Sunday, November 29, 2020

Where was Nazareth?

This is a reposting of my old Nazareth of Jesus article which was once posted in my Historum forum blog. Unfortunately Historum seems to have disgracefully also deleted my threads/topics and blogs after unfairly banning me.
Please note that this is abit roughly written. We have only done a quick editing of our original not very well written article. I seem to have lost my previous edited version so I had to reedit the older/oldest version again.

Could the "real/lost" Nazareth be Nabratein rather than the traditional "Nazareth"? by Sean B.

The reason for this article was that I had  seen that sources claim that the traditional "Nazareth" in Lower Galilee was not around (evidence it didn't exist or no evidence it existed) at the time of Christ, or it was not a city then and there was no synagogue there then. If the New Testament is true then it is a challenge then to find/prove either that the traditional Nazareth was around (at that site) in the time of  Christ or that Nazareth was not at that site and to find another true/real/original Nazareth site. I did a little looking around for alternative sites in wider vicinity of "Nazareth" without finding any major other candidates and evidence (see list of  considered candidates at end).
 Later on I was working on my Ark of the  Covenant article I noticed about my comment on the ark of Nabratein and had a sudden flash inspiration connection that this seemed like it might be the lost Nazareth especially because Nazareth was  supposed to have a synagogue and Nabratein does have one. Subsequent investigation seemed to offer a lot of confirmatory evidence. To me, Nabratein/Safed seems/feels/looks more right than "Nazareth" for Jesus' Nazareth. If correct it sheds light on Jesus home/life. "Nabratein was the obvious candidate to emerge".
 Admittedly there are doubts and my theory here could be wrong. Carol Meyers wrote in a reply to me that "Nazareth can't be Nabratein", though she didn't say why, and/or she didn't say "Nabratein  can't be Nazareth"?

Also, note that as usual/often there is so much conflicting info on different skeptics/antis/critics and  believers/Christians sides, and ignorance on my and/or others parts about Jewish people-in-the-land settlement(s) history etc.

Nabratein is near Safed, roughly ... miles north(- north-west/-east) of Capernaum & lake Galilee.
I haven't found many pictures of Nabratein (I have  found there is not a great deal of free good info on the web/net).

This article gives seventeen possible evidences/arguments that Nazareth is Nabratein in n.e./Upper Galilee rather than the traditional "Nazareth" in s.w./Lower Galilee.

1. Nazareth is said in the NT to have had (and/or been on) a cliff/height/hill(top) (note John 4 also stresses "(come) down") :

 Traditional "Nazareth" does have Nebi Sa'in ("too steep / 14% grade / range / elevated-tableau") &/or is "1,200 ft above sea-level, surrounded by hills", but only the modern (Arab/Jewish) city is on hill/top(s), not the ancient which was in valley. [Though Keller says the vice-versa: that old  "Nazareth" "lay farther up the hill than the modern village"? My sources are bit confusing/confused as to whether the ancient or modern and Jewish or Arab city was on hill or in valley.] "Nazareth" is in Lower Galilee while Nabratein/Safed is in Upper Galilee.

 Safed/Zefat (which Nabratein is near / (4 km) n.n.e. of) is "lookout", "situated on a hill" / in "mountains", "elevated", "view over the valley", and "is the highest city in Galilee". Nabratein is "on a ... promontory, in Upper Galilean highlands,  650 m above sea-level, on north side of mount Biriya, the site is situated on the summit of a small hill, the east side of which is marked by wadi Nabratein, [and] on the north side ... [is] the much deeper Khallat es-Siddiq", and its name is associated with root meaning "rise/swell(ing)/grow/prominence, 2 hills / the 2 high places".

2. Nazareth had a synagogue (building &/or congregation) (like Capernaum, Masada, Gamla, Japha, Jerusalem, Gadarenes) :

 Sources say the traditional "Nazareth" didn't ("no trace found"). [However, "there were many synagogues all over Galilee ... many not excavated" (which agrees with the gospels). Some  suggest the synagogue at Nazareth was destroyed (while others say not) and Keller wrote that "in the whole of Palestine there is not one synagogue left from those days. When the Romans ... razed Jerusalem ... and the inhabitants of the ancient country were scattered ... their sanctuaries fell ... to destruction." Counter that is "Yet 1st Century synagogues have been found in a number of Galilean cities, and there are no records of any  mass destructions taking place in Nazareth that would have obliterated a synagogue if it existed." Though there are academic articles which have "authoritative"-like arguments that synagogues didn't originate or become prominent until the 1st or 2nd century ad. They say that synagogue in gospels meant an assembly or place (or private home) of worship/prayer, or place/house where 10 men gather to pray. If the English translation of gospel verses is correct (and not a mis-translation) then they seem to imply a special/separate  structure/building? Others also point out things like that synagogues used on any other days other than sabbath weren't private houses/homes. Sepphoris had a synagogue in 6th cent [b/ce].]

Nabratein/Safed [&/or K Shema] did have a synagogue (like Capernaum) except that there maybe a problem that the date is mid/late Roman not early Roman? [Though, "Nabratein's synagogue is somewhat earlier than the other synagogues of Upper Galilee", and compare the later Capernaum synagogue "built on top of ruins/foundations of" previous one(s), and/or that 2 archaeologists believed the ("200 ad") Capernaum synagogue  dated from time of Christ. Although some statements/evidence seems sure that Nabratein (synagogue/ark) was mid/late Roman to late Byzantine [1], there has been some evidence that perhaps shows that the dating/stratigraphy is not  as definite as held [2].
1 - "preponderance of middle Roman pottery under flooring", inscription "494th year after Roman destruction of Temple", "lintel with inscription provides some clues to stratigraphy", "[style of] lintel first used in Late Roman".
2 - ["Why archaeologists disagree";] "at least 2 periods suggested by lintel" ("[late Roman lintel & Byzantine inscription]"), "inscription additional to lintel", "late Roman structure tentatively identified, tho some confusion as to date of the synagogue's initial construction", "only small exposure of earliest flooring was attained", "location of northern wall for periods preceed late Byzantine could not be identified", "badly disturbed foundations ... signified early history of building more complicated than previously considered", "theory of late Byzantine rebuild after gap 150 years", "revised stratigraphy", "seemed to indicate founding of the building prior to Late Roman period", etc.]

3. Nazareth had a synagogue and was home of Jesus who was a great rabbi who when 12 debated with scribes/pharisees (whence later  Rabbins) in Jerusalem. [Nazirite means consecrated.]

 Nabratein/Safed is one of 4 holiest cities being a center of mystic Kabbalists, and had synagogue(s) in mid/late Roman times.

4. Perhaps: Jesus read from book of Isaiah.

Compare the Torah shrine/"ark" found at Nabratein (synagogue).

5. NT Nazareth &/or traditional "Nazareth" is not mentioned in "pre-Christian" Jewish sources (like Josephus, bible, Rabbinic, maps, etc).

 Nabratein is n.e. of Safed which is mentioned in Josephus (Sepph) etc. Nasor/Hazor is mentioned in the Apocrypha.

6. Not any much evidence that the traditional "Nazareth" was very [well/highly] inhabited (city) in the NT JC's times [between pre-pottery Neolithic/MBA/IA and post-IA tombs / 1st cent a.d.], it was "small size/unimportant/insignificant  hamlet" etc, (apart from "some remains/house(s) (walls) date to time of Jesus" claims, and "many graves/traces"). [Its possible  though that Nazareth was insignificant, separated, small, peasants, not-on-main-routes which might be significant if Jesus home/upbringing was poor? (And JC moving to Capernaum maybe like moving to city?)]

 Safed/Nabratein has evidence of structures as early as 1 ad; before that there was pottery but not associated with major structures though [incl bronze age/iron age] (and though early Roman &/or late Hellenistic/Hasmonean remains/coins on the whole / in general "low/few").

7. NT Nazareth was a polis "city/town" (with a synagogue) (like Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nain, Bethsaida, Sodom, Capernaum, etc) (one of only a few mentioned in the gospels), not a kome "village" (like which only 2 Bethany & Emmaus were named in the gospels). [Though Oxford says there were only a couple of cities mentioned in gospel time(s).]

 Traditional "Nazareth" was "small size / ..." (and no synagogue). [Though Oxford says "Distinctions between the 2 [city & village] were not great, and they were sometimes used interchangeably." (Plus it is reckoned that "Luke's knowledge of the holy land was not always correct".)]

Safed/(Nabratein) is "one of 4 holiest Jewish sites" (and had synagogue(s) like Capernaum, and is mentioned in Josephus), plus the evidences of habitation there we quoted in # 6. [It seems like a twin-city to Capernaum?]

8. No one is certain what meant when Nathanael said "can any good come out of Nazareth" (possibilities include "size", "goodness", graves, peasant, zealots, etc)?

 Nabratein/Safed had some negative associations like the Arab name relates to "place where pigs rot".

Though this point could also apply to the traditional Nazareth which seems to have been small and insignificant etc.

9. Jesus home is elsewhere/later said to be Capernaum. (He "moved from Nazareth to Capernaum".)

 Nabratein is similar and like a sister-city to Capernaum in that both associated with "ark" and synagogue finds, and geographically close, etc.

"Capernaum is a big detour in traveling from Cana to Jerusalem" (re John 2:12).

10. Perhaps compare: Nazareth/Nazara was near Cochaba (&/or [Japhia/Legio]). [Cochaba maybe related to the "son of the star" messianic title?]

"Nazareth" is/was near Sepphoris.

([K Shema] is near) Nabratein/Hazor is near  Sepph/Safed/Saphet/Zefat is near Chorazin?

"Nazareth" is further from NT sites (which are all fairly close vicinity) except for Nain and uncertain-location Cana and "Nazareth".
 Nabratein is nearer NT sites like Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum which are mentioned in the gospels and by Jesus.

11. The location of Cana is said to be unsure. On one hand there are upto 3 sites in sw/Lower Galilee near/north of the traditional "Nazareth".
Though on other hand there are upto 5 possible candidates closer to Safed/Nabratein and/or north/Upper Galilee than  to "Nazareth" and/or Lower Galilee. Cana might even be Gamla to the east of lake Galilee, closer to Nabratein?

[Not sure where Nain was and whether it is closer to "Nazareth" or Nabratein?]

[Nabratein might also be closer to Bethsaida candidate locations?]

12. Joseph/Jesus was a "carpenter"/mason/builder/architect or adept/initiate.

 Keller does mention that modern "Nazareth" had "a surprising number of carpenters [who] run their workshops and sell their wares .... and a variety of ... implements ... are manufactured there."
Also, sources reckon Joseph may have moved to Nazareth near the newly being built Sepphoris for employment.

 Safed & Nabratein have modern & ancient craft/trade connections (incl pottery/stone-vessel fragments, ark/synagogue architecture, "artists quarter where they make and sell pictures and other artistic handicraft", etc. Safed is one of 3 Jewish holy site and a center of the mystic cabala.

13. It has been said that "Nazareth" was not on the/a major/main road/route, (though Keller and map do have a major/military/caravan road/route pass by "Nazareth")?

14. Jesus/Nazareth was associated Naphthali &/or Zebulun, and Dan.
 "Nazareth" is associated with Zebulun.
 Nabratein is associated with Naphthali and Dan  ("house of David"?)

15. The considered possible Aramaic relations of the Nazareth name cast doubt on the Lower Galilee location of Nazareth. [Jesus (spoke Aramaic and) was once called a Samaritian by enemies, which might be a point for the traditional "Nazareth", though perhaps there could be a connection with Aram/Syria?  (Christians, (Zealots, and/or Essenes/Yahad) were called Galileans/Nazarenes.)]
 Nabratein/Hazor is further north (& is "Arabic").

(15./10. Nabratein is in Upper Galilee which was a largely village culture area further from the arm  of Herod Antipas / Sepphoris (and with Zealot centers later).
 "Nazareth" in "Jewish Galilee" is right in Herod  Antipas' / Sepphoris' vicinity. (Though Jesus did somewhat respect Roman authority.))

16. Nazareth/Nazarene has a disputed origin/meaning of its name, one being natsar "watch/guard/keep", or netser "branch", etc.
 Safed means "lookout", and there was a 7 branched menorah found at Nabratein.

17. The name of the NT &/or traditional Nazareth/Nazarene (&/or Nazirite) is variously/alternatively spelled Nazareth, Nazarene, Nitrat, Nasareth/Natsareth, Nazaret, Nazara (Greek), an-Nasira/an-Nasiri/Nasara (Arab (Nisba)), Nasoraya, [Hnwsyr], Nasoreans, etc.
 Nabratein is variously/alternatively spelled  Nabratein/Nabartine, Nevoraya/Nevoraia, Niburay(y)a(h), etc. It is also not far from Nasor/Hazor mentioned in the Apocrypha.

18. Khallat es-Siddiq by Nabratein might be related to the "Teacher of Righteousness", James the Just, the Just One ((Jesus) in Acts)?

List of our considered candidates for Nazareth or Nazarene:
(Kefar- / en-)Nabratein/Safed?* Nasor/Hazor (1 Maccabees 11:67)?* en Hazor / Kh. Hazireh?* Kadesh Naftali/Nephtalim (refuge)?* Nephthar?* Arzareth (2 Esdras 13)?* Ettell?* Bet-Netofa?* Zaretan?* Anaharath?*  Ginnesar/Gennesaret/Chinneroth/Chinnereth? Exaloth/Chesulloth (near Nazareth)? "Nazareth" (Lower Galilee)?* Santa Casa di Loreto? Notsarim? Nozrei_ha-Brit ("keepers of the covenant")?* Nazirite/Nazarite?* Nassenes? [Essenes?] Yeishu ha- Notzri/Nezer ("the shoot/sprout/branch")? "Nazareth (Judea)"?
Nazare? Lazaret? Nabaret? Lazarus/Eleazar? Mt Nisir? Neter "god"? Nestorius/Nestorian? Capernaum/Tell Hum? Nasoreans  (Mandeans/Sabians/Subbis, Aramaic)? A Nazareen ("a member of a mystic group schooled for 9 years in Alexandria")? St Gregory of Nazianzen? Nusayri/Alawites? Nizari/Nizar(i)  (Assassins/Ismailis/Shiites)? Arab name Nasir/Nazir (cf Robin of Sherwood)? Mazzaroth?

My Galilee, Nazareth/Nazarene &/or Nabratein/Safed (& synagogue & carpenter) references &/or acknowledgments:
Holy Bible, RSV Common Bible/Apocrypha, Werner Keller (Bible as History), Anchor Bible Dictionary, Rene Norbergen, Mithra book,  Baigent/Lincoln/Leigh (DSS Deception, Messianic Legacy), Oxford, B walker, Flavius Josephus, Jstor Nabratein articles, wikipedia (Nazareth, Nabratein, Safed, Santa Casa), Google search (Nabratein), Carol L / Eric M Meyers (articles & 1 private correspondence), Jonathan Meyer (private correspondence), Catriona Logan  (conversation & trip photos/video), Libronix/Logos, Hayyim ben  Yehoshua (Refuting Missionaries), Drou (comment).


List of considered Cana candidates:

Kanah/Qana al-Jalil (s.e. of Tyre, Lebanon) *
Baskama (Golan)
Kenath-nobah (Golan)
Capar Ganaeoi (north Galilee, northwest of lake Huleh) *
Gamala/Gamla/Jamla "camel" (Salam/Sanam "hump", water cistern, cups, baths, synagogue, Golan)? *
Gennesaret (near Capernaum)?
En-gannim (n Samaria / s Galilee)
Kafr/Kfar/Kefar Henna/Kanna/Kenna (east of Sepphoris) *
Khirbet Qana/Kana-el-Jalil (ruins, synagogue, 330 ft above Beit Netofa valley betw Sepphoris & Tiberias on sea Galilee, 8 mi north from Nazareth via Reineh) *
kefar Hana(n)yah?
Qunaytirah (Golan)
Qan'abah (Golan)
Ain Quana/Qana (spring, 1 mile north of Nazareth)
al-Jamlah/Gamle (Tell ed-Dra' east of lake Tiberias)
Beit Jann (upper Galilee)
Janoah (east of Tyre)
Beth-san (ne Samaria / se Galilee)
Zaanannim (to the north of Galilee, west of Huleh)

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