Monday, November 30, 2020

before you cut someone off

Next time before you cut someone off or judge them for being "negative" just consider this:

how would you like to be forced to constantly always be hearing a ringing sound in your flat/house going all day and night every day and night for 3 years and have everyone purposely refuse to cooperate to find and stop it?

how would you like to be forced to eat and drink fluoridated water and food every meal every day and suffer the brain/body abilities/health hindrances and effects every day? (It is forced, bottled water and water filters are not so easy and genuine and good as people are lead to believe, and there is no way to avoid being forced to drink & eat it every day.)

how would you like to be in 40s and still always been single and all alone with hardly any real normal family and friends?

how would you like not being able to find out who your real grandfather was becuase relatives are too sensitive and authorities have too excessively unfair privacy laws?

how would you like to have friends and christians and family cut you off for being negative?

how would you like to have the police and mental health called in on you and to be forced under the mental health act and compulsory treatment for 17 months and be unfairly/untruly called a paranoid schizophrenic?

how would you like to be stuck in a bad accomodation situation and not be able to shift because of the housing crisis and because prices & rents are all too excessively high?

how would you like to be stuck in a corporate body company share flat situation, with neighbours problems? To have an attached neighbour who stomps heavily on bare wooden floor all day every day for 10 years? How would you like to be stuck in a small isolated place like Upper Hutt and New Zealand?

how would you like the power company and meter readers constantly messing you around for 3 years since the first smartmeters roll out, trying to force smartmeter on you?

how would you like tradespeople like plumbers and others mess you around for weeks/months/years refusing to do jobs so that it is very difficult to get need work done?

and many more such things present and past.

Well I have been suffering all these and more being done to me and yet no one seems to care or sympathise but some/many just instead cut me off for being negative. People can cut me off, but I can't cut off the mean cruel wrongs being constantly done to me by this regime and others.

I am sorry I speak/write negative but it is impossible for me to not say/write anything when suffering such awful constant wrongs being done to me and when I have hardly any positives. I can't help crying out and getting angry with such injust mean cruel wrongs. The only reason I have been negative is because I can't get them to stop doing mean cruel constant wrongs to me.

All I wanted was for people to sympathise or at least just agree that the things being done to me are evil and wrong. The elite and others would not be so easily able to get away with it if others agreed it is wrong. If I had friends/family it would not be so hard to bear the hell wrongs.

People have criticised me for being negative, but no one ever says the wrongs are done to me are wrong? People say I'm negative but they can't see that they support negative themselves (eg christians saying we have to accept trials and tribulation)? People criticise me for negative but never compliment me when I say/do positive? People punish me for negative but did they try to get any positive going? Even when I tried to write/say positive people didn't care or reply.

This regime knows they have me trapped powerless by their cunning clever laws and tactics not able to stop the mean cruel hell wrongs being constantly done to me every day. They simply refuse to stop them and if I can't control my angry reactions they know they can just force me under the mental health act. They have it all rigged up to evade redressing the wrongs and instead controlling us and making us have to suffer powerless. But i will find a way to die and even if worst comes to worst they can't keep me suffering for more than another 80 years and then I'll be dead and they won't be able to keep making me suffer the constant mean cruel wrongs anymore after that.

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