murder of boy Johnnie Gill around Christmas 88
Dr Jon William Sanders dies Jan 89
Colicot stabs 6 women over a month-long period Jan 89
Gray in Tunis Jan 89.
Bury moves to Scotland Jan 89 & hanged in Apr 89
Bury strangled Ellen Elliott 4 Feb 89
Maybrick dies May 89
Parts of  Elizabeth Jackson's body found 2/4-25 Jun 89
Alice Mackenzie body found 17 Jul 89
2nd Dear Boss letter with name Jack 25 Jul 89
Pinchin Street torso of unknown woman found 10 Sep 89
Letter accusing Thicke 10 Sep 89
Francis Thompson’s end crowns the work 1889
Gull dies Jan 1890
Van Gough dies Jul 90
Kosminski admitted to infirmary then asylum 4 Feb 1891-1919
Frances Coles body found 13 Feb 91
Scare similar to the Leather Apron one Feb 91
Levy dies 91
Cutbush stabs one woman and attempts to stab another Mar 91
Cutbush sent to infirmary/hospital 1891-1903
Deeming murdered his wife in Lancashire 1891
Possibly related murders in USA & Germany 1891-1894
Deeming goes to Australia 1892
Prince/Duke Albert Victor died 1892
JK Stephen dies Feb 1892
Thompson 1892
Deeming dies 92
Cream dies Nov 92
Feigenbaum arrested 1894
Morrison 1894?
Feigenbaum executed 96
Pizer dies 96/97
Carrol dies 98
Puckridge dies 1900
John Sanders dies 1901
Fogelma dies in asylum in USA 1902
John Netley dies 1903
Klosowski hanged 1903
Tumblety dies 1903
Cutbush dies 1903
Springhealed Jack 1904
Thompson died 1907
Hugh Pollard gives Dorothy Stoud a knife that JTR allegedly used 1937



GKC = GK Chesterton

JTR = Jack the Ripper

MJK = Mary Jane Kelly

RLS = Robert Louis Stevenson.

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